'Websites & Domains', 'websiteAt' => 'Website at %%webrootDir%%', 'websiteAtHint' => 'Upload new files and work with current files and directories of your website.', 'sysUser' => 'System user: %%sysUser%%', 'noHosting' => 'No web hosting', 'forwardingTo' => 'Forward to', 'add' => 'Change', 'edit' => 'Hosting Settings', 'editHint' => 'This is where you configure website hosting settings and select the features available for your site.', 'suspended' => 'Suspended', 'disabled' => 'Disabled', 'buttonDeleteDomain' => 'Remove Website', 'buttonDeleteDomainHint' => 'Removing this website will also delete all related files, directories, and web applications from the server.', 'buttonDeleteDomainConfirmationDescription' => 'Removing this website will also delete all related files, directories, and web applications from the server.', 'buttonDeleteDomainConfirmationYes' => 'Yes', 'buttonDeleteDomainConfirmationNo' => 'No', 'buttonDeleteSubdomain' => 'Remove Subdomain', 'buttonDeleteAlias' => 'Remove Domain Alias', 'warningSubscriptionUsesSNWithoutLicense' => 'Hosting management operations are not allowed for this subscription: %%reason%%. Please contact your service provider.', 'warningSubscriptionIsSuspended' => 'Subscription was suspended. All your sites are not available.', 'warningSubscriptionIsSuspendedByBackupRestore' => 'The subscription is temporarily unavailable because the data backup or restoration is in progress. Please try again later.', 'warningSubscriptionIsSuspended_powerUser' => 'The webspace was suspended. All sites hosted with the webspace are not available.', 'buttonsAreaDescription' => 'This is where you set up and manage websites.', 'buttonsAreaDescription_powerUser' => 'This is where you set up and manage websites. Note that you can host a number of websites in a single webspace.', 'buttonIssAppPoolHint_powerUser' => 'Set up a dedicated IIS application pool for serving websites hosted within the currently selected webspace.', 'buttonSitebuilder' => 'Launch Presence Builder', 'buttonSitebuilderHint' => 'Build instant websites from business and personal templates with intuitive Presence Builder editor.', 'buttonMobileSites' => 'Mobile Websites', 'buttonMobileSitesHint' => 'Create mobile versions for your websites, and edit their content.', 'buttonApplications' => 'Applications', 'buttonApplicationsHint' => 'Install and manage web apps on your websites. Forums, photo galleries, collaboration tools, and many more installed in several clicks.', 'buttonGoogleServicesForWebsites' => 'Google Services For Websites', 'buttonGoogleServicesForWebsitesHint' => 'Configure Google services to enhance your websites, increase traffic, retain users and generate revenues.', 'buttonFileManager' => 'File Manager', 'buttonFileManagerHint' => 'Upload new files and work with current files and directories of your websites.', 'buttonWebStatistics' => 'Web Statistics', 'buttonWebStatisticsHint' => 'View the reports on how your websites are visited: See how many people visited a site and which webpages they viewed.', 'buttonFtpAccess' => 'FTP Access', 'buttonFtpAccessHint' => 'Set up access to files of your websites over FTP protocol.', 'buttonDnsSettings' => 'DNS Settings', 'buttonDnsSettingsHint' => 'Manage DNS zones for your domain names.', 'buttonWhoisInfo' => 'Whois Information', 'buttonWhoisInfoHint' => 'View the information about your registered domain name.', 'buttonSslCertificates' => 'Secure Your Sites', 'buttonSslCertificatesHint' => 'Secure connections to your websites using SSL certificates.', 'buttonWebAppFirewall' => 'Web Application Firewall', 'buttonWebAppFirewallHint' => 'Configure protection from a range of attacks against web applications used by your website.', 'buttonBackup' => 'Backup Manager', 'buttonBackupHint' => 'Back up and restore your domains, including settings and content of websites and mail accounts.', 'buttonHostingSettings' => 'Web Hosting Access', 'buttonHostingSettingsHint' => 'Change settings of the system user account used for remote access to Plesk over SSH or RDP and working with files and