true, 'exclude_words' => array('a', 'an', 'the', 'and', 'but', 'for', 'not', 'of', 'on', 'or', 'so', 'yet', 'at', 'for', 'with', 'into', 'to', 'from', 'in'), 'first_word' => true, 'last_word' => true, ); $lmsg_arr += array ( '__show_hide_title' => 'Minimize/Restore', '__UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE' => "Uploaded file exceeds the allowed size of %1", '__UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE' => "Uploaded file exceeds the allowed size", '__UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE' => "No file received", '__UPLOAD_ERR_OK' => "File successfully uploaded", '__UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL' => "File was partially uploaded, please try again", '__UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR' => 'Temporary folder is missing', '__accounts' => "Accounts", '__address' => "Address", '__addresses' => "Addresses", '__acl_records' => 'ACL Records', '__admin_repository' => "Administrator's repository", '__all' => 'All', '__allowed' => "Allowed", '__anonftp_status' => "Anonymous FTP", '__apache_restart' => "...%1 web-server is being restarted, please wait...", '__asp' => "Microsoft ASP", '__asp_dot_net' => "Microsoft ASP.NET", '__asp_dot_net_support' => "Microsoft ASP.NET support", '__asp_unix_support' => "Apache ASP support", '__asp_win_support' => "Microsoft ASP support", '__attachments' => "Attachments", '__attachments_list' => "Attachments", '__author' => 'Author', '__autoresp_name_already_exists' => "Auto-Reply with name %1 already exists.", '__autoresponder' => "Auto-Reply", '__autoresponders' => "Auto-replies", '__autoresponders_list' => "Auto-replies", '__autoresponder_attachment_files' => "Auto-Reply Attachment Files", '__auto_updates_list' => 'Available Updates', '__avail' => "Available", '__bind_status' => "DNS Server status", '__bu_is_not_installed' => "This service is not currently available, because the backup utilities were not installed.", '__bu_not_support_in_key' => "Backup capability is not supported by the license key.", '__notifications_not_support_in_key' => 'Notifications are not supported by the license key', 'disabled_by_key' => 'Not supported by the license key', '__bytes' => "bytes", '__can_not_use_reserved_words' => "You cannot use the reserved words.", '__certificate' => "Certificate", '__cgi_support' => "CGI support", '__change_date' => "Modification date", '__choose_logo' => "Logo file", '__city' => "City", '__cl_not_exist' => "Customer account does not exist.", '__client' => "Customer", '__client_card' => "Customer card", '__client_contact_name' => "Customer contact name", '__client_form' => "Personal information", '__client_ip_pool' => "Customer's IP pool", '__client_limits' => "Customer account limits", '__client_permissions' => "Customer's permissions", '__client_preferences' => "Customer's preferences", '__client_status' => "Customer status", '__client_name' => "Customers's name", '__client_total' => "Customer Total", '__client_with_login_name_already_exists' => "A user with username \"%1\" already exists.", '__client_domuser_with_login_already_exists' => "The username '%1' is already in use by the administrator of domain '%1'.", '__clients_global_changes' => "Modify selected customer accounts", '__clients_list' => "Customers", '__cmd_not_found' => "Unknown command: %1", '__coldfusion_not_support_in_key' => "ColdFusion is not supported by the license key.", '__coldfusion_status' => 'ColdFusion status', '__coldfusion_support' => "ColdFusion support", '__command' => 'Command', '__comments' => "Comments", '__company_name' => "Company name", '__component_version' => "Component version", '__allow_zone_transfer_list' => 'Common Allow Zone Transfer ACL', '__component_not_installed' => "The component %1 was not installed", '__confirm_del' => "You must confirm deletion.", '__confirm_overwrite' => "Confirm overwriting.", '__confirm_stop' => "You must confirm process stopping.", '__confirm_passwd' => "Confirm %1 password", '__confirm_removal' => "Confirm removal", '__conhelp' => "Description", '__contact_name' => "Contact name", '__country' => "Country", '__countries' => 'Country', '__country_unknown' => 'Unable to recognize the country subcode.', '__create_domain' => 'Create new domain', '__crypted' => 'encrypted', '__cp_access' => "Access to Plesk", '__cp_user' => "Plesk User", '__create' => "Create", '__create_client_template_without_template' => "Create user account without template", '__create_domain_for' => "Create new domain for %1", '__create_domain_template_without_template' => "Create domain without template", '__creation_date' => "Creation date", '__crontab_unix' => "Scheduler", '__crontab_win' => "Scheduler", '__ct_cmd' => "Command", '__ct_dom' => "Day of the month", '__ct_dom_' => "DM", '__ct_dow' => "Day of the week", '__ct_dow_' => "DW", '__ct_enabled' => "Switched on", '__ct_enabled_' => "S", '__ct_hour' => "Hour", '__ct_hour_' => "H", '__ct_minute' => "Minute", '__ct_minute_' => "Min", '__ct_month' => "Month", '__ct_month_' => "M", '__ct_month_enter_adv' => "Enter the value", '__ct_hint_unix_format' => "in UNIX crontab format, for example", '__ct_month_enter' => "Select the month", '__ct_dow_enter_adv' => "Enter the value", '__ct_dow_enter' => "Select the day of the week", '__ct_month_jan' => 'January', '__ct_month_feb' => 'February', '__ct_month_mar' => 'March', '__ct_month_apr' => 'April', '__ct_month_may' => 'May', '__ct_month_jun' => 'June', '__ct_month_jul' => 'July', '__ct_month_aug' => 'August', '__ct_month_sep' => 'September', '__ct_month_oct' => 'October', '__ct_month_nov' => 'November', '__ct_month_dec' => 'December', '__ct_dow_sun' => 'Sunday', '__ct_dow_mon' => 'Monday', '__ct_dow_tue' => 'Tuesday', '__ct_dow_wed' => 'Wednesday', '__ct_dow_thu' => 'Thursday', '__ct_dow_fri' => 'Friday', '__ct_dow_sat' => 'Saturday', '__custom_button' => "Custom button", '__custom_buttons_title' => "Links to Additional Services", '__custom_buttons' => "Links to Additional Services", '__custom_buttons_paging' => "links to additional services", '__custom_buttons_list' => "Links to additional services", '__daily' => "Daily", '__database_not_activated' => "%1 was not activated on the server administration page.", '__database_not_installed' => "Database %1 is not installed.", '__database_not_run' => "Database %1 is not running.", '__databases' => "Databases", '__databases_list' => "Databases", '__database_type_not_supported_by_key' => 'To use %1 server, you need the support for it in your license key. Please consult your Parallels sales representative.', '__date_immediately' => "today", '__date_never' => "never", '__day(s)' => "Day(s)", '__day0' => "Sun", '__day1' => "Mon", '__day2' => "Tues", '__day3' => "Wed", '__day4' => "Thurs", '__day5' => "Fri", '__day6' => "Sat", '__days' => "%1 day(s)", '__db_admin_login_empty' => "You have entered an empty username, switching off control over %1 in the interface. Do you want to proceed?", '__db_already_exist' => "Database %1 already exists.", '__db_engine' => "Database Engine", // indirect '__db_type' => "Database type", '__db_user' => "Database user", '__db_server' => 'Database server', '__def_domain' => "Default domain", '__default_for_mysql' => 'default for MySQL', '__default_for_postgresql' => 'default for PostgreSQL', '__delete' => "Delete", '__demo' => "This function is not available in the demo version.", '__directory' => "Directory", '__disable_lock_screen' => 'Prevent users from working with Plesk until interface screens are completely loaded', '__dismiss_news?' => "Are you sure you want to completely close the news block?\n\nYou will not be able to see the news block until more news is available.", '__description' => "Description", '__disabled' => "switched off", '__disk_space_limit' => "Disk space limit", '__disk_usage_by' => "Disk space used by %1", '__dns' => "DNS", '__dns_record_already_exist' => "DNS record already exists.", '__dns_master_should_be_remote' => "You should have two different authoritative name servers on separate hosts.", '__dns_record_not_exist' => "DNS record does not exist.", '__dns_server' => "DNS server", // indirect '__dom_id_is_undefined' => "Domain ID is undefined.", '__dom_name' => "Domain name", '__dom_name_is_invalid' => "Domain name is invalid. Please make sure your domain name comprises only alphanumeric, dot and hyphen symbols, and is not greater than 255 symbols in length. Each part of the domain name between dots should not exceed 63 symbols.", '__dom_not_exist' => "Domain does not exist.", '__domain' => "Domain", '__domain_' => 'Domain %1', '__domain_form' => "Domain form", '__domain_is_turned_off_for_backup' => "The website %1 is temporarily turned off for backing up or restoring and is not currently available.", '__domain_limits' => "Domain limits", '__domain_name' => "Domain name", '__mail_name_in_ASCII_form' => "Mail account name in ASCII format", '__message_error' => 'Error', '__message_warning' => 'Warning', '__message_info' => 'Information', '__domain_name_in_ASCII_form' => "Domain name in ASCII format", '__domain_repository' => "Repository of domain %1", '__domain_status' => "Domain status", '__domain_dns' => 'Domain DNS zone', '__domain_total' => "Total amount for the subscription", '__domain_total_powerUser' => "Total amount for the webspace", '__domain_user' => "Domain administrator", '__domains_global_changes' => "Modify selected domains", '__mailnames_global_changes' => "Modify selected mail accounts", '__migration_manager' => 'Migration & Transfer Manager', '__backup_manager' => 'Backup Manager', '__domains_list' => "Domains", 'domains_list__list_header' => "domains", //this is a part of phrases like No domains (and others), so it should not be capitalized '__double_www_warning' => "The domain name begins with www, although the WWW prefix is used.\nProceed anyway?", '__dsmail' => "Mail service", '__dsmaillist' => "Mailing list service", '__dsr_db' => "DB", '__dsr_dname' => "Domain name", '__dsr_du' => "DU", '__dsr_ma' => "MA", '__dsr_mg' => "MG", '__dsr_ml' => "ML", '__dsr_mn' => "MBox", '__dsr_mr' => "MR", '__dsr_pname' => "Customer's name", '__dsr_sd' => "SD", '__dsr_tr' => "TR", '__dsr_wu' => "WU", '__dstomcat' => "Tomcat Java service", '__dumps_tot_size' => "Total size of backup files in local repository", '__email' => "Email", '__email_addr_is_invalid' => "Email address is invalid.", '__enabled' => "switched on", '__enter_cert_text' => "Enter certificate text", '__enter_logo_url' => "Logo URL", '__enter_size' => "Enter size", '__event' => 'Event', '__event_handler' => 'Event handler', '__event_handlers' => 'Event handlers', '__exclusive' => "Dedicated", '__expiration_date' => "Expiration date", '__fax' => "Fax", '__file' => "File", '__file_is_empty' => "File is empty.", '__file_name' => "File name", '__file_type' => 'File type', '__filemanager' => "File Manager", '__filepath_is_empty' => "Path to file is empty", '__files_list' => "Files", '__fp_ssl_unix_support' => "FrontPage over SSL support", '__fp_ssl_win_support' => "Microsoft FrontPage over SSL support", '__fp_unix_auth' => "FrontPage authoring", '__fp_unix_support' => "FrontPage support", '__fp_win_auth' => "Microsoft FrontPage authoring", '__fp_win_support' => "Microsoft FrontPage support", '__frontpage' => "Microsoft FrontPage", '__ftp' => "FTP", // +indirect '__ftp_settings' => "FTP settings", '__ftp_serv' => "FTP server", // indirect '__ftp_server_parameters_are_empty' => "You should set the FTP account properties first!", '__ftp_status' => "FTP server status", '__full_day0' => "Sunday", '__full_day1' => "Monday", '__full_day2' => "Tuesday", '__full_day3' => "Wednesday", '__full_day4' => "Thursday", '__full_day5' => "Friday", '__full_day6' => "Saturday", '__full_month1' => "January", '__full_month10' => "October", '__full_month11' => "November", '__full_month12' => "December", '__full_month2' => "February", '__full_month3' => "March", '__full_month4' => "April", '__full_month5' => "May", '__full_month6' => "June", '__full_month7' => "July", '__full_month8' => "August", '__full_month9' => "September", '__giga' => "G", '__global_login' => 'Global account username', '__group' => "Group", '__h' => "H", '__hard_disk_quota' => "Hard disk quota", '__hard_disk_quota_not_supported' => 'hard disk quota is not supported due to configuration of server file system', '__header_text_is_invalid' => "Title of the protected area is invalid.", '__help_topic_not_found' => 'The help topic you requested (%1) does not exist.', '__hosting' => "Hosting", '__hosting_ip_dns_ip_not_equiv' => "None of IP addresses specified in A DNS records match the IP address used for hosting.", '__hosting_scripting' => "Hosting scripting support", '__hosting_setup_page_title' => "Web hosting setup for domain %1", '__hosting_title' => "Hosting (%1)", '__hosting_type' => "Hosting type", '__hostname' => "Hostname", '__hostname_is_empty' => "Hostname is empty.", '__hour(s)' => 'Hour(s)', '__hst_type_incorrect' => "Hosting type is incorrect.", '__http' => "HTTP", //indirect '__htype' => "H", '__idle_time' => "Idle time", '__iface' => "Interface", '__image' => "Image", '__imap_status' => "IMAP Server status", '__in' => "In", '__in_%' => "in %", '__incorrect_databases_login_pass' => "The credentials that you specified for accessing PostgreSQL are incorrect.", '__incorrect_ip_or_network_address' => 'Incorrect IP address or network.', '__info' => 'Info', '__install' => "Install", '__install_prefix' => "Install prefix", '__invalid_cert_id' => "Invalid certificate ID", '__invalid_context' => "Invalid context: %1", '__invalid_db_usr_name' => "Database user name is invalid.", '__invalid_dir_name' => "Directory name is invalid", '__invalid_dom_name' => "Domain name is invalid.", '__invalid_filename' => "Invalid file name. Do not use single quotes and/or \"../\" combination.", '__invalid_id' => "Invalid identifier.", '__invalid_max_letter_size' => "Maximum message size is invalid.", '__invalid_pdir_name' => "Protected directory name is invalid.", '__invalid_restart_apache_interval' => "Apache restart interval is invalid.", '__invalid_tmpl_name' => "Template name is invalid.", '__invalid_value' => "Improper value.", '__ip_addr' => "IP address", '__ip_address_and_mask' => "IP Address and Subnet Mask", '__ip_mask' => "Subnet Mask", '__ip_alias__mask' => "IP Address and Subnet Mask", 'ip_alias__mask' => "IP Address and Subnet Mask", '__ip_addr_form' => "IP Address form", '__ip_addr_is_invalid' => "IP address is invalid.", '__ip_addr_list' => "IP Addresses", '__ip_address_does_not_exist' => "IP address does not exist.", '__ip_addresses' => "IP Addresses", '__ip_address_and_mask_hint' => 'For example, %1', '__is_owner' => "O", '__java_engine' => "Java", // indirect '__jdk' => "JDK", '__kb' => "KB", '__kbps' => "KB/s", '__kbytes' => "kilobytes", '__key_limits_exceeding' => "This action exceeds the limits defined by your software license. If you received this message you may contact your provider or the manufacturer to clarify or extend the limits of this license.", '__kilo' => "K", '__keywords' => 'Keywords', '__lang_unknown' => 'Unable to recognize the language.', '__languages' => 'Language', '__learn_more' => 'Learn more', '__loading' => 'Loading...', '__locales' => "Language packs", '__link_url_is_invalid' => "Logo URL is invalid.", '__lists' => "Mailing lists", '__literal_bytes' => "B", '__processing' => "Please wait.
Loading...", '__locale' => "Interface language", '__locale_is_not_defined' => "Interface language is not defined.", '__local_server_mysql' => 'Local MySQL server', '__local_server_postgresql' => 'Local PostgreSQL server', '__log_files' => "Log files", '__log_and_statistics_files' => 'Log files and statistical reports', '__config_files' => 'Configuration files', '__chroot_files' => 'Chrooted environment', '__login' => "%1 Login", '__login1' => "Login", '__login_disabled' => "Login prohibited", '__login_enabled' => "Login allowed", '__login_incorrect' => "You have entered incorrect username or password.", '__login_name' => "%1 username", '__login_name_is_invalid' => "%1 username is invalid.", '__logon_time' => "Logon time", '__ma' => "Mail aliases", '__mail' => "Mail", '__mail_alias_name' => "Mail alias name", '__mail_exchanger_name_is_invalid' => "Mail exchanger name is invalid.", '__mail_groups' => "Mail groups", '__mail_list_engine' => "Mailing list software", '__mail_name' => "Mail account", '__mail_name_form' => "Mail account properties", '__mail_names' => "Mail accounts", '__mail_serv' => "Mail server", '__mail_user' => 'Mail user', '__mailgroup' => "Mail group", '__maillist' => "Mailing list", '__maillists' => "Mailing lists", '__maillist_member' => 'Mailing list member', '__mailname' => "Mail account", '__mailname_redir_self' => "Mail account cannot forward mail to itself.", '__max_dom_num_reached_for_cl' => "The limit on number of domains was reached for this customer account.", '__max_file_size_available' => "Maximum filesize allowed %1", '__max_subdom_num_reached_for_cl' => "The limit on number of subdomains was reached for this customer account.", '__max_subdom_num_reached_for_dom' => "The limit on number of subdomains was reached for the domain.", '__max_subdom_num_reached_for_key' => "The limit on number of subdomains allowed by the license key was reached.", '__max_traffic_limit' => "Traffic limit", '__mb' => "MB", '__mbytes' => "megabytes", '__mb_month' => "MB/month", '__mega' => "M", '__minute(s)' => 'Minute(s)', '__mls_not_in_key' => "Your product key does not support multilingual interface.", '__modification_date' => "Modification date", '__module' => "Extension", '__month' => "Month", '__month(s)' => "Month(s)", '__month1' => "Jan", '__month10' => "Oct", '__month11' => "Nov", '__month12' => "Dec", '__month2' => "Feb", '__month3' => "Mar", '__month4' => "April", '__month5' => "May", '__month6' => "June", '__month7' => "July", '__month8' => "Aug", '__month9' => "Sept", '__monthly' => "Monthly", '__months' => "Months", '__moved_permanently' => 'Moved Permanently', '__mssql' => "Microsoft SQL Server", '__mssql_status' => "Microsoft SQL server status", '__multiply_login_deny' => "Unable to log you on. Another user with the same username (%1) is already logged in to Plesk.", '__mysql' => "MySQL", '__mysql_status' => "MySQL server status", '__mysql_version' => "Mysql version", '__name' => "Name", '__name_invalid' => "Name is invalid.", '__nameserver' => "nameserver", '__network' => "Network", '__networks' => "Networks", '__networks_list' => "Networks", '__no' => "No", '__no_ip_address_with_properly_type_available' => "Unable to restore the backed up data because there are no suitable IP addresses required for restoring.", '__no_clients_specified' => "No customer accounts specified.", '__no_comments' => "No comments.", '__no_ip_specified' => "No IP specified.", '__nologin' => "Forbidden", '__none' => "None", '__not_configured' => "Not configured", '__not_supported_by_ftp' => "(not supported by FTP server)", '__not_supported_by_mailmng' => "not supported by the mail server", '__notification' => "Notification", '__notifications' => "Notifications", '__num_displayed' => "%1 of %2 displayed", '__num_is_invalid' => "Number is invalid.", '__object_not_found' => 'Object not found: %1', '__of_all' => "% of All", '__off' => "Off", '__ok' => "OK", '__old_passwd' => "Old %1 password", '__on' => "On", '__others' => "Others", '__other_ip__will_be_added' => 'Other available IP addresses (will be added to the customer\'s IP pool)', '__out' => "Out", '__p' => "P", '__passwd' => "%1 Password", '__passwd_hint' => "At least 5 characters, no national characters", '__passwd_is_invalid' => "%1 Password is invalid.", '__passwd_not_match' => "Passwords do not match!", '__path' => "Path", '__perl_unix_support' => "Perl support", '__perl_win_support' => "Perl support", '__perm_denied' => "Permission denied.", '__permissions' => "Permissions", '__personal_name' => "Personal name", '__pg_admin_not_activated' => "PostgreSQL was not activated on the server administration page.", '__pg_not_inst' => "PostgreSQL was not installed.", '__pg_not_run_or_inst' => "PostgreSQL was not installed or is not running.", '__phone' => "Phone", '__phosting' => "Physical hosting", '__php_support' => "PHP support", '__php_safe_mode' => "PHP 'safe_mode' on", '__php_version' => "PHP version", '__physical' => "Physical hosting", '__plesk_stat_pdir' => "Protect directory '/plesk-stat/webstat/'", '__plesk_stat_dir_name' => "Domain statistics", '__plesk_stat_protect' => "accessible via password protected directory '/plesk-stat/webstat/'", '__plesk_stat_protect_install' => "accessible via password protected directory '/plesk-stat/webstat/'", '__plesk_stat_webstat_not_activate' => "You did not select a web statistics program to be used for this website.", '__pop3_imap' => "POP3/IMAP", // indirect '__pop3_status' => "POP3 server status", '__popen_error' => "An error occurred while calling the popen function.", '__port' => 'Port', '__postgres' => "PostgreSQL", '__postgresql' => "PostgreSQL", '__postgresql_status' => "PostgreSQL status", '__preferences' => "Settings", '__administrator_preferences' => "Administrator's preferences", '__account_preferences' => "Account Settings", '__interface_preferences_general' => 'General', '__interface_preferences_default' => 'Default Interface Preferences', '__interface_preferences_admin' => "Administrator's Interface Preferences", 'server_preferences__default_itmpl' => 'Default interface customization template', 'server_preferences__admin_itmpl' => "Administrator's interface customization template", '__interface_template' => 'Interface customization template', '__system_preferences' => "System settings", '__interface_preferences' => "Interface preferences", '__priority' => 'Priority', '__priority_highest' => 'highest', '__priority_high' => 'high', '__priority_normal' => 'normal', '__priority_low' => 'low', '__priority_lowest' => 'lowest', '__priority_other' => 'custom', '__proceed?' => "Do you want to proceed?", '__protect_dir_user' => "Protected directory user", '__protect_dir_users' => "Protected directory users", '__protect_dirs' => "Protected directories", '__provider_contact_name' => "Owner's contact name", '__python_unix_support' => "Python support", '__python_win_support' => "Python support", '__fastcgi_unix_support' => 'FastCGI support (required for Ruby on Rails)', '__miva_unix_support' => "Miva support", '__quota' => "Quota", '__r' => "R", '__reconfigure' => "Reconfigure", '__record_type' => "Record type", '__release' => "Release", '__remote_db_not_supported_by_key' => 'Remote database hosting is not supported by your license key.', '__remove' => "Remove", '__remove_confirmation' => "Confirm Removal", '__remove_protection' => 'Remove Protection', '__report' => "Report", '__report_auto' => 'Delivery schedule', '__report_form' => "Report form", '__report_size_na' => "Service is unavailable", '__reports_list' => "Reports", '__requested' => "Requested", '__required_fields' => "Required fields", '__resp_name_invalid' => "Auto-Reply name is invalid. Use only alphanumeric, dots, underscore and white spaces symbols.", '__c' => "A", // Access to panel '__s' => "S", '__server_name_is_invalid' => "Server name is invalid.", '__screenshots' => 'Screenshots', '__script_warning' => "By removing the scripting capability from this domain all influenced scripts will be displayed in plain text when called by a browser. It is advisable for the administrator to remove all dependent scripts from the given domain.", '__sec' => "Seconds", '__second(s)' => "Second(s)", '__see_list_of_logged_in' => "See the list of currently logged in users.", '__select_certs_to_remove' => "Select certificates to be removed.", '__select_domains_to_default_host' => "Select a domain to set as default.", '__select_domains_to_remove' => "Select domains to be removed.", '__select_files_to_remove' => "Select files to be removed.", '__select_ip' => "Assign IP address", '__select_ip_to_remove' => "Select an IP address to be removed.", '__select_domain_template' => "Use domain template settings", '__select_templates_to_remove' => "Select templates to be removed.", '__server' => "Server", '__server_total' => "Server Total", '__service' => "Service", '__service_title__plesk' => "Parallels Plesk", '__service_description__plesk' => "Parallels Plesk", '__service_title__mysql' => "MySQL database server", '__service_description__mysql' => "MySQL database server", '__service_title__web' => "Web server", '__service_description__web' => "Web server", '__service_title__smtp' => "SMTP server", '__service_description__smtp' => "SMTP server", '__service_title__mail' => "IMAP/POP3 server", '__service_description__mail' => "IMAP/POP3 server", '__service_title__dns' => "DNS server", '__service_description__dns' => "DNS server", '__service_title__tomcat' => "Java application server (Tomcat)", '__service_description__tomcat' => "Java application server (Tomcat)", '__service_title__coldfusion' => "ColdFusion service", '__service_description__coldfusion' => "ColdFusion service", '__service_title__postgresq' => "PostgreSQL database server", '__service_description__postgresq' => "PostgreSQL database server", '__service_title__spamassassin' => "SpamAssassin spam-filtering service", '__service_description__spamassassin' => "SpamAssassin spam-filtering service", '__services' => "Services", '__sessions' => "Sessions", '__sessions_list' => "Sessions", '__set' => "Switch on", '__setup_logo_pref' => "Logo", '__shared' => "Shared", '__shell_access_warning' => "Allowing shell access to the system is highly dangerous for the system security. Allow access to the system only if you clearly understand what you are doing, and only to trusted users. Do you really want to allow access?", '__siteapp_not_support_in_key' => "Web applications are not supported by the license key", '__siteapp_cannot_reconfigure_with_remote_database' => 'The configuration of this web application was changed manually. In order to protect the manual modifications, reconfiguration through Plesk was made unavailable.', '__site_management' => "Web Publishing", // indirect '__size' => "Size", '__skeleton' => "Virtual host template", '__skins' => 'Skins', '__smtp' => "SMTP", // indirect '__smtp_status' => "SMTP server status", '__some_fields_are_empty_or_invalid' => "Some fields are empty or contain an improper value.", '__spamassassin' => "Spam Filter", '__spamassassin_status' => "SpamAssassin status", '__splited_backup' => "(multivolume backup)", '__split_backup_file' => "Create a multivolume backup", '__split_backup_size' => "Volume size", '__split_backup_less_than_500' => "Volume sizes less than 500 megabytes are not supported", '__ssi' => "SSI", '__ssi_support' => "SSI support", '__ssl' => 'SSL', '__ssl_support' => "SSL support", '__same_ssl' => "Use a single directory for housing SSL and non-SSL content", '__same_ssl_cu' => "Common SSL/Non-SSL content", '__state' => "State/Province", '__status__Active' => 'Active', '__status__active' => 'active', '__status__Passive' => 'Switched off', '__status__passive' => 'switched off', '__status__off' => 'switched off', '__status__with_parent' => 'switched off', '__status__backup_restore' => 'temporarily suspended for backing up or restoring', '__status__admin' => 'suspended by server administrator', '__status__resseler' => 'suspended by reseller', '__status__client' => 'suspended by customer', '__status__unknown' => 'status is unknown', '__status_of' => "%1 status", // end of akss part // shramko part '__stunnel' => "Stunnel", '__stunnel_server' => "Stunnel server", // indirect '__subdomain' => "Subdomain", '__subdomain_name' => "Subdomain name", '__subdomain_name_in_ASCII_form' => "Subdomain name in ASCII format", '__subdomains' => "Subdomains", '__domainaliases' => "Domain aliases", '__subdomains_list' => "Subdomains", '__subdomains_not_support_in_key' => "Subdomain operations are not supported by the license key", '__sys_user_type' => "FTP user", '__sys_user_type_main' => "Use the FTP user account of the main domain", '__sys_user_type_native' => "Create a separate FTP user account for this subdomain", '__t' => "T", '__target_domain' => "Target domain", '__task' => 'Task', '__tasks_list' => 'Tasks', '__template' => "Template", '__template_not_accepted' => "Unable to accept the template: the following limitations are exceeded.", '__templates' => "Templates", '__templates_list' => "Templates", '__tera' => "T", '__text' => "Text", '__title' => "Title", '__tomcat' => "Tomcat Java", '__tomcat_not_support_in_key' => "Tomcat Java is not supported by the license key", '__tomcat_status' => "Tomcat Java status", '__tools' => "Tools", '__total' => "Total %1", '__total_size' => "Total size", '__total_used' => "Total Used", '__traffic' => "Traffic", '__traffic_by_client' => "Traffic by customer", '__traffic_by_domain' => "Traffic by domain", '__traffic_by_service' => "Traffic by service", '__traffic_history' => "Traffic history", '__unable_change_locale' => "Unable to change the interface language: %1", '__unable_create_new_dom' => "Unable to create new domain: %1", '__unable_define_dom_name' => "Unable to define domain name: %1", '__unable_define_necessary_properties' => "Unable to define all required properties.", '__unable_define_properties' => "Unable to define properties: %1", '__unable_exec_util' => "Unable to execute utility: %1", '__unable_get_dns_a_recs' => "Unable to retrieve IP addresses for A DNS records for this hosting account: %1", '__unable_get_mbox_quota' => "Unable to retrieve the information on the mailbox size limit.", '__unable_redirect_to_myself' => "Unable to forward to the same account.", '__unable_remove_client' => "Unable to remove customer: %1", '__unable_set_up_mbox_quota' => "Unable to set the mailbox size limit for the domain: %1", '__unable_setup_pass' => "Unable to set password: %1", '__unable_to_create_new_account' => "Unable to create new account: %1", '__unable_to_define_db_size' => "Unable to define the database size.", '__unable_to_enable_short_names' => "Unable to allow the use of short mail account names for POP3/IMAP accounts.", '__unable_to_fetch_data_from_submit' => "Unable to fetch the submitted data: %1", '__unable_to_open_file' => "Unable to open the file %1: %2", '__unable_to_update_subdomain' => "Unable to make changes to the subdomain: %1", '__unable_update_cl_data' => "Unable to save changes to the user account: %1", '__unable_update_db_params' => "Unable to update database parameters: %1", '__unable_update_dom_data' => "Unable to update domain data: %1", '__undefined' => "undefined", '__uninstall' => "Uninstall", '__unknown_error' => "Unknown error", '__unlimited_lower' => "Unlimited", '__unset' => "Switch off", '__update' => "Update", '__uploaded_file_is_invalid' => "Uploaded file is invalid: %1", '__url' => "URL", '__usage' => "Disk usage", '__user' => "User", '__user_already_exists' => "User %1 already exists.", '__user_already_logged' => "Another user with the same username (%1) is already logged in to Plesk.", '__version' => "Version", '__aps_license' => "License key", '__vh_type' => "Virtual host type", '__vhosts_apache_status' => "Web server status", '__wrong_charset_conversion' => 'Wrong charset, conversion from "%1" to "%2" is not allowed', '__warning_' => "Warning!", '__warning_excl_ip_num' => "Dedicated IP address", '__warning_expiration' => "Expiration date", '__web_apps' => "Java web applications", '__web_scripting' => "Web scripting", // indirect '__web_serv' => "Web server", // indirect '__web_statistic' => "Web statistics", // indirect '__webmail' => "Webmail", // +indirect '__webstat_not_installed' => "Webalizer is not installed on the server. Contact your service provider for assistance with Webalizer installation.", '__webstat_support' => "Web statistics", '__webstat_awstats_support' => "AWStats", '__webstat_webalizer_support' => "Webalizer", '__webstat_awstats' => "AWStats", '__webstat_webalizer' => "Webalizer", '__webstat_type_change_warning' => "When you switch from one statistics program to another, all reports created by the previously used statistics program are deleted and new reports are created in accordance with the information read from log files kept on the server. This means that if you configured the system (at Domains > domain name > Log Manager > Log Rotation) so as to keep log files only for the last month, then web statistics will be available only for the last month. Do you want to switch to another statistics package?", '__webstat_perm_denied' => 'You do not have the permission to manage web statistics.', '__webuser' => "Web user", '__sysusers_list' => "System users", '__sysuser' => "System user", '__weekly' => "Weekly", '__whats_new_in_version' => "What's new in Parallels Plesk %1?", '__wrong_hosting_type__none' => 'There is no web hosting configured on domain %1.', '__wrong_hosting_type__std_fwd' => 'Domain %1 has standard forwarding configured. This operation is available only for domains with web hosting.', '__wrong_hosting_type__frm_fwd' => 'Domain %1 has frame forwarding configured. This operation is available only for domains with web hosting.', '__wu' => "Web users", '__www' => "WWW", '__www_prefix' => "WWW prefix", '__www_prefix_was_changed' => "WWW prefix was changed. Be sure to modify the SSL certificate accordingly.", '__year' => "Year", '__year(s)' => "Year(s)", '__yes' => "Yes", '__you' => "You", '__zip_code' => "Postal/ZIP code", '__form_normal' => "Normal", '__form_advanced' => "Advanced", 'admin_ed__edit_administrator_info' => "Editing Administrator Profile", 'admin_ed__create_default_client' => "I would like to create a default customer account.", 'admin_ed__unable_update' => "Unable to update administrator information: %1", 'auth__update_admin_info' => "Please enter administrator's information. This information is required to operate %1.", 'auth__update_cl_email_and_phone' => "Please enter your email and phone number. They will be used to notify you of possible problems.", 'auth__you_not_have_perm' => "You do not have permissions to manage this domain.", 'auth__key_expired_admin' => 'Your license key has expired. To continue using your Plesk, you must purchase a non-expiring commercial license.', 'auth__key_expired_client' => 'The license key has expired. Please contact your service provider.', 'autoinstaller__not_installed' => 'Autoinstaller component is not installed.', 'autoinstaller__release_action' => 'Available operations', 'autoinstaller__release_action_icon' => 'S', 'autoinstaller__release_action_upgrade' => 'Upgrading to the new Plesk version', 'autoinstaller__release_action_update' => 'Updating or adding new components', 'autoinstaller__release_action_up2date' => 'You have an up-to-date version', 'autoinstaller__component_action' => 'Status', 'autoinstaller__component_action_icon' => 'S', 'autoinstaller__component_action_install' => 'Not installed', 'autoinstaller__component_action_update' => 'Updates are available', 'autoinstaller__component_action_upgrade' => 'An update is available', 'autoinstaller__component_action_up2date' => 'You have an up-to-date version', 'autoinstaller__component_action_error' => 'Updates are not available', 'autoinstaller__component_serverbuildtime' => 'Latest release', 'autoinstaller__component_localbuildtime' => 'Your release', 'autoinstaller__component_installed_version' => 'Your version', 'autoinstaller__component_available_version' => 'Latest version', 'autoinstaller__component' => 'Component', 'autoinstaller__components' => 'Components', 'autoinstaller__components_title' => '%1 Components', 'autoinstaller__component_dependency_note' => 'required for installation of the components you selected', 'autoinstaller__install_confirm' => 'Yes, I wish to install these components', 'autoinstaller__install_confirm_request' => 'Please select the check box to confirm', 'autoinstaller__install_title' => 'Confirm Installation of the Selected Components', 'autoinstaller__key_update_confirm' => 'Confirm skipping key update and installing the default key', 'autoinstaller__key_update_confirm_request' => 'Please select the check box to confirm.', 'autoinstaller__key_update_failed' => '

Parallels Plesk is unable to update your product license.


