'Domain', 'hostingHeader' => 'Hosting', 'diskUsage' => 'Disk Usage', 'traffic' => 'Traffic', 'buttonAddDomain' => 'Add Domain', 'buttonAddDomainHint' => 'Host a new website on this server, set up web forwarding to another website, or set up a domain DNS zone if you want to have only email addresses under a domain name.', 'buttonAddSubdomain' => 'Add Subdomain', 'buttonAddSubdomainHint' => 'Create a site addressed by a third-level domain name, like shop.example.com.', 'buttonAddDomainAlias' => 'Add Domain Alias', 'buttonAddDomainAliasHint' => 'Set up an additional domain name for your site.', 'buttonRemove' => 'Remove', 'buttonRemoveHint' => 'Remove the selected sites and all their web content, including apps, and mail data.', 'buttonActivate' => 'Activate', 'buttonSuspend' => 'Suspend', 'buttonActiveList' => 'Active List', 'buttonActiveListHint' => 'Switch between view modes', 'buttonFileManager' => 'File Manager', 'buttonMail' => 'Mail', 'buttonDatabases' => 'Databases', 'buttonDatabasesCreate' => 'Add Database', 'buttonDatabasesTogglerText' => 'or', 'buttonDatabasesToggle' => 'Select Existing Database', 'buttonDatabasesEdit' => 'Open', 'buttonDatabasesPromptPassword' => 'Enter the password to log in as the database user %%login%%.', 'removeConfirmation' => 'Confirm that you want to remove the selected sites.', 'manageFilesHint' => 'Go to the website folder for managing files of the website.', 'sitebuilderHint' => 'Edit the site in Presence Builder.', 'sitebuilderOldHint' => 'Edit the site in SiteBuilder 4 or Site Editor.', 'webstatisticsHint' => 'View website visits statistics.', 'webstatisticsSslHint' => 'View the reports on how your websites are visited over SSL/TLS.', 'certificatesHint' => 'Secure the site with an SSL/TLS certificate.', 'logsHint' => 'View logs.', 'previewHint' => 'Preview the website in your browser.', 'dnsHint' => 'Change DNS zone settings.', 'disabledSelectHint' => 'The domain cannot be removed.', 'websiteAt' => 'Website at', 'noHosting' => 'No web hosting', 'forwardingTo' => 'Forward to', 'add' => 'add', 'listDescription' => 'Here is a list of your websites, from which you can change website hosting settings, open a website directory in File Manager, view statistics on website visits, and much more.', 'name' => 'Domain name', 'inactive' => 'Inactive', 'disabled' => 'Disabled', 'suspended' => 'Suspended', 'moreActions' => 'More Actions', 'domainAliasDescription' => 'Alias for %%siteDisplayName%% %%servicesDescription%%', 'domainAliasServiceDescription' => '(Activated services: %%service%%)', 'domainAliasServicesDescription' => '(Activated services: %%services%%)', 'web' => 'Web', 'mail' => 'Mail', 'dns' => 'DNS', 'tomcat' => 'Java apps', 'seoRedirect' => 'Redirection', 'sitebuilder' => 'Presence Builder', 'sitebuilderLegacy' => 'SiteBuilder 4 or Site Editor', 'sitebuilderLink' => 'Edit Website', 'error503PageLink' => 'Edit error page', 'quickStart' => 'Start creating your website in one of the following ways:', 'quickStartSitebuilderName' => 'Use Presence Builder', 'quickStartSitebuilderDescription' => 'Create your site using our professional website builder.', 'quickStartSitebuilderLink' => 'Create Site', 'quickStartApplicationsName' => 'Install an Application', 'quickStartApplicationsDescription' => 'Create your site by installing a web app, such as WordPress or Drupal.', 'quickStartApplicationsLink' => 'Install Apps', 'quickStartCustomName' => 'Create a Custom Website', 'quickStartCustomDescription' => 'Upload your web content and add databases.', 'quickStartCustomFilesLink' => 'Files', 'quickStartCustomDatabasesLink' => 'Databases', 'buttonHelpHint' => 'Help', 'resellerDescription' => 'Reseller', 'ownerDescription' => 'Customer', ];