folders in File Manager.', 'buttonWebScripting' => 'Hosting Settings', 'buttonWebScriptingHint' => 'This is where you configure website hosting settings and select the features available for your site.', 'buttonMailSettings' => 'Mail Settings', 'buttonMailSettingsHint' => 'Change mail settings for this domain.', 'buttonOutgoingSpamSettings' => 'Limit Outgoing Messages', 'buttonOutgoingSpamSettingsHint' => 'Set up the limit on the number of outgoing messages for this domain. It will not be possible to send more messages than you specify.', 'buttonPhpSettings' => 'PHP Settings', 'buttonPhpSettingsHint' => 'Change PHP settings for this website.', 'buttonWebServerSettings' => 'Web Server Settings', 'buttonWebServerSettingsHint' => 'Change web server settings for this website.', 'buttonProtectedDirectories' => 'Password-Protected Directories', 'buttonProtectedDirectoriesHint' => 'Restrict access to selected areas of your websites with password protection.', 'buttonSeoSettings' => 'SEO Settings', 'buttonSeoSettingsHint' => 'Set search engine specific settings for your site.', 'buttonSsh' => 'SSH/Shell Access', 'buttonSshHint' => 'Access files and directories under your account using the integrated SSH terminal web application.', 'buttonSheduledTasks' => 'Scheduled Tasks', 'buttonSheduledTasksHint' => 'View and manage scheduled tasks.', 'buttonDatabases' => 'Databases', 'buttonDatabasesHint' => 'Create and remove databases used by your websites, and manage them using integrated administrative web application.', 'buttonLogs' => 'Logs', 'buttonLogsHint' => 'View logs and configure recycling of log files.', 'buttonHotlinkProtection' => 'Hotlink Protection', 'buttonHotlinkProtectionHint' => 'Protect content of your websites from hotlinking.', 'buttonVirtualFolder' => 'Virtual Directories', 'buttonVirtualFolderHint' => 'Create and manage virtual directories for your websites.', 'buttonBandwidthLimiting' => 'Bandwidth Limiting', 'buttonBandwidthLimitingHint' => 'Adjust the limit on bandwidth usage and connections to your websites.', 'buttonDomainAliases' => 'Domain Aliases', 'buttonDomainAliasesHint' => 'View and manage alternative domain names for your websites.', 'buttonSharedSsl' => 'Shared SSL', 'buttonSharedSslHint' => 'Use a single SSL certificate for securing connections to several websites with Secure Sockets Layer encryption.', 'buttonIpAddresses' => 'IP Addresses', 'buttonIpAddressesHint' => 'Manage IP addresses.', 'buttonWebUsers' => 'Web Users', 'buttonWebUsersHint' => 'Set up accounts for users who can host personal web pages on your websites.', 'buttonRdesktop' => 'Remote Desktop', 'buttonRdesktopHint' => 'Access the server through a Remote Desktop connection.', 'buttonJavaApps' => 'Java Applications', 'buttonJavaAppsHint' => 'Install and manage Java applications.', 'buttonOdbcDataSources' => 'ODBC Data Sources', 'buttonOdbcDataSourcesHint' => 'Set up ODBC data sources.', 'buttonColdFusion' => 'ColdFusion Data Source Names', 'buttonColdFusionHint' => 'Set up ColdFusion data source names to ensure that your sites written in ColdFusion can connect to databases.', 'buttonAspNetSettings' => 'ASP.NET Settings', 'buttonAspNetSettingsHint' => 'Configure the settings of ASP.NET framework.', 'buttonMasterSharedSsl' => 'Master SSL Domain', 'buttonMasterSharedSslHint' => 'Use an SSL certificate associated with one of your websites for securing connections to other sites with the shared SSL service.', 'buttonCustomerIisAppPool' => 'Dedicated IIS Application Pool for Your Account', 'buttonCustomerIisAppPoolHint' => 'Set up a dedicated IIS application pool for serving all websites hosted under your account.', 'buttonIssAppPool' => 'Dedicated IIS Application Pool for Your Websites', 'buttonIssAppPoolHint' => 'Set up a dedicated IIS application pool for serving websites associated with the currently selected subscription.', 'buttonFrontpage' => 'FrontPage', 'buttonFrontpageHint' => 'Access FrontPage Webadmin and create additional FrontPage accounts.', 'buttonSiteCopy' => 'Website Copying', 'buttonSiteCopyHint' => 'Copy website files