Continuing with the upgrade without having an appropriate product license will result in the installation of a default license with limited functionality. Administrators are advised to first acquire the appropriate license key before continuing with the product upgrade.

', 'autoinstaller__email' => 'Send notice to', 'autoinstaller__email_admin' => "Administrator's email", 'autoinstaller__email_email' => 'Custom email address...', 'autoinstaller__release' => 'Release name', 'autoinstaller__releases' => 'Available releases', 'autoinstaller__releases_title' => 'Parallels Plesk Updater', 'autoinstaller__select_components_to_install' => 'Select the components to be installed', 'autoinstaller__status_error' => 'Error: %1', 'autoinstaller__status_install_error' => 'Installation could not be started: %1', 'autoinstaller__status_install_busy' => 'Installation could not be started: another installation procedure is currently running.', 'autoinstaller__status_install_ok' => 'Installation started. You will be notified of installation progress by email (%1).', 'autoinstaller__status_query_busy' => 'Installation is in progress.', 'autoinstaller__status_query_error' => 'Unable to retrieve installation status: %1', 'autoinstaller__status_unknown' => 'Unable to retrieve autoinstaller status.', 'autoinstaller__status_busy' => 'Autoinstaller is busy, please wait.', 'autoinstaller__configure_title' => 'Updater Settings', 'autoinstaller__preferences_legend' => 'Settings', 'autoinstaller__target' => 'Temporary download directory', 'autoinstaller__target_invalid' => "Specify absolute path", 'autoinstaller__check_updates' => 'Check for updates upon administrator\'s login to Plesk', 'autoinstaller__check_updates_warning' => 'New updates are available for %2 ', 'autoinstaller_source__preferences_legend' => 'Settings', 'autoinstaller_source__type' => 'Source type', 'autoinstaller_source__url_invalid' => 'Invalid source', 'autoinstaller_source__url_invalid_network' => 'Invalid source URL (Example: http://source, ftp://source)', 'autoinstaller_source__url' => 'Source URL', 'autoinstaller__source_invalid_network' => 'You specified an invalid network address', 'autoinstaller_vendor_source__preferences_legend' => 'Settings', 'autoinstaller_vendor_source__type' => 'Source type', 'autoinstaller_vendor_source__url' => 'Source URL', 'autoinstaller_vendor_source__priority' => 'Source priority', 'autoinstaller_vendor_source__authentication_legend' => 'Authentication', 'autoinstaller_vendor_source__login' => 'Username', 'autoinstaller_vendor_source__current_password' => 'Current password', 'autoinstaller_vendor_source__password' => 'New password', 'autoinstaller_vendor_source__already_exists' => 'You have already specified the operating system updates source at the URL %1.', 'autoinstaller_vendor_sources__remove_title' => 'The following sources of operating system updates will be removed:', 'autoinstaller_vendor_sources__empty_selection' => 'You did not specify any sources.', 'autoinstaller_vendor_sources_list__tools_legend' => 'Tools', 'autoinstaller_vendor_sources_list__list_legend' => 'Available sources', 'autoinstaller_vendor_sources_list__items' => 'sources', 'autoinstaller_vendor_sources_list__status' => 'S', 'autoinstaller_vendor_sources_list__type' => 'Type', 'autoinstaller_vendor_sources_list__url' => 'URL', 'autoinstaller_vendor_sources_list__priority' => 'Priority', 'autoinstaller__additional_source_type_repomd' => '%1 (xml-rpm-metadata repository)', 'autoinstaller__additional_source_type_directory' => '%1 (local directory)', 'backup__repository'=> 'Backup files repository location', 'backup__error_notify_email' => 'If errors occur during backing up, send notification to email', 'backup__dump_info' => "Backup information", 'backup__dump_file_name_not_defined' => "Backup file name is not specified", 'backup__local_file' => 'Local backup file', 'backup__domain_ftp' => 'remote FTP server', 'backup__wrong_path' => "Incorrect path to the backup files repository: Do not use the sequence of characters ../../", 'backup__unable_to_connect_to_ftp_server'=> "Unable to connect to FTP server: %1", 'backup__unable_to_read_file' => 'Unable to read the backup file.', 'backup__backup_task_does_not_exist' => "Backup task does not exist, you should create it before turning on.", 'backup__restore_params' => "Restoration parameters", 'backup__confirmation' => "Warning: the domain will not be available during backup/restoration.", 'backup__backup_method' => 'Backup method', 'backup__dumpfile_name' => "Backup file name", 'backup__dumpfile_name_is_invalid' => "Backup file name is invalid: use only alphanumeric, dash, dot and underscore symbols, do not use names like description.* as backup file name.", 'backup__email_required' => "Your email address is required to keep you informed of backing up and restoring progresses. Please specify your email in the account details.", 'backup__error_during_backup' => "Unable to create the backup file: %1", 'backup__input_email_warning' => "You should either specify email for notification or clear the check box.", 'backup__make_download' => "do not store the backup file in repository, only download it", 'backup__make_dump' => 'create backup file and store in local repository', 'backup__makedump_to_ftp' => 'create backup file and store on remote FTP server', 'backup__restore_ip' => "IP address for restoration", 'backup__select_dumpfile' => "Select a backup file.", 'backup__time' => "Backup time", 'backup__view_dump_info' => "View the backup information for domain %1", 'backup__wrong_domain_name' => "The backup file contains the data of domain %1 and therefore cannot be restored on domain %2", 'backup__incorrect_ftp_user_or_passwd' => "Incorrect FTP user or password. Please correct FTP Account Properties", 'backup__access_denied' => "Access denied. Please correct FTP Account Properties", 'backup__restore_from' => "Restore %1", 'backup__domain_session_failed' => 'Domain %1 was not backed up', 'backup__client_session_failed' => 'Customer %1 was not backed up', 'backup__domain_session_restore_failed' => 'Domain %1 was not restored', 'backup__client_session_restore_failed' => 'Customer account %1 was not restored', 'backup__domain_session_complete' => 'Domain %1 was backed up', 'backup__domain_session_backup' => 'Backup of domain %1', 'backup__client_session_backup' => 'Backup of customer %1', 'backup__domain_stop_title' => 'Cancelling backup of domain %1', 'backup__client_stop_title' => 'Cancelling backup of customer account %1', 'backup__domain_restore_stop_title' => 'Cancelling restoration of domain %1', 'backup__client_restore_stop_title' => 'Cancelling restoration of customer account %1', 'backup__domain_session_backup_stop' => 'You are about to cancel the active backup process. Backup file will not be created.', 'backup__backup_stop_confirm' => 'Yes, I want to stop the backup process', 'backup__restore_stop_confirm' => 'Yes, I want to stop the restoration process', 'backup__domain_session_restore' => 'Restoration of domain %1', 'backup__domain_session_restore_stop' => 'You are about to cancel the active restoration process.', 'backup__domain_backup_file_info' => 'Domain Backup File Information', 'backup__domain_backup_file_list' => 'existing backup files', 'backup__domain_backup_progress' => 'Progress of backing up website %1', 'backup__domain_restore_progress' => 'Progress of restoring website %1', 'backup__domain_backup_progress_elapsed_time' => 'Elapsed time: %1', 'backup__domain_restore_progress_elapsed_time' => 'Elapsed time: %1', 'backup__ip_map_legend' => 'IP Mapping', 'backup__ip_map_list_count' => 'IP Addresses', 'backup__domain_restore_session_complete' => 'Domain %1 is restored.', 'backup__domain_restore_session_complete_message' => 'Domain %1 was restored.', 'backup__domain_backup_file_delete' => 'The following backup files will be removed:', 'backup__domain_backup_file_for_remove' => 'Select backup files you wish to remove', 'backup__backup_overwrite_file_confirm' => 'Replacement confirmation', 'backup__backup_overwrite_file_confirm_text' => 'Backup file with the name "%1" already exists. Do you want to replace it?', 'backup__backup_confirm_overwrite' => 'Confirm file replacement', 'backup__backup_overwrite_legeng' => 'Replace', 'backup__backup_not_contain_domain' => 'Backup file does not contain information about domain %1', 'backup__backup_not_contain_client' => 'Backup file does not contain information about customer account %1', 'backup__backup_client_info' => "Back up customer's settings and account details", 'backup__client_backup_progress' => 'Progress of Backing Up Customer Account %1', 'backup__client_session_complete' => 'Customer account %1 is backed up', 'backup__client_backup_file_info' => 'Customer Backup File Information', 'backup__restore_client_info' => "Restore customer's settings and account details", 'backup__client_session_restore' => 'Restoring Customer Account %1', 'backup__client_db_server_map' => 'Database Servers Mapping', 'backup__domain_db_server_map' => 'Database Servers Mapping', 'backup__client_restore_session_complete_message' => 'Customer account %1 was restored.', 'backup__client_restore_session_complete' => 'Customer account %1 was restored.', 'backup__restore_select_some' => 'Please select objects you wish to restore.', 'backup__client_restore_progress' => 'Restoration Progress for Customer Account %1', 'backup__new_backup' => 'Creating New Backup', 'backup__done' => 'Done:', 'backup__done_domains' => '%1 domain(s) out of %2', 'backup__done_clients' => '%1 customer(s) out of %2', 'backup__remaining' => 'Remaining:', 'backup__remaining_domains' => '%1 domain(s)', 'backup__remaining_clients' => '%1 customer(s)', 'backup__overall_backup_progress' => 'Overall backup progress', 'backup__comment_n_a' => 'n/a', 'backup__command_ignore' => 'Command "%1" is ignored', 'backup__no_objects' => 'there are no objects for backup', 'backup__cli_warning_not_enough_ip' => 'WARNING: not enough IP addresses to perform default IP mapping: ', 'backup__local_repository' => "Plesk's repository", 'backup__ftp_repository' => 'FTP repository', 'backup__ftp_login' => 'Username', 'backup__ftp_password' => 'Password', 'backup__ftp_directory_hint' => 'Example: /myfolder/mybackups', 'backup__ftp_account_settings' => 'FTP Account Settings', 'backup__ftp_account_preferences' => 'FTP account settings', 'backup__repository_not_exist' => 'Directory does not exist', 'backup__repository_not_readable' => 'The specified directory is not readable', 'backup__ftp_repository_not_configure' => 'To use an FTP backup repository, specify the FTP account first.', 'backup__ftp_repository_list_not_configure' => 'Account settings were not specified', 'backup__repository_list_unable_listing' => 'Unable to retrieve list of files', 'backup__ftp_repository_unable_listing' => 'Unable to retrieve listing of directory "%1": ', 'backup__repository_legend' => 'Backup files repository', 'backup__store_in_repository' => 'Store files in', 'backup__local_repository_lable' => 'Local repository', 'backup__ftp_repository_lable' => 'FTP repository', 'backup__ftp_repository_not_configure_hint' => '(account settings are not specified)', 'backup__ftp_repository_not_configure_or_forbidden_hint' => '(FTP account is not specified or not supported)', 'backup__ftp_directory_not_exist' => 'The specified directory does not exist', 'backup__other_user_process_modified' => 'Another user has stopped the backup or migration process.', 'backup__another_user_exist' => 'The operation in progress was initiated by another Plesk user. This user is still logged in to Plesk.', 'backup__ftp_repository_wait' => 'Please wait while retrieving information about FTP repository', 'backup__ftp_write_test_failed' => 'Failed to write test data to the FTP account %1: ', 'bt_upload_to_repository' => 'Upload Files to Local Repository', 'bt_new_restore' => "Restore", 'bt_backup_schedule' => "Schedule Backup", 'backup_exist_backups' => "Existing backup files", 'backup_dialog__page_title' => "Backup file creation", 'backup_dialog__please_wait' => "The backup process is about to begin. %1 This operation might take some time. %2 Please wait... %3", 'backup_conf__page_title' => 'Backup Configuration', 'bt_accept' => "Accept", 'bt_access' => "Access", 'bt_action_log' => "Action Log", 'bt_add' => "Add", 'bt_add_client' => "Assign to Users", 'bt_database_server_add' => 'Add Database Server', 'bt_add_services' => "Add Services", 'bt_add_address_to_acl' => 'Add New Address', 'bt_add_to' => "<< Add", 'bt_to_add' => "Add >>", 'bt_to_exclusive' => "<< Dedicated", 'bt_to_shared' => "Shared >>", 'bt_anonftp_stats' => "Anon.FTP Stats", 'bt_anonymous_ftp' => "Anonymous FTP", 'bt_attach' => "Attach", 'bt_autoinstaller' => 'Updater', 'bt_back' => "<< Back", 'bt_backup' => "Back up", 'bt_backup_configure' => "Backup Settings", 'bt_buy_certs' => "Buy Certificates", 'bt_blocked_domains' => 'Black List', 'bt_blocked_domain_add' => 'Add Domain', 'bt_cancel' => "Cancel", 'bt_card' => "Card", 'bt_cert' => "Certificate", 'bt_certificates' => "Certificates", 'bt_cf_configure' => "ColdFusion Settings", 'bt_change_passwd' => "Change Password", 'bt_clean_log' => "Clear Log", 'bt_clear' => "Clear", 'bt_client_templates' => "Customer Templates", 'bt_clients' => "Customers", 'bt_codepage_change' => 'Change Encoding', 'bt_comp_info' => "Components Management", 'bt_common_acl' => 'Transfer Restrictions Template', 'bt_configure_maillists' => "Set Up Mailman", 'bt_configure_odbc' => "ODBC Data Sources", 'bt_configure' => 'Configure', 'bt_copy' => "Copy", 'bt_copy_move' => "Copy/Move", 'bt_create' => "Create", 'bt_create_account' => "Create New Account", 'bt_create_dir' => "Add New Directory", 'bt_create_file' => "Add New File", 'bt_count_size' => "Calculate Size", 'bt_crontab_unix' => "Crontab", 'bt_crontab_win' => "Task Scheduler", 'bt_custom_button_new' => "Add New Button", 'bt_custom_buttons' => "Custom Buttons", 'bt_customize' => "Customize", 'bt_databases' => "Databases", 'bt_database_servers' => 'Database Servers', 'bt_db_usr_new' => "Add New Database User", 'bt_db_new' => "Add New Database", 'bt_db_phpmyadmin' => "MySQL Admin", 'bt_db_phppgadmin' => "PostgreSQL Admin", 'bt_dbuser_default' => "Make Default for DB Webadmin", 'bt_decline' => "Decline", 'bt_default' => "Default", 'bt_defaults' => "Defaults", 'bt_delete' => "Delete", 'bt_directories' => "Protected Directories", 'bt_disable' => "Switch Off", 'bt_dns' => "DNS Settings", 'bt_dns_add' => "Add DNS Record", 'bt_dnsrecord_add' => 'Add DNS Record', 'bt_dns_soa' => "SOA Records Template", 'bt_dns_preferences' => "DNS Recursion", 'bt_do_backup' => "Back Up", 'bt_do_restore' => "Restore", 'bt_do_upload' => "Upload", 'bt_domain_templates' => "Domain Templates", 'bt_domain_user' => "Domain Administrator", 'bt_domain_user_passwd' => "Domain Administrator Password", 'bt_domains' => "Domains", 'bt_download' => "Download", 'bt_download_log' => "Download", 'bt_edit' => "Edit", 'bt_enable' => "Switch On", 'bt_eventmgr' => 'Event Manager', 'bt_event_handler_add' => 'Add New Event Handler', 'bt_export' => 'Export', 'bt_file_manager' => "File Manager", 'bt_finish' => "Finish", 'bt_ftp_account' => "FTP Account Properties", 'bt_forget_password' => "Forgot Password?", 'bt_fp_ssl_webadmin' => "FP-SSL Webadmin", 'bt_fp_webadmin' => "FP Webadmin", 'bt_ftp_stats' => "FTP Stats", 'bt_get_password' => "Get Password", 'bt_global_changes' => "Modify", 'bt_help' => "Help", 'bt_hide_aliases' => "Hide Aliases", 'bt_hide_toolbar' => 'Hide toolbar', 'bt_hide_subdomains' => "Hide Subdomains", 'bt_hide_domainaliases' => "Hide Domain Aliases", 'bt_home' => "Home", 'bt_hosting' => "Hosting", 'bt_install' => "Install", 'bt_ip_aliasing' => "IP Addresses", 'bt_ip_add' => "Add New IP Address", 'bt_ip_pool' => "IP Pool", 'bt_key_info' => "License Management", 'bt_key_buyonline_addons' => 'Order Plesk Add-Ons', 'bt_key_buyonline_upgrades' => 'Order Plesk Upgrades', 'bt_key_buyonline_new' => 'Order New Key', 'bt_key_update' => 'Retrieve Keys', 'bt_key_upload' => 'Install Key', 'bt_key_download' => 'Download Key', 'bt_key_revert' => 'Roll Back Key', 'bt_limits' => "Limits", 'bt_locale_add' => 'Add Locale', 'bt_locales' => 'Locales', 'bt_log_manager' => "Log Manager", 'bt_login' => "Log In", 'bt_logo' => "Branding", 'bt_logo_default' => "Default Logo", 'bt_logo_send_link' => "Attach Link", 'bt_logo_send_logo' => "Attach Logo", 'bt_logout' => "Log Out", 'bt_logrotation' => "Log Rotation", 'bt_mail' => "Mail", 'bt_mail_alias_add' => "Add New Mail Alias", 'bt_mail_aliases' => "Mail Aliases", 'bt_mail_group_add' => "Add New Member", 'bt_mail_groups' => "Groups", 'bt_mail_name_add' => "Add New Mail Account", 'bt_mail_preferences' => "Settings", 'bt_mail_group' => "Mail Group", 'bt_mail_mailbox' => "Mailbox", 'bt_mail_redirect' => "Forwarder", 'bt_mail_resp_add' => "Add New Auto-Reply", 'bt_mail_resp_attach_add' => "Add New Attachment", 'bt_mail_resp_files' => "Attachment Files", 'bt_mail_responders' => "Auto-replies", 'bt_mail_spamfilter' => "Spam Filter", 'bt_mail_webmail' => "Webmail", 'bt_maillist_new' => "Add New Mailing List", 'bt_maillists' => "Mailing Lists", 'bt_mailman' => "Mailman", 'bt_make_dump' => "Create Backup", 'bt_manage' => "Manage", 'bt_master' => "Master", 'bt_migration_manager' => 'Migration & Transfer Manager', 'bt_migrate' => 'Migrate', 'bt_modules_add' => 'Add Extension', 'bt_modules_manage' => 'Manage Extensions', 'bt_move' => "Move", 'bt_new_client' => "Add New Customer Account", 'bt_new_domain' => "Add New Domain", 'bt_next' => "Next >>", 'bt_next_page' => "Next", 'bt_network_add' => "Add New Network", 'bt_notifications' => "Notifications", 'bt_odbc_dsn_add' => "Add New ODBC DSN", 'bt_off' => "Off", 'bt_ok' => "OK", 'bt_on' => "On", 'bt_on_off' => "On/Off", 'bt_pd_new' => "Add Protected Directory", 'bt_pd_user_new' => "Add New User", 'bt_permissions' => "Permissions", 'bt_phpmyadmin' => "PhpMyAdmin", 'bt_phppgadmin' => "PhpPgAdmin", 'bt_postgre_sql' => "PostgreSQL", 'bt_preferences' => "Settings", 'bt_prev_page' => "Prev", 'bt_preview' => 'Site Preview', 'bt_print' => "Print", 'bt_reboot' => "Reboot", 'bt_reload' => "Reload", 'bt_refresh' => "Refresh", 'bt_register' => "Register", 'bt_remove' => "Remove", 'bt_remove_from' => "Remove >>", 'bt_from_remove' => "<< Remove", 'bt_enable_selected' => 'Switch On', 'bt_disable_selected' => 'Switch Off', 'bt_repair_ip' => "Repair IP", 'bt_reset' => "Reset", 'bt_restart_services' => "Services Management", 'bt_save' => "Save", 'bt_send_by_email' => "Send By Email", 'bt_send_file' => "Send File", 'bt_send_mail' => "Send Mail", 'bt_send_passwd' => "Send Password", 'bt_send_text' => "Send Text", 'bt_server' => "Server", 'bt_server_add' => "Add New Server", 'bt_server_preferences' => "Server Settings", 'bt_servers_list' => "Servers", 'bt_session_setup' => "Session Settings", 'bt_sessions' => "Sessions", 'bt_set' => "Set", 'bt_set_as_default' => "Set As Default", 'bt_setup' => 'Setup', 'bt_show_aliases' => "Show Aliases", 'bt_show_subdomains' => "Show Subdomains", 'bt_show_domainaliases' => "Show Domain Aliases", 'bt_shutdown' => "Shut Down", 'bt_site_apppkgs' => "Application Vault", 'bt_site_apppool' => "Application Pool", 'bt_site_apps' => "Web Applications", 'bt_site_app_add' => "Install Application", 'bt_additional_key_upload' => 'Upload New Key', 'bt_additional_key_download' => 'Download Key', 'bt_additional_key_remove' => 'Remove Key', 'bt_additional_key_activate' => 'Activate', 'bt_site_builder' => "Presence Builder Support", 'bt_skeleton' => "Virtual Host Template", 'bt_skins' => 'Skins', 'bt_skin_add' => 'Add New Skin', 'bt_skin_manual' => 'Custom Plesk Skins Reference', // not used 'bt_skin_download' => 'Download Skin', 'bt_skin_replace' => 'Update Skin', 'bt_skip' => 'Skip', 'bt_spamassassin' => "Spam Filter", 'bt_spamassassin_train' => "Training", 'bt_spamfilter' => "Spam Filter", 'bt_sshterm' => 'SSH Terminal', 'bt_statistics' => "Statistics", 'bt_subdomain_new' => "Add New Subdomain", 'bt_subdomains' => "Subdomains", 'bt_submit' => "Submit", 'bt_summary_report' => "Summary Report", 'bt_support' => "Support", 'bt_switch' => "Switch", 'bt_system_time' => "System Time", 'bt_task_new' => "Add New Task", 'bt_dom_tmpl_add' => 'Add New Domain Template', 'bt_cl_tmpl_add' => 'Add New Customer Template', 'bt_cron_backup' => 'Scheduled Backup Settings', 'bt_test' => "Test Connection", 'bt_text' => "Text", 'bt_touch' => "Change Timestamp", 'bt_traffic' => "Traffic", 'bt_traffic_history' => "Traffic History", 'bt_update' => "Update", 'bt_upload' => "Upload", 'bt_upload_from_ftp' => "FTP Upload", 'bt_web_app_new' => "Install Java Application", 'bt_web_apps' => "Java web applications", 'bt_web_stats' => "Web Stats", 'bt_web_stats_ssl' => "Web Stats SSL", 'bt_web_user_add' => "Add New Web User", 'bt_web_users' => "Web Users", 'bt_webadmin' => "Webadmin", 'bt_webalizer' => "Webalizer", 'bt_webalizer_preferences' => "Web Statistics Settings", 'bt_hidden-referrer-add' => 'Hide Entries', 'bt_group-referrer-add' => 'Group Referrers', 'bt_whats_new_full' => "See the full list of changes", 'bt_white_list' => "White List", 'bt_white_list_add' => "Add Network", 'cert_add__unable_set_ca_cert' => "Unable to set the CA certificate: %1", 'cert_add__unable_set_cert' => "Unable to set the certificate: %1", 'cert_add__unable_set_private_key' => "Unable to set the private key: %1", 'certificates_list__certificate_used_as_default' => "one of the certificates you are going to delete is used as the Default Certificate.", 'certificates_list__certificates' => "SSL certificates", 'certificates_list__certificates_assigned_on_ip' => "one or several certificates are assigned to the IP addresses/domains.", 'certificates_list__tab_title_ca_cert' => "A", 'certificates_list__tab_title_cert' => "C", 'certificates_list__tab_title_csr' => "R", 'certificates_list__tab_title_ip_usage' => "Used", 'certificates_list__tab_title_name' => "Certificate name", 'certificates_list__tab_title_pvt_key' => "K", 'cf_conf__page_title' => "ColdFusion Settings", 'cf_conf__path' => "ColdFusion installation path", 'cf_conf__wrong_path_entered' => "Incorrect installation path.", 'ch_pass__admin_pass' => "Changing Administrator's Password", 'ch_pass__old_pass' => "Old password", 'ch_pass__pass_confirm' => "Confirm", 'ch_pass__unable_change_admin_pass' => "Unable to change the administrator's password: %1", 'check_mail_cycle__aliases' => "Mail cycling is detected, the address \"%1\" is contained in the aliases of this mail account.", 'check_mail_cycle__autoresponders' => "Mail cycling is detected, the address \"%1\" is contained in the auto-replies of this mail account.", 'check_mail_cycle__mail_groups' => "Mail cycling is detected, the address \"%1\" is contained in the mail group of this mail account.", 'check_mail_cycle__mail_name' => "Mail cycling is detected, the address \"%1\" coincides with this mail account.", 'check_mail_cycle__redirect' => "Mail cycling is detected, the address \"%1\" coincides with the forwarder of this mail account.", 'chk_js__enter_login_and_passwd' => "Enter username and password.", 'chk_js__enter_login_name' => "Enter username.", 'chk_js__enter_passwd' => "Enter password.", 'bt_change_owner' => 'Assign New Owner', 'chown__new_owner' => "New owner", 'chown__selected_domains' => "Selected subscriptions", 'chown__limits_legend' => "Resources", 'chown__limit_name' => "Resource name", 'chown__limit_value' => "Allocated resources", 'chown__limit_assigned_before' => "Before transfer", 'chown__limit_assigned_after' => "After transfer", 'chown__error_limits' => "Unable to continue subscription transfer: this subscription requires more resources than can be provided by the new owner's provider.", 'chown__error_no_domains' => "Unable to continue subscription transfer: no subscriptions selected.", 'chown__error_empty_ip_pool' => "Unable to continue subscription transfer: IP pool of the new owner's provider is empty. Please make sure that the provider has at least one IP address in the pool.", 'chown__please_select_new_domain_owner' => 'Select the new owner for this subscription.', 'chown__old_ip_address' => 'Current IP address', 'chown__new_ip_address' => 'New IP address', 'chown__sitebuilder_not_installed' => 'Presence Builder is not installed', 'chown__domain_exclude_sitebuilder_not_installed' => 'The subscription %1 cannot be transferred to another owner because Presence Builder is not installed.', // end of shramko part // serge part 'chk_js__warning_about_login_syntax' => "You can use lowercase alphanumeric, dash and underscore symbols in the username. The username should start with an alphabetic symbol. The password should not contain the username and quote.", 'chk_js__warning_about_ftp_login_syntax' => "You can use alphanumeric, dash and underscore symbols in the username.", 'chk_js__warning_about_login_syntax_win' => "You can use lowercase alphanumeric, dash, dot and underscore symbols in the username. The username should start with an alphabetic symbol or a number. The password should not contain the username and quote.", 'chk_js__warning_about_passwd_syntax' => "Do not use quotes, space and national alphabet characters in a password.\nThe password length should be from 5 to 14 characters in length, and it should not contain the username.", 'chk_js__warning_about_plesk_login_syntax' => "You can use lowercase alphanumeric, dot, dash and underscore symbols in the username.", 'chk_js__warning_about_plesk_login_syntax_win' => "You can use lowercase alphanumeric, dash and underscore symbols in the username. The username should start with an alphabetic symbol.", 'chk_js__warning_about_plesk_passwd_syntax' => "Do not use quotes, space and national alphabet characters in a password.\nThe password should be between 5 and 14 characters in length, and it should not contain the username.", 'chk_js__warning_about_pam_passwd_error' => "Wrong system user account was specified: %1", 'cl_ed__edit_cl' => "%1's account details", 'cl_limits__cl' => "Customer %1's limits", 'cl_logo__setup_logo_pref' => "Set logo properties for customer %1", 'cl_new__enter_new_cl_data' => "Enter the information on new customer", 'cl_new__unable_to_sent_notification' => 'The user account was created, however, sending a notice to the customer failed: %1', 'cl_perm__all_ip' => "All available IPs", 'cl_perm__all_ip_based_hst_will_be_nb' => "All IP-based hosting accounts for customer will be transferred to Name-based.", 'cl_perm__allow_client_create_domain' => "The fields you are trying to select are only applicable to customers who are allowed to create domains.", 'cl_perm__allow_create_nb_w_ip' => "Customer can create Name-based hosting using %1", 'cl_perm__allow_creation_ip_based_hosting' => "Allow IP-based hosting accounts creation", 'cl_perm__available_ips' => "Available IPs", 'cl_perm__change_limits' => "Limits adjustment", 'cl_perm__cl_disk_space' => "Total disk space available", 'cl_perm__cl_expiration' => "Customer account validity period", 'cl_perm__cl_max_box' => "Mailboxes", 'cl_perm__cl_max_db' => "Databases", 'cl_perm__cl_max_dom' => "Domains", 'cl_perm__cl_max_maillists' => "Mailing lists", 'cl_perm__cl_max_subdom' => "Subdomains", 'cl_perm__cl_max_traffic' => "Total amount of traffic available", 'cl_perm__cl_max_webapps' => "Java applications", 'cl_perm__cl_max_wu' => "Web users", 'cl_perm__cl_mbox_quota' => "The mailbox size limit for this user account", 'cl_perm__current_maximum_exp_date' => "The current maximum value of domain validity period is %1; requested %2.\n", 'cl_perm__current_maximum_mailbox_quota' => "The currently defined limit on amount of disk space allocated for housing mailboxes under this user account is %1; requested %2\n", 'cl_perm__current_total_requested' => "The current total value of domain limits for %1 is %2; requested %3.\n", 'cl_perm__current_total_requested_dom' => "Current number of %1 belonging to this customer is %2; requested %3.\n", 'cl_perm__disk_space' => "maximum amount of disk space", 'cl_perm__dashboard_stdgui' => 'User interface', 'cl_perm__dashboard' => 'Home page view', 'cl_perm__stdgui' => 'Standard view', 'cl_perm__manage_dashboard' => 'Home page management', 'cl_perm__dashboard_and_stdgui' => 'Home page view and standard view are allowed', 'cl_perm__dashboard_only' => 'Only Home page view is allowed', 'cl_perm__stdgui_only' => 'Only standard view is allowed', 'cl_perm__edit_cl' => "Customer %1's permissions", 'cl_perm__exp_date_exceeded' => "The validity period you are trying to set exceeds the limit specified within individual domains related to this customer.\n", 'cl_perm__invalid_value' => "Invalid value, only digits are allowed.", 'cl_perm__limit_disk_space' => "%1 Limit the total amount of disk space", 'cl_perm__limit_expiration' => "%1 Limit the validity period for the customer account", 'cl_perm__limit_max_box' => "%1 Limit the maximum number of mailboxes", 'cl_perm__limit_max_db' => "%1 Limit the maximum number of databases", 'cl_perm__limit_max_dom' => "%1 Limit the maximum number of domains", 'cl_perm__limit_max_maillists' => "%1 Limit the maximum number of mailing lists", 'cl_perm__limit_max_subdom' => "%1 Limit the maximum number of subdomains", 'cl_perm__limit_max_traffic' => "%1 Limit the total amount of traffic", 'cl_perm__limit_max_webapps' => "%1 Limit the maximum number of Java web applications", 'cl_perm__limit_max_wu' => "%1 Limit the maximum number of web users", 'cl_perm__limit_mbox_quota' => "%1 Set the mailbox quota", 'cl_perm__limits_exceeded' => "One or several limits you are trying to set are already exceeded by the limits defined within individual domains belonging to this customer.\nThe total limit for the customer must be more or equal to the total sum of the domain limits defined for this customer account.\n", 'cl_perm__mailbox_quota_exceeded' => "The limit on amount of disk space allocated for mailboxes you are trying to set exceeds the limit defined within individual domains related to this customer account.\n", 'cl_perm__mailbox_quota_exceeds_server_limit' => "The limit on amount of disk space allocated for mailboxes you are trying to set exceeds the limitation imposed at the server level.", 'cl_perm__make_dumps' => "Back up and restore data", 'cl_perm__max_box' => "maximum number of mailboxes", 'cl_perm__max_db' => "maximum number of databases", 'cl_perm__max_dom' => "domains", 'cl_perm__max_dom_aliases' => "domain aliases", 'cl_perm__max_maillists' => "maximum number of mailing lists", 'cl_perm__max_subdom' => "subdomains", 'cl_perm__max_traffic' => "maximum amount of traffic", 'cl_perm__max_webapps' => "maximum number of Java applications", 'cl_perm__max_wu' => "maximum number of web users", 'cl_perm__mbox_quota' => "mailbox quota", 'cl_perm__not_allow_create_nb_hst' => "Customer cannot create Name-based hosting.", 'cl_perm__select_ip_addrs' => "Select IP addresses", 'cl_perm__this_ip_used_vrt_hst' => "This IP address is used by virtual hosting.\nTo delete this IP address, remove hosting service or change its type to Name-based.", 'cl_perm__unable_off_ipb_creating' => "Customer already has IP-based hosting service set up. To deactivate this feature for the customer, clear the \"Domain creation\" check box or remove all IP-based hosting accounts.", 'cl_perm__unable_off_nb_creating' => "Customer already has Name-based hosting service set-up. To deactivate this feature for the customer, clear the \"Domain creation\" check box or remove all Name-based hosting accounts.", 'cl_perm__unable_set_domain_limit' => "Unable to limit the maximum number of domains: customer already has %1 domains", 'cl_perm__unable_update_client_limitations' => "Unable to modify the limits of customer account: %1", 'cl_pref__edit_cl' => "Customer %1's preferences", 'class_anonftp__create_ftp_domain' => "No virtual FTP domain for this dom_id, try creating it first.", 'class_anonftp__incoming_disk_space_should_be_lower' => "The disk space limit you are trying to set (%1) should not exceed the total disk space limit defined at the domain level (%2).", 'class_anonftp__invalid_input_only_digits' => "Invalid value specified, only digits are allowed.", 'class_anonftp__unable_change_ownerships' => "Unable to change ownership or permissions for the quota file: %1", 'class_anonftp__unable_copy_quota_file' => "Unable to copy the quota file: %1", 'class_anonftp__unable_get_disk_usage' => "Unable to retrieve disk usage information on the incoming directory: %1", 'class_anonftp__unable_parse_quota_file' => "Unable to parse the quota file.", 'class_anonftp__unable_read_quota_file' => "Unable to read the quota file: %1", 'class_anonftp__unable_update_quota' => "Unable to update quota: the files in the incoming directory use %1 KBs of disk space, which exceeds the new quota value.", 'class_anonftp__unable_write_temp_file' => "Unable to write to the temporary file: %1", 'class_bsdomain__warn_max_date__' => "The expiration date was set to %1", 'class_client__client_creation_notification' => "Customer creation notice.", 'class_client__client_with_contact_name_already_exists' => "Customer with name %1 already exists.", 'class_client__disk_space' => "Disk space", 'class_client__invalid_max_dom' => "Invalid number of domains value, only digits are allowed.", 'class_client__limit_exceed' => "The requested amount of %1 cannot be allocated because this would exceed the allotments for customer %2's account (%3). If you want to allocate more resources, go to Customers > customer name > Limits and change the allotments as required. Then return to this screen and try adjusting the allotments again.", 'class_client__limit_exceed_unlimited' => "If you wish to allocate the unlimited amount of resources (%1), you should first go to Customers > customer name > Limits, and select the Unlimited check box corresponding to the required resource type. Then return to this screen and try adjusting the allotments again.", 'class_client__max_box' => "Mailboxes", 'class_client__max_db' => "Databases", 'class_client__max_maillists' => "Mailing lists", 'class_client__max_subdom' => "Subdomains", 'class_client__max_dom_aliases' => "Domain aliases", 'class_client__max_traffic' => "Maximum traffic", 'class_client__max_webapps' => "Java applications", 'class_client__max_wu' => "Web users", 'class_client__mbox_quota' => "Mailbox quota", 'class_client__unable_define_cl_status' => "Unable to define status of customer account: %1", 'class_client__unable_define_inactive_dom' => "Unable to define inactive domains %1.", 'class_client__unable_del_ip' => "Unable to remove IPs: %1", 'class_db__db_name_not_set' => "Database name is not defined.", 'class_db__db_not_exist_for_curr_dom' => "The database does not exist for this domain.", 'class_db__invalid_db_or_dom_name' => "The domain or database ID is invalid or database name is not defined.", 'class_db__invalid_pass' => "The password is invalid.", 'class_db__mailgrp_member_exist' => "The mail group member already exists.", 'class_db__access_hosts_notsupport' => 'Access hosts setting is not supported for this database type', 'class_db__unable_add' => 'Unable to add access host record: %1', 'class_db__unable_del' => 'Unable to delete access host record: %1', 'class_db__inc_user_not_exist' => 'Database user "%1" does not exist', 'class_db__inc_access_record_exist' => 'This access record already exists', 'class_db__inc_access_record_not_exist' => 'Given access record does not exist', 'class_db__inc_unable_del_last_record' => 'Unable to delete the last access host record', 'class_domtmpleditform__dns_master' => "Master", 'class_domtmpleditform__dns_slave' => "Slave", 'class_domtmpleditform__dns_type' => "Type of domain DNS zone", 'class_notificationform__admin' => "Administrator", 'class_notificationform__client' => "Customer", 'class_notificationform__client_creation_text' => "Customer account creation", 'class_notificationform__days' => " days in advance", 'class_notificationform__domain_creation_text' => "Site creation", 'class_notificationform__domain_exp_warning_text' => "Subscription expiration warning", 'class_notificationform__domain_exp_warning_text_powerUser' => "Webspace expiration warning", 'class_notificationform__domain_expiration_text' => "Subscription expiration", 'class_notificationform__domain_expiration_text_powerUser' => "Webspace expiration", 'class_notificationform__domain_limits_exceed_text' => 'Resource usage limits exceeded by subscription', 'class_notificationform__domain_limits_exceed_text_powerUser' => 'Resource usage limits exceeded by webspace', 'class_notificationform__domain_user' => "Domain Administrator", 'class_notificationform__email_address' => "Email address", 'class_notificationform__event' => "Event", 'class_notificationform__expiration_time' => "Send expiration warnings ", 'class_notificationform__invalid_email' => "Incorrect email address