'Tell us what you think about Plesk', 'inviteHint' => ' Please take a moment to provide feedback on your Plesk experience. Your comments are very important as they help us to improve our product.', 'inviteQuestion' => 'Would you like to take a survey?', 'inviteButtonOk' => 'OK', 'inviteButtonPostpone' => 'Later', 'inviteButtonClose' => 'No, Thanks', 'voteTitle' => 'Tell us what you think about Plesk', 'voteHint' => 'Please give us your opinion about Plesk and leave any comments and suggestions. We understand that you can be busy now - you can click on "Share an Opinion" link at the footer anytime later.', 'voteQuestion' => 'How likely is it that you recommend Plesk to a friend or a colleague?', 'voteRequire' => 'Please provide your vote.', 'voteLegendBad' => 'Not likely at all', 'voteLegendGood' => 'Extremely likely', 'voteLikeHint' => 'What do you like in Plesk?', 'voteDislikeHint' => 'What do you dislike in Plesk?', 'voteButtonOk' => 'Send Feedback', 'voteButtonCancel' => 'Cancel', 'thankTitle' => 'Thank you for the feedback', 'thankHint' => 'Your feedback is very appreciated. It is very important to us to know how we can improve your experience with Plesk.', 'thankSocialChoose' => 'Would you like to share your experience on social networks?', 'thankSupportCenter' => 'If any problems with Plesk happened you can try to look for solution in our %%link%%', 'thankButtonClose' => 'Close', 'sorryTitle' => 'Sorry for the disturbance', 'sorryHint' => 'You can provide feedback at any time later by using the button %%provide_rating%% at the bottom of the page.', 'sorryButtonClose' => 'Close', 'supportCenter' => 'Support Center', 'introductionText' => 'I like #Plesk because %%message%%', ];