'This required field is empty. You need to specify a value.', 'stringLengthTooShort' => "'%value%' is less than %min% characters.", 'stringLengthTooLong' => "'%value%' is greater than %max% characters.", 'regexNotMatch' => "'%value%' does not match the pattern '%pattern%'.", 'notAlnum' => "'%value%' has non-alphanumeric characters. Make sure you are using only alphanumeric characters.", 'stringEmpty' => "'%value%' is empty.", 'loginSyntax' => 'You can use alphanumeric, dash (-), dot (.), single quote (\'), percent (%) and underscore (_) symbols in the user name. The user name should start with an alphanumeric symbol.', 'loginExists' => 'User account %value% already exists.', 'cu_admin_alias__login_exists' => 'User account already exists.', 'loginPassword' => 'The password should not contain the username.', 'passwordSyntax' => 'The password contains the characters that are not allowed: %chars%.', 'passwordLength' => 'The password length must be between %minLength% and %maxLength% characters.', 'domain_invalid_name' => 'The specified domain name is not valid. You need to specify a valid domain name like domain.com.', 'domain_starts_with_www' => 'Please enter a domain name without the \'www\' prefix. The www prefix for the domain will be automatically added to the web server configuration.', 'domain_already_exists' => 'This domain name already exists.', 'domain_without_www_already_exists' => 'This domain name already exists without the \'www\' prefix.', 'domain_with_www_already_exists' => 'This domain name already exists with the \'www\' prefix.', 'subdomain_conflicts_with_existing_domain' => 'There is a domain with the same name as the subdomain \'%value%\'.', 'restrict_domain_creation' => 'The specified domain name is prohibited by the server-wide policy. If this domain belongs to you, please contact your hosting provider.', 'dns_record_already_exists' => 'This DNS record already exists.', 'domain_like_hostname' => 'This domain name is the same as hostname of the server.', 'passwordsNotMatch' => 'The passwords you entered do not match each other.', 'stringsNotEqual' => 'The values are not equal.', 'equalMailAliases' => 'The specified email alias is the same as another email alias.', 'mailAliasExist' => 'The specified email alias already exists.', 'mailNameExist' => 'The specified email address already exists.', 'mailListExist' => 'The specified address is already assigned to a mailing list.', 'sysUserExist' => 'The specified username is already used by another system user. Please specify another username.', 'emailAddressInvalid' => 'The specified email address is not valid. You need to specify a valid email address like user@domain.com.', 'emailAddressInvalidLocal' => 'The specified email address is not valid. The email address must belong to the selected domain. Only the administrator can specify external email addresses in this case.', 'emailAddressSpecialNames' => 'The specified email address is invalid. The username part of the address must not start with a reserved system name (like con, lpt1, prn) separated by the dot (.) symbol from the rest of the username.', 'dir_invalid_name' => 'Invalid destination directory.', 'directoryHidesDomain' => 'This directory cannot be used because it would overlap website located at %path%. Such overlapping would make the website unavailable.', 'directoryHidesAnotherApplication' => 'This directory cannot be used because it would overlap another app installed at %path%. Such overlapping would make the installed app unavailable.', 'directoryIsBehindAnotherApplication' => 'This directory cannot be used because it would be overlapped by another app installed at %path%. Such overlapping would make the app unavailable.', 'domainLoginSyntaxWindows' => 'You can use lowercase alphanumeric, dash, dot and underscore symbols in the username. The username should start with an alphabetic symbol and should be between 1 and 15 characters in length.', 'domainLoginSyntaxUnix' => 'You can use lowercase alphanumeric, dash, and underscore symbols in the username. The username should start with a lowercase alphabetic character and should be between 1 and 16 characters in length.', 'passwordsNotEqual' => 'The passwords you entered do not match each other.', 'passwordPolicy' => '%policyError%', 'fileImageSizeWidthTooBig' => "The image '%value%' you are trying to upload is too wide ('%width%'). Uploaded images cannot be wider than '%maxwidth%'.", 'fileImageSizeWidthTooSmall' => "The image '%value%' you are trying to upload is not wide enough ('%width%'). Uploaded images should be at least '%minwidth%' wide.", 'fileImageSizeHeightTooBig' => "The height of image '%value%' you are trying to upload is too big ('%height%'). Uploaded images cannot exceed '%maxheight%' in height.", 'fileImageSizeHeightTooSmall' => "The height of image '%value%' you are trying to upload is too small ('%height%'). Uploaded images cannot be less than '%minheight%' in height.", 'fileImageSizeNotDetected' => "The size of image '%value%' you are trying to upload could not be detected.", 'fileImageSizeNotReadable' => "The image '%value%' you are trying to upload cannot be read.", 'passwordConfirmation' => 'Confirm password', 'invalidUserName' => 'Database user name contains not allowed characters.', 'longUserName' => 'Database user name is greater than %%max%% characters.', 'invalidAdminLogin' => 'Unable to use the selected user\'s credentials for administrator\'s access. The specified username is not valid: %%cause%%', 'invalidAdminPassword' => 'Unable to use the selected user\'s credentials for administrator\'s access. The specified password is not valid: %%cause%%', 'passwordLengthTooShort' => "the password is shorter than %min% characters.", 'passwordLengthTooLong' => "the password is longer than %max% characters.", 'passwordRegexNotMatch' => "the password does not match the pattern '%pattern%'.", 'fileSharingEmptyFolderName' => "You need to specify a folder name.", 'fileSharingInvalidFolderName' => "The specified folder name is not valid. It cannot contain any of the following characters: \\ / : * ? \" < > |", 'fileSharingFolderExists' => "Cannot create a folder with the specified name because a folder with such a name already exists.", 'invalidUrl' => 'The specified address is not valid. You need to specify a valid address like http://domain.com.', 'domainVirtualdirectoryReservedName' => 'This directory name is reserved. Please specify another name for your virtual directory.', 'domainVirtualdirectoryInvalidName' => 'A directory name should contain only alphanumeric, underscore, and dash characters.', 'filesharingPathUnavailable' => 'A directory with such a name already exists under the specified domain. Please use another directory name.', 'filesharingSslNotAvailableOnDomain' => 'You selected to use secure links but the domain has no SSL/TLS enabled. Please either select a domain with SSL/TLS support or clear the Generate secure links check box.', 'filesharingSslNotAvailableOnDefaultDomain' => 'You selected to use secure links on IP address or host name of the server, but such links can be created only on websites with SSL/TLS support. Please either set up a website with SSL/TLS support or clear the Generate secure links check box.', 'filesharingDefaultDomainSelectedOnServerIp' => 'You selected the server IP address to which a default domain is assigned. Please select a website as a root URL instead of the IP address.', 'physicalPathOnDomainAlreadyExists' => 'A directory with such a name already exists.', 'virtualPathOnDomainAlreadyExists' => 'A virtual directory with such a name already exists.', 'sysUserLoginSyntaxWindows' => 'You can use alphanumeric, dash (-), dot (.), and underscore (_) symbols in the user name. The user name must start with an alphanumeric symbol.', 'sysUserLoginSyntaxUnix' => 'You can use lowercase alphanumeric, dash (-), dot (.), and underscore (_) symbols in the user name. The user name must start with an alphanumeric symbol.', 'docrootNotInWebspaceRoot' => 'The specified directory is not located within the subscription\'s root directory.', 'docrootContainsSpecialCharacters' => 'The specified directory name contains symbols that cannot be used.', 'docrootWithinProhibitedDirectory' => 'The specified directory contains a service directory.', 'docrootWithinInstalledApplication' => 'The specified directory is overlapped by a web application installed at %path%.', 'docrootTooLongPart' => 'The specified directory name is too long.', 'subdomainWrongName' => '%errorDescription%', 'subdomainWrongDomain' => 'Wrong domain was selected.', 'domainAliasWrongName' => '%errorDescription%', 'phoneRegexNotMatch' => 'Incorrect phone number was specified, it contained not allowed symbols.', 'stateInvalid' => 'Incorrect state or province was specified.', 'zipRegexNotMatch' => 'Incorrect postal or ZIP code was specified.', 'limitValueInvalid' => 'The specified limit is invalid.', 'softLimitValueInvalid' => 'The value must be in the range %%MIN%%..%%MAX%%.', 'outgoingMessagesLimitValueInvalid' => 'The value must be in the range %%MIN%%..%%MAX%%. Only the Plesk administrator can adjust this setting.', 'limitMssqlDatabaseFileSizeValueInvalid' => 'The size of an MS SQL database file must be an integer number between 0 and 16 TB.', 'limitMssqlDatabaseLogFileSizeValueInvalid' => 'The size of an MS SQL database log file must be an integer number between 0 and 2 TB.', 'limitDiskspaceValueInvalid' => 'The disk space limit must be an integer number between 0 and 4095 TB.', 'limitTrafficValueInvalid' => 'The traffic limit must be an integer number between 0 and 4095 TB/month.', 'limitMboxQuotaValueInvalid' => 'The mailbox size limit must be an integer number between 0 and 4095 TB.', 'limitRetainPeriodValueInvalid' => 'The value for "Retain web and traffic statistics" in service plans cannot be less than