specified.", 'class_notificationform__invalid_exp_time' => "Number of days is invalid.", 'class_notificationform__send_notif_to' => "Send notice to", 'class_notificationform__title' => "Set Up Sending of Email Notices on System Events", 'class_notificationform__apslicensing_error_occurred_text' => "Application licensing error occurred", 'class_traffichistory__no_data_available' => "No data available.", 'class_traffichistory__reten_pref' => 'Web and traffic statistics retention settings', 'class_traffichistory__traffic_usage' => "Traffic usage", 'clienttrafficlist_header' => "Traffic at domains", 'clienttrafficlist_header_of_client__' => "Traffic at the domains of customer %1", 'cmd_dns__a_dns_record_already_exist' => "Such an A DNS record already exists.", 'cmd_dns__domain_has_no_ns' => 'Domain has no NS DNS record.', 'cmd_dns__canonical_dom_name_is_invalid' => "Canonical domain name is invalid.", 'cmd_dns__cname_dns_record_already_exist' => "Such a CNAME DNS record already exists.", 'cmd_dns__cname_in_rr_combination' => 'Incorrect combination of DNS records is present in the DNS zone', 'cmd_dns__cname_coexist_with_data' => 'CNAME DNS zone record cannot coexist with other DNS records in the same zone.', 'cmd_dns__dns_record_type_is_invalid' => "DNS record type is invalid.", 'cmd_dns__ext_host_is_not_resolved' => "Unable to resolve the canonical name %1.", 'cmd_dns__domain_restore_dns_zone_failed_add_record' => 'Unable to restore the DNS zone: an error occurred while adding the %1 record: %2', 'cmd_dns__mail_dom_name_is_invalid' => "Mail exchanger name is invalid.", 'cmd_dns__mx_priority_is_invalid' => "MX priority is invalid.", 'cmd_dns__name_server_is_invalid' => "Name server is invalid.", 'cmd_dns__network_mask_should_be_24_16_or_8' => "Network mask value should be 24, 16 or 8.", 'cmd_dns__this_dns_record_already_exists' => "Such a DNS record already exists.", 'cmd_dns__unable_add_record' => "Unable to add '%1' record: %2", 'cmd_dns__unable_add_a_record' => "Unable to add A record: %1", 'cmd_dns__unable_add_cname_record' => "Unable to add CNAME record: %1", 'cmd_dns__unable_add_dns_record' => "Unable to add DNS record: %1.", 'cmd_dns__unable_add_ext_ns_record' => "Unable to add EXT_NS record: %1", 'cmd_dns__unable_add_ns_record' => "Unable to add NS record: %1", 'cmd_dns__unable_add_ptr_record' => "Unable to add PTR record: %1", 'cmd_dns__unable_add_txt_record' => "Unable to add TXT record: %1", 'cmd_dns__unable_create_dns_zone' => "Unable to create the DNS zone %1", 'cmd_dns__unable_define_dns_record' => "Unable to define the DNS record %1.", 'cmd_dns__unable_get_default_dns_zone_status_set_true' => "Unable to retrieve the default DNS zone status: %1", 'cmd_dns__unable_insert_a_record' => "Unable to insert A record: %1", 'cmd_dns__unable_insert_mx_record' => "Unable to insert MX record: %1", 'cmd_dns__unable_insert_ns_record' => "Unable to insert NS record: %1", 'cmd_dns__unable_set_dns_zone_status' => "Unable to set the DNS zone status: %1", 'cmd_domains__dom_already_exists' => "Domain %1 already exists.", 'cmd_domains__dns_record_already_exists' => "Unable to create the domain %1 because a DNS record pointing to the host %1 already exists.", 'cmd_domains__dom_already_exists1' => "There are %2 subdomains in this domain. Domain %1 already exists.", 'cmd_domains__dom_already_exists2' => "the subdomain %1 already exists.", 'cmd_domains__dalias_already_exists' => "This alias already exists.", 'cmd_domains__unable_del_mail_for_dom' => "Unable to delete the mail services for domain: %1", 'cmd_domains__unable_delete_anonymous_ftp' => "Unable to delete anonymous FTP account for domain: %1", 'cmd_domains__unable_update_dom_param' => "Unable to update the domain parameters: %1.", 'cmd_domains__unable_rename_client_exist' => "domain administrator's username is already in use.", 'cmd_hosting__hst_type_is_not_physical_hst' => "Hosting type is not physical.", 'cmd_hosting__unable_create_user' => "Unable to create user %2: %1", 'cmd_hosting__unable_define_ip_addr_for_name_based_virtual_hosts' => "Unable to define IP address for the name-based virtual hosts: %1", 'cmd_hosting__unable_del_old_hst' => "Unable to delete the previously set up hosting: %1", 'cmd_hosting__unable_del_protected_directory' => "Unable to delete protected directory: %1.", 'cmd_hosting__unable_del_web_user' => "Unable to delete web user: %1", 'cmd_hosting__unable_make/update_virtual_host' => "Unable to create or update the Virtual Host: %1", 'cmd_hosting__unable_make_frame_forward_hst' => "Unable to set up the frame forwarding hosting.", 'cmd_hosting__unable_rebuild_ftp_config' => "Unable to rebuild the proftpd configuration file: %1.", 'cmd_hosting__unable_set_up_ssl' => "Unable to set up SSL: %1.", 'cmd_hosting__unable_unprotect_ssl_directory' => "Unable to remove protection from the SSL directory: %1", 'cmd_hosting__unable_update_dest_url' => "Unable to update the destination URL %1.", 'cmd_hosting__unable_update_dns_zone_for_dom_unable_exec_util' => "Unable to update the DNS zone for the domain: utility execution failed.", 'cmd_hosting__unable_update_ftp_passwd' => "Unable to update FTP password %1.", 'cmd_hosting__unable_update_user' => "Unable to update user %2: %1", 'cmd_hosting__unknown_hst_type' => "Unknown hosting type.", 'cmd_hosting__you_not_have_permission_del_hst' => "You do not have the permission to terminate hosting service.", 'cmd_mail__addr_already_used_in_mail_redirect' => "Address %1 is already being used for mail forwarding.", 'cmd_mail__alias_already_exists' => "alias already exists.", 'cmd_mail__autoresp_id_and_mailname_id_not_match' => "Auto-reply's ID and mail account's ID do not match.", 'cmd_mail__autoresp_id_is_undefined' => "Auto-Reply ID is undefined.", 'cmd_mail__mail_alias_already_exists_in_mail_name' => "A mail alias with such a name already exists for the mail account %1.", 'cmd_mail__mail_name_already_exists_in_maillists' => "Mail account %1 is already subscribed to this mailing list.", 'cmd_mail__mail_name_alredy_exist_in_dom' => "Mail account %1 already exists in this domain.", 'cmd_mail__mail_name_not_exist' => "The mail account does not exist.", 'cmd_mail__mail_name_passwd_part' => "The password should not contain mail account name as its part.", 'cmd_mail__mail_redirect_addr_is_invalid' => "Mail forwarding address is invalid.", 'cmd_mail__maillist_already_exist_in_this_dom' => "Mailing list %1 already exists on this domain.", 'cmd_mail__maillist_already_exists' => "Mailing list already exists.", 'cmd_mail__mailname_already_exist_in_mg' => "Mail account %1 is already in a mail group.", 'cmd_mail__mailname_already_exist_in_redir' => "Mail account %1 already uses mail forwarding service.", 'cmd_mail__mailname_already_exist_in_this_dom' => "Mail account %1 already exists in this domain.", 'cmd_mail__mailname_already_exists' => "Mail account already exists.", 'cmd_mail__mailname_is_invalid' => "Mail account name %1 is invalid.", 'cmd_mail__mailname_unable_update' => "Unable to update the mail account properties:", 'cmd_mail__max_autoresp_reached_for_this_dom' => "Maximum number of auto-replies was reached for this domain.", 'cmd_mail__max_mail_groups_num_has_been_reached_for_this_dom' => "Maximum number of mail groups was reached for this domain.", 'cmd_mail__max_num_of_redirects_has_been_reached_for_this_dom' => "Maximum number of forwarders was reached for this domain.", 'cmd_mail__max_postboxes_num_has_been_reached' => "Maximum number of mailboxes was reached.", 'cmd_mail__no_members_specified' => "no members specified.", 'cmd_mail__the_passwd_is_too_simple_choose_another' => "The password is too simple, please choose another one.", 'cmd_mail__this_addr_already_exist_in_mg_or_mn' => "This email address is already used.", 'cmd_mail__unable_define_autoresp_id' => "Unable to define auto-reply ID %1.", 'cmd_mail__unable_update_mail_for_dom' => "Failed to change the mail service settings for domain %1", 'cmd_mail__unable_del_mail_for_dom' => "Unable to remove the mail service from domain %1.", 'cmd_mail__unable_del_mail_redirection' => "Unable to remove the mail forwarding service %1.", 'cmd_mail__unable_remove_autoresp' => "Unable to remove auto-replies: %1", 'cmd_mail__unable_remove_mail_group_members' => "Unable to remove the mail group members: %1", 'cmd_mail__unable_remove_redirect' => "Unable to remove mail forwarding: %1", 'cmd_mail__unable_turn_off_mail_group' => "Failed to switch off the mail group: %1", 'cmd_mail__unable_update_mail_redirect' => "Unable to reconfigure the mail forwarding service %1.", 'cmd_mail__unable_update_mbox_quota' => "Unable to update the mailbox quota.", 'cmd_mail__uploaded_file_is_too_big' => "Uploaded file size is too large.", 'cmd_mail__additionally' => "Additionally: ", 'cmd_pd__invalid_login' => "Incorrect username.", 'cmd_pd__this_user_already_exist' => "Such a user already exists.", 'cmd_pd__unable_define_hst_type' => "Unable to define hosting type.", 'cmd_pd__unable_upd_pd_usr' => "Unable to update protected directory user properties: %1.", 'cmd_pd__user_is_undefined' => "User is undefined.", 'cmd_server__no_enough_free_disk_space' => "Not enough disk space.", 'cmd_server__old_passwd_is_incorrect_please_try_again' => "old password is incorrect. Please, try again.", 'cmd_web_usr__max_web_users_reached_for_this_dom' => "maximum web users limit is reached for this domain.", 'cmd_web_usr__unable_create_user' => "unable to create system user: %1", 'cmd_web_usr__unable_define_max_web_users_limit' => "unable to define maximum web users limit: %1", 'cmd_web_usr__user_already_exists' => "user already exists.", 'cmd_web_usr__web_user_name_is_invalid' => "web user name %1 is invalid.", 'cmd_web_usr__web_user_not_exist' => "web user does not exist.", 'common_func__exec_bad_argument' => "exec argument should not contain single quote symbol.", 'common_acl__add_address' => 'Add to Common Allow Zone Transfer ACL', 'common_acl_add_record' => 'Add an ACL record', 'enter_ip_or_network_address' => 'Enter IP or network address', '__eol' => 'Line breaks', 'eol__binary_file' => 'Unable to change line break style in binary file.', 'comp_info__header' => 'Components', 'comp_info__comp_name' => "Component name", 'comp_info__comp_version' => "Component version", 'comp_info__title' => "Plesk Components", 'configure__full_hostname_hint' => "Specify the full domain name for this server. Example:", 'configure__default_ip_address_hint' => 'Specify the IP address that will be used as the main server IP address. Select an existing IP address or click Add IP Address to add a new IP address to the system. If you want the new IP address to be shared between several customer accounts, select the Shared check box.', 'configure__default_ip_address_hint_select_only' => 'Specify the IP address that will be used as the main IP address for this server.', 'configure__shared_ip_address_hint' => 'You can change the type of existing IP addresses from dedicated to shared. Shared IP addresses can be assigned to multiple user accounts. To change the IP address type from dedicated to shared, select IP addresses in the list of dedicated IP addresses, and click Shared.', '__default_ip_address' => 'Default IP Address', 'configure__default_ip_select' => 'Select an address', 'configure__default_ip_new' => 'Add IP Address', 'configure__ip_interface' => 'Interface', 'configure__ip_address' => 'IP Address', 'configure__ip_shared' => 'Shared', 'configure__select_exlusive_ips' => 'Dedicated IP addresses', 'configure__select_shared_ips' => 'Shared IP addresses', 'configure__admin_password_change' => "Please change the default administrator password.", 'configure__error_named_restart' => "Named restart error. For proper named work you should restart it.", 'configure__fill_following_fields' => "Fill the requested information into the appropriate fields. This information is required for %1 to work.", 'configure__full_hostname' => "Full hostname", 'configure__unable_configure' => "Unable to configure: %1", 'cp_access_admin_deny' => "Access for administrator from address '%1' is restricted in accordance with IP Access restriction policy currently applied.", 'cp_access_curr_ip_access_deny' => "The access restriction policy and the list of networks are currently configured the way you will not be able to log in with administrator's rights from your IP address '%1'.", 'cp_access_edit_header' => "Network editing", 'cp_access_exists' => "The network is already in the IP access restriction list.", 'cp_access_header' => "IP access restriction management", 'cp_access_policy' => "Access to Plesk with administrator's privileges", 'cp_access_policy_allow' => "Allowed, excluding the networks in the list.", 'cp_access_policy_deny' => "Denied from the networks that are not listed.", 'cp_access_remove_header' => "Network removal", 'cp_access_select_ip' => "Select one or several networks from the IP access restriction list.", 'cp_access_switch_confirmation' => "Change the access policy?", 'cp_access_switch_deny_error' => "Unable to change the access policy: no networks specified.", 'cp_access_switch_deny_now' => "The access policy was changed because there are no networks specified.", 'cp_access__network_address' => 'Subnet or IP address', 'cp_access__network_mask' => 'Subnet mask', 'create_domain_warn__' => "The following exceptions were made during domain creation:", 'create_domain__client_select' => 'Select the customer to create the domain for', 'crontab__crontab_entry_exists' => "The scheduled task already exists.", 'crontab__crontab_entry_not_exists' => "The scheduled task does not exist.", 'crontab__invalid_values_found' => "Incorrect parameter values.", 'crontab_edit__crontab_of__' => "Schedule a Task for %2", 'crontab_edit__cmd_max_len' => "The command you specified exceeds the allowed length (%1 symbols).", 'crontab_list__mail_to__' => "Scheduler notification", 'crontab_list__mail_to_off' => "Switched off", 'crontab_list__mail_to_default' => "Send to the default email (%1)", 'crontab_list__mail_to_specify' => "Send to the email I specify", 'crontab_list__mail_to_specified' => "Send to the specified email (%1)", 'crontab_list__mail_to_is_invalid' => "The address for %1 messages delivery is incorrect.", 'crontab_list__remove_on_user__' => "Remove the scheduled tasks of %2", 'crontab_list__select_to_remove' => "Select the %1 tasks to be removed.", 'crontab_list__show_crontab_of__' => "Show %1 of %2", 'crontab_list__sysuser_list_empty' => "There are no %1 tasks available", 'crontab_list__tasks_header' => "tasks", 'crontab_list__tasks' => "Scheduled Tasks", 'crontab_list__tasks_id' => "Task id %1", 'bt_domain_aliases' => 'Domain Aliases', 'bt_domain_alias_add' => 'Add Domain Alias', 'pb__domain_aliases' => 'Domain Aliases', 'dashboard__nav_button_name' => "Home", 'dalias__list_title' => 'Domain aliases of the domain %1', 'dalias__list_legend' => 'Domain aliases', 'dalias__list_header' => 'Domain aliases', 'dalias__list_status' => 'S', 'dalias__list_name' => 'Domain alias name', 'dalias__list_ascii_name' => 'In ASCII format', 'dalias__remove_title' => 'The following domain aliases of the domain %1 will be removed:', 'dalias__select_domain_aliases_to_remove' => 'Select the domain aliases to be removed.', 'dalias__mail_turn_on_failed' => 'Unable to turn on mail service: %1', 'dalias__web_turn_on_failed' => 'Unable to turn on web service: %1', 'db_usr_edit__db_usr_name_old' => "Old database user name", 'databases__db_admin_login' => "%1 administrator's username", 'databases__not_installed' => "(not installed)", 'databases__not_supported_license' => "(not supported by your license key)", 'databases__title' => "Database Management and Administrator's Credentials", 'databases__unable_connect' => "Unable to access database. Incorrect parameters.", 'databases__incorrect_db_admin_login' => 'The username can contain only alphanumeric, dash and underscore symbols, and should begin with an alphabetic symbol.', 'databases__incorrect_db_admin_passwd' => 'The password should not contain the username.', 'database_servers_form__title' => 'Database Servers', 'database_servers_form__server_list_legend' => 'Database servers', 'database_servers_form__remove_empty_selection' => 'No database servers selected.', 'database_servers_form__remove_title' => 'The following database servers will be removed:', 'database_server_database_list__client' => 'Customer', 'database_server_database_list__domain' => 'Domain', 'database_server_database_list__header' => 'Databases', 'database_server_database_list__name' => 'Name', 'database_server_databases_form__databases_list_legend' => 'Databases', 'database_server_databases_form__remove_empty_selection' => 'No databases selected.', 'database_server_databases_form__remove_title' => 'The following databases will be removed:', 'database_server_databases_form__tab' => 'Databases (%1)', 'database_server_edit_form__admin_login' => "Username", 'database_server_edit_form__admin_password' => "Password", 'database_server_edit_form__admin_password2' => "Confirm password", 'database_server_edit_form__default' => 'Use this server as default for %1', 'database_server_edit_form__duplicate' => 'A database server with this combination of host address and port number is already registered.', 'database_server_edit_form__host' => 'Host name or IP address', 'database_server_edit_form__legend_authentication' => 'Authentication', 'database_server_edit_form__legend_general' => 'General', 'database_server_edit_form__port' => 'Port number', 'database_server_edit_form__port_hint' => 'Leave blank for the default port number', 'database_server_edit_form__tab' => 'Database server', 'database_server_edit_form__title_new' => 'New database server', 'database_server_edit_form__title_edit' => 'Database server on %1', 'database_server_edit_form__type' => 'Database server type', 'database_server_edit_form__unix_socket' => '(local connection)', 'database_server_error__consult_admin' => 'Please contact the server administrator.', 'database_server_error__last__connection_failed' => 'The last attempt to control this database server failed because of network problems.', 'database_server_error__last__permission_denied' => 'The last attempt to control this database server failed because the supplied account does not possess administrative privileges.', 'database_server_error__last__credentials_not_set' => "The last attempt to connect to this server failed because no valid administrator's username and password were specified.", 'database_server_error__last__other_error' => 'The last attempt to control this database server failed.', 'database_server_error__real__connection_failed' => 'Connection to the database server has failed because of network problems:', 'database_server_error__real__permission_denied' => 'Connection to the database server has failed because the supplied account does not possess administrative privileges:', 'database_server_error__real__duplicate_object' => 'Connection to the database server has failed because of a name clash:', 'database_server_error__real__unacceptable_name' => 'Connection to the database server has failed because of an invalid object name:', 'database_server_error__real__unacceptable_password' => 'Connection to the database server has failed because of an unacceptable password:', 'database_server_error__real__credentials_not_set' => "Plesk cannot connect to the database server because no valid administrator's username and password were specified.", 'database_server_error__real__other_error' => 'Connection to the database server failed:', 'database_server_error__test__connection_failed' => 'The test connection to the database server has failed because of network problems:', 'database_server_error__test__permission_denied' => 'The test connection to the database server has failed because the supplied account does not possess administrative privileges:', 'database_server_error__test__duplicate_object' => 'The test connection to the database server has failed because of a name clash:', 'database_server_error__test__unacceptable_name' => 'The test connection to the database server has failed because of an invalid object name:', 'database_server_error__test__unacceptable_password' => 'The test connection to the database server has failed because of an unacceptable password:', 'database_server_error__test__credentials_not_set' => "The test connection to this server has failed because no valid administrator's username and password were specified.", 'database_server_error__test__other_error' => 'The test connection to the database server has failed:', 'database_server_list__header' => 'Database servers', 'database_server_list__last_error' => 'S', 'database_server_list__type' => 'Server type', 'database_server_list__host' => 'Host name', 'database_server_list__port' => 'Port', 'database_server_list__dbcount' => 'Databases', 'db__create_new_db' => "Add new database", 'db__db_add' => "Add New Database", 'db__db_for_dom' => "Databases of Website %1", 'db__db_id_undefined' => "Database ID is undefined.", 'db__db_name' => "Database name", 'db__db_not_exist' => "Database does not exist.", 'db__db_type' => "Type", 'db__db_server' => "Database server", 'db_server_not_exist' => "Database server does not exist.", 'db__db_user_not_exist' => "Database user does not exist.", 'db__domain_not_exist' => "Domain does not exist.", 'db__enter_db_name' => "Enter new database name.", 'db__invalid_db_id' => "Database identifier is invalid.", 'db__invalid_db_name' => "Database name is invalid. The database name should contain only Latin alphabet symbols, digits, underscore or dash. It cannot be longer than 63 symbols.", 'db__max_db_reached_for_dom' => "The limit on number of databases is reached for this domain.", 'db__postgres_not_connect_for_admin' => "Unable to connect to PostgreSQL. Switch on PostgreSQL support on the server administration page.", 'db__postgres_not_connect_for_client' => "Unable to connect to PostgreSQL. Consult your system administrator for help.", 'db__remove_db_on_domain_of_cl' => "The following databases for domain %2 owned by customer %1 will be removed:", 'db__remove_db_linked_resource' => 'This database is in use by a web application. It can be removed only after uninstalling this web application.', 'db__remove_db_users_of_cl' => "The following users of database %3 under the website %2 owned by the customer %1 will be removed:", 'db__select_db_for_remove' => "Select the databases to be removed.", 'db__select_db_users_for_remove' => "Select the database users to be removed.", 'db__unable_create_db_user' => "Unable to create the database user: %1", 'db__unable_define_db_name' => "Unable to define the database name: %1", 'db__unable_define_db_user' => "Unable to define the database user: %1", 'db__unable_define_db_users' => "Unable to define database users: %1", 'db__unable_select_dom_name' => "Unable to select domain name: %1", 'db_edit__db_for_dom' => "Users for database %1 on domain %2", 'db_edit__invalid_db_name' => "The database name is invalid.", 'db_edit__no_users' => "There are no users with credentials for this database.", 'db_edit__unable_define_db_usrs' => "Unable to define the database users: %1", 'db_edit__unable_select_db_usr' => "Unable to select the database user.", 'db_edit__db_user_password_for_' => "Please type in the password to log in as the database user %1 ", 'db_list__tab_title_db_type' => "T", 'db_usr_edit__add_db_usr' => "Add database user", 'db_usr_edit__db_usr_name' => "Database user name", 'db_usr_edit__edit_db_usr' => "Set up credentials for database user account", 'db_usr_edit__for_db' => " in %1 database", 'db_usr_edit__not_create_pass' => "This operation will result in creating a database user account without password.\nDo you wish to create a user without assigning a password?", 'dbuser__only_one_user_can_be_default' => "Only one user can be set as default.", 'db_server__cannot_delete_default' => "The default database server cannot be deleted.", 'db_server__cannot_delete_local' => "The local database server cannot be deleted.", 'db_server__cannot_delete_used' => 'A database server cannot be deleted while there are databases hosted on it.', 'demo__disabled_in_demo' => "This operation is not supported in the demo version.", 'dns__add_dns_master_server' => "Add DNS master server", 'dns__add_dns_record' => "Add DNS record", 'dns__add_nameserver' => "Add nameserver", 'dns__dns_record_not_exist' => "There is no such DNS record in the zone.", 'dns__dns_zone_legend' => 'Resource records', 'dns__dns_zone_master_title' => 'This server acts as a primary nameserver for the DNS zone %1', 'dns__dns_zone_slave_title' => 'This server acts as a secondary nameserver for the DNS zone %1', 'dns__dns_zone_off_title' => 'Nameservers for the DNS zone %1', 'dns__dns_whois_title' => 'Whois Information for %1', 'dns__dns_whois_legend' => '%1', 'dns__dns_whois_error' => 'Whois is unavailable for %1: %2', 'dns__add_dns_record_master_title' => 'Add resource record to the zone', 'dns__add_dns_record_slave_title' => 'Add primary DNS server', 'dns__add_dns_record_off_title' => 'Add nameserver', 'dns__edit_dns_record_master_title' => 'Edit resource record', 'dns__edit_dns_record_slave_title' => 'Edit server record', 'dns__edit_dns_record_off_title' => 'Edit nameserver', 'dns__dns_record_invalid_values' => 'Incorrect DNS record values were specified.', 'dns__dns_zone_invalid_values' => 'Incorrect DNS zone parameters were specified.', 'dns__dns_soa_title' => 'SOA record', 'dns__dns_soa_legend' => 'SOA record', 'dns__dns_soa_ttl' => 'TTL', 'dns__dns_soa_refresh' => 'Refresh', 'dns__dns_soa_retry' => 'Retry', 'dns__dns_soa_expire' => 'Expire', 'dns__dns_soa_minimum' => 'Minimum', 'dns__dns_soa_ttl_error' => 'TTL value is invalid. It can be from 1 second to 68 years.', 'dns__dns_soa_refresh_error' => 'Refresh value is invalid. It can be from 1 second to 68 years.', 'dns__dns_soa_retry_error' => 'Retry value is invalid. It can be from 1 second to 68 years.', 'dns__dns_soa_expire_error' => 'Expire value is invalid. It can be from 1 second to 68 years.', 'dns__dns_soa_minimum_error' => 'Minimum value is invalid. It can be from 1 second to 68 years.', 'dns__dns_default_title' => 'Restore the DNS zone', 'dns__dns_default_legend' => "Zone restoration options", 'dns__dns_default_text' => "Choose settings for the DNS zone restoration, confirm them, and click OK.", 'dns__dns_default_confirm' => "Confirm the restoration of the DNS zone", 'dns__dns_default_confirm_required' => "Please confirm the restoration of the DNS zone", 'dns__dns_default_invalid_ip_address' => 'Invalid IP address', 'dns_t__dns_default_title' => 'Restore the Default DNS Zone Template', 'dns_t__dns_default_legend' => "Restoration options", 'dns_t__dns_default_text' => 'Please confirm that you want to restore the default configuration of the DNS zone template.', 'dns_t__dns_default_confirm' => "Confirm restoration", 'dns_t__dns_default_confirm_required' => "Please confirm the restoration of the DNS zone template", 'dns_t__dns_zone_off_remove_title' => "The following resource records for DNS zone template will be removed:", 'dns_t__dns_zone_master_remove_title' => "The following resource records will be removed from DNS zone template:", 'dns_t__add_dns_record_master_title' => 'Add resource record to the zone template', 'dns_t__add_dns_record_off_title' => 'Add nameserver', 'dns_t__edit_dns_record_master_title' => 'Edit resource record', 'dns_t__edit_dns_record_off_title' => 'Edit nameserver', 'dns_t__select_record_to_remove' => "Select records to be removed from the DNS zone template", 'dns__unit_seconds' => 'seconds', 'dns__unit_minutes' => 'minutes', 'dns__unit_hours' => 'hours', 'dns__unit_days' => 'days', 'dns__unit_weeks' => 'weeks', 'dns__dns_zone_off_remove_title' => "The following resource records will be removed from the zone %1:", 'dns__dns_zone_master_remove_title' => "Removing Resource Records from the DNS Zone %1", 'dns__dns_zone_slave_remove_title' => "The following primary nameserver records for %1 will be removed:", 'dns__dns_zone_status' => "DNS zone status.", 'dns__dns_zone_template' => "DNS Zone Template", 'dns__host' => "Host", 'dns__invalid_ip_address' => "IP address of new master DNS server is invalid or empty.", 'dns__ip_address' => "IP Address", 'dns__master_dns_type' => "is a master DNS server", 'dns__masters' => "DNS master servers", 'dns__soa_minimum_too_large' => 'Caching negative responses for more than three hours is not recommended.', 'dns__select_masters_to_remove' => "Select primary DNS servers to be removed.", 'dns__select_template_record_to_remove' => 'Select DNS template records to be removed.', 'dns__select_common_acl_record_to_remove' => 'Select ACL DNS records to be removed.', 'dns__select_record_to_remove' => 'Select DNS records to be removed.', 'dns__nameservers_for_domain' => "Nameservers for the domain", 'dns__ns' => "Name server", 'dns__ns_record' => "Name servers", 'dns__remove_dns_zone_of_domain__' => "DNS records removal from domain %1", 'dns__remove_dns_zone_template__' => "The following DNS records will be removed from the template:", 'dns__remove_common_acl_record' => "The following ACL records will be removed", 'dns__remove_this_dns_record?' => "Are you sure you wish to remove this DNS record?", 'dns__restore_default' => "Restoring the DNS zone by the template", 'dns__restore_default_confirm' => "Restoring the DNS zone will discard the current DNS zone configuration. Proceed anyway?", 'dns__restore_default_error' => "Error restoring DNS zone:", 'dns__slave_dns_type' => "is a secondary DNS server", 'dns__subdomain_dns_rec_removed' => "The A record was removed from the subdomain zone %1.", 'dns__zone_switched_off_no_ns' => "The zone was switched off because there is no NS record %1, which must be present in the zone. To add the record to the zone, click the Add Record button.", 'dns__cant_switch_on_no_ns' => "The zone cannot be switched on because there is no NS record %1, which must be present in the zone. To add the record to the zone, click the Add Record button.", 'dns__type' => "Record type", 'dns__unable_activate/deactivate_dns' => "Unable to activate/deactivate DNS: %1", 'dns__unable_add_dns_master_duplicate_entry' => "Unable to add DNS master server: duplicate entry.", 'dns__unable_define_dns_record' => "Unable to define the DNS record: %1", 'dns__unable_get_dns_template_status' => "Unable to retrieve the DNS template status.", 'dns__unable_remove_dns_rec' => "Unable to remove the DNS record: %1", 'dns__val' => "Value", 'dns__warnings__' => "The result of DNS zone modification:", 'dns__you_not_have_perm_manage_dns' => "You do not have permission to manage the DNS zone for this domain.", 'dns__zone_record' => "DNS records", 'dns__dns_preferences_form' => 'DNS Recursion Settings', 'dns__dns_recursion_settings' => 'DNS recursion settings', 'dns__allow_recursion' => 'Allow recursion', 'dns_add__add_rec_for_zone' => "Add %1 for zone %2", 'dns_add__canonical_dom_name_is_invalid' => "Canonical domain name is invalid.", 'dns_add__enter_canonical_name' => "Canonical name", 'dns_add__enter_dom_name' => "Domain name", 'dns_add__enter_ip_address' => "IP address", 'dns_add__enter_ip_mask' => "IP address and network mask", 'dns_add__enter_mail_domain' => "Mail domain", 'dns_add__enter_mail_exchanger' => "Mail exchange server", 'dns_add__enter_nameserver' => "Name server", 'dns_add__enter_txt_record' => "TXT record", 'dns_add__enter_service_name' => "Service name", 'dns_add__hint_service_name' => "Example: SIP", 'dns_add__enter_protocol' => "Protocol", 'dns_add__protocol_tcp' => "TCP", 'dns_add__protocol_udp' => "UDP", 'dns_add__enter_srv_priority' => "Priority", 'dns_add__specify_weight_of_service' => "Relative weight for records with the same priority", 'dns_add__enter_target_host' => "Target host", 'dns_add__hint_target_host' => "Example:", 'dns_add__enter_target_port' => "Target port", 'dns_add__invalid_ip' => "IP address is invalid.", 'dns_add__low' => "low", 'dns_add__mail_dom_name_is_invalid' => "Mail domain name is invalid.", 'dns_add__nameserver_is_invalid' => "Name server is invalid.", 'dns_add__record' => "%1 record", 'dns_add__select_prefer_for_mail_exchange_server' => "Specify priority of mail exchange server", 'dns_add__unable_insert_new_dns_rec' => "Unable to insert new DNS record: %1", 'dns_add__very_high' => "very high", 'dns_check__test_dns_zone' => "Test DNS zone %1 on %2", 'dns_check__unable_get_dom_properties' => "Unable to retrieve domain properties: %1", 'dom_ctrl__allowed' => "Allowed", 'dom_ctrl__db' => "Databases", 'dom_ctrl__disk_space' => "Disk space", 'dom_ctrl__dom_adm' => "Domain %1 of %2", 'dom_ctrl__dom_cl' => "Domain %1", 'dom_ctrl__domain_has_forwarding_with_undefined_fwd_url' => "Domain has forwarding set up with undefined forwarding URL", 'dom_ctrl__domain_has_frame_forwarding' => "Domain has frame forwarding to the URL %1", 'dom_ctrl__domain_has_no_hosting' => "Domain has no hosting configured", 'dom_ctrl__domain_has_physical_hosting' => "Web hosting is configured for this domain on IP address %1", 'dom_ctrl__domain_has_standard_forwarding' => "Domain has standard forwarding to the URL %1", 'dom_ctrl__maillists' => "Mailing lists", 'dom_ctrl__mboxes' => "Mailboxes", 'dom_ctrl__mg' => "Mail groups", 'dom_ctrl__redir' => "Mail forwarders", 'dom_ctrl__resource_name' => "Resource", 'dom_ctrl__resp' => "Auto-replies", 'dom_ctrl__subdom' => "Subdomains", 'dom_ctrl__dom_aliases' => "Domain aliases", 'dom_ctrl__traffic' => "Traffic", 'dom_ctrl__unable_activate/deactivate_dom' => "Unable to activate/deactivate domain: %1", 'dom_ctrl__used' => "Used", 'dom_ctrl__webapps' => "Java applications", // end of serge part // maverick part 'dom_ctrl__wu' => "Web users", 'dom_pref__bounce_with_phrase' => "Bounce with message", 'dom_pref__catch_addr' => "Forward to address", 'dom_pref__reject' => 'Reject', 'dom_pref__confirm_domain_removing' => "Please, do not forget to inform the domain visitors of the domain name change. Are you sure you want to rename the domain?", 'dom_pref__db_inconsystency' => "database inconsistency.", 'dom_pref__dbs' => "databases", 'dom_pref__delete_traffic_stat' => "Retain web and traffic statistics", 'dom_pref__delete_traffic_stat_older' => "Retain web and traffic statistics", 'dom_pref__dom_level_name_conflict' => "The domain administrator's username conflicts with a username of one of the customers.", 'dom_pref__invalid_disk_space_limit' => "Invalid disk space limit. Maximum value: %1", 'dom_pref__invalid_expiration_date_limit' => "Invalid validity period.", 'dom_pref__invalid_max_traffic_limit' => "Invalid traffic limit. Maximum value: %1", 'dom_pref__limits_of_dom' => "Limits for domain %1", 'dom_pref__mail_grps' => "mail groups", 'dom_pref__mail_nonexistent_user' => "What to do with mail sent to non-existent users", 'dom_pref__mail_redirs' => "mail forwarders", 'dom_pref__mail_resps' => "mail auto-replies", 'dom_pref__max_limit_is_invalid' => "%1 is invalid.", 'dom_pref__max_num_of_%objects_is_invalid' => "Maximum number of %1 is invalid.", 'dom_pref__new_limit_less_currently_used' => "%1: requested - %2, currently used - %3", 'dom_pref__older_that' => " for ", 'dom_pref__postboxes' => "mailboxes", 'dom_pref__preferences_of_dom' => "Settings for domain %1", 'dom_pref__redirect_to_itself' => "The domain will have the forwarding set to itself", 'dom_pref__traffic_logging_period_couldnt_be_lower' => "You specified the domain traffic statistics retention time to be less than the total value defined for the server (%1 month(s)). The statistics retention period is set equal to the default value for the server (%1 month(s)).", 'dom_pref__unable_add_www_prefix_in_dom' => "Unable to add a www prefix to domain: %1", 'dom_pref__unable_define_physical_hst_param' => "Unable to define physical hosting parameters: %1", 'dom_pref__unable_rename_domain' => "Unable to rename the domain", 'dom_pref__unable_set_up_mbox_quota' => "Unable to set the mailbox quota for this domain: %1", 'dom_pref__unable_set_up_web_user_script' => "Unable to set up scripting for web users: %1", 'dom_pref__unlimited' => "Unlimited", 'dom_pref__web_usrs' => "web users", 'dom_pref__you_already_have_%object' => "You already have %1", 'dom_cli__warning_ignore_quota' => 'WARNING: Option "-hard_quota" is ignored: hard disk quota is not supported', 'dom_user_client_login_exist' => "Unable to allow domain administrator's access to Plesk on the domain %1: this username is already in use.", 'domain__domain_exists' => "There is a domain with name %1.%2.", 'domain__subdomain_exists' => "There is a subdomain with name %1.%2.", 'domain__dalias_exists' => "There is a domain alias with name %1.%2.", 'domain__record_exists' => "There is a DNS record pointing to the host %1.