to another site or external FTP storage.', 'buttonWebDeploy' => 'Web Deploy Publishing Settings', 'buttonWebDeployHint' => 'Download Web Deploy publishing settings.', 'buttonWordpresses' => 'WordPress', 'buttonWordpressesHint' => 'The list of WordPress installations on this subscription.', 'buttonSubscriptions' => 'Webspaces', 'buttonSubscriptionsHint' => 'View and manage webspaces.', 'buttonOutgoingMailControl' => 'Outgoing Mail Control', 'buttonOutgoingMailControlHint' => 'View and manage outgoing mail.', 'forceUpdateApplicationsNotification' => 'Now your applications can be updated automatically. Use this setting with care because updates can significantly affect the app functionality. For example, app extensions may stop working with another version of the app. %%link%%.', 'forceUpdateAllApplicationsNotificationLink' => 'Switch on automatic updates for all applications', 'unnotifiedApplicationsUpdatesMessage' => 'Updates are available for the following applications: ', 'updatedAutomaticallyApplicationsMessage' => 'The following applications were automatically updated: ', 'toSecurePasswordsGoTo' => 'To improve Plesk security, we recommend that you turn on the enhanced security mode on this %%link%%.', 'securePasswords' => 'page', 'upgradeDnsSyncSkip' => 'Note that after the upgrade, all existing DNS zones are considered as user-modified. This means that you can apply DNS template changes to such zones only by using the \'Apply the changes to all zones\' option during the %%link%%. %%learnMoreLink%%.', 'serverDns' => 'sync', 'learnMore' => 'Learn more', 'updateInProgress' => 'Plesk is installing updates. This may take some time. %%bold%%', 'boldPartUpdateInProgress' => 'Please do not perform any management operations in Plesk until the update is complete.', 'updateChangelog' => 'View detailed information on the updates.', 'updateCompleted' => 'Plesk was successfully updated.', 'updateFailed' => 'Failed to update Plesk.%%support%% To close this message, click %%dismiss%%.', 'updateFailedSupport' => ' To solve this problem, you can send the update log to Odin support. %%logs%% Copy the logs to your computer before you close this message.', 'updateFailedLog' => 'View the update logs (%%date%%).', 'updateFailedDismiss' => 'here', 'ipAddress' => 'IP address: %%ipAddress%%', 'ipv4Address' => 'IPv4 address: %%ipAddress%%', 'ipv6Address' => 'IPv6 address: %%ipAddress%%', 'subscriptionNotExist' => 'The subscription does not exist', 'purchaseDomainHint' => 'Do you own this domain name? If not, %%link%%', 'purchaseDomainLink' => 'register it now.', 'openSite' => 'Open', 'openSiteHint' => 'Open the website\'s Internet address.', 'previewSite' => 'Preview', 'previewSiteHint' => 'Use this URL to view this website even if it does not yet have an associated domain name.', 'activate' => 'Activate', 'activateHint' => 'The website will operate as usual.', 'suspend' => 'Suspend', 'suspendHint' => 'Visitors will be redirected with the search engine-friendly 503 HTTP code to the custom error document page, although the website will remain hosted on the server. The mail service will remain available.', 'disable' => 'Disable', 'disableHint' => 'The website will no longer be hosted on the server and will be unavailable except by FTP clients and File Manager. Visitors will see the web server\'s default page. The mail service will be unavailable.', 'error503PageLink' => 'Edit error page', 'ftpLogin' => 'FTP login: %%ftpLogin%%', 'phpVersion' => 'PHP version: %%phpVersion%%', 'resellerDescription' => 'Reseller', 'ownerDescription' => 'Customer', 'buttonDescriptionEdit' => 'Edit Description', 'buttonDescriptionRemove' => 'Remove Description', 'popupDescriptionTitle' => '%%descriptionType%% of %%name%%', 'confirmOnDeleteDescription' => 'Do you want to remove this description?', 'buttonDescription' => 'Description', 'showAllDomains' => 'There are %%domains%% domains to show. %%loadAllLink%% or %%goToClassicLink%%', 'loadAll' => 'Load all', 'goToClassicLink' => 'switch to Classic List', 'showMore' => 'Show More', 'showLess' => 'Show Less', );