the value for "Retain web and traffic statistics" in Tools & Settings > Server Settings. Specify an integer number greater than or equal to %%MIN%%.', 'limitValueOverused' => 'The currently used amount of resources exceeds the specified limit value. You cannot specify a value less than %%used%%', 'limitValueOverselled' => 'The resource usage limit of %%reserved%% is already assigned to subscriptions. You cannot specify a value less than %%reserved%%', 'lessThan' => "'%value%' is less than '%min%'", 'greaterThan' => "'%value%' is greater than '%max%'", 'notDigits' => 'The value must be an integer number.', 'digitsStringEmpty' => 'The value must be an integer number.', 'maillistNameInvalid' => 'The specified mailing list address is not valid.', 'maillistReservedNameAlreadyExists' => 'The specified address is already reserved.', 'maillistAlreadyExists' => 'The specified address is already used by a mailing list.', 'maillistAlreadyExistsOnServer' => 'The specified name of mailing list is already used by other subscription', 'mailnameAlreadyExists' => 'The specified email address already exists.', 'mailaliasAlreadyExists' => 'The specified address is already used by an email alias.', 'autoresponderEndDateIsInvalid' => 'The specified date should be in the future.', 'mailPostboxLimit' => '%message%', 'userEmailLimitExceeded' => '%limitManagerMessage%', 'passwordStrength' => 'Your password is not complex enough. According to the server policy, the minimal password strength is %strength%. To improve the password strength, use numbers, upper and lower-case characters, and special characters like !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~', 'passwordStrengthVeryWeak' => 'Very weak', 'passwordStrengthWeak' => 'Weak', 'passwordStrengthMediocre' => 'Medium', 'passwordStrengthStrong' => 'Strong', 'passwordStrengthStronger' => 'Very strong', 'emailCantBeRenamed' => "The server does not support renaming mail accounts.", 'maillistAdminEmailShouldExistsOnDomain' => 'The email address of the mailing list administrator should be registered on the same domain as the mailing list.', 'webmailExists' => "Webmail service '%value%' already exists.", 'invalidDbName' => 'Database name can contain only alphanumeric, dot, dash, and underscore symbols.', 'longDbName' => 'Database name is too long.', 'dbConnectFailed' => 'Unable to connect to the database server. Please check the database user credentials and access restrictions.', 'databaseNameAlreadyExists' => 'A database with the name %value% already exists.', 'wrongUrlSyntax' => 'The specified address is not valid. You need to specify a valid address like http://domain.com, relative/path or mailto:address', 'connectionRefused' => 'Connection refused.', 'loginIncorrect' => 'Wrong username', 'failedToChangeDirectory' => 'Directory does not exist', 'failedToChangeMode' => 'Failed to change mode', 'failedToCreateDirectory' => 'File creation not allowed', 'failedToRenameDirectory' => 'File renaming not allowed', 'failedToDeleteDirectory' => 'File deletion not allowed', 'ipInvalid' => "'%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address or it belongs to a wrong type.", 'ipInvalidForInterface' => 'The specified IP address cannot be used on network interface. You need to specify a valid IP address with subnet prefix range or mask.', 'ipInvalidForInterfaceIpv6NotAvailable' => 'The specified IP address cannot be used on selected network interface because IPv6 support is switched off for this interface.', 'ipAlreadyExists' => 'IP address %value% already exists.', 'notInArray' => 'This option is not supported.', 'ipAddressIsNotSelected' => 'At least one IP address must be selected.', 'agentError' => 'Unable to validate this field: The backend utility raised the error: %agentError%', 'noServiceNodeSpecified' => 'Internal error: no service node specified.', 'serviceNodeInvalidName' =>'Invalid service node name "%value%".', 'serviceNodeNameAlreadyExists' => 'The service node with the name "%value%" already exists.', 'serviceNodeIpUsed' => "Unable to remove the service node: the IP address is registered.", 'serviceNodeIpAddressAlreadyExists' => 'The service node with the IP address "%value%" already exists.', 'serviceNodeInvalidTransport' => 'Invalid transport name "%value%".', 'app_non_unique_setting_value' => 'Another object has the same setting value. This setting must be unique for this object.', 'wrongLocalUrlSyntax' => 'The specified address is invalid. Please specify a valid local address like /smb/web/view.', 'phpIsapiHandlerTypeNotSupported' => 'The ISAPI handler type is not supported by the current PHP version.', 'dbNameNotExist' => 'The specified database does not exist.', 'invalidBooleanValue' => 'The allowed values are "true" or "false".', 'invalidMimeType' => 'The specified MIME type is invalid: "%value%".', 'invalidHeaders' => 'The specified header is invalid: "%value%".', 'invalidHandler' => 'The