%2.", 'domain__unable_to_turn_on_service' => "Failed to switch on the %1 service.", 'domains__change_the_status_of_domain?' => "Are you sure you want to change the status of domain %1?", 'domains__client_info_hiding_traffic' => "%1 domains, %2 active domains, %3 disk space used", 'domains__unable_to_change_client_status' => "Unable to change the customer account status: %1", 'domains__unable_update_apache_settings' => "Unable to update Apache settings.", 'domains__you_do_not_have_permissions_to_delete_domains' => "You do not have permissions to delete domains.", 'domains__you_want_change_the_status_of_the_cl??' => "Are you sure you want to change the state of customer account?", 'domains__you_want_change_the_cp_access_of_the_cl??' => "Are you sure you want to perform this operation?", 'domains_list__unable_remove_doms' => "Unable to remove domains: %1", 'domaintrafficlist_header_of_domain__' => "Traffic at domain %1", 'ds__anonymous_ftp' => "Anonymous FTP", 'ds__dns' => "DNS Zone", 'ds__mail' => "Mail", 'ds__tomcat' => "Tomcat Java", 'dsr__of_client_title' => "Domain Summary Report of %1", 'dsr__report_has_been_sent_email' => "The report was sent to email: %1", 'dsr__title' => "Domain Summary Report", 'dumps_list__deletion_page_title' => "The following backup files of domain %1 will be removed:", 'dumps_list__dumpfile_is_invalid' => "The file %1 is not a valid domain backup file.", 'dumps_list__page_title' => "Backup files repository", 'dumps_upload__page_title' => "Uploading Backup Files to Repository", 'dumps_list__repository_is_not_exist' => "Backup files repository does not exist.", 'dumps_list__unable_to_remove' => "Unable to remove the backup file: %1", 'dumps_list__dumpfile_can_conflict' => "The file name you specified conflicts with file %1 Please, specify another file name.", 'dusr_ed__allow_dl_usr_access' => "Allow domain administrator access", 'dusr_ed__information' => "Properties of Domain %1's Administrator", 'dusr_ed__locale' => "Domain administrator's language", 'dusr_ed__skin' => "Domain administrator's interface skin", 'ess__error' => "Error", 'event_handler_edit__title' => 'Event Handler Properties', 'event_handlers_remove__title' => 'Remove the selected event handlers', 'event_handlers_remove__select_event_handlers_for_remove' => 'Select the event handlers to be removed.', 'event_handlers_list__title' => 'Event Manager', 'example__' => "Example: %1", 'extras__buy_new_key' => "Your current license does not allow you to modify these objects.", 'filemanager__items' => 'items in directory %1', 'filemanager__items_paging' => 'items in directory %1', 'get_password__admin_password' => "The administrator's password cannot be sent by email for security reasons. To view the current administrator's password, run the command: '/usr/local/psa/bin/admin --show-password'.", 'get_password__encrypted_password' => "Unable to send the password information: the password is stored in the encrypted form.", 'get_password__invalid_login_or_email' => "Identification failed: invalid username or email address specified. Please try again.", 'get_password__disabled_account' => "Unable to send the password information: Your account was suspended.", 'get_password__label' => "Get password", 'get_password__mail_error' => "An error occurred while attempting to send the password to email %1: %2", 'get_password__mail_ok' => "The password was successfully sent to email: %1", 'get_password__message' => "Your username for accessing the system: %1\nYour password is %2", 'get_password__subject' => "Password for accessing the system", 'groups__available' => "Available mail groups", 'groups__groups_for_mailname' => "Mail groups to which the mail account %1 is subscribed", 'groups__member_of' => "Member of the following mail groups", 'help__help_area' => "Help area.", 'hst_def__auth_disabled' => "prohibited", 'hst_def__auth_enabled' => "allowed", 'hst_def__change_curr_dns_ip' => "The current IP address of the A DNS record will be changed", 'hst_def__cr_hosting_ip_dns_ip_not_equiv' => "None of the IP addresses of the A DNS record match with IP address assigned to the hosting account being created", 'hst_def__dest_url' => "Destination URL", 'hst_def__disk_quota' => "Disk quota", 'hst_def__disk_space_limit_exceed_incoming_quota' => "The disk space limit you are trying to set is exceeded by the disk space limit in the anonymous FTP incoming directory. The disk space limit in the anonymous FTP incoming directory must not exceed the domain disk space limit.", 'hst_def__fp_admin_login' => "FrontPage administrator's username", 'hst_def__fp_admin_login_is_invalid' => "FrontPage administrator's username is invalid.", 'hst_def__fp_admin_oldpasswd' => "Old FrontPage administrator's password", 'hst_def__fp_admin_passwd' => "FrontPage administrator's password", 'hst_def__fp_extention_support' => "FrontPage extensions support.", 'hst_def__frame_forwarding_definition' => "Frame forwarding assignment for domain %1", 'hst_def__ftpuser_for_hst_not_exist_in_system' => "Warning: FTP user %1 is used in hosting account settings but does not exist in the system.", 'hst_def__hst_type_is_not_defined' => "Hosting type is not defined", 'hst_def__ip_based' => "IP-based", 'hst_def__name_based_power_anonymous_ftp_down' => "Transferring this hosting account to shared IP address will make anonymous FTP service on this domain unavailable. Proceed anyway?", 'hst_def__password_is_invalid_password_syntax' => "Password is invalid.\nDo not use single quote and national alphabet characters in a password.\nThe password length should be from 5 to 14 characters. The password should not contain the user name.", 'hst_def__shell' => "SSH access to the server shell under the subscription's system user", 'hst_def__shell_powerUser' => "SSH access to the server shell under the webspace's system user", 'hst_def__standard_forwarding_definition' => "Standard forwarding assignment for domain %1", 'hst_def__title_name_based' => "Name-based", 'hst_def__unable_create/update_physic_hst' => "Unable to create/update physical hosting: %1", 'hst_def__unable_create/update_std_fwd' => "Unable to create/update standard forwarding: %1", 'hst_def__unable_create_forwarding_myself' => "Unable to create forwarding to the domain itself.", 'hst_def__unable_turn_ssl_off_while_fp_ssl_on' => "Unable to turn off SSL support: FrontPage over SSL support is switched on.", 'hst_def__unable_turn_same_ssl_while_ssl_off' => "Unable to allow the use of a single directory for storing SSL and non-SSL content: SSL support is not switched on.", 'hst_def__unable_turn_fp_ssl' => "Unable to turn on FrontPage over SSL support: SSL support is switched off.", 'hst_def__unable_turn_on_ssl_cert_not_defined' => "Unable to turn on SSL support: no SSL certificate installed.", 'hst_def__url_is_invalid' => "URL is invalid.", 'hst_def__virtual_host_access' => "Virtual host access for domain %1", 'hst_def__virtual_host_uses_non_existed_ip_address' => "WARNING. This virtual host is using a non-existent IP address for hosting.", 'hst_def__you_have_no_ips' => "You have no IP addresses available and you are not allowed to create Name-based hosting.", 'hst_def__you_turned_off_fp_ssl_support_all_fp_settings_will_be_destroyed_ok?' => "You have turned off the FrontPage over SSL support. All FrontPage settings will be discarded. Do you want to proceed?", 'hst_def__you_turned_off_fp_support_all_fp_settings_will_be_destroyed_ok?' => "You have turned off the FrontPage support. All FrontPage settings will be discarded. Do you want to proceed?", 'hst_sel__header' => "To host a website on this server, select the Physical hosting option.\n To set up domain forwarding to a site on another machine, select Frame forwarding or Standard forwarding option.\n With standard forwarding, a user is redirected to the site and the actual site's URL is shown in the user's browser, so the user knows about the redirection. With frame forwarding, a user is redirected to the site without knowing that the site actually resides at another location.", 'hst_sel__physical_hst' => "Physical hosting", 'hst_sel__select_hst_type' => "Select the type of hosting for the domain", 'hst_sel__select_hst_type_warning' => "Select the type of hosting for the domain", 'hst_sel__standard_frw' => "Standard forwarding", 'hst_sel__frame_frw' => "Frame forwarding", '__choose_hst_type' => "Select the required hosting type.", '__frame_frw' => "Frame forwarding", '__hosting_exists' => "Unable to create hosting, as it is already configured for this domain. You will be redirected to the hosting management page.", '__no_hst_conf' => "There is no hosting configured for your domain.", '__physical_hst' => "Physical hosting", '__select_hst_type' => "Select the type of hosting for the domain", '__standard_frw' => "Standard forwarding", '__warning' => "Warning! All of the previously set parameters will be discarded. Are you sure you want to change the hosting type?", 'i_cl_off' => "Customer is inactive.", 'i_cl_off_by_admin' => "Customer account is suspended by server administrator.", 'i_cl_off_expired' => "Customer account is expired.", 'i_cl_on' => "Customer is active.", 'ip_addr__already_exists' => "IP address %1 already exists.", 'ip_addr__cant_add' => "IP %1 does not exist or belongs to IP pool of another customer", 'ip_addr__cl_list_for_ip' => "Resellers who use %1 IP address %2", 'ip_addr__cl_list_for_ip_add' => "Add IP address to reseller's pool", 'ip_addr__domains_list_for_ip' => "Websites that use %1 IP address %2", 'ip_addr__ip_used_by_hst_or_frw' => "IP address %1 is used for hosting or forwarding.", 'ip_addr__only_one_ip_and_client_have_domain' => "Unable to remove this IP address because there are domains hosted on this IP address.", 'ip_addr__remove_ip_addr' => "These IP addresses will be removed from the system:", 'ip_addr__select_clients' => "Select customers", 'ip_addr__select_ip_addr_to_remove' => "Select the IP address to be removed.", 'ip_addr__unallowed_by_license' => "This copy of Plesk is not licensed to operate on IP address %1.\nAllowed IP ranges are: %2.", 'ip_alias__interface' => "Interface ", 'ip_alias__invalid_ip_nm_bsd_vrt_hsts' => "%1 IP address for name-based virtual hosting is invalid.", 'ip_alias__invalid_ip_or_netmask' => "Invalid IP address/netmask pair.", 'ip_alias__orig_ip_can_not_be_deleted' => "The IP address %1 is the original server IP, so you cannot remove it.", 'ip_alias__ip_not_exist' => "IP address %1 does not exist.", 'ip_alias__ip_address_and_mask' => 'IP address and subnet mask', 'ip_alias__remove_selected_ip_aliases?' => "Are you sure you want to remove the selected IP addresses?", 'ip_alias__select_ip' => "Select at least one IP address from the list to remove it.", 'ip_alias__this_ip_used_for_domain' => "(%1) this IP address is used for domain %2.", 'ip_alias__this_ip_used_for_nm_bsd_vrt_hsts' => "(%1) this IP address is used for name-based virtual hosts.", 'ip_alias__unable_add_ip' => "Unable to add IP: %1", 'ip_alias__unable_remove_ip' => "Unable to remove IP: %1", 'ip_ctrl__anonymous_ftp_exists_in_domain' => "You cannot change the IP address type to shared, as it will make Anonymous FTP for domain '%1' unavailable.", 'ip_ctrl__ip_addr' => "IP address %2 on the interface %1", 'ip_ctrl__ip_exists_many_pools' => "You cannot change the IP type. This IP address belongs to the pools of several users at the same time.", 'ip_ctrl__ssl_cert' => "SSL Certificate", 'ip_pool__ip_address_is_absend_in_pool' => "IP address is missing.", 'ip_pool__ip_pool_for_client' => "IP pool of customer %1", 'ip_pool__no_cliens_avail' => "There are no customers available.", 'ip_pool__no_vacant_ips' => "There are no vacant IPs.", 'ip_pool__pool_is_empty' => "IP pool is empty.", 'ip_pool__remove_ip_addr' => "These IP addresses will be removed from the pool %1:", 'ip_pool__select_free_ips' => "Vacant IPs", 'license__i_agree' => "I agree to the terms of this license agreement.", 'license__not_show' => "Do not show it again.", 'license__unable_open_license_file' => "Unable to open the license file: %1", 'license__you_should_accept' => "In order to use $PROD_NAME you should agree to the terms of this license.", 'limit__date_in_past' => "Validity period is invalid. %1 is in the past.", 'limit__enter_date' => "Enter date", 'limit__max_db' => "Databases", // CONFLICTED 'limit__name_disk_space' => "disk space", 'limit__name_max_box' => "mailboxes", 'limit__name_max_db' => "MySQL databases", 'limit__name_max_dom' => "domains", 'limit__name_max_maillists' => "mailing lists", 'limit__name_max_subdom' => "subdomains", 'limit__name_max_traffic' => "traffic", 'limit__name_max_webapps' => "Java applications", 'limit__name_max_wu' => "web users", 'limit__name_mbox_quota' => "mailbox quota", 'limit__name_max_mn' => "mail accounts", 'limit__name_max_cl' => 'clients', 'limit__name_expiration' => 'expiration date', 'locale_upload__title' => 'Add Locale', 'locale_upload__file_name' => 'Path to the language pack file location', 'locale_upload__unable_to_install' => 'Unable to install the language pack file', 'locale_upload__wrong_package' => 'The file you uploaded does not contain a language pack valid for this Plesk version.', 'locale_upload__wrong_locale' => 'The file you uploaded does not contain a valid language pack.', 'locales_list__title' => 'Language packs repository', 'locales_list__legend' => 'Available languages', 'locales_list__active_title' => 'S', 'locales_list__locale_title' => 'Language pack', 'locales_list__lang_title' => 'Language', 'locales_list__country_title' => 'Country', 'locales_list__used_title' => 'Used', 'locales_remove__title' => 'Locales Removal', 'locales_remove__select_locales_for_remove' => 'Select the locales to be removed.', 'locales__can_not_remove' => 'Unable to remove the language pack for locale %1: %2', 'locales__files_not_exits' => 'Unable to change locale: the specified interface language pack files do not exist in the system.', 'locales__unavailable' => 'Unable to change locale: the specified interface language pack is unavailable.', 'locales_list__mls_limit' => "Your current Plesk license allows using %2 languages. At the moment, you have %1 languages set as available to users, which exceeds the number provided with the license. Please select %2 languages you want to use, and make the rest unavailable to users by clicking their icons in the 'S' column.", 'ma__create_title' => 'Creating mail alias for %1', 'ma__edit_title' => "Edit mail alias %1", 'ma__enter_new_alias' => "Enter new alias.", 'ma__invalid_alias' => "Invalid mail alias.", 'ma__mail_aliases_mailname' => "Mail aliases for mail account %1", 'ma__mailname_does_not_exist' => "Mail account does not exist.", 'ma__select_ma_for_remove' => "Select mail aliases to be removed.", 'ma__unable_to_add_new_ma' => "Unable to add new mail alias: %1", 'mail__allow_short_pop3_names' => "Names for POP3/IMAP mail accounts", 'mail__allow_short_pop3_names_disabled' => "Only use of full POP3/IMAP mail accounts names is allowed", 'mail__allow_short_pop3_names_enabled' => "Use of short (webmaster) and full ( POP3/IMAP mail account names is allowed", 'mail__baddomain_exists' => "Unable to add domain to the black list: such a domain already exists.", 'mail__block_mail_from_doms' => "Black List", 'mail__blockers' => "Blocked domains", 'mail__blockers_remove' => "Remove blocked domains", 'mail__blocker_add' => "Add domains to black list", 'mail__closed' => "closed", 'mail__crypted_passwd_match' => "There are mail accounts matching the encrypted passwords.", 'mail__dom_in_list' => "Domain is already in the black list.", 'mail__enable_rbl' => "Switch on spam protection based on DNS blackhole lists", 'mail__enter_rbl_server' => "Type in the DNS zone.", 'mail__enter_right_ip_mask' => "Enter the IP mask between 1 and 32", 'mail__enter_right_ip_mask_24' => "Enter the IP mask between 24 and 32", 'mail__install_rblsmtpd_program' => "Install the rblsmtp software.", 'mail__invalid_dom_name' => "Domain name %1 is invalid.", 'mail__invalid_pop_lock_time' => "POP3 lock time is invalid.", 'mail__invalid_rbl_server' => "DNS zone name is invalid.", 'mail__ip_and_mask' => "IP address/mask", 'mail__ip_and_mask_exists' => "Such an IP address/netmask pair already exists.", 'mail__ip_or_mask_is_invalid' => "IP address/net mask pair is invalid.", 'mail__lock_time' => "lock time", 'mail__general_options' => "General options", 'mail__relay_options' => "Relay options", 'mail__message_submission' => "Enable message submission", 'mail__message_submission_is_supported_on_all_ips' => "(will be enabled on all IP addresses)", 'mail__message_submission_is_not_supported' => "(not supported by the mail server)", 'mail__mailnames_passwd_match' => "There are mail account and password pairs matching.", 'mail__select_domains_for_remove' => "Select the domains to be removed.", // end of maverick part // kooper part 'mail__max_size' => "Maximum message size", 'mail__mbox_quota' => "Mailbox quota", 'mail__min' => "minutes", 'mail__total_files_size' => "Total repository size: %1", 'mail__filename_already_in_repository' => "A file with such a name is already in the repository", 'mail__no_white_list_mask_feature_24' => "You should use a mask value of 24 or higher.\nYour mail server does not support setting masks. We can only emulate setting mask for values not less than 24.", 'mail__open' => "open", 'mail__open_relay_warning' => "Setting your mail relay to open exposes your mail server to spamming abuse.\n\nIt should only be used for temporary testing of your mail server or in cases when you are operating the Plesk-managed server from internal network not accessible via the Internet.\n\nAre you sure you want to keep this setting?", 'mail__pop3' => "POP3 before SMTP", 'mail__rbl_zones' => "DNS zones for DNSBL service", 'mail__rbl_zones_hint' => "Separate entries with a semicolon, for example: ';'", 'mail__relay_from_ip' => "White List", 'mail__relaying' => "Relaying", 'mail__reqr_auth' => "authorization is required: ", 'mail__smtp' => "SMTP", 'mail__unable_add_new_mail_name' => "Unable to add new mail account: %1", 'mail__white_list' => "White List", 'mail__white_list_add' => 'Add New Network', 'mail__white_list_remove' => 'The following networks will be removed:', 'mail__white_list_remove_warning_webmail' => 'Removing the following networks might make sending email from webmail impossible: %1.', 'mail__white_list_member' => 'Allowed networks', 'mail__white_list_empty_selection_for_remove' => 'Select the entries to be removed.', 'mail_queue__not_allowed_by_license_key' => 'Mail queue management is not allowed by the license key.', 'maillist__' => "Mailing list %1", 'maillist__already_exists' => "Mailing list already exists.", 'maillist__email__' => "Mailing list administrator's email", 'maillist__mail_alias_already_exists_in_this_domain' => "The mail alias %1 already exists in this domain", 'maillists__' => "Mailing lists %1", 'maillists__limit_cl_max_maillists' => "The limit on number of mailing lists was reached for the customer (limit: %1, used: %2)", 'maillists__limit_dom_max_maillists' => "The limit on number of mailing lists was reached for the domain.", 'maillists__list' => "Mailing lists", 'maillists__mailman_not_installed_or_conf' => "\nMailman Server Extensions are not currently installed or configured\non the server. Contact the server administrator to have the Mailman Server Extensions installed or properly configured.", 'maillists__status' => "Mailing list service is switched on", 'maillists__unable_to_delete__' => "Unable to delete the mailing list: %1", 'maillists__disabled_text' => 'You cannot manage mailing lists because Mailman mailing lists server component is not installed or configured.', 'maillists_conf__page_title' => "Configuring Mailing Lists Manager", 'maillist_member__already_exists' => 'Mailing list subscriber already exists.', 'maillist_member__not_exists' => 'There is no such user on the mailing list.', 'manager__access_denied' => "Access denied: %1", 'manager__admin' => "Administrator", 'manager__client' => "Customer", 'manager__domain' => "Domain", 'manager__domain_cl_limit_exceeding' => "The limit on number of domains is reached for this customer account.", 'manager__domain_is_not_yours' => "Domain %1 does not belong to you.", 'manager__domain_key_limit_exceeding' => "The limit on domain creation defined by your license key is reached.", 'manager__no_perm_to_call' => "You do not have the permission to call %1.", 'manager__no_perm_to_create_domains' => "You do not have the permission to create domains.", 'manager__no_perm_to_modify_domain' => "You do not have the permission to modify domain %1.", 'manager__no_perm_to_modify_domains' => "You do not have the permission to modify domains.", 'manager__no_perm_to_remove_domain' => "You do not have the permission to remove domain %1.", 'manager__no_perm_to_remove_domains' => "You do not have the permission to remove domains.", 'manager__node_doesnt_exist' => "%1 does not exist.", 'manager__user_disabled' => "Your account is suspended. You cannot operate the system.", 'mbox_quota_unsupported' => "not supported by the mail server", 'mn__create_title' => "Create mail account", 'mn__edit_title' => "Settings", 'mn__files_list_title' => "Attachment Files", 'mn__files_remove' => "Remove files from attachments repository. This files are possibly used by auto-replies. They will be removed from both the repository and auto-replies using them.", 'mn__files_select_for_remove' => "Select files to be removed.", 'mn__mail_alias_form' => "Mail alias form", 'mn__mail_aliases_list' => "Mail aliases", 'mn__mailbox' => "Mailbox management", 'mn__unable_define_mn' => "Unable to set up mail accounts: %1", 'mn__unable_remove_mbox_quota' => "Unable to remove mailbox quota: %1", 'mn__upload_file' => "Upload file", 'mn_edit__attach_filename_changed' => 'The uploaded file %1 was renamed to %2 because its name contained non-ASCII characters.', 'mn_edit__add_mail_group_members_or_turn_off_box' => "You should add a mail group member before enabling the mail group.", 'mn_edit__add_resp_or_turn_off_box' => "You should add auto-reply or clear the auto-reply check box.", 'mn_edit__attachments' => "Attachments", 'mn_edit__dom_quota_less_then_quota' => "The size of this mailbox must not exceed the limit on amount of disk space allocated for mailboxes in this domain.", 'mn_edit__enter_external_rcpnt_email' => "Enter external mail group member's email", 'mn_edit__enter_mail_redir_or_turn_off_box' => "Type an address for mail forwarding or clear the check box.", 'mn_edit__ext_rcpnt_email_invalid' => "External recipient's email address is invalid.", 'mn_edit__file_exists' => "File exists. Overwrite?", 'mn_edit__files_deld_from_repository' => "These files will be deleted from repository and auto-replies containing them. Do you want to proceed?", 'mn_edit__mail_name' => "Mail account", 'mn_edit__mail_name_invalid' => "Mail account name is invalid.", 'mn_edit__mail_redir' => "Mail forwarders", 'mn_edit__mail_redir_add' => "Add Mail Group Member", 'mn_edit__mail_resps' => "Mail auto-replies", 'mn_edit__mailbox' => "Mailbox", 'mn_edit__enable_mailbox' => "Mailbox", 'mn_edit__mailgroup' => "Mail group", 'mn_edit__mailgroup_addresses' => "Mail group members", 'mn_edit__mailgroup_disabled' => "Available only when mail account is already added.", 'mn_edit__max_dom_quota' => "Default for the domain (%1)", 'mn_edit__mbox_quota_invalid' => "Icorrect mailbox size specified.", 'mn_edit__new_resp_name' => "New auto-reply name", 'mn_edit__no_autoresponders' => "You should add at least one auto-reply before turning the auto-reply service on/off.", 'mn_edit__no_file_sel' => "No files selected.", 'mn_edit__no_mail_addresses' => "No email addresses were specified or selected.", 'mn_edit__none' => "None", 'mn_edit__not_create_pass' => "This will not create a password for this account.\nWithout password, user will not be able to view and send mail.", 'mn_edit__redir_email_invalid' => "Forwarding address is invalid.", 'mn_edit__redirect' => "Forwarder", 'mn_edit__redirect_addr' => "Forwarding address", 'mn_edit__remove_autoresp?' => "Are you sure you want to remove the auto-reply?", 'mn_edit__remove_rcpnts?' => "Are you sure you want to remove these recipients?", 'mn_edit__repository' => "Repository", 'mn_edit__resps_attach' => "Auto-reply attachment files", 'mn_edit__select_rcpnt_from_list' => "Select at least one recipient from the list to remove it.", 'mn_edit__select_registered_users' => "Select registered users", 'mn_edit__selected_postbox_have_not_setup_passwd' => "You have chosen to have a mailbox but have not set up the password for it.", 'mn_edit__unable_act_deact_mail_group' => "Unable to activate or deactivate mail group: %1", 'mn_edit__unable_act_deact_mail_redir' => "Unable to activate or deactivate mail forwarding: %1", 'mn_edit__unable_act_deact_postbox' => "Unable to activate or deactivate mailbox: %1", 'mn_edit__unable_act_deact_resp' => "Unable to activate or deactivate auto-replies: %1", 'mn_edit__unable_add_attach' => "Unable to add attachment file: %1", 'mn_edit__unable_add_mail_group_member' => "Unable to add mail group member: %1", 'mn_edit__unable_add_resp' => "Unable to add auto-reply: %1", 'mn_edit__unable_change_mail_name' => "Unable to change mail account name: %1", 'mn_edit__unable_deactivate_mail_group' => "Unable to deactivate mail group: %1", 'mn_edit__unable_deactivate_resp' => "Unable to deactivate mail auto-replies: %1", 'mn_edit__unable_define_resp_id' => "Unable to define auto-reply ID: %1", 'mn_edit__unable_remove_attach' => "Unable to remove attachment file(s): %1", 'mn_edit__unable_remove_autoresp' => "Unable to remove auto-reply: %1", 'mn_edit__unable_remove_mail_group_member' => "Unable to remove mail group members: %1", 'mn_edit__unable_setup_mail_redir' => "Unable to set up mail forwarding: %1", 'mn_edit__wrong_way' => 'The messages addressed to %1 will not be delivered, as this mail account does not have a mailbox or mail forwarder switched on.', 'mn_edit__mailbox_is_disabled_mail_not_removed' => 'The mailbox at the address %1 was switched off. The messages in the mailbox were not removed, but you will not be able to retrieve them through IMAP or POP3 protocol.', 'mn_list__mail_names_for_domain' => "Mail accounts under the domain %1", 'mn_list__sa_cannot_unable' => "Unable to switch on spam filtering", 'mn_list__tab_cp_access' => "L", 'mn_list__tab_title_client' => 'Customer', 'mn_list__tab_title_domain' => 'Domain', 'mn_list__tab_title_autoresp' => "A", 'mn_list__tab_title_box' => "B", 'mn_list__tab_title_group' => "G", 'mn_list__tab_title_name' => "Name", 'mn_list__tab_title_redirect' => "F", 'mn_list__tab_title_spamfilter' => "S", 'mn_list__tab_title_virusfilter' => 'AV', 'mn_list__unable_remove_mns' => "Unable to remove the mail accounts: %1", 'module_upload__module_was_installed' => 'This module is already installed. If you wish to install a newer version of this module, please deinstall the module through Plesk, and then try installing.', 'module_upload__unable_to_install' => 'Unable to install the module package file', 'module_upload__wrong_package' => 'The uploaded file is not a supported module package.', 'module_upload__wrong_module' => 'The uploaded file does not contain a module package.', 'news_articles_title' => 'Plesk News', 'notification_text__invalid_text_length' => "Invalid notice text length. Should be from 1 to 65533 characters.", 'notification_text__text' => "Notice text", 'notification_text__title' => "Edit notice", 'notification_text__unable_set_text' => "Unable to modify notice text: ", 'notifications__unable_to_update' => "Unable to update notification: %1", 'odbc__cant_add_dsn' => "Unable to add DSN %1: %2", 'odbc__cant_build_connection_string' => "Unable to connect using the parameters specified, please try again using different parameters. Utility has returned: %1", 'odbc__cant_connect' => "Unable to connect to the data source using the defined settings. Server has returned: %1", 'odbc__cant_delete_dsn' => "Unable to delete DSN %1: %2", 'odbc__cant_get_drivers' => "Unable to retrieve a list of ODBC drivers: %1", 'odbc__cant_get_list' => "Unable to retrieve a list of existing DSNs: %1", 'odbc__cant_parse_string' => "Unable to parse the connection string.", 'odbc__connect_success' => "Connection successful", 'odbc__driver_not_set' => "Driver is not set", 'odbc__driver_or_name_not_set' => "Driver or name of the ODBC connection were not set", 'odbc__dsn_already_exists' => "DSN with this name (%1) already exists in the system", 'odbc__dsn_not_exists' => "This DSN does not exist", 'odbc__enter_dsn_name' => "Enter DSN name", 'odbc__invalid_dsn_name' => "Wrong syntax for ODBC connection name (%1): please use only alphanumeric symbols.", 'odbc__no_such_driver' => "An ODBC driver with such a name (%1) is not supported.", 'odbc__remove_page_title' => "The following ODBC DSN connections will be removed:", 'odbc__select_dsn_to_remove' => "Select DSNs to be removed.", 'odbc_add_new' => "Add new DSN connection", 'odbc_driver' => "Driver", 'odbc_dsn_description' => "Connection description", 'odbc_dsn_list' => "ODBC DSN connections", 'odbc_dsn_name' => "Connection name", 'odbc_dsn_system' => "System DSN", 'odbc_dsn_text' => "ODBC DSN", 'odbc_req_field_not_set' => "Required parameters are not supplied.", 'pb__aliases' => "Aliases", 'pb__anonftp' => "Anonymous FTP", 'pb__autoinstaller_releases' => 'Updater', 'pb__cert' => "Certificates", 'pb__cl_pool' => "IP addresses", 'pb__cl_pool_ctrl' => "%1", 'pb__cl_pref' => "Settings", 'pb__cl_rpt' => "Report", 'pb__cl_rpt_list' => "Customize", 'pb__cl_templates' => "Customer templates", 'pb__cl_traffic' => "Traffic", 'pb__cl_traffic_history' => "Traffic history", 'pb__cl_traffic_of' => "Traffic of %1", 'pb__client' => "%1", 'pb__clients' => "Customers", 'pb__comp_info' => "Server Components", 'pb__common_acl' => 'Allow Transfer ACL', 'pb__cp_access' => "Access", 'pb__crontab' => "Scheduler", 'pb__custom_buttons' => "Custom Buttons", 'pb__db' => "Databases", 'pb__db_edit' => "%1", 'pb__db_server_edit' => '%1', 'pb__db_servers' => 'Database servers', 'pb__dl_usr_ed' => "Domain administrator", 'pb__dns' => "DNS", 'pb__dns_template' => "DNS", 'pb__dns_t' => "DNS", 'pb__dom_ctrl' => "%1", 'pb__dom_lim' => "Domain limits", 'pb__dom_pref' => "Settings", 'pb__dom_sum_report' => "Domain Summary Report", 'pb__dom_templates' => "Domain Templates", 'pb__dom_traffic' => "Traffic of %1", 'pb__dom_traffic_history' => "Traffic History", 'pb__domains' => "Domains", 'pb__dumps_list' => "Backup Files Repository", 'pb__event_handlers' => 'Event manager', 'pb__forwarding_setup' => "Forwarding Setup", 'pb__filemanager' => "File Manager", 'pb__ip_aliasing' => "IP Addresses", 'pb__ip_clients' => "IP Addresses removal", 'pb__license_management' => 'License Management', 'pb__locales' => 'Locales', 'pb__log_files' => "Log files", 'pb__mail' => 'Mail', 'pb__mail_blocked_domains' => 'Black list', 'pb__mail_name_files' => "Attachment files", 'pb__mail_name_redirects' => "Mail forwarders", 'pb__mail_name_resp_attach_add' => "New attachment", 'pb__mail_name_resp_edit' => "%1", 'pb__mail_name_responders' => "Mail auto-replies", 'pb__mail_names' => "Mail", 'pb__mail_white_list' => 'White list', 'pb__maillists' => "Mailing lists", 'pb__modules' => 'Modules', 'pb__modules_management' => 'Manage Modules', 'pb__notifications' => "Notifications", 'pb__odbc' => "ODBC", 'pb__phosting_setup' => "Physical hosting setup", 'pb__prtd_dirs' => "Protected Directories", 'pb__prtdir_edit' => "%1", 'pb__server' => "Server", 'pb__sessions' => "Sessions", 'pb__sapp_pool' => "Web Application Pool", 'pb__siteapp_install' => 'Web application installation', 'pb__site_app_pkgs' => "Web Applications", 'pb__site_apps' => "Web Applications", 'pb__additional_key_info' => 'Key Properties', 'pb__additional_key_properties' => 'Key Properties', 'pb__skeleton' => "Virtual Host Template", 'pb__skins' => 'Skins', 'pb__skin_info' => '%1', 'pb__spamassassin' => "Spam Filter", 'pb__statistics' => "Statistics", 'pb__subdomains' => "Subdomains", 'pb__templates' => "Templates", 'pb__web_apps' => "Tomcat Java", 'pb__web_users' => "Web users", 'pb__webalizer_preferences' => 'Web Statistics Settings', 'pdir__enter_dir_name' => "Enter directory name.", 'pdir__invalid_hst' => "Hosting type is invalid. Must be physical.", 'pdir__pd_id_is_undefined' => "Protected directory ID is undefined.", 'pdir__pdir_exist' => "Directory with this name is already protected.", 'pdir__pdir_not_exist' => "Protected directory does not exist.", 'pdir__pdir_usr_not_exist' => "Protected directory user does not exist.", 'pdir__prdirs_for_domain' => "Protected Directories Under the Website %1", 'pdir__remove_pdir_usrs' => "The following users of protected directory %2 under the website %1 will be removed:", 'pdir__remove_pdirs_on_dom' => "This operation will result in removing protection from the directories under website %2 owned by customer %1. The directories will not be deleted.", 'pdir__select_pdir_usrs_for_remove' => "Select the protected directory users to be removed.", 'pdir__select_pdirs_to_remove' => "Select the directories to remove protection from.", 'pdir__unable_define_pdir_users' => "Unable to define the protected directory users.", 'pdir__unable_define_pdirs_properties' => "Unable to set the properties of protected directories: %1", 'pdir__unable_select_dom_param' => "Unable to select domain parameters: %1", 'pdir_ed__create_pdir_for_domain' => "Create a new protected directory under the site %1", 'pdir_ed__dir_already_protect' => "This directory is already protected.", 'pdir_ed__head_txt' => "Title of the protected area", 'pdir_ed__invalid_login' => "You specified incorrect username.", 'pdir_ed__login_exists' => "This user already exists. Try specifying another username.", 'pdir_ed__new_usr' => "Username", 'pdir_ed__cgi_bin' => "cgi-bin", 'pdir_ed__path' => "Directory name", 'pdir_ed__pdir_for_domain' => "Protected directory %1 on domain %2", 'pdir_ed__pdir_location' => "Directory location", 'pdir_ed__pdir_users' => "Protected directory users", 'pdir_ed__ssl' => "SSL", 'pdir_ed__ssl_not_supported_domain' => "SSL is not supported by this site or not provided with your subscription. To switch on SSL support, go to the Websites & Domains tab, and click your domain name in the list. If SSL support is not provided with your subscription, contact your hosting provider for upgrading your hosting plan.", 'pdir_ed__ssl_not_supported_domain_powerUser' => "SSL is not supported by this site. To switch on SSL support, go to the Websites & Domains tab, and click the domain name in the list.", 'pdir_ed__ssl_or_nonssl_should_be_checked' => "At least one check box should be selected from SSL and non-SSL check boxes.", 'pdir_ed__unable_cr_pdir_usr' => "Unable to create the protected directory user: %1", 'pdir_ed__unable_create_pdir' => "Unable to create the protected directory: %1", 'pdir_ed__unable_define_hst_type' => "Unable to define the hosting type.", 'pdir_ed__unable_update_pdir' => "Unable to save settings of the protected directory: %1", 'pdir_ed__wrong_symbol_in_header' => "Please do not use the character %1 in the directory title.", 'pdir_usr_ed__create_pdir_usr_for_pd' => "Create user for the protected directory %1", 'pdir_usr_ed__not_create_pass' => "This will not create a password for the new protected directory user.\nWithout password the user will not be able to log in.", 'pdir_usr_ed__pass_for_pdir_usr' => "Password for the protected directory user %1", 'pdir_usr_ed__unable_select_pdir_usr' => "Unable to select the protected directory user: %1", 'pdir_usrs_list__unable_define_pdir_usrs' => "Unable to define the protected directory users: %1", 'pdir_usrs_list__unable_remove_pd_usrs' => "Unable to remove the protected directory users: %1", 'pdirs_list__name' => "Name", 'pdirs_list__tab_title_non_secure_dir' => "N", 'pdirs_list__tab_title_secure_dir' => "S", 'pdirs_list__tab_title_cgi_bin_dir' => "C", 'pdirs_list__unable_remove_pdirs' => "Unable to remove the protected directories: %1", 'phosting__anonftp_disabled' => "Anonymous FTP service is not available for this domain because this IP address is already being used for anonymous FTP service on another domain.", 'phosting__anonftp_encrypt' => 'The password of FTP user is encrypted, and therefore cannot be used for protecting directory /plesk-stat/webstat/. Please reenter your FTP password, or deselect the option "accessible via password protected directory \'/plesk-stat/webstat/\'"', 'phosting__hosting_and_dns_ip_difference_warning' => "The domain name %%domain_name%% resolves to the IP address %%dns_ip_address%%. Your website is assigned the IP address %%hosting_ip_address%%. If your website does not open in a web browser when you refer to it by its domain name, go to the DNS management screen (Domains > Domain name > DNS) and change the properties of the A resource record: assign the IP address %%hosting_ip_address%% to the domain name %%domain_name%%.", 'phosting__other_hosting_exists_on_ip' => "Unable to change the certificate because this IP address is being used in one or several hosting accounts.", 'phosting__unable_to_change_certificate' => "Unable to install the certificate: %1", 'phosting__unable_to_change_ip_address' => "Unable to change the IP address: %1", 'phosting__unable_to_set_cert' => "Unable to set the SSL certificate: %1", 'phosting__unable_update' => "Unable to update hosting settings: %1", 'phosting__unable_manage' => "Unable to manage hosting: %1", 'picker_acl_record__tittle' => 'Select an ACL record', 'picker_autoresponder__title' => 'Select an Auto-reply', 'picker_black_list__domain_name' => 'Select a Domain Name', 'picker_certificate' => 'Select an SSL Certificate', 'picker_dns_zone_template__title' => 'Select a Resource Record', 'picker_domain__title' => 'Select a Website', 'picker_domain_alias__title' => 'Select a Domain Alias', 'picker_resource_record__title' => 'Select a Resource Record', 'picker_disabled_resource_record__title' => 'Select a Name Server', 'picker_ip_address__title' => 'Select an IP Address', 'picker_ip_address_clients__title' => 'Select Customers Who Use This IP Address', 'picker_mail_queue' => 'Select Email Messages', 'picker_site_application__title' => 'Select a Web Application', 'picker_subdomain__title' => 'Select a Subdomain', 'picker_web_user__title' => 'Select a Web User', 'picker_sysuser__title' => 'Select a System User', 'picker_crontab_task__title' => 'Select a Crontab Task', 'picker_custom_button__title' => 'Select a Custom Button', 'picker_spamfilter_address__title' => 'Select a Spam Filter Address', 'picker_white_list__networks' => 'Networks selection', 'picker_autoinstaller_vendor_source__title' => 'Select a source of operating system updates', 'plesk_key__action_logs' => "Logging of actions performed by Plesk users", 'plesk_key__app_vault' => "Application vault", 'plesk_key__backup' => "Backup and restoration functions", 'plesk_key__client_templs' => "Service plans management", 'plesk_key__clients' => "User accounts (resellers and customers)", 'plesk_key__coldfusion' => "Adobe ColdFusion support", 'plesk_key__domains' => "Domains", 'plesk_key__domain_aliases' => "Domain aliases", 'plesk_key__manage_dashboard' => 'Home page customization', 'plesk_key__drweb' => "Antivirus management", 'plesk_key__event_manager' => "Event manager", 'plesk_key__expirations' => "Management of account expiration dates", 'plesk_key__group_ops' => "Modification of multiple objects at once", 'plesk_key__expiration' => "Key expiration date", 'plesk_key__key_number' => "Key number", 'plesk_key__languages' => "Language packs", 'plesk_key__mailnames' => "Mail accounts", 'plesk_key__migration_manager' => "Migration & Transfer Manager", 'plesk_key__mssql' => "Microsoft SQL Server support", 'plesk_key__myplesk_func' => "Links for purchasing SSL certificates and domain registration services", 'plesk_key__myplesk_server_id' => "MPC slave server identifier", 'plesk_key__notifications' => "Notifications management", 'plesk_key__postgresql' => "PostgreSQL database server support", 'plesk_key__qmail_queue' => 'Mail queue management', 'plesk_key__remote_db' => 'Remote database hosting', 'plesk_key__slave_servers' => "Slave servers", 'plesk_key__spamassassin' => "Spam filter management", 'plesk_key__subdomains' => "Subdomains management", 'plesk_key__sys_access' => "Management of access to the server over SSH", 'plesk_key__tomcat' => "Java applications", 'plesk_key__traffic_reports' => "Traffic usage reports", 'plesk_key__tts' => "Help Desk", 'plesk_key__virtuozzo' => "Valid for Virtuozzo containers only", 'plesk_key__webusers' => "Web users", 'plesk_key__license_update_date' => 'Next license key update', 'plesk_key__autoinstaller_config' => 'Updater settings management', 'plesk_key_update__title' => 'Key Update Status', 'plesk_key_update__legend' => 'Key Update Status', 'plesk_key_update__new_additional_key' => 'New additional key received', 'plesk_key__check_wrong' => "The license key is invalid. In order to use Plesk, please obtain and install a new valid license key.", 'plesk_key__upload_check_wrong' => 'Uploaded license key is not valid.', 'plesk_key__revert_check_wrong' => 'Previously installed license key is not valid.', 'plesk_key__update_check_wrong' => 'Updated license key is not valid.', 'plesk_key__key_expired' => 'Your license key has expired. To continue using your Plesk, you must purchase a non-expiring commercial license key.', 'plesk_key__viruozzo_only_key' => 'The license key is intended only for use with Parallels Plesk operating inside Virtuozzo containers.', 'plesk_key__ip_ranges_exceeded' => 'You can use this licensed Parallels Plesk copy only with the following IP addresses: %2. The following IP addresses are not covered by your license: %1.', //%1 not allowed addresses list separated by comma, %2 allowed IP addresses list separated by comma 'plesk_key__limits_exceeded' => 'The amount of currently used resources overrides the limits defined by your license.', // For the keys below: %1 limit value, %2 used value, %3 delta value 'plesk_key__limits_exceeded_lim_dom' => 'The number of websites hosted on the server exceeds the limits defined by your license. You have %2 sites hosted; your license allows hosting only %1 sites.', 'plesk_key__limits_exceeded_lim_domain_aliases' => 'The number of domain aliases on the server exceeds the limits defined by your license. You have %2 domain aliases; your license allows hosting only %1 domain aliases.', 'plesk_key__limits_exceeded_lim_cl' => 'The number of served customer accounts exceeds the limits defined by your license. You have %2 customer accounts currently served; your license allows serving only %1 customer accounts.', 'plesk_key__limits_exceeded_lim_mn' => 'The number of served email accounts exceeds the limits defined by your license. You have %2 email accounts currently served; your license allows serving only %1 email accounts.', 'plesk_key__limits_exceeded_lim_wu' => 'The number of served web user accounts exceeds the limits defined by your license. You have %2 web user accounts currently served; your license allows serving only %1 web user accounts.', 'plesk_key__limits_exceeded_MLS' => 'The number of currently installed language packs exceeds the limits defined by your license. There are %2 language packs installed; your license allows installing only %1 language packs.', 'plesk_key__wrong_version' => 'You are trying to use license key created for another version of Parallels Plesk. Contact Parallels sales representatives to obtain the proper license key.', 'plesk_key__other_product' => 'You are trying to use a license key created for another product. Contact Parallels sales representatives to obtain the proper license key.', 'plesk_key__key_file_invalid' => 'The uploaded key file is not valid or does not contain a license key.', 'key__title' => 'License Management', 'key__upload_title' => 'Install a License Key', 'key__no_key_file_in_zip' => 'The uploaded .zip file does not contain key file', 'key__key_upload' => 'License Key Installation', 'key__tabs_plesk' => 'Parallels Plesk License Key', 'key__tabs_additional' => 'Additional License Keys', 'key_revert__title' => 'License Key Rollback', 'key_revert__legend' => 'Key rollback confirmation', 'key_revert__text' => 'The license key with the following properties will be restored:', 'key__license_update_date_hint' => 'The expiration date will be automatically extended on %%license_update_date%%. For the automatic update you must allow connections to %%keyserver_host%%. For more information, refer to the %%help begin:lim_date%%following help topic%%help end:lim_date%%.', 'additional_key__info' => 'Additional Key Properties', 'additional_key__prop_name' => 'Property', 'additional_key__prop_value' => 'Value', 'additional_key__descr_name' => 'Key name', 'additional_key__descr_key_number' => 'Key number', 'additional_key__descr_key_vz' => "This license key is intended for use only in Virtuozzo containers.", 'additional_key__descr_lim_date' => 'Expiration date', 'additional_key__descr_license_update_date' => 'Next license key update', 'additional_key__remove_title' => "The web application key with the following properties will be removed:", 'additional_keys__remove_title' => "The following additional keys will be removed:", 'additional_keys__select_to_remove' => 'Select the additional keys to be removed.', 'additional_key__file_invalid' => 'The uploaded key file is not valid or does not contain a license key.', 'additional_key__file_incompatible' => 'The uploaded key file is not valid for this application.', 'additional_key__expired' => 'This additional key has expired.', 'additional_key__not_exists' => 'No license key installed.', 'additional_key__viruozzo_only_key' => 'This license key is intended only for use with Parallels Plesk installed in Virtuozzo containers.', 'additional_keys__legend' => 'Additional keys', 'additional_keys__list_header' => 'Additional keys', 'additional_key_update__result_response' => 'Licensing server response: %1', 'additional_key_update__result_network' => 'Unable to connect to the licensing server. Please make sure that your network allows communication to %1: %2.', 'additional_key_update__result_lock' => 'Key update is already in progress', 'additional_key_update__result_internal_error' => 'Error occurred while updating the license key: %1', 'additional_key_revert__title' => 'Please confirm the operation', 'additional_key_revert__legend' => 'Properties of the previously used additional key', 'additional_key_revert__confirm_text' => 'Roll back key', 'additional_key_revert__confirm_required' => 'Please confirm the operation.', 'proceed_to_cl_pool' => "Proceed to configuring customer's IP pool", 'proceed_to_hosting_setup' => "Proceed to hosting setup", 'removeCerts__remove_certificates_cp' => "The following certificates will be removed: ", 'removeCerts__remove_certificates_domain' => "The following certificates owned by %1 will be removed: ", 'removeClientsIP_remove_clients_ip' => "This IP address will be removed from the pools of the following customers:", 'removeMailAliases__remove_mail_aliases' => "The following mail aliases for the mail account %1 will be removed:", 'removeMailNames__remove_mailnames' => "The following mail accounts and aliases will be removed from the domain %1:", 'removeMailNames__remove_mailnames_of_cl' => "The following mail accounts and aliases will be removed from domain %2 owned by customer %1:", 'removeMailNames__these_mailnames_will_not_delete' => "These mail accounts will not be deleted.", 'removeSessions__remove_title' => "The following sessions will be ended:", 'removeFtpSessions__remove_title' => "The following FTP sessions will be ended:", 'removeTemplates__remove_templates' => "The following templates will be removed:", 'report_auto__list_title' => 'D', 'report_auto__list_auto' => 'Frequency', 'report_auto__list_last' => 'Last delivery date', 'report_auto__list_recipient' => 'Deliver to', 'report_auto__list_select' => 'Report on', 'report_auto__title' => 'Delivery Schedules for %1', 'report_auto__recipient_email' => 'the email address I specify', 'report_auto__recipient_admin' => 'the server administrator', 'report_auto__recipient_client' => 'the customer', 'report_auto__recipient_domain' => 'the domain administrator', 'report_auto_edit__select' => 'Report on', 'report_auto__select_client_report_all' => 'all customers', 'report_auto__select_client_report_current' => 'this customer', 'report_auto__select_client_report_other_client' => '%1', 'report_auto__select_domain_report_all' => 'all domains', 'report_auto__select_domain_report_other_client' => 'all domains of %1', 'report_auto__select_domain_report_client' => 'all domains of this customer', 'report_auto__select_domain_report_reseller' => 'all domains of this reseller', 'report_auto__select_domain_report_current' => 'this domain', 'report_auto__select_domain_report_other_domain' => '%1', 'report_auto__legend' => 'Delivery schedules', 'report_auto__select_for_remove' => "Select the delivery schedules to be removed.", 'report_auto_remove__title' => "The following report delivery schedules will be removed:", 'report_auto_edit__title' => 'Delivery Schedule Properties', 'report_auto_edit__recipient' => 'Deliver to', 'report_auto_edit__target' => 'Report on', 'report_auto_edit__auto' => 'Delivery frequency', 'resp_edit__always_respond' => "always respond", 'resp_edit__reply_subject' => "Reply subject", 'resp_edit__answer_txt' => "Reply with text", 'resp_edit__attach' => "Attach files", 'resp_edit__default_subject' => "Re: %1", 'resp_edit__for' => "for ", 'resp_edit__frw_rqst_email' => "Upon automatic response, forward the original message to the specified email", 'resp_edit__fwd_email_invalid' => "Destination email address is invalid.", 'resp_edit__in_body' => "when specified words are found in the message body", 'resp_edit__in_subject' => "when specified words are found in message subject", 'resp_edit__invalid_resp_freq' => "Response frequency is invalid.", 'resp_edit__invalid_rqst_txt' => "Invalid request text.", 'resp_edit__invalid_store_lim_num' => "Limit value is invalid.", 'resp_edit__limits_title' => "Limits", 'resp_edit__maximum_allowed_resp_freq_reached' => "Number of maximum responses per day exceeds the defined rate. Allowed: %1, requested: %2", 'resp_edit__no_files_sel' => "No files selected.", 'resp_edit__no_txt_supplied' => "No text supplied.", 'resp_edit__reply_title' => "Reply", 'resp_edit__reply_to_address' => "Return address", 'resp_edit__reply_to_invalid' => "Return address is invalid.", 'resp_edit__reply_uniq_email' => "Reply to the unique email address not more than", 'resp_edit__conditions_title' => "Conditions", 'resp_edit__resp' => "Auto-reply", 'resp_edit__resp_name' => "Auto-reply name", 'resp_edit__resp_not_exist' => "Auto-reply does not exist.", 'resp_edit__resp_status' => "Auto-reply status", 'resp_edit__rqst_txt' => 'Specify the condition for this automatic reply', 'resp_edit__select_files_on_server_for_attach' => "Select the files you want to attach", 'resp_edit__store_up_to' => "Store up to", 'resp_edit__subj_line_invalid' => "Subject line is incorrect.", 'resp_edit__text_too_big' => "The reply message text is too large.", 'resp_edit__times_in_a_day' => "times a day.", 'resp_edit__unable_define_resp_cond' => "Unable to define the auto-reply condition: %1", 'resp_edit__unable_define_resp_status' => "Unable to define auto-reply status: %1", 'resp_edit__unable_turn_on_resp' => "Unable to turn on the auto-reply: %1", 'resp_edit__uniq_email' => "unique email addresses", 'resp_edit__content_type' => 'Mail sending format', 'resp_edit__content_type_text' => 'Plain text', 'resp_edit__content_type_html' => 'HTML', 'resp_edit__charset' => 'Encoding', 'restart__coldfusion' => "ColdFusion (%1)", 'restart__coldfusion_installation_type' => "Installation type: %1", 'restart__dns' => 'DNS Server (%1)', 'restart__drweb' => 'Odin Premium Antivirus', 'restart__mail' => "IMAP/POP3 Server (%1)", 'restart__mssql' => "Microsoft SQL server", 'restart__postgresql' => "PostgreSQL", 'restart__psa' => "Services", 'restart__smtp' => "SMTP Server (%1)", 'restart__spamassassin' => "SpamAssassin", 'restart__stunnel' => "Stunnel", 'restart__tomcat' => "Tomcat Java", 'restart__web' => "Web Server (%1)", 'restart__service_start' => 'Please allow for some time for the service to start.', 'restart__service_stop' => 'Please allow for some time for the service to stop.', 'restart__service_restart' => 'Please allow for some time for the service to restart.', 'rm_domains__some_domains_are_not_exist' => "Some of the specified domains do not exist. Possibly, they were removed by another user.", 'rpt_cl_dom_data_bases' => "DBases", 'rpt_cl_dom_mail_groups' => "MGroups", 'rpt_cl_dom_mail_lists' => "MLists", 'rpt_cl_dom_mail_resps' => "AResp.", 'rpt_cl_dom_postboxes' => "MBoxes", 'rpt_cl_dom_redirects' => "Forwarders", 'rpt_cl_dom_subdomains' => "Subdom", 'rpt_cl_dom_web_users' => "WUsers", 'rpt_cl_dom_webapps' => "WApps", 'rpt_cl_report_for_cl__' => "Report on customer %1", 'rpt_cl_section_domains' => "Domains", 'rpt_cl_section_full_domains' => "Domains", 'rpt_cl_section_general' => "General", 'rpt_create' => "Create report", 'rpt_empty' => "The report should contain at least one section", 'rpt_default_report' => "Use as default report", 'rpt_dom_report_for_dom__' => "Domain report for %1", 'rpt_dom_section_databases' => "Databases", 'rpt_dom_section_full_databases' => "Databases", 'rpt_dom_section_full_maillists' => "Mailing lists", 'rpt_dom_section_full_mailnames' => "Mail accounts", 'rpt_dom_section_full_webusers' => "Web users", 'rpt_dom_section_full_siteapps' => 'Web applications', 'rpt_dom_section_full_tomcat' => "Java applications", 'rpt_dom_section_general' => "General", 'rpt_dom_section_hosting' => "Hosting", 'rpt_dom_section_list_tomcat' => "Java applications", 'rpt_dom_section_maillists' => "Mailing lists", 'rpt_dom_section_mailnames' => "Mail accounts", 'rpt_dom_section_siteapps' => 'Web applications', 'rpt_dom_section_tomcat' => "Java applications", 'rpt_dom_section_webusers' => "Web users", 'rpt_dom_title_wa_status' => "S", 'rpt_edit__' => "Edit report %1", 'rpt_enter_email_address' => "Enter the email address the report will be delivered to.", 'rpt_list' => "Custom report layouts", 'rpt_name' => "Report name", 'rpt_remove_reports' => "The following report layouts will be removed:", 'rpt_reports' => "Reports", 'rpt_section_full' => "Full", 'rpt_section_none' => "None", 'rpt_section_summary' => "Summary", 'rpt_select_reports_for_remove' => "Select the report layouts to be removed.", 'rpt_default_full' => 'Full Report', 'rpt_default_summary' => 'Summary Report', // end of kooper part // pit part 'rpt_send_report_by_email_error__' => "Error sending the report: %1", 'rpt_send_report_by_email_ok__' => "The report was sent to %1", 'sa_action_del' => "Delete", 'sa_action_desc' => "What to do with spam mail", 'sa_blacklist' => "Black list", 'sa_db_del_confirm' => "Are you sure you want to clear the Spam Filter database?", 'sa_eml_in_ignorelist' => "Email is in the ignore list", 'sa_disabled__mailname_not_filtering' => "Current server settings do not allow to use mail filtering for this mail account", 'sa_disabled__filtering_is_disabled' => 'Spam filtering was switched off by the server administrator', 'sa_enable_filter' => "Switch on spam filtering", 'bt_sa_clear_db' => 'Clear Spam Filter Database', 'bt_sa_forget' => 'Forget it', 'bt_sa_learn_as_spam' => "It's Spam!", 'bt_sa_learn_as_nonspam' => "It's Not Spam", 'sa_trainer__page_title' => 'Spam filter training', 'sa_trainer__tools_legend' => 'Tools', 'sa_trainer__info_legend' => 'Info', 'sa_trainer__messages_list_legend' => 'Messages in your mailbox', 'sa_trainer__c' => 'T', 'sa_trainer__l' => 'L', 'sa_trainer__subject' => 'Subject', 'sa_trainer__from' => 'From', 'sa_trainer__date' => 'Date', 'sa_trainer__info_text' => 'Messages learned: %1 as spam, %2 as non-spam, %3 total.', 'sa_trainer__messages' => 'message(s)', 'sa_trainer__select__all' => 'All', 'sa_trainer__select__spam_only' => 'Spam', 'sa_trainer__select__ham_only' => 'Non-Spam', 'sa_trainer__select__unknown_only' => 'Unknown', 'sa_trainer__cannot_remove_messages' => 'Cannot remove the selected messages from the mailbox.', 'sa_trainer__remove_messages_confirm' => 'Are you sure that you wish to remove the selected messages from the mailbox?', 'sa_srv_blacklist' => "Server-wide black list", 'sa_srv_whitelist' => "Server-wide white list", 'sa_user_blacklist' => "User's black list", 'sa_user_whitelist' => "User's white list", 'sa_usr_disabled_by_srv' => "Individual spam filtering settings are not allowed by server administrator", 'sa_whitelist' => "White list", 'spamfilter__tools_legend' => 'Tools', 'spamfilter__prefs_legend' => 'Settings', 'spamfilter__max_children' => 'The maximum number of worker spamd processes to run (1-5)', 'spamfilter__rewrite_header_subject_hint' => 'Leave this field blank if you do not want to add any text. Type _SCORE_ if you want to include the score in the message subject.', 'spamfilter__reject_spam' => 'Delete spam mail when it comes to mailbox', 'spamfilter__enabled' => 'Switched on', 'spamfilter_addresses_list__tools_legend' => 'Tools', 'spamfilter_addresses_list__list_legend' => 'Addresses', 'spamfilter_addresses_list__items' => 'addresses', 'spamfilter_addresses_list__status' => 'S', 'spamfilter_addresses_list__level' => 'L', 'spamfilter_addresses_list__address' => 'Address', 'spamfilter_addresses__file_legend' => 'From file', 'spamfilter_addresses__file_label' => 'File name', 'spamfilter_addresses__file_hint' => 'Upload a file in UTF-8 encoding.', 'spamfilter_addresses__text_legend' => 'From list', 'spamfilter_addresses__text_label' => 'Email addresses', 'spamfilter_addresses__remove_title' => 'The following addresses will be removed from the list:', 'spamfilter_addresses__empty_selection' => 'No addresses selected.', 'server__admin_info' => "Administrator information", 'server__ctrl_panel' => "Plesk", 'server__enter_bug_essence_below' => "Enter the bug description below", 'server__power_management' => "Power management", 'server__services' => "Services", 'server__system' => "System", 'server__title' => "Server Administration", 'server__warning_reboot' => "Warning! The system will now be restarted. Proceed?", 'server__warning_shutdown' => "WARNING: This operation will shut the server down. The server cannot\nbe restarted remotely by means of this software. Are you sure you want to proceed?", 'server__will_reboot' => "The system will now be restarted.", 'server__will_shutdown' => "The system is shutting down.", 'server_preferences__admin_language' => "Administrator's interface language", 'server_preferences__admin_skin' => "Administrator's interface skin", 'server_preferences__allow_admin_multiply_login' => "Allow multiple sessions under administrator's account", 'server_preferences__count_disk_space' => "Include in the disk space usage calculation", 'server_preferences__count_traffic' => "Include in the traffic calculation", 'server_preferences__count_type' => 'When calculating disk space usage, count', 'server_preferences__count_type__byte' => 'file size', 'server_preferences__count_type__block' => 'amount of disk space used', 'server_preferences__default_language' => "Default language", 'server_preferences__default_skin' => "Default skin", 'server_preferences__include_databases' => "databases", 'server_preferences__include_domaindumps' => "domain backup files", 'server_preferences__include_incoming' => "only inbound traffic", 'server_preferences__include_incoming_and_outgoing' => "inbound and outbound traffic", 'server_preferences__include_logs' => "log files and statistic reports", 'server_preferences__include_mailboxes' => "mailboxes", 'server_preferences__include_maillists' => "mailing lists", 'server_preferences__include_outgoing' => "only outbound traffic", 'server_preferences__include_webapps' => "Java applications", 'server_preferences__keep_stats' => "Retain web and traffic statistics for", 'server_preferences__stat_warning' => "The changes made to the disk space usage calculation scheme will take effect only during next statistics calculation.", 'server_preferences__title' => "Server Settings", 'server_mail__title' => "Server-Wide Mail Settings", 'mail__tabs_preferences' => "Settings", 'mail__tabs_white_list' => "White List", 'mail__tabs_blocked_domains' => "Black List", 'mail__tabs_mail_queue' => "Mail Queue", 'server_preferences__use_vocabulary' => "Check the passwords for mailboxes in the dictionary", 'session__invalid_idle_time' => "Session idle time is invalid.", 'sessions__agreement' => "Yes, I wish to end these sessions.", 'sessions__min' => "Minutes", 'sessions__required_fields' => "Required fields.", 'sessions__select_sessions_for_remove' => "Select the sessions to be ended.", 'sessions__session_idle_time' => "Session idle time", 'sessions__session_setup' => "Session Settings", 'sessions__sessions_management' => "Sessions Management", 'sessions__unable_setup_session_idle' => "Unable to set up session idle time: %1", 'sessions__tabs_cp_sessions' => 'Plesk Sessions', 'sessions__tabs_ftp_sessions' => 'FTP Sessions', 'sessions__ftp_sessions_login' => 'FTP account username', 'sessions__ftp_sessions_domain' => 'Domain name', 'sessions__ftp_sessions_path' => 'Current location', 'sessions__ftp_sessions_file' => 'File name', 'sessions__ftp_sessions_action' => 'Status', 'sessions__ftp_sessions_speed' => 'Speed, KB/S', 'sessions__ftp_sessions_comp' => 'Progress, %', 'site_apps__access_level' => 'Access level', 'site_apps__access_level_commercial' => 'Commercial', 'site_apps__access_level_free' => 'Free', 'site_apps__action_installer' => "Web application installation", 'site_apps__action_reconfigure' => "Web application reconfiguring", 'site_apps__custom_button_level' => 'Would you like to create a new custom button for accessing this application?', 'site_apps__custom_button_level_false_domain_user_only' => 'No', 'site_apps__custom_button_level_domain_user_only' => 'Yes', 'site_apps__custom_button_level_false' => 'No', 'site_apps__custom_button_level_domain' => 'Yes, and make it available for the current domain only', 'site_apps__custom_button_level_client' => 'Yes, and make it available for all domains of the customer', 'site_apps__custom_button_level_admin' => 'Yes, and make it available for all domains', 'site_apps__description' => "Description", 'site_apps__dir_used_by_sapp__' => "The directory \"%1\" is used by another web application", 'site_apps__dir_used_by_fp__' => "The directory \"%1\" is used by the FrontPage application", 'site_apps__dir_used_by_unknown__' => "The directory \"%1\" already exists. Its contents will be overwritten if you proceed.", 'site_apps__dir_invalid_name__' => "The directory name %1 is incorrect", 'site_apps__file_name' => 'Web application filename', 'site_apps__invalid_install_prefix' => "Invalid installation prefix", 'site_apps__invalid_package' => "Web application is invalid", 'site_apps__key_status' => 'Licensing', 'site_apps__key_status_free' => 'Distributed freely. No license key required', 'site_apps__key_status_ok' => 'The required license key is installed', 'site_apps__key_status_problem' => 'The required license key is not installed', 'site_apps__name' => "Name", 'site_apps__no_domains' => 'The web application cannot be installed. There is already another web application installed in the root directory of this domain. Consider creating a subdomain for the web application.', 'site_apps__package_info_' => "Web Application Information", 'site_apps__package_integrated' => "built-in application, cannot be removed", 'site_apps__pool_select_packages_to_add' => 'Select the web applications to add to the pool', 'site_apps__release' => "Release", 'site_apps__resource_used_by_sapp' => "This resource is used by installed web application", 'site_apps__root_used_by_sapp' => "This resource is used by an installed web application", 'site_apps__upload_site_app_pkg_title' => 'Upload new web application', 'site_apps__version' => "Version", // lines added for 8.4 release 'site_builder_requires' => '%1 - %3', 'skeleton__admin_label' => "Virtual host template", 'skeleton__client_label' => "%1 virtual host template", 'skeleton__admin_page' => "Manage Virtual Host Template", 'skeleton__files_list' => "Files and directories", 'skeleton__archiver_not_installed' => "Unable to unpack the archive. Archiver is possibly not installed on the server. Contact the $PROD_NAME administrator to have the archiver software installed.", 'skeleton__client_page' => "Manage Virtual Host Template", 'skeleton__archive_corrupted' => "Archive check discovered that the archive file is either corrupt or this archive type is not supported.", 'skeleton__archive_too_large' => "Archive check discovered that the archive file is too large.", 'skeleton__not_supported_archive_type' => "This type of archive (file %1) is not supported.", 'skeleton__upload_archive_file' => "Upload archive file", 'skin_download__title' => 'Download Skin', 'skin_download_now__title' => 'Skin download in progress', 'skin_download_now__text' => 'The skin package creation is in progress.
This procedure may take some time.
Once the dialog window appears, you can continue working with Plesk.', 'skin_file__help_for_using_types' => "Please, use the skin archives in one of the following formats:", 'skin_info__title' => 'Skin Properties', 'skin_mng_err__rpm_not_skin' => 'This RPM is not a Plesk skin package', 'skin_mng_err__psa_install_noreloc' => 'Failed to install rpm-based skin in the specified location.', 'skin_mng_err__already_exists' => 'The skin installation directory already exists, and there is a skin package deployed.', 'skin_mng_err__rpm_upgrade_nonrpm' => 'The uploaded file is not a valid RPM skin package.', 'skin_mng_err__rpm_upgrade_noskin' => 'The uploaded file is not a valid skin package.', 'skin_mng_err__rpm_upgrade_base' => "The uploaded file is not a valid $PROD_NAME skin package.", 'skin_mng_err__rpm_upgrade_other' => 'Unable to install the skin: invalid skin format.', 'skin_mng_err__no_a_skin' => "The uploaded file is not a valid $PROD_NAME skin package.", 'skin_upload__title' => 'Upload New Skin', 'skin_upload__already_exists' => "The skin '%1' already exists.", 'skin_upload__unable_to_apply' => "The uploaded file does not contain a Plesk skin, or the archive format is not supported.", 'skin_upload__unable_to_rename__' => "Unable to rename skin %2 to %1: %3.", 'skin_upload__file_name' => 'Path to the skin package file', 'skins_list__title' => 'Skins Repository', 'skins_remove__title' => 'Skin Removal', 'skins_remove__select_skins_for_remove' => 'Select the skins to be removed', 'spamassassin__title' => "Spam filter configuration", 'spf_parameters' => 'Switch on SPF spam protection', 'spf_behavior' => 'SPF checking mode', 'spf_rules' => 'SPF local rules', 'spf_guess' => 'SPF guess rules', 'spf_exp' => 'SPF explanation text', 'spf__unable_update' => 'Unable to update SPF parameters', 'spf_bhv__create_headers_no_block' => 'Only create Received-SPF headers, never block', 'spf_bhv__use_tmp_errors' => 'Use temporary error notices when you have DNS lookup problems', 'spf_bhv__reject_if_fail' => 'Reject mail when SPF resolves to "fail" (deny)', 'spf_bhv__reject_if_softfail' => 'Reject mail when SPF resolves to "softfail"', 'spf_bhv__reject_if_neutral' => 'Reject mail when SPF resolves to "neutral"', 'spf_bhv__reject_if_no_pass' => 'Reject mail when SPF does not resolve to "pass"', 'sshterm__title' => 'Secure Shell Terminal', 'sshterm__password_authentication_warning' => 'Note: Password authentication is switched off in the local SSH server configuration. If you are unable to connect using the SSH Terminal, ask the administrator to set "PasswordAuthentication yes" in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.', 'sshterm__password_authentication_warning_admin' => 'Note: Password authentication is switched off in the local SSH server configuration. If you are unable to connect using the SSH Terminal, please set "PasswordAuthentication yes" in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.', 'statistics__active_domains' => "Active domains", 'statistics__clients' => "Customers", 'statistics__subdomains' => "Subdomains", 'statistics__cpu' => "CPU", 'statistics__databases' => "Databases", 'statistics__db_users' => "Database users", 'statistics__dirs' => "Protected directories", 'statistics__dom_active' => "Active", 'statistics__dom_passive' => "Passive", 'statistics__dom_problem' => "Problem", 'statistics__domains' => "Domains", 'statistics__domains_with_host' => "Domains with hosting", 'statistics__doms' => "Domains ", 'statistics__filesystem' => "File system", 'statistics__general' => "General", 'statistics__hdd_available' => "Available", 'statistics__hdd_capacity' => "Capacity", 'statistics__hdd_total' => "Total", 'statistics__hdd_usage' => "Hard Disk Usage", 'statistics__hdd_used' => "Used", 'statistics__ip' => "IP address", 'statistics__key_number' => "Key number", 'statistics__l1' => "Last 1 minute", 'statistics__l15' => "Last 15 minutes", 'statistics__l5' => "Last 5 minutes", 'statistics__la' => "CPU usage", 'statistics__mail_autoresponders' => "Auto-replies", 'statistics__mail_boxes' => "Mailboxes", 'statistics__mail_groups' => "Mail groups", 'statistics__mail_lists' => "Mailing lists", 'statistics__mail_redirects' => "Mail forwarders", 'statistics__mem' => "Memory Usage", 'statistics__mem_usage' => "Usage", 'statistics__memory_buffer' => "Buffer", 'statistics__memory_cached' => "Cached", 'statistics__memory_free' => "Free", 'statistics__memory_shared' => "Shared", 'statistics__memory_total' => "Total", 'statistics__memory_used' => "Used", 'statistics__os' => "OS", 'statistics__problem_clients' => "Problem customers", 'statistics__problem_domains' => "Problem domains", 'statistics__swap' => "Swap Usage", 'statistics__swap_free' => "Free", 'statistics__swap_total' => "Total", 'statistics__swap_usage' => "Usage", 'statistics__swap_used' => "Used", 'statistics__system_stat' => "Server Information", 'statistics__unable_define_active_doms' => "Unable to determine the number of active domains: %1", 'statistics__unable_define_inactive_doms' => "Unable to determine the number of inactive domains: %1", 'statistics__up_time' => "System Uptime: ", 'statistics__ver' => "Version", 'statistics__web_apps' => "Java applications", 'statistics__web_users' => "Web users", 'status__domain_has_reasons_to_be_off' => "The domain is still suspended for the following reason: %1", 'subdomain__create__' => "Create a subdomain in the domain %1", 'subdomain__edit__' => "Manage subdomain %1", 'subdomain__invalid_name' => "Invalid subdomain name: use only alphanumeric and dash symbols.", 'subdomains__maillists_enabled_in_domain' => "Incorrect subdomain name lists.%1: this domain name is already in use by mailing lists under the domain %1.", 'subdomains__dalias_exists' => 'A domain alias with such a name already exists.', 'subdomains__name_exists' => "A subdomain with such a name already exists.", 'subdomains__regular_domain_exists' => "A domain with such a name already exists.", 'subdomains__remove_subdomains_on_domain' => "The following subdomains for domain %1 will be removed:", 'subdomains__select_subdomains_for_remove' => "Select the subdomains to be removed.", 'subdomains__webmail_enabled_in_domain' => "Incorrect subdomain name webmail.%1: this domain name is used for accessing webmail under the domain %1.", 'subdomains__dns_record_already_exists' => 'Unable to create the subdomain %1 because there is already a DNS record pointing to host %1.', 'subdomains__www_prefix_in_domain' => "Incorrect subdomain name www.