specified handler is invalid: "%value%".', 'invalidAllowDeny' => 'The specified Allow/Deny directive is invalid: "%value%".', 'nonUniqueAllowDeny' => 'The specified value for the Allow/Deny directive already exists: "%value%".', 'maxItemsCountExeededAllowDeny' => 'The number of IP addresses in the list must be less than or equal to %value%.', 'invalidDirectoryIndex' => 'The specified root directory index file is invalid.', 'invalidNginxTransparentMode' => 'The specified value for the nginxTransparentMode property is invalid. The allowed values are "true" or "false".', 'invalidNginxServeStatic' => 'The specified value for the nginxServeStatic property is invalid. The allowed values are "true" or "false".', 'invalidStaticFilesExtensions' => 'The specified static files extensions are invalid: "%value%".', 'invalidNginxServePhp' => 'The specified value for the nginxServePhp property is invalid. The allowed values are "true" or "false".', 'invalidDocuments' => 'The document name must not contain commas (",").', 'duplicateDocuments' => 'The following documents already exist in the list of default documents: "%value%"', 'protected_directory_invalid_login' => 'The login of a password protected directory user must be no longer than 20 alphanumeric characters. The login can also contain the dash symbol ("-"), but cannot start with it.', 'notBetween' => '"%value%" is not between "%min%" and "%max%", inclusively', 'notBetweenStrict' => '"%value%" is not strictly between "%min%" and "%max%"', 'redirectToMyself' => 'The website cannot be forwarded to itself. Enter the destination address different from the main website\'s URL.', 'redirectToAlias' => 'The website cannot be forwarded to its alias. Enter the destination address different from the main website alias\'s address.', 'relativePathInvalid' => 'The specified path is invalid.', 'aspDotNetSettingsInvalid' => 'One or more of the specified values for ASP.NET settings are invalid.', 'mboxOutgoingMessagesLimitValueInvalid' => 'The value of the limit on outgoing messages for a mailbox must be greater than "%%MIN%%".', 'domainOutgoingMessagesLimitValueInvalid' => 'The value of the limit on outgoing messages for a domain must be greater than "%%MIN%%".', 'subscriptionOutgoingMessagesLimitValueInvalid' => 'The value of the limit on outgoing messages for a subscription must be greater than "%%MIN%%".', 'iisAuthNotEnabled' => 'Anonymous or Windows authentication must be switched on in the web server settings for the domain.', 'mboxOutgoingMessagesLimitValueInvalidDigit' => 'The value of the limit on outgoing messages for a mailbox must be a positive integer number or \'default\'. It can also be \'-1\' for the \'Unlimited\' value.', 'domainOutgoingMessagesLimitValueInvalidDigit' => 'The value of the limit on outgoing messages for a domain must be a positive integer number or \'default\'. It can also be \'-1\' for the \'Unlimited\' value.', 'subscriptionOutgoingMessagesLimitValueInvalidDigit' => 'The value of the limit on outgoing messages for a subscription must be a positive integer number or \'default\'. It can also be \'-1\' for the \'Unlimited\' value.', 'outgoingMessagesReportPeriodValueInvalid' => 'The specified value for the reporting period is not supported.', 'outgoingMessagesNotificationPeriodValueInvalid' => 'The specified value for the notification period is not supported.', 'textItemsListInvalid' => 'The specified item is invalid: "%value%".', 'textItemsListNonUnique' => 'The specified value already exists: "%value%".', 'textItemsListMaxItemsCountExeeded' => 'The number of items should not exceed %value%.', 'invalidAcl' => 'The specified host is invalid: "%value%".', 'nonUniqueAcl' => 'The specified value for host already exists: "%value%".', 'httpInvalidStatusFormat' => 'Status codes must be numbers in the form 400 or 400.1', 'httpInvalidStatusCode' => 'Status codes must be between %%minCode%% and %%maxCode%%', 'httpInvalidStatusSubCode' => 'Sub-status codes must be between %%minSubCode%% and %%maxSubCode%%', 'httpInvalidStatusRange' => 'Status ranges should specify a range from a minimum to maximum value', 'phpSettingValueByteRegexNotMatch' => 'An incorrect value was specified. Type in an integer number and a shorthand character (K for kilobyte, M for megabyte, G for gigabyte, for example, 128M) ', 'portRangeInvalid' => 'The specified port range is invalid. The left value must be smaller than the right one.', 'portRangeValueInvalid' => 'The %value% value in the port range is invalid. It must be in %min% - %max%.', 'domainResolvesToAnotherIp' => 'The domain %%domain%% does not resolve or resolves to another IP address (%value%). Please correct DNS settings.', 'backupPathInvalidCharacters' => '"%value%" contains invalid characters.', 'backupPathInvalidDot' => '"%value%" contains an invalid path "." or "..".', 'networkAccessAlreadyExists' => 'The network is already in the IP access restriction list.', ];