%1: the domain %1 already has the WWW prefix.", 'subdomains__user_type_quota_exceeds' => 'Unable to change the user account because this would result in exceeding the allotted disk space.', 'subdomains__creation_in_dns_slave' => "The Plesk's name server is acting as a secondary (slave) name server for this domain. For your subdomain to resolve properly, make sure that the zone file on the primary (master) server contains the record %1.", 'sys_user__attributes_not_changed' => "\nThe following system user attributes were not changed: %1", 'sys_user__no_access_without_password' => "You did not set a password. The system user will be created, but will not be able to log in to the system, until he/she is given a password. Would you like to proceed?", 'sys_user__no_hard_quota' => "not supported", 'sysuser__zero_quota_is_unlimited' => "0 for unlimited", 'template__num_excl_ips' => "Allocate dedicated IP addresses to the customer", 'template__sel_sh_ips' => "Selected shared IP addresses", 'template__av_sh_ips' => "Available shared IP addresses", 'template__up_to_excl_ip' => "Up to %1 IP addresses", 'templates__all_clients' => "all customers", 'templates__cl_domain_templates' => "Templates for %1", 'templates__cl_templates' => "Customer templates", 'time__day' => "Day", 'time__dom_name_ip' => "Domain name or IP", 'time__hours' => "Hours", 'time__invalid_ip' => "Invalid IP address or domain name.", 'time__invalid_year' => "Year is invalid. Should be between 1971 and 2036.", 'time__invalid_month' => "Month is invalid. Should be between 1 and 12.", 'time__invalid_day' => "Day is invalid. Should be between 1 and 31.", 'time__invalid_hours' => "Hours is invalid. Should be between 0 and 24.", 'time__invalid_minutes' => "Minutes is invalid. Should be between 0 and 59.", 'time__invalid_seconds' => "Seconds is invalid. Should be between 0 and 59.", 'time__minutes' => "Minutes", 'time__month' => "Month", 'time__sec' => "Seconds", 'time__syn_sys_time' => "Synchronize system time", 'time__system_datetime' => 'Date and time', 'time__system_date_update' => 'Update system time', 'time__system_date' => "Date (Year-Month-Day)", 'time__system_time' => "Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)", 'time__system_date_title' => "System Date and Time", 'time__timezone_title' => 'Time zone', 'time__network_time' => 'Network time', 'time__timezone' => 'Your time zone', 'time__please_select_timezone' => 'Please, select a time zone', '__please_select_country' => 'Please, select your country', 'time__unable_set_time' => "Unable to set the system time: %1", 'time__year' => "Year", 'tmpl__create' => "Create template", 'tmpl__edit__' => 'Template %1', 'tmpl__logrotation_warn' => "Log rotation on the domain created by this template will be performed only in case of subsequent physical hosting account creation for it.", 'tmpl__name' => "Template name", 'tmpl__dom_exist' => "A domain template with such a name already exists in administrator's or customer's templates pool.", 'tmpl__use_next_ip_addr' => "Next vacant IP address will be used", 'tmpl_name_already_exists' => "Template with name '%1' already exists.", 'toolsbar__logout?' => "Are you sure you want to log out?", 'toolsbar__switch_user?' => "Are you sure you want to log in under another user account?", 'traffic__no_periods_found' => "Unable to display the web and traffic statistics. This function will be available only after the next statistics calculation.", 'vh_based__no_free_ip_for_vh' => "There are no vacant IP addresses for the IP-based virtual hosting. Please, add an IP address.", 'virusfilter__interface_not_available' => 'No virus filters are available.', 'virusfilter__none_virus_filter' => 'None', 'virusfilter__server_legend' => 'Antivirus settings', 'virusfilter__server_text' => 'Used antivirus', 'virusfilter__mailname_status_text' => 'Antivirus (%1)', 'virusfilter__status_none' => 'switched off', 'virusfilter__status_any' => 'incoming and outgoing mail', 'virusfilter__status_outgoing' => 'only outgoing mail', 'virusfilter__status_incoming' => 'only incoming mail', 'visibility__adminonly' => 'Admin Only', 'visibility__button_sets' => 'Controls', 'visibility__control' => 'Click to customize this control.', 'visibility__customization_footnote' => 'Click OK to finish customization of this screen.', 'visibility__default' => 'Default', 'visibility__export_note' => "The customization settings you made are about to be exported. A shell script will now be downloaded to your computer. To apply these settings to another Parallels Plesk server, overwriting any existing interface management settings, please upload and execute the script there.\n\nPlease note that if you have made any changes on this screen but have not yet clicked OK, the data exported will not include your latest changes.", 'visibility__hide' => 'Hide', 'visibility__reset_all' => 'Reset all to default', 'visibility__reset_screen' => 'Restore original layout of this screen', 'visibility__root_override_parse_error' => 'There is a syntax error in file %1 in line %2.', 'visibility__screen_title' => 'Interface management', 'visibility__set_billing_enabled' => 'Disconnect Customer and Business Manager', 'visibility__set_cert_puchasing' => 'Hide buttons for certificate purchasing', 'visibility__set_domain_registration' => 'Hide buttons for domain registration', 'visibility__set_extras' => 'Hide buttons for extra services', 'visibility__set_mail_bounce' => 'Hide controls for rejection messages for non-existent mail addresses', 'visibility__set_newsfeeds' => 'Hide newsfeeds in webmail and on default domain pages', 'visibility__set_newsfeeds__key_newsfeeds' => 'Switched off by the license key', 'visibility__set_promo_virtuozzo' => 'Hide Virtuozzo containers promotion page', 'visibility__set_promo_virtuozzo__is_virtuozzo' => 'Already working in Virtuozzo containers', 'visibility__show' => 'Show', 'visibility__show_toolbar' => 'Show interface management toolbar', 'visibility__standby_footnote' => 'Click to customize controls on this screen.', 'visibility__standby_footnote_nocontrols' => 'There are no customizable controls on this screen.', 'interface_preferences' => 'Interface Management', 'itmpl__list_title' => 'Interface templates management', 'pb__interface_templates' => 'Interface management', 'itmpl__list_name' => 'Interface template name', 'itmpl__list_usage' => 'Usage', 'itmpl__list_header' => 'Interface templates', 'itmpl__xml_load_failed' => 'XML file is in the wrong format.', 'itmpl__add_title' => 'Add new interface template', 'pb__interface_clients' => 'Customers using %1', 'webalizer_preferences__title' => 'Web Statistics Settings', 'webalizer_preferences__tab_hidden_referrers' => 'Hidden Referrers', 'webalizer_preferences__tab_group_referrers' => 'Grouped Referrers', 'webalizer_hidden_referrer__edit_title' => 'Hidden Entry Properties', 'webalizer_hidden_referrer__edit_legend' => 'Hidden Entries', 'webalizer_hidden_referrer__referrer_type' => 'Entry type', 'webalizer_hidden_referrer__referrer' => 'Referrer', 'webalizer_hidden_referrer__list_header' => 'Hidden Referrers', 'webalizer_hidden_referrer__list_legend' => 'Hidden Referrers', 'webalizer_hidden_referrer__referrer_direct_request' => 'Direct request', 'webalizer_hidden_referrer__referrer_custom_referrer' => 'Referrer', 'webalizer_hidden_referrer__remove_empty_selection' => 'No entries selected', 'webalizer_hidden_referrer__remove_title' => 'The following referrers will no longer be hidden:', 'webalizer_hidden_referrer__already_exist' => 'Such an entry already exists.', 'webalizer_group_referrer__list_header' => 'Group Referrers', 'webalizer_group_referrer__list_legend' => 'Group Referrers', 'webalizer_group_referrer__edit_title' => 'Referrer Group Properties', 'webalizer_group_referrer__edit_legend' => 'Referrer Group Properties', 'webalizer_group_referrer__group' => 'Group', 'webalizer_group_referrer__referrer' => 'Referrer', 'webalizer_group_referrer__already_exist' => 'A group referrer with such a name already exists.', 'webalizer_group_referrer__remove_empty_selection' => 'No referrers selected', 'webalizer_group_referrer__remove_title' => 'The following referrer sites will be ungrouped:', 'web_apps__domain_limit_exceeded' => "Unable to add Java application: domain limit is exceeded.", 'web_apps__have_no_permissions' => "Unable to manage Java applications: customer or domain level user does not have the appropriate permission or domain is not active.", 'web_apps__only_war_file' => "Only .war files can be installed as a Java application.", 'web_apps__select_war_file' => "Select Java application file.", 'web_apps__title' => "Java Applications Installed on %1", 'web_apps__add_title' => "Add a New Java Application", 'web_apps__tomcat_may_be_not_work' => "Possible reason - Tomcat Java service is not currently running on the server.", 'web_apps__tomcat_status' => "Tomcat Java status", 'web_apps__unable_to_start_webapp' => "Unable to start up Java application: %1", 'web_apps__unable_to_down_webapp' => "Unable to shut down Java application: %1", 'web_apps__unable_to_remove_webapp' => "Unable to remove Java application: %1", 'web_apps__upload_war_file' => "Upload WAR file", 'web_apps__war_file' => "Path to application archive in WAR format", 'web_apps__web_app_couldnt_named_manager' => "Web application cannot be named as 'manager'.", 'web_apps__web_app_filename_invalid' => "Application filename is invalid. Use only alphanumeric characters, dot and hyphen symbols.", 'web_apps__webapp_exists' => "A Java application with such a name already exists.", 'wu__unable_create' => "Unable to create web user: %1", 'wu_edit__disk_quota' => "Disk quota", 'wu_edit__invalid_pass' => "Password is invalid.", 'wu_edit__invalid_quota' => "The specified disk space quota value is invalid. Please, enter a positive integer.", 'wu_edit__not_create_pass' => "This action will not create a password for the new web user.\nWithout password the user will not be able to log in.", 'wu_edit__unable_update' => "Unable to update the web user property: %1", 'pb__dashboard' => 'Home', 'server_interface__page_title' => 'Server Interface Settings', 'server_interface__tabs_locales' => 'Locales', 'server_interface__tabs_skins' => 'Skins', 'server_interface__tabs_interface_templates' => 'Interface Templates', 'bt_server_interface' => 'Interface Preferences', 'pb__server_interface' => 'Interface Preferences', 'bt_wizard_next' => 'Next >>', 'bt_wizard_prev' => '<< Back', '__limit_exceeded_max_dom_server' => 'You cannot host more domains on this server because the limit on number of domains allowed on the server by the license key was reached. Contact your service provider to resolve this issue.', '__limit_exceeded_max_subdom_server' => 'You cannot host more subdomains on this server. Please contact your service provider.', '__limit_exceeded_max_dom_aliases_server' => 'You cannot set up more domain aliases on this server. Please contact your service provider.', '__limit_exceeded_max_wu_server' => 'You cannot create more web users because the limit on number of web users allowed on the server by the license key was reached. Contact your service provider to resolve this issue.', '__limit_exceeded_max_mn_server' => 'You cannot create more mail accounts because the limit on number of mail accounts allowed on the server by the license key was reached. Contact your service provider to resolve this issue.', '__limit_exceeded_max_cl_useradmin' => 'You have reached the limit on number of customer accounts defined by your license key (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_dom_useradmin' => 'You have reached the limit on number of domains defined by your license key (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_subdom_useradmin' => 'You have reached the limit on number of subdomains defined by your license key (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_dom_aliases_useradmin' => 'You have reached the limit on number of domain aliases defined by your license key (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_disk_space_useradmin' => 'You have no free disk space left', '__limit_exceeded_max_wu_useradmin' => 'You have reached the limit on number of web user accounts defined by your license key (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_db_useradmin' => 'You have reached the limit on number of databases defined by your license key (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_box_useradmin' => 'You have reached the limit on number of mailboxes defined by your license key (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_mn_useradmin' => 'You have reached the limit on number of email accounts defined by your license key (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_maillists_useradmin' => 'You have reached the limit on number of mailing lists defined by your license key (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_webapps_useradmin' => 'You have reached the limit on number of Java applications defined by your license key (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_dom_userclient' => 'You have reached the limit on number of domains (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_subdom_userclient' => 'You have reached the limit on number of subdomains (%2) allowed by your service provider', '__limit_exceeded_max_dom_aliases_userclient' => 'You have reached the limit on number of domain aliases (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_disk_space_userclient' => 'You have reached the disk space usage limit (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_traffic_userclient' => 'You have reached the limit on amount of bandwidth usage per month (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_wu_userclient' => 'You have reached the limit on number of web users (%2) allowed by your service provider.', '__limit_exceeded_max_db_userclient' => 'You have reached the limit on number of databases (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_box_userclient' => 'You have reached the limit on number of mailboxes (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_maillists_userclient' => 'You have reached the limit on number of mailing lists (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_webapps_userclient' => 'You have reached the limit on number of Java applications (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_expiration_userclient' => 'Your account expired on %2', '__limit_exceeded_max_subdom_userdomain' => 'You have reached the limit on number of subdomains (%2) allowed by your service provider', '__limit_exceeded_max_dom_aliases_userdomain' => 'You have reached the limit on number of domain aliases (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_disk_space_userdomain' => 'You have reached the disk space usage limit (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_traffic_userdomain' => 'You have reached the limit on amount of bandwidth used per month (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_wu_userdomain' => 'You have reached the limit on number of web user accounts (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_db_userdomain' => 'You have reached the limit on number of databases (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_box_userdomain' => 'You have reached the limit on number of mailboxes (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_maillists_userdomain' => 'You have reached the limit on number of mailing lists (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_max_webapps_userdomain' => 'You have reached the limit on number of Java applications installed on your site (%2)', '__limit_exceeded_expiration_userdomain' => 'Your account expired on %2', 'autoinstaller__plesk_component' => 'Parallels Plesk component', 'migration_upload_form_mes' => 'Uploading Migration & Transfer Agent to host %1.', 'migration_upload_agent_false' => 'Failed to upload the Migration & Transfer Agent', 'migration_upload_agent' => 'Migration & Transfer Agent Upload', 'migration_upload_agent_on' => 'Uploading Migration & Transfer Agent to %1', 'migration_host_info' => 'Information on Source Host %1', 'migration_get_account_and_domains' => 'Select objects that you wish to migrate from host %1', 'migration_message_legend' => 'Information', 'migration_host_details' => 'Host details', 'migration_host_info_os' => 'Operating system', 'migration_host_info_loadavg' => 'Load average on the host', 'migration_host_info_hostingplatform' => 'Hosting platform/version', 'migration_host_info_clients' => 'Number of customers', 'migration_host_info_domains' => 'Number of domains', 'migration_host_info_host' => 'Server', 'migration_get_account_domain_mes' => 'Downloading a list of accounts and domains from the source host %1.', 'migration_main_download1' => "Transferring file: %1\nSize: %2\nLeft to transfer: %3", 'migration_main_download2' => "Host: %1\nTransferred: %2 files, %3\nLeft: %4 files, %5\nTransfer speed: %6", 'migration_select_account' => 'Select the customer account', 'migration_ip_map_page' => 'IP mapping for migrating data from %1', 'migration_db_servre_map_page' => 'Database servers mapping for migrating data from %1', 'migration_db_servre_map_legend' => 'DB servers mapping', 'migration_ip_map' => 'IP Mapping', 'migration_ip_map_alert' => 'Please specify mapping for all IP addresses', 'migration_stop_page' => 'Stop migrating data from host %1', 'migration_stop_message' => 'Stop the migration process', 'migration_deploy_info1' => 'Deploying %1 %2', 'migration_deploy_info2' => "Total accounts/left %1/%2\nTotal domains/left %3/%4\n", 'migration_notify' => 'Notify users upon creation of each system object', 'migration_keep_archives' => 'Keep the temporary files', 'migration_setting' => 'Deployment Settings', 'migration_setting_leg' => 'Deployment settings', 'migration_deploy_progress' => 'Deployment progress', 'migration_deploy_info' => 'Deployment progress for host %1', 'migration_host' => 'Source host', 'migration_password' => 'Password', 'migration_platform' => 'Source platform', 'migration_translete' => "Converting dump to the Plesk's format", 'migration_agent_wait' => 'Waiting for a response from agent', 'migration_end_deploy_info' => 'Data migration from host %1 was finished.', 'migration_deploy_details' => 'Details', 'migration_wrong_agent' => 'Agent is not suitable for the given host.', 'migration_select_some' => 'Select the objects to migrate.', 'migration_dowload' => 'Downloading content from host %1', 'migration_dowload_progress' => 'Download progress', 'migration_dowload_current' => 'Downloading current file', 'migration_xml_desc' => 'Downloading the dump description.', 'migration_no_errors' => 'The migration was finished.', 'migration_unable_get_account_and_domains' => 'Unable to retrieve a list of accounts and domains: ', 'migration_unable_translate' => "Unable to convert the data to the Plesk's format: ", 'migration_unable_dump_retrieve' => 'Failed to retrieve the data: ', 'migration_unable_archive_host' => 'Unable to create a description for the migrated objects: ', 'migration_select_account_page' => 'Select the customer account to which you wish to migrate the domains', 'migration_unable_deploy' => 'Unable to deploy the migrated objects: ', 'migration_no_space_left' => 'Can\'t start migration session. No space left on device.', 'bt_migration_more' => 'Migrate more', 'bt_migration_begin' => 'Finish', 'migration_select_exist_ip' => 'Select destination IP', 'migration_domain_count' => 'Number of domains', 'migration_account' => 'Account', 'migration_demo_war' => "Warning! This is the Migration & Transfer Manager demo. No accounts and domains will be actually migrated. \nPlease specify the desired values.", 'migration_download_not_space' => 'Not enough disk space!', 'bt_migration_ignore' => 'Ignore', 'bt_migration_retry' => 'Retry', 'migration_dump_all' => 'Migrate all customers and domains', 'migration_details' => 'Migration details', 'migration_limit_error' => "The number of {type} you are trying to create exceeds the limits defined by the license key - %1.\nYou can only create %2 more {type}.", 'migration_idle' => 'Preparing for execution', 'migration_remove_agent' => 'Remove agent', 'migration_stop_lable' => 'Stopping', 'migration_remove_archive' => 'Remove temporary files', 'migration_no_object' => 'There are no objects for migration on the remote host.', 'migration_no_domain' => 'No domains were found', 'bt_migrate_single' => 'Single-Host Migration', 'migration_compress' => 'Data compression', 'migration_mode' => 'Migration mode', 'migration_dump_message1' => "Currently dumping the account: %1\nCurrent domain: %2\nAccounts left to dump: %3\nDomains left to dump: %4", 'migration_dump_progress' => 'Dumping progress', 'migration_dump_current' => 'Dumping data', 'migration_agent_path' => 'Directory on the source host where Migration & Transfer Manager will place all data before transferring them', 'migration_dump_noexist' => 'For the single-host migration, you should place the dump to "%1".', 'migration_sudo_password' => 'Sudo password', 'migration_sudo_root' => 'root', 'migration_sudo_others' => 'other', 'migration_backend_crash_off_mess' => 'Migration & Transfer Manager back end terminated because of unexpected error. Please contact support.', 'migration_single_note_mess' => 'Use this feature to import the data created by the Migration & Transfer Agent.', 'migration_single_mode' => 'Data import', 'migration_normal_mode' => 'Migration', 'migration_select_client' => 'Select customer', 'migration_from' => ' (migration from host %1)', 'migration_select_mode' => 'Select migration mode', 'migration_select_client_in_list' => 'To select a customer, click the customer\'s name', 'migration_single_info' => 'Importing data from %1', 'migration_dump_info' => 'Dump details', 'migration_select_single_mode' => 'Select import mode', 'migration_select_single_item' => 'Select objects for import', 'migration_single_all' => 'Import all', 'migration_add_free_ip' => 'Note: By selecting a vacant IP address you will add it to customer\'s IP pool.', 'migration_ip_vacant' => 'Vacant', 'migration_single_trans' => "Converting data to the Plesk's native format", 'migration_select_ip' => 'Select IP', 'migration_no_check_space' => 'Do not check for amount of free disk space during migration', 'migration_local_fs_legent' => 'Working directory', 'migration_storage_dir' => 'Directory on this server to which all data will be transferred', 'migration_upload_scount' => 'Retrieving information on the host %1 is in progress', 'migration_upload_scount_on' => 'Retrieving information on the host %1', 'migration_source_platform' => 'Migration platform', 'migration_platform_detec_fail' => 'Automatic detection of hosting platform failed. Please select platform manually from the combo box below.', 'migration_select_platform' => '-- Select platform --', 'migration_no_client' => 'You have no customer accounts on the destination host to migrate domains to', 'migration_template_legend' => 'Creation of domains by template', 'migration_client_template' => 'Use a template for creating customer accounts', 'migration_domain_template' => 'Use a template for creating domains', 'migration_reached_limit' => 'You have reached the limit on number of %1.', 'migration_reached_limit_client' => 'client accounts', 'migration_reached_limit_domain' => 'domains', 'migration_session_list' => 'Migration & Transfer Manager', 'migration_current_migrations_list' => 'Current migrations', 'migration_current_migration' => 'Current migrations', 'bt_migration_session_add' => 'Start a new migration', 'migration_session_list__objects' => 'Migrating objects', 'migration_session_list__start_date' => 'Start date', 'migration_session_list__elapsed' => 'Elapsed time', 'migration_session_list__progress' => 'Progress', 'migration_session_list__not_selected' => 'Not yet selected', 'migration_state_desc_failed' => 'Failed migration', 'migration_state_desc_awaiting_start' => 'Waiting for a start', 'migration_state_desc_awaiting_agent_param' => 'Please specify migration parameters', 'migration_state_desc_select_object' => 'Select the business objects to migrate', 'migration_state_desc_select_client' => 'Select the customer for migration', 'migration_state_desc_ip_map' => 'IP mapping', 'migration_state_desc_db_server_map' => 'DB server mapping', 'migration_state_desc_api_migration' => 'Migration made by means of RPC', 'migration_state_desc_dumping' => 'Retrieving data from remote host', 'migration_session_failed' => 'Migration from host %1 failed', 'migration_completed' => 'The migration has been completed.', 'migration_completed_with_errors' => 'The migration was finished, however, a few errors occurred in the process.', 'migration_no_admin_dom_template' => 'There are no administrator\'s domain templates', 'migration_error_file' => 'File', 'migration_error_line' => 'Line', 'migration_error_context' => 'Context', 'migration_error_log' => 'Error log', 'migration_error_type' => 'Type', 'migration_error_name' => 'Name', 'migration_no_ip_available' => 'No IP addresses available', 'migration_annon_ftp_lost' => 'After IP mapping, you will not be able to use anonymous FTP service on the following IP address: ', 'pb_migration_from' => 'Migration from %1', 'migration_cmd_ignored' => 'The command "%1" was ignored.', 'migration_not_unable_migrate_some' => 'Migration cannot continue: either the selected objects are already migrated or they cannot be migrated because domain name or user account name is invalid.', 'migration_log_place_info' => 'For more information, see the log file at ', 'migration_ipmap_textarea' => 'Type IP addresses manually', 'migration_ipmap_normal' => 'Select IP addresses from the list', 'migration_ip_not_exist' => 'Unable to detect IP address "%1"', 'migration_ip_not_exist_in_dump' => 'The following IP address was not found in the configuration you wanted to migrate:', 'migration_ip_not_exist_on_server' => 'The following IP address does not exist on the server:', 'migration_ip_pares_unccorrect' => 'You have incorrectly specified mapping of IP addresses: one IP address should correspond to another IP address.', 'migration_ip_map_legent' => 'Mapping scheme', 'migration_exclusive_ip_duple' => 'You cannot map two IP addresses to one dedicated IP address.', 'migration_ip_type2type_rule' => 'Shared IP addresses can migrate only to shared IP addresses. Dedicated IP addresses can migrate to either shared or dedicated IP addresses.', 'migration_ip_map_errors' => 'There are errors in the mapping scheme', 'migration_ip_address_type' => 'Type', 'migration_server_ip_list_legend' => 'IP addresses available on the server', 'migration_client_pool_list_legend' => "Customer's IP pool (addresses that can be used for migration)", 'migration_ip_map_errors_header' => 'Errors: ', 'migration_upload_ip_files' => "Upload IP Map File", 'migration_not_exit_or_empty_file' => "You uploaded an empty file.", 'migration_ip_map_map_scheme_legentd' => 'Destination IP addresses', 'migration_client_domain_limit_exceeds' => 'This operation would exceed resource limits defined for this user', 'bt_ipmap_upload' => "Upload IP mapping scheme from file", 'bt_ipmap_download' => "Save IP mapping scheme to file", 'dls__select_all' => 'Select All', 'dls__deselect_all' => 'Clear All', 'dls__available_objects__to_resellers_select' => 'Available resellers', 'dls__selected_objects__to_resellers_select' => 'Selected resellers', 'dls__available_objects__to_clients_select' => 'Available customers', 'dls__selected_objects__to_clients_select' => 'Selected customers', 'dls__available_objects__to_domains_select' => 'Available domains', 'dls__selected_objects__to_domains_select' => 'Selected domains', 'mmt__to_none' => 'None', 'mmt__to_admin' => 'Administrator', 'mmt__to_clients_all' => 'All customers', 'mmt__to_resellers_all' => 'All resellers', 'mmt__to_clients_select' => 'Selected customers', 'mmt__to_resellers_select' => 'Selected resellers', 'mmt__to_clients_except' => 'All customers except selected', 'mmt__to_resellers_except' => 'All resellers except selected', 'mmt__to_domains_all' => 'All domain administrators', 'mmt__to_domains_select' => 'Selected domain administrators', 'mmt__to_domains_except' => 'All domain administrators except selected', 'mmt__unable_send_empty_selection' => 'Unable to send mass mail, no email addresses selected.', 'mmt__unable_send_to__' => 'Unable to send mass mail to: ', 'mmt__unable_send_to_email' => '%1 <%2>', 'left_panel_switcher__show_hidde' => 'Hide/show the navigation pane', // VoipNow BEGIN 'voipnow__voipnow_active_no_plesk_account' => '4PSA VoipNow integration extension is available. To use 4PSA VoipNow, you must set up your Single Sign-On global account.', 'voipnow__voipnow_active_info' => '4PSA VoipNow integration extension is available. You can switch to 4PSA VoipNow by clicking the Switch to VoipNow button', 'voipnow__switch_voip_button' => 'Switch to VoipNow', '__voipnow' => 'VoipNow', //SAPP BEGIN 'sapp_on' => 'On', 'sapp_off' => 'Off', 'sapp_directive_aspect' => 'Required', 'sapp_databases_num' => 'Databases', 'sapp_db_required' => 'Required', 'sapp_Required' => 'Required', 'sapp_Variant' => 'Variant', 'sapp_db_id' => 'Database id', 'sapp_db_id_type' => 'DB (id: %1) type', 'sapp_db_id_min_version' => 'DB (id: %1) min version', 'sapp_db_id_table_prefix' => 'DB (id: %1) table prefix', 'sapp_Default' => 'Default value', 'sapp_apache_mod_req' => 'Apache module', 'sapp_dbtype_not_installed' => 'not installed', 'sapp_apache_mod_not_installed' => 'not installed', 'sapp__value_error_empty' => 'Empty value is not allowed.', 'sapp_error_invalid_type' => 'The application "%1" does not support the requested action.', 'sapp_error_unknown_app_type' => 'Unsupported type of application: %1.', 'sapp_error_validation_not_found' => 'Unable to validate web application because one of required files (%1) was not found. Contact your technical support representative for assistance.', 'sapp_error_validation_spec_failed' => 'The uploaded web application does not conform to the AppPacks specifications: %1.', 'sapp_error_validation_register' => 'Unable to register the web application located in the directory "%1": %2 You should remove the web application from the server because it will not function properly.', 'sapp_requirement_legend' => 'Hosting features required by the application', 'sapp__install_failed' => 'Web application installation failed: %1', 'sapp__install_res_failed' => 'Failed to create the requested resource.', 'sapp__ssl_text' => 'Install application to "http://" or "https://" virtual host?', 'sapp__upgrade_apps_title' => 'Upgrade applications', 'sapp__upgrade_to_ver' => 'Upgrade to version', 'sapp__choose_pkg_ver' => 'Select a package...', 'sapp__pkg_cant_upgrade_pkg' => 'The package "%1" cannot be used for upgrading the web application "%2".', 'sapp__app_ugrade_error' => 'Unable to upgrade the application: %1. Please contact your system administrator.', 'sapp__no_suitable_db_found' => 'No suitable database found.', 'sapp__upgrade_success' => 'The application was successfully upgraded.', 'sapp__pkg_info_changelog' => 'History of changes', 'sapp__before_upgrade_notice' => 'It is recommended to back up the application and user data before starting the upgrade process.', 'sapp__application_properties' => 'Application properties', 'sapp__application_root_descr' => 'The main page of the application', 'sapp__aps_license_invalid_id' => 'License key has invalid ID: %1.', 'sapp__aps_lic_key_alredy_exists' => 'License with the key number %1 already exists in the database.', 'sapp__aps_lic_del_used' => 'Unable to delete the license key, it is being used by one of installed applications.', 'sapp__aps_lic_del_unknown' => 'Unable to delete the license key: %1', 'sapp__aps_cappi_duplicate' => "This application is already in this customer's application pool", 'sapp__appi_not_shared_no_install' => "There is no such an application in the customer's application pool. If you want to install this application on a site, you should first add this application to the customer's application pool.", 'sapp__appi_shared_not_client' => "There is no such an application in the customer's application pool. If you want to upgrade the application to the specified version, you should first add this application version to the customer's application pool .", 'sapp__apply_license_script_not_found' => 'Unable to find the "apply-license" script for this web application.', 'sapp__unable_to_activate_key' => 'An error occurred during an attempt to activate a license key: %1', 'sapp__unable_to_delete_ai_instances_exists' => 'There are installed web applications that require the presence of this web application in the system.', 'sapp__unable_to_delete_ai_in_pool' => 'This application is still in a customer\'s pool. If you want to remove this application, you first need to remove it from all customers\' application pools or make it free of charge.', 'sapp__unable_to_delete_app_template' => 'Unable to remove the application #%1: %2', 'sapp__limit_exceeded_client' => 'You have reached the limit on number of times you can install this web application (%2).', '__aps_left' => 'Installations left', 'aps__license_key' => 'License key', 'aps__download_code' => 'License key download and activation code', 'aps__license_key_hint' => 'Retrieve from the licensing server using the activation code', 'aps__database_not_available' => 'not available, please check domain or customer limits', 'aps__yes' => 'yes', 'aps__no' => 'no', '__click_to_enlarge' => 'Click to enlarge', 'site_apps__back_to_list' => 'Return to list', 'sapp__pkg_info_installation_requirements' => 'Installation requirements', '__close_window' => 'Close', //SAPP END //move this to other file after splitting drweb to module 'drweb:virus_filter_full_name' => 'Odin Premium Antivirus', 'drweb:properties_page_title' => 'Odin Premium Antivirus Settings for %1', 'drweb:properties_legend' => 'Settings', 'drweb:status' => 'Checking mail for viruses', 'change_foreign_user_password' => 'Change password', 'change_foreign_user_password_hint' => "The user does not belong to this application. Click the link to go to another application and change the user's password there. To do this, you must have the appropriate rights in the application.", 'sso_mode_restriction' => 'This feature is not available in the single sign-on mode.', 'sso_auth_failed' => 'Authentication through the single sign-on mechanism is temporarily unavailable. Click this link to retry logging in using the single sign-on mechanism, or specify your local account username and password in the form below to log in to Plesk without using the single sign-on capability.', 'sso__delegated_ui__select_name__legend' => 'User account selection', 'sso__delegated_ui__select_name__text' => 'Select a local account under which you wish to work in Plesk. You can choose from accounts connected to the current global account or log into any other local account not connected to the current global account by providing local account credentials. You can also switch to another global account by providing its credentials.', 'sso__delegated_ui__select_name__name__label' => 'Select an account', 'sso__delegated_ui__select_name__name__text1' => 'Choose a local account connected to the current global account', 'sso__delegated_ui__select_name__name__text2' => 'or', 'sso__delegated_ui__select_name__name__label1' => 'Specify credentials for another account', 'sso__delegated_ui__select_name__user_name__label' => 'Username', 'sso__delegated_ui__select_name__user_password__label' => 'Password', 'sso__message_auth_failed' => 'Authentication failed: invalid username or password specified', 'bt_connect' => 'Connect To Global Account', 'bt_disconnect' => 'Disconnect from Global Account', 'bt_fi_change_passwd' => 'Change Password', 'sso__message_fi_auth_failed' => 'Failed to authenticate in the global account.', 'sso__message_fi_not_found' => 'The requested global account does not exist.', 'sso__message_fi_already_exists' => 'The requested global account already exists.', 'sso__message_sp_creds_required' => 'You cannot log in using your global account credentials because there are no local accounts connected to your global account. Please provide your local account credentials.', // sb integration 'sitebuilder_wizard' => 'Presence Builder Wizard', 'dom_site_builder' => 'Click to open Presence Builder Wizard.', 'sb_plesk_admin_url' => 'Presence Builder server URL. Ensure that this address resolves properly in DNS', 'sb_plesk_admin_login' => 'Username for server administrator\'s login to Presence Builder', 'sb_plesk_admin_password' => 'Administrator\'s password', 'sb_sitebuilder_preferences' => 'Presence Builder administrator\'s credentials', 'sb__server' => 'Presence Builder System Administrator\'s preferences', 'sb__sitebuilder_support' => 'Presence Builder support', 'sb_keep_sb_user' => 'Keep the corresponding user account in Presence Builder', 'sb_create_sb_user' => 'Create a corresponding user account in Presence Builder', '__sbnet_synchronize_user_with_sbnet' => 'Create a corresponding user account in Presence Builder', '__sbnet_client_warning_delete_sb_user' => "You are trying to remove the Presence Builder user account associated with this customer. This will delete all user's websites and all other relevant settings from the Presence Builder system, removing the ability to edit existing websites through Presence Builder, even if you switch this option on again later. If you create a Presence Builder user account again later, you will have to create and publish all your websites from scratch. Do you wish to switch off website creation and publishing through Presence Builder?", 'sb__build_site_using_sitebuilder' => "Create a website using Presence Builder", 'sb_no_current_sb_server_set' => 'The connection to Presence Builder is not configured yet: you need to add an A record in the DNS zone template that will point to the Presence Builder server.', 'sb_unable_update_sb_server_sb_return_message' => "Unable to retrieve the information from the Presence Builder system:\n%1", 'sb_unable_connect_sb_wrong_con_params' => "Unable to connect to Presence Builder: wrong username or password.", 'sb_init_sb_manager' => "Initializing Presence Builder manager: %1", 'sb_err_couldnt_connect_sb' => "Failed to connect to the Presence Builder system.", 'sb_err_client_dont_have_sbuser' => "This customer does not have a user account in Presence Builder.", 'sb_err_sitebuilder_not_configured' => "Presence Builder is not configured.", 'sb_err_you_dont_have_sbaccount' => "Failed to authorize you in Presence Builder.", 'sb_error_critical_during_operation' => "The following error occurred in Presence Builder:\n%1", 'sb_err_sso_is_not_enabled' => "Single sign-on support is not switched on in Plesk.", 'sfdk_server_wide_legend' => 'DomainKeys spam protection', 'sfdk_server_wide_sign_text' => 'Allow signing outgoing mail', 'sfdk_server_wide_verify_text' => 'Verify incoming mail', 'sfdk_server_wide_sign_failed' => 'Unable to change the settings for the DomainKeys spam protection service', 'sfdk_server_wide_verify_failed' => 'Unable to change the settings for the DomainKeys verification service', 'sfdk_domain__serverwide_disabled' => 'Switched off according to the server policy', 'feature__domainkeys__serverwide_disabled' => 'Server-wide DomainKeys spam protection is switched off', 'forbid_create_dns_subzone' => "Forbid users to create DNS subzones in other users' DNS superzones", 'warning__super_zone_exist' => "The zone %1 was created, however, this zone name is a subzone of another already existing zone %2, which belongs to another user %3. It is possible, but please make sure that you have chosen the correct user account.", 'error__super_zone_exist' => "Unable to create the DNS zone because its superzone belongs to another user.", // 8.6 'dns__dns_serial_update_limit_warning' => 'The limit on serial number changes was reached. No more DNS zone changes can be carried out today.', 'dns__serial_format_legend' => 'DNS zone serial number format', 'dns__soa_param_serial_format_hint' => 'Usage of serial number format recommended by IETF and RIPE can resolve registrar refusal issues and is mandatory for many domains registered in some high-level DNS zones.', 'dns__soa_param_serial_format' => 'Use serial number format recommended by IETF and RIPE', 'dns__serial_format_dns_zone_update_delay' => 'Switching between different DNS zone serial number formats can cause a delay in updating of the DNS zone', 'dns__zone_apply_changes' => 'Changes made to DNS records are not saved yet. The changes made are highlighted below. Click Update to apply the changes to DNS zone or click Revert to abandon the changes.', 'dns__update_dns_zone' => 'Click to save the changes made to DNS records', 'dns__revert_dns_zone' => 'Click to cancel the changes made to DNS records', 'bt_revert' => 'Revert', 'dns__dns_zone_has_beed_updated' => 'Changes made to DNS records were saved.', 'dns__dns_zone_has_beed_reverted' => 'Changes made to DNS records were cancelled', 'db__nondefault_server_not_allowed' => 'Usage of non-default database server is not allowed', // *** The strings below have been generated automatically from @@CAPTION directives. 'ui__client__description' => 'Customer %1\'s account and domains.', 'ui__client__disabled-warning' => 'The account of customer %1 is suspended.', 'ui__client__none-available' => 'There are no customer accounts configured.', 'ui__client__short-title' => '%1', 'ui__client__title' => 'Customer %1', 'ui__client_self__description' => 'List of my domains.', 'ui__client_self__short-title' => 'My domains', 'ui__client_self__title' => 'My domains', 'site_apps__non_removable' => 'Items that cannot be removed', 'site_apps__non_removable_items' => 'The following web applications cannot be removed:', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button__none-available' => 'There are no custom buttons.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button__none-available__1' => 'There are no custom buttons in customer %1\'s Control Panel.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete__description' => 'Remove the button %1.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete__title' => 'Remove the button %1', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__description' => 'Remove custom buttons from customer\'s Control Panel', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__title' => 'Remove custom buttons', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard-title' => 'Remove buttons', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select a customer whose custom buttons you want to remove and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard__3_multi' => 'Select the buttons you want to remove and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard__4_multi' => 'Confirm removing the buttons by selecting the check box on this screen, and then click Finish.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__description' => 'Remove a custom button from customer\'s Control Panel.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__title' => 'Remove a custom button', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Remove custom button', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select a customer whose custom button you want to remove and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard__3_unknown' => 'Select a custom button you want to remove and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard__4' => 'Confirm removing the custom button by selecting the check box on this screen, and then click Finish.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties__description' => 'Edit properties of customer-level button %1.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties__short-title' => 'Settings', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties__title' => 'Modify customer\'s custom button %1', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_new__wizard-title' => 'Add custom button', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_new__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select a customer in whose Control Panel you want to create a custom button and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_new__wizard__4_new' => 'Click Finish to create the button.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__description' => 'Change properties of a button in customer\'s Control Panel.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__short-title' => 'Properties', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__title' => 'Change properties of a button in customer\'s Control Panel', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Change custom button properties', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select a customer whose custom button you want to modify and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__wizard__3_unknown' => 'Select a custom button you want to modify and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__wizard__4' => 'When done with editing the properties of the button, click Finish to apply changes and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_private__description' => 'Make the button %1 unavailable to your customers.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_private__short-title' => 'Make unavailable to your customers', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_private__title' => 'Make the button %1 unavailable to your customers', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_public__description' => 'Make the button %1 visible to customer\'s users.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_public__short-title' => 'Make available to your customers', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_public__title' => 'Make the button %1 visible to customer\'s users', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__description' => 'Make a custom button available/unavailable to your customers.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__short-title' => 'Available/unavailable to your customers', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__title' => 'Make a custom button available or unavailable to your customers', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Make a custom button available/unavailable to your customers.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select a customer whose custom button you want to make available to the customer\'s users and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__wizard__3_unknown' => 'Select a custom button that you want to make available or unavailable to your customers and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain__description' => 'Manage domain %1.', 'ui__client/domain__disabled-warning' => 'Domain %1 is suspended.', 'ui__client/domain__none-available' => 'You do not have any domains.', 'ui__client/domain__none-available__1' => 'The account of %1 does not have any domains.', 'ui__client/domain__none-available__2' => 'The account of %1 does not have any domains.', 'ui__client/domain__short-title' => '%1', 'ui__client/domain__title' => 'Domain %1', 'ui__client/domain_self__description' => 'Manage your domain.', 'ui__client/domain_self__disabled-warning' => 'Your domain is suspended.', 'ui__client/domain_self__quick-search' => 'My domains', 'ui__client/domain_self__short-title' => 'My domain', 'ui__client/domain_self__title' => 'My domain', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button__none-available' => 'There are no custom buttons placed in the customer\'s Control Panel.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button__none-available__1' => 'Customer %1 has no custom buttons in the Control Panel.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button__none-available__2' => 'There are no custom buttons for domain %1.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete__description' => 'Remove the custom button %1.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete__title' => 'Remove the custom button %1', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__description' => 'Remove custom buttons.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__title' => 'Remove custom buttons', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard-title' => 'Remove custom buttons', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the customer from whose domain administration panel you want to remove the buttons and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain from whose administration panel you want to remove the buttons and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard__4_multi' => 'Select the buttons you want to remove and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard__5_multi' => 'Confirm removing the buttons by selecting the respective check boxes and click Finish to remove the buttons and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__description' => 'Remove a custom button.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__title' => 'Remove a custom button', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Remove a custom button', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the customer from whose domain administration panel you want to remove the custom button and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain from whose administration panel you want to remove the button and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard__4_unknown' => 'Select the custom button you want to remove and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard__5' => 'Confirm removing the custom button by selecting the check box and click Finish to remove the button and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties__title' => "Change the properties of the custom button %1", 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties__short-title' => "Properties", 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties__description' => "Change the properties of the custom button %1 in Control Panel.", 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_new__wizard-title' => 'Add a button', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_new__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the customer in whose Control Panel you want to place the button and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_new__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the subscription where you want to modify the button and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_new__wizard__5_new' => 'Click Finish to create the button and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__description' => "Change the properties of a button in Control Panel.", 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__short-title' => 'Properties', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__title' => 'Change the properties of a button in Control Panel', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Change button properties', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__wizard__4_unknown' => "Select the custom button which settings you want to modify and click Next >>.", 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__wizard__5' => 'When done with changing the properties of the button, click Finish to apply the changes and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_private__description' => 'Make the button %1 unavailable to the mail users under this domain.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_private__short-title' => 'Unavailable to mail users', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_private__title' => 'Make the button %1 unavailable to the mail users under this domain', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_public__description' => 'Make the button %1 visible to mail users under the domain.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_public__short-title' => 'Accessible to mail users under this domain', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_public__title' => 'Make the custom button %1 visible to mail users under this domain', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__description' => 'Make a custom button available or unavailable to other users.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__short-title' => 'Available/unavailable to other users', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__title' => 'Make a custom button available or unavailable to mail users', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Make a custom button available or unavailable to other users', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select a domain where the button is placed and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__wizard__4_unknown' => 'Select a button that you want to make available or unavailable to other users and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/delete__description' => 'Remove the domain %1.', 'ui__client/domain/delete__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/domain/delete__title' => 'Remove the domain %1', 'ui__client/domain/delete_multi__description' => 'Remove domains.', 'ui__client/domain/delete_multi__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/domain/delete_multi__title' => 'Remove domains', 'ui__client/domain/delete_multi__wizard-title' => 'Remove domains', 'ui__client/domain/delete_multi__wizard__2_multi' => 'Select domains you want to remove and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/delete_multi__wizard__3_multi' => 'Confirm removing the domains by selecting the check box, and then click Finish to remove it and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/delete_unknown__description' => 'Remove a domain.', 'ui__client/domain/delete_unknown__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/domain/delete_unknown__title' => 'Remove domain', 'ui__client/domain/delete_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Remove a domain', 'ui__client/domain/delete_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select a domain you want to remove and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/delete_unknown__wizard__3' => 'Confirm removing the domain by selecting the check box, and then click Finish to remove it and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/default__description' => 'Restore the default records in the DNS zone %1.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/default__disabled-warning' => 'Unable to restore the records in the DNS zone %1 because the zone is served by another DNS server.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/default__short-title' => 'Restore defaults', 'ui__client/domain/dns/default__title' => 'Restore the default records in the DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/default_self__description' => 'Restore the default records in my DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/default_self__disabled-warning' => 'Unable to restore the records in the DNS zone %1 because the zone is served by another DNS server.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/default_self__short-title' => 'Restore defaults', 'ui__client/domain/dns/default_self__title' => 'Restore the default records in my DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/default_unknown__description' => 'Restore DNS zone to default.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/default_unknown__short-title' => 'Restore defaults', 'ui__client/domain/dns/default_unknown__title' => 'Restore DNS zone to default', 'ui__client/domain/dns/default_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Restore DNS zone to default.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/default_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain whose DNS zone records you want to restore.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/default_unknown__wizard__4' => 'Choose the settings for restoring the DNS zone, and then click Finish to apply the changes and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/check__description' => 'Check whether the name server %1 resolves the domain name properly.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/check__disabled-warning' => 'Unable to check the name server: this DNS zone is served by the local name server.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/check__short-title' => 'Check', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/check__title' => 'Check the name server %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/check_readonly__description' => 'Check whether the name server %1 resolves the domain name properly.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/check_readonly__short-title' => 'Check', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/check_readonly__title' => 'Check the name server %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__description' => 'Check whether a name server resolves a domain name properly.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__disabled-warning' => 'Unable to check name server on enabled DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__short-title' => 'Check', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__title' => 'Check a name server', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Check a name server.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain name for which you want to check the name resolution.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__wizard__4_unknown' => 'Select the name server that you want to check.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__wizard__5' => 'The results of name server check are displayed below. Click Cancel to exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete__description' => 'Remove resource record from DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete__title' => 'Remove resource record from DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete_multi__description' => 'Remove resource records from DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete_multi__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete_multi__title' => 'Remove resource records from DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete_multi__wizard-title' => 'Remove resource records from DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete_multi__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select a domain from whose DNS zone you want to remove resource records.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete_multi__wizard__4_multi' => 'Select resource records you want to remove from DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete_multi__wizard__5_multi' => 'Confirm removing the resource records by selecting the check box, then click Finish to remove the resource records and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete_unknown__description' => 'Remove resource records from DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete_unknown__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete_unknown__title' => 'Remove resource records from DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Remove resource records from DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select a domain from whose DNS zone you want to remove a resource record.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete_unknown__wizard__4_unknown' => 'Select a resource record you want to remove from DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/delete_unknown__wizard__5' => 'Confirm removing the resource record by selecting the check box, then click Finish to remove the resource record and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties__description' => 'Change the properties of the resource record %1.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties__short-title' => 'Change properties', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties__title' => 'Change the properties of the resource record %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_disabled__description' => 'Edit DNS zone name server %1.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_disabled__short-title' => 'Edit', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_disabled__title' => 'Edit DNS zone name server %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_new-disabled__description' => 'Specify new name server in the DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_new-disabled__short-title' => 'Add record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_new-disabled__title' => 'Specify new name server in the DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_new-disabled__wizard-title' => 'Specify new name server', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_new-slave__description' => 'Specify a new master name server in the DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_new-slave__short-title' => 'Add record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_new-slave__title' => 'Specify a new master name server for the DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_new-slave__wizard-title' => 'Specify a new master name server for the DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_new__description' => 'Create new resource record in the DNS zone of the domain %1.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_new__short-title' => 'Add record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_new__title' => 'Create new resource record in %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_new__wizard-title' => 'Create new resource record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_new__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to create the resource record.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_new__wizard__5_new' => 'When done with changing the resource record properties, click Finish to complete the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-disabled__description' => 'View the properties of the DNS zone name server %1.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-disabled__short-title' => 'View', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-disabled__title' => 'View the properties of the DNS zone name server %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-slave__description' => 'Edit DNS zone master record %1.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-slave__short-title' => 'Edit', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-slave__title' => 'Edit DNS zone master record %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-unknown__description' => 'Edit resource record.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-unknown__short-title' => 'Edit', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-unknown__title' => 'Edit resource record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-unknown__wizard-title' => 'View resource record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly__description' => 'View the properties of the resource record %1.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly__short-title' => 'View', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly__title' => 'View the properties of the resource record %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_slave__description' => 'Edit DNS zone master record %1.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_slave__short-title' => 'Edit', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_slave__title' => 'Edit DNS zone master record %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new-disabled__description' => 'Specify new name server', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new-disabled__short-title' => 'Add record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new-disabled__title' => 'Specify new name server', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new-slave__description' => 'Specify new master name server for the DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new-slave__short-title' => 'Add record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new-slave__title' => 'Specify a new master name server for the zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new__description' => 'Create new resource record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new__short-title' => 'Add record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new__title' => 'Create new resource record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__description' => 'Edit resource record.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__short-title' => 'Edit', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__title' => 'Edit resource record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Change the properties of resource records', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__wizard__2_readonly-unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to view the resource record.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to change the resource record.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__wizard__4_readonly-unknown' => 'Select the resource record that you want to view.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__wizard__4_unknown' => 'Select the resource record that you want to change.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__wizard__5' => 'When done with changing the resource record properties, click Finish to complete the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__wizard__5_readonly' => 'When done with viewing the resource record properties, click Finish to exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record__disabled-warning' => 'Unable to manage SOA record because the DNS zone %1 is served by another server.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record_self__disabled-warning' => 'Unable to manage SOA record because the DNS zone %1 is served by another server.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/default__description' => 'Restore the default SOA record in the DNS zone %1.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/default__short-title' => "Restore defaults", 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/default__title' => 'Restore the default SOA record in the DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/default_self__description' => 'Restore the SOA record in my DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/default_self__short-title' => "Restore defaults", 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/default_self__title' => 'Restore the SOA record in my DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/default_unknown__description' => 'Restore the default SOA record in DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/default_unknown__short-title' => 'Restore defaults', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/default_unknown__title' => 'Restore the default SOA record in DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/default_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Restore the default SOA record settings', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/default_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain in which you want to restore the SOA record.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties__description' => 'Edit the SOA record of the DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties__short-title' => 'SOA record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties__title' => 'Edit the SOA record of the DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties_readonly-self__description' => 'View the SOA record of my DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties_readonly-self__short-title' => 'SOA record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties_readonly-self__title' => 'View the SOA record of my DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties_readonly__description' => 'View the SOA record of DNS zone %1.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties_readonly__short-title' => 'SOA record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties_readonly__title' => 'View the SOA record of the DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties_self__description' => 'Edit the SOA record of my DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties_self__short-title' => 'SOA record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties_self__title' => 'Edit the SOA record of my DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties_unknown__description' => 'Edit SOA record of a DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties_unknown__short-title' => 'SOA record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties_unknown__title' => 'Edit SOA record of a DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Edit SOA record', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to edit SOA record.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/soa-record/properties_unknown__wizard__5' => 'When done with changing SOA record properties, click Finish to apply changes and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_master__description' => 'Make the DNS server act as a master for the zone %1.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_master__disabled-warning' => 'Unable to switch the DNS zone service mode because the zone %1 is served by another server.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_master__short-title' => 'Switch DNS service mode', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_master__title' => 'Make the DNS server act as a master for the zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_self-master__description' => 'Switch DNS service mode for the DNS zone to master.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_self-master__disabled-warning' => 'Unable to switch the DNS zone service mode because the zone is served by another server.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_self-master__short-title' => 'Switch DNS service mode', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_self-master__title' => 'Switch DNS service mode for the DNS zone to master', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_self-slave__description' => 'Switch DNS service mode to slave.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_self-slave__disabled-warning' => 'Unable to switch the DNS zone service mode because the zone is served by another server.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_self-slave__short-title' => 'Switch DNS service mode', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_self-slave__title' => 'Switch DNS service mode to slave', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_slave__description' => 'Make the DNS server act as a slave for the zone %1.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_slave__disabled-warning' => 'Unable to switch the DNS zone service mode because the zone %1 is served by another server.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_slave__short-title' => 'Switch DNS service mode', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_slave__title' => 'Make DNS server act as a slave for the zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_unknown__description' => 'Switch DNS service mode for the DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_unknown__short-title' => 'Switch DNS service mode', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_unknown__title' => 'Switch DNS service mode for the DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Switch DNS service mode for the DNS Zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle-type_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to change the DNS zone service mode.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_disable__description' => 'Switch off the DNS service for the DNS zone %1.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_disable__short-title' => 'Switch off the DNS service', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_disable__title' => 'Switch off the DNS service for the DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_enable__description' => 'Switch on the DNS service for the DNS zone %1.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_enable__short-title' => 'Switch on the DNS service', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_enable__title' => 'Switch on the DNS service for the DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_self-disable__description' => 'Switch off the DNS service for my DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_self-disable__short-title' => 'Switch off the DNS service', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_self-disable__title' => 'Switch off the DNS service for my DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_self-enable__description' => 'Switch on the DNS service for my DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_self-enable__short-title' => 'Switch on the DNS service', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_self-enable__title' => 'Switch on the DNS service for my DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_unknown__description' => 'Switch on or off the DNS service for a DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_unknown__short-title' => 'Switch on or off', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_unknown__title' => 'Switch on or off the DNS service for a DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Switch on or off the DNS service for a DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the customer owning the domain for which you want to switch off the local DNS service.', 'ui__client/domain/dns/toggle_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to switch the DNS service on or off.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias__description' => 'Manage the domain alias %1.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias__none-available' => 'You do not have any domain aliases.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias__none-available__1' => 'Customer %1 does not have any domain aliases.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias__none-available__2' => 'The domain %1 does not have any domain aliases.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias__short-title' => '%1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias__title' => 'Domain alias %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete__description' => 'Remove the domain alias %1.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete__title' => 'Remove the domain alias %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete_multi__description' => 'Remove domain aliases.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete_multi__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete_multi__title' => 'Remove domain aliases', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete_multi__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the customer owning the domain for which you want to remove the domain aliases.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete_multi__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain on which you want to remove domain aliases.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete_multi__wizard__3_multi' => 'Select the domain aliases you want to remove.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete_multi__wizard__4_multi' => 'Confirm removing the domain aliases by selecting the check box and click Finish to complete the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete_unknown__description' => 'Remove a domain alias.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete_unknown__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete_unknown__title' => 'Remove a domain alias', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Remove domain aliases', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the customer owning the domain for which you want to remove the domain alias.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain from which you want to remove a domain alias.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete_unknown__wizard__3_unknown' => 'Select the domain alias you want to remove.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/delete_unknown__wizard__4' => 'Confirm removing the domain aliases by selecting the check box and click Finish to complete the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns__description' => 'Manage the DNS zone %1.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns__short-title' => 'DNS', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns__title' => 'DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_disabled__description' => 'Manage the DNS zone %1.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_disabled__short-title' => 'DNS', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_disabled__title' => 'DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_readonly-disabled__description' => 'View the records in the DNS zone %1.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_readonly-disabled__short-title' => 'DNS', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_readonly-disabled__title' => 'DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_readonly-slave__description' => 'View the records in the slave DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_readonly-slave__short-title' => 'DNS', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_readonly-slave__title' => 'Slave DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_readonly__description' => 'View the DNS zone %1.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_readonly__short-title' => 'DNS', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_readonly__title' => 'DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_slave__description' => 'Manage the slave DNS zone %1.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_slave__short-title' => 'DNS', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_slave__title' => 'Slave DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_unknown__description' => 'Manage a DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_unknown__short-title' => 'DNS', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns_unknown__title' => 'Manage a DNS zone', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/check__description' => 'Check whether the name server %1 resolves the domain name properly.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/check__disabled-warning' => 'Unable to check the name server: this DNS zone is served on another server.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/check__short-title' => 'Check', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/check__title' => 'Check name server %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__description' => 'Check whether the name server resolves the domain name properly.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__short-title' => 'Check', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__title' => 'Check a name server', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Check a name server.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain for whose domain alias you want to check the name server.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__wizard__3_unknown' => 'Select the domain alias for which you want to check the name server.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__wizard__5_unknown' => 'Select the name server that you want to check.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/check_unknown__wizard__6' => 'The results of name server check are displayed below. Click Cancel to exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete__description' => 'Remove the resource record %1.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete__readonly' => 'This operation is not available in read-only mode.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete__title' => 'Remove the resource record %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete_multi__description' => 'Remove resource records.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete_multi__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete_multi__title' => 'Remove resource records', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete_multi__wizard__2/dns/resource-record/delete_multi' => 'Confirm removing the resource records by selecting the check box and click Finish to complete the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete_multi__wizard__2/dns/resource-record_multi' => 'Select the resource records you want to remove from the DNS zone.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete_multi__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain from whose DNS zone you want to remove the resource records.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete_unknown__description' => 'Remove a resource record.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete_unknown__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete_unknown__title' => 'Remove a resource record', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Remove resource records', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete_unknown__wizard__2/dns/resource-record/delete' => 'Confirm removing the resource record by selecting the check box and click Finish to complete the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete_unknown__wizard__2/dns/resource-record_unknown' => 'Select the resource record you want to remove.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/delete_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain from whose DNS zone you want to remove the resource records.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties__description' => 'Edit resource record %1.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties__readonly' => 'This operation is not available in read-only mode.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties__short-title' => 'Edit', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties__title' => 'Edit resource record %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_disabled__description' => 'Edit the name server %1 record.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_disabled__short-title' => 'Edit', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_disabled__title' => 'Edit the name server %1 record', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_new-disabled__description' => 'Specify new name server for %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_new-disabled__short-title' => 'Add record', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_new-disabled__title' => 'Specify new name server for %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_new-disabled__wizard-title' => 'Specify new name server', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_new-slave__description' => 'Specify new name server for %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_new-slave__short-title' => 'Add record', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_new-slave__title' => 'Specify new name server for %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_new-slave__wizard-title' => 'Specify new name server', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_new__description' => 'Create a new resource record in the DNS zone %1.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_new__short-title' => 'Add record', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_new__title' => 'Create a resource record in the DNS zone %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_new__wizard-title' => 'Create a new resource record', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_new__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to create the DNS resource record.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_new__wizard__3_unknown' => 'Select the domain alias for which you want to create the resource record.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_new__wizard__6_new' => 'When done with changing the resource record properties, click Finish to apply the changes and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-disabled__description' => 'View the name server %1 record.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-disabled__short-title' => 'View', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-disabled__title' => 'View the name server %1 record', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-slave__description' => 'View the record %1.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-slave__short-title' => 'View', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-slave__title' => 'View the record %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-unknown__description' => 'View resource record.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-unknown__short-title' => 'View', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-unknown__title' => 'View resource record', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly-unknown__wizard-title' => 'View Resource Record', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly__description' => 'View resource record %1.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly__short-title' => 'View', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_readonly__title' => 'View resource record %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_slave__description' => 'Edit the record %1.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_slave__short-title' => 'Edit', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_slave__title' => 'Edit the record %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new-disabled__description' => 'Specify new name server', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new-disabled__short-title' => 'Add record', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new-disabled__title' => 'Specify new name server', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new-slave__description' => 'Specify new name server', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new-slave__short-title' => 'Add record', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new-slave__title' => 'Specify new name server', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new__description' => 'Create resource record.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new__short-title' => 'Add record', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown-new__title' => 'Create resource record', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__description' => 'Edit resource record.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__short-title' => 'Edit', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__title' => 'Edit resource record', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Edit Resource Record', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to chage the resource record.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__wizard__3_unknown' => 'Select the domain alias for which you want to change the resource record.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__wizard__5_unknown' => 'Select the resource record that you want to change.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record/properties_unknown__wizard__6' => 'When done with changing the resource record properties, click Finish to apply the changes and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/soa-record__disabled-warning' => 'Unable to change the properties of the SOA record because the DNS zone %1 is served by another server.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties__description' => 'Change the properties of the domain alias %1.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties__short-title' => 'Change the properties', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties__title' => 'Change the properties of the domain alias %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_new__description' => 'Create a new domain alias for the domain %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_new__short-title' => 'Create', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_new__title' => 'Create a new domain alias for %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_new__wizard-title' => 'Create a new domain alias', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_new__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to create the domain alias.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_new__wizard__4_new' => 'When done with changing the domain alias properties, click Finish to apply changes and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_readonly-unknown__description' => 'View domain alias properties.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_readonly-unknown__short-title' => 'View', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_readonly-unknown__title' => 'View domain alias properties', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_readonly-unknown__wizard-title' => 'View domain alias properties', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_readonly__description' => 'View the properties of the domain alias %1.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_readonly__short-title' => 'View', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_readonly__title' => 'View the properties of the domain alias %1', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_unknown-new__description' => 'Create new domain alias', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_unknown-new__short-title' => 'Create', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_unknown-new__title' => 'Create new domain alias', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_unknown__description' => 'Change domain alias properties.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_unknown__short-title' => 'Change properties', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_unknown__title' => 'Change domain alias properties', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Change domain alias properties', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_unknown__wizard__2_readonly-unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to view domain alias properties.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to change the domain alias properties.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_unknown__wizard__3_readonly-unknown' => 'Select the domain alias whose properties you want to view.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_unknown__wizard__3_unknown' => 'Select the domain alias whose properties you want to change.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_unknown__wizard__4' => 'When done with changing the domain alias properties, click Finish to apply changes and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/properties_unknown__wizard__4_readonly' => 'When done with viewing the domain alias properties, click Cancel to exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting__none-available' => 'There are no domains with configured web hosting. Create a domain and configure web hosting on it to access this functionality.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting__none-available__1' => 'This user account does not have any domains with configured web hosting. Configure web hosting on the required domain to access this functionality.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting__none-available__2' => 'Web hosting is not configured for domain %1. Configure web hosting on domain %1 to access this functionality.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/file-manager_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Manage your files and directories', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/file-manager_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain whose files you want to work with.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/file-manager_unknown__wizard__3/properties_phosting' => 'Hosting is not yet configured on the domain. Please set up physical hosting and click Next >> to go to file manager.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/file-manager_unknown__wizard__3/properties_self-phosting' => 'Hosting is not yet configured on your domain. Please set up physical hosting and click Next >> to go to file manager.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/file-manager_unknown__wizard__4' => 'When done working with files and directories, click Finish to exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/file-manager_unknown__wizard__4_self' => 'When done working with files and directories, click Finish to exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/performance_readonly-unknown__wizard-title' => 'View hosting performance settings', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/performance_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Adjust web hosting performance settings', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/performance_unknown__wizard__2_readonly-unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to view the hosting performance settings and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/performance_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to configure the hosting performance settings and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/performance_unknown__wizard__4' => 'Adjust hosting performance settings on the domain and click Finish.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/performance_unknown__wizard__4_readonly' => 'When done with viewing hosting performance settings on the domain, click Finish.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/performance_unknown__wizard__4_readonly-self' => 'When done with viewing hosting performance settings on your domain, click Finish.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/performance_unknown__wizard__4_readonly-unknown' => 'When done with viewing hosting performance settings on the domain, click Finish.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/performance_unknown__wizard__4_self' => 'When done with configuring hosting performance settings on your domain, click Finish.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/performance_unknown__wizard__4_unknown' => 'When done with configuring hosting performance settings on the domain, click Finish.', 'ui__client/domain/properties__client_ip_address_was_assigned' => 'The IP address %%ip_address%% was assigned to %%client_name%%.', 'ui__client/domain/properties__client_ip_pool_is_empty' => 'User\'s IP pool is empty. The selected IP address will be assigned to the corresponding user account.', 'ui__client/domain/properties_new-adhoc__wizard__3_new' => 'The new domain will be created immediately after you click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/properties_new__wizard-title' => 'Create Domain', 'ui__client/domain/properties_new__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the customer for whom you want to create the domain.', 'ui__client/domain/properties_new__wizard__2/hosting/properties' => 'Select the desired type of hosting service, and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/properties_new__wizard__2/hosting/properties_forwarding' => 'When done with configuring forwarding on the domain, click Finish to apply the configuration and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/properties_new__wizard__2/hosting/properties_phosting' => 'When done with configuring the hosting service on the domain, click Finish to apply all the changes and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/domain/properties_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Set up the domain administrator\'s account', 'ui__client/domain/properties_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to set up the domain administrator\'s account.', 'ui__client/domain/properties_unknown__wizard__3' => 'To complete the creation of the domain administrator\'s account, click Finish.', 'ui__client/domain/properties_unknown__wizard__3_self' => 'To apply the changes and exit the wizard, click Finish.', 'ui__client/domain/report/anon-ftp-stats_unknown__description' => 'Anonymous FTP statistics for a domain', 'ui__client/domain/report/anon-ftp-stats_unknown__short-title' => 'Anonymous FTP statistics', 'ui__client/domain/report/anon-ftp-stats_unknown__title' => 'Anonymous FTP statistics for a domain', 'ui__client/domain/report/ftp-stats_unknown__description' => 'FTP statistics for a domain', 'ui__client/domain/report/ftp-stats_unknown__short-title' => 'FTP statistics', 'ui__client/domain/report/ftp-stats_unknown__title' => 'FTP statistics for a domain', 'ui__client/domain/report/traffic__description' => 'View bandwidth usage by the site %1', 'ui__client/domain/report/traffic__short-title' => 'Bandwidth usage', 'ui__client/domain/report/traffic__title' => 'Bandwidth used by the site %1', 'ui__client/domain/report/web-stats-ssl_unknown__description' => 'Statistics on secure visits to site', 'ui__client/domain/report/web-stats-ssl_unknown__short-title' => 'Statistics on Visits over SSL', 'ui__client/domain/report/web-stats-ssl_unknown__title' => 'Statistics on secure visits to site', 'rpt_reseller_section_general' => 'General', 'rpt_reseller_section_domains' => 'Domains', 'rpt_reseller_section_clients' => 'Customers', 'statistics__cl_active_domains' => "Active domains", 'rpt_reseller_cl_domains' => "Domains", 'rpt_reseller_cl_subdomains' => "Subdomains", 'by__cl_domains' => "clients' domains", 'dom_ctrl__cl_mboxes' => "Mailboxes", 'rpt_reseller_cl_redirects' => "Forwarders", 'rpt_reseller_cl_mail_groups' => "Mail groups", 'rpt_reseller_cl_mail_resps' => "Auto-replies", 'rpt_reseller_cl_mail_lists' => "Mailing lists", 'rpt_reseller_cl_web_users' => "Web users", 'rpt_reseller_cl_data_bases' => "Databases", 'rpt_reseller_cl_webapps' => "Java applications", 'statistics__active_clients' => 'Customers with active subscriptions', 'statistics__clients_active_domains' => 'Active domains', 'statistics__clients_doms' => 'Domains', 'statistics__cl_doms' => 'Domains', '__clients_subdomains' => 'Subdomains', '__clients_domains' => 'Domains', 'dom_ctrl__clients_mboxes' => 'Mailboxes', 'dom_ctrl__clients_redir' => 'Forwarders', 'dom_ctrl__clients_mg' => 'Mail groups', 'dom_ctrl__clients_resp' => 'Auto-replies', 'dom_ctrl__clients_maillists' => 'Mailing lists', 'dom_ctrl__clients_wu' => 'Web users', 'dom_ctrl__clients_db' => 'Databases', 'dom_ctrl__clients_webapps' => 'Java applications', 'dom_ctrl__cl_redir' => 'Forwarders', // to resolve! 'dom_ctrl__cl_mg' => 'Mail groups', // to resolve! 'dom_ctrl__cl_resp' => 'Auto-replies', // to resolve! 'dom_ctrl__cl_maillists' => 'Mailing lists', // to resolve! 'dom_ctrl__cl_wu' => 'Web users', // to resolve! 'dom_ctrl__cl_db' => 'Databases', // to resolve! 'dom_ctrl__cl_webapps' => 'Java applications', // to resolve! 'rpt_cl_section_clients' => 'Customers', 'rpt_admin_section_general' => 'General', 'rpt_admin_section_resellers' => 'Resellers', 'rpt_admin_section_clients' => 'Customers', 'rpt_admin_section_personal_clients' => 'Own customers', 'rpt_admin_section_domains' => 'Domains', 'rpt_admin_section_personal_domains' => 'Personal domains', 'rpt_reseller_section_personal_domains' => 'Personal domains', 'ui__client/domain/toggle_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Suspend or activate a domain', 'ui__client/domain/toggle_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain you want to suspend or activate.', 'ui__client/ip-pool__description' => 'Assign and deassign IP addresses and SSL certificates to customer %1.', 'ui__client/ip-pool__short-title' => 'IP pool', 'ui__client/ip-pool__title' => 'Customer %1\'s IP pool', 'ui__client/ip-pool_self__description' => 'View your IP pool.', 'ui__client/ip-pool_self__short-title' => 'IP pool', 'ui__client/ip-pool_self__title' => 'My IP pool', 'ui__client/ip-pool/properties__description' => 'Set up IP pool for customer %1.', 'ui__client/ip-pool/properties__short-title' => 'IP pool', 'ui__client/ip-pool/properties__title' => 'Set up IP pool for customer %1', 'ui__client/ip-pool/properties_self__description' => 'View your IP pool.', 'ui__client/ip-pool/properties_self__short-title' => 'My IP pool', 'ui__client/ip-pool/properties_self__title' => 'My IP pool', 'ui__client/ip-pool/properties_unknown__description' => 'Assign to or deassign IP addresses and SSL certificates from the customer.', 'ui__client/ip-pool/properties_unknown__short-title' => 'IP pool', 'ui__client/ip-pool/properties_unknown__title' => 'Set up customer\'s IP pool', 'ui__client/ip-pool/properties_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Set up customer\'s IP pool', 'ui__client/ip-pool/properties_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the customer whose IP pool you want to configure.', 'ui__client/ip-pool/properties_unknown__wizard__3' => 'When done with configuring the IP pool, click Finish to apply the changes and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/limits_readonly-unknown__description' => 'View resource limits for a customer.', 'ui__client/limits_readonly-unknown__short-title' => 'Resource limits', 'ui__client/limits_readonly-unknown__title' => 'View resource limits for a customer account', 'ui__client/limits_readonly-unknown__wizard-title' => 'View or change resource limits for a customer', 'ui__client/limits_unknown__wizard-title' => 'View or change resource limits for a customer', 'ui__client/limits_unknown__wizard__1_readonly-unknown' => 'Select the customer you need.', 'ui__client/limits_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the customer you need.', 'ui__client/limits_unknown__wizard__2' => 'To apply the changes, click Finish.', 'ui__client/limits_unknown__wizard__2_readonly' => 'To exit the wizard, click Finish.', 'ui__client/limits_unknown__wizard__2_readonly-self' => 'To exit the wizard, click Finish.', 'ui__client/limits_unknown__wizard__2_readonly-self-reseller' => 'To exit the wizard, click Finish.', 'ui__client/logo_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Set up a logo', 'ui__client/logo_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Please select the customer whose logo properties you want to change.', 'ui__client/logo_unknown__wizard__2' => 'Click Finish to apply the changes.', 'ui__client/logo_unknown__wizard__2_self' => 'Click Finish to apply the changes.', 'ui__client/permissions_unknown__wizard-title' => 'View or change permissions for a customer', 'ui__client/permissions_unknown__wizard__1/properties_self' => 'When done with viewing your permissions, click Finish to to apply the changes and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/permissions_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the customer whose permissions you want to view or change.', 'ui__client/permissions_unknown__wizard__2' => 'When done with changing the customer\'s permissions, click Finish to apply the changes and exit the wizard.', 'ui__client/preferences_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Edit customer\'s preferences', 'ui__client/preferences_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the customer whose session and interface preferences you want to manage.', 'ui__client/preferences_unknown__wizard__2' => 'When done with changing the customer\'s preferences, click Finish.', 'ui__client/preferences_unknown__wizard__2_self' => 'When done with changing your preferences, click Finish.', 'ui__client/properties_new-adhoc__wizard__2_new' => 'The customer account will be created immediately after you click Next >>.', 'ui__client/properties_new__wizard-title' => 'Create a new account', 'ui__client/properties_new__wizard__1/ip-pool/properties' => 'When done with configuring the customer\'s IP pool, click Finish to complete the wizard.', 'ui__client/properties_new__wizard__1/limits' => 'Click Next >> to proceed to configuring customer\'s permissions. Click Finish to apply the resource limits and exit this wizard.', 'ui__client/properties_new__wizard__1/permissions' => 'Click Next >> to proceed to configuring customer\'s IP pool. Click Finish to apply the permissions and exit this wizard.', 'ui__client/properties_new__wizard__2_new' => 'Click Next >> to create the customer account and proceed to allocating resources. Click Finish to create the account without allocating resources.', 'ui__client/properties_self__wizard__2_self' => 'When done with editing your information, click Finish to apply the changes.', 'ui__client/properties_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Edit customer\'s personal information', 'ui__client/properties_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the customer whose personal information you want to change.', 'ui__client/properties_unknown__wizard__2' => 'When done with editing the customer\'s information, click Finish to apply the changes.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button__none-available' => 'You have no custom buttons.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/delete__description' => 'Remove the custom button %1.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/delete__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/delete__title' => 'Remove the custom button %1', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__description' => 'Remove the custom buttons.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__title' => 'Remove custom buttons', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard-title' => 'Remove custom buttons', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard__2_multi' => 'Select the buttons you want to remove.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard__3_multi' => 'Confirm removing the buttons by selecting the check box and click Finish to complete the wizard.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__description' => 'Remove custom buttons.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__title' => 'Remove custom buttons', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Remove custom buttons', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the custom button you want to remove.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard__3' => 'Confirm the removal of the button by selecting the check box and click Finish to complete the wizard.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/properties__description' => 'Change the properties of the button %1.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/properties__short-title' => 'Properties', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/properties__title' => 'Change the properties of the button %1', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_new__wizard-title' => 'Create a button', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_new__wizard__3_new' => 'Click Finish to create the button.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__description' => 'Change the properties of a custom button.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__short-title' => 'Properties', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__title' => 'Change the properties of a custom button', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Change the properties of a custom button', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the custom button whose properties you want to change.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__wizard__3' => 'To apply the changes, click Finish.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_private__description' => 'Make the custom button %1 unavailable to other users.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_private__short-title' => 'Unavailable to other users', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_private__title' => 'Make the custom button %1 unavailable to other users', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_public__description' => 'Make the custom button %1 available to other users.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_public__short-title' => 'Available to other users', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_public__title' => 'Make the custom button %1 available to other users', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__description' => 'Make the custom button available or unavailable to other users.', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__short-title' => 'Available or unavailable to other users', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__title' => 'Make the custom button available or unavailable to other users', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Make the custom button available or unavailable to other users', 'ui__custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the custom button that you want to make available or unavailable to other users and click Next >>.', // updated 'ui__mass-mail/template#list_header__title' => 'Mass email message templates', 'ui__mass-mail/template#list_header__name__title' => 'Template name', 'ui__mass-mail/template#list_header__from_email__title' => 'Sender', 'ui__mass-mail/template#list_header__to__title' => 'Recipients', 'ui__mass-mail/template#list_header__subject__title' => 'Subject', 'ui__mass-mail/template#list_header__cdate__title' => 'Creation date', 'ui__mass-mail/template#list_header__send__title' => 'Send', 'ui__mass-mail/template/properties__short-title' => '%1', 'ui__mass-mail/template/properties__title' => 'Edit Mass Email Message Template', 'ui__mass-mail/template/properties__description' => 'Edit this mass email message template.', 'ui__mass-mail/template/properties_unknown-new__short-title' => 'Add Mass Email Template', 'ui__mass-mail/template/properties_unknown-new__title' => 'Add Mass Email Template', 'ui__mass-mail/template/properties_unknown-new__description' => 'Add a new mass email message template.', 'ui__mass-mail/send__short-title' => 'Send Mass Email', 'ui__mass-mail/send__title' => 'Send Mass Email Message', 'ui__mass-mail/send__description' => 'Send mass email message to selected recipients.', 'ui__mass-mail/template/delete_multi__short-title' => 'Remove Mass Email Templates', 'ui__mass-mail/template/delete_multi__title' => 'Remove these mass email message templates:', 'ui__mass-mail/template/delete_multi__description' => 'Remove selected mass email message templates.', 'ui__mass-mail/template/delete_multi__done' => 'The selected message templates were removed.', 'ui__mass-mail/template/properties__invalid_values' => 'Invalid values specified', // old 'ui__mass-mail#body_text__description' => 'Use variable to automatically insert contact name information into your message', 'ui__mass-mail#body_text__title' => 'Message text', 'ui__mass-mail#compose_legend__title' => 'Message', 'ui__mass-mail#from_email_text__title' => 'From (email or name)', 'ui__mass-mail#list_header__cdate__title' => 'Created', 'ui__mass-mail#list_header__from_email__title' => 'From', 'ui__mass-mail#list_header__name__title' => 'Name', 'ui__mass-mail#list_header__send__title' => 'Create message', 'ui__mass-mail#list_header__subject__title' => 'Subject', 'ui__mass-mail#list_header__title' => 'Mass email message templates', 'ui__mass-mail#list_header__to__title' => 'To', 'ui__mass-mail#list_legend__title' => 'Mass email message templates', 'ui__mass-mail#load_template_text__title' => 'Load', 'ui__mass-mail#name_text__title' => 'Template name', 'ui__mass-mail#option_mode_all__title' => 'All', 'ui__mass-mail#option_mode_except__title' => 'All except selected', 'ui__mass-mail#option_mode_select__title' => 'Selected only', 'ui__mass-mail#option_select_template__title' => '---Select a template---', 'ui__mass-mail#picker_legend__title' => 'Email message templates', 'ui__mass-mail#picker_title__title' => 'Select a template', 'ui__mass-mail#save_as_legend__title' => 'Save as template', 'ui__mass-mail#save_as_text__title' => 'Save composed message to a new template named', 'ui__mass-mail#subject_text__title' => 'Subject', 'ui__mass-mail#template_legend__title' => 'Template', 'ui__mass-mail#to_admin_text__title' => 'Plesk administrator', 'ui__mass-mail#to_clients_text__title' => 'Customers', 'ui__mass-mail#to_domains_text__title' => 'Domain administrators', 'ui__mass-mail#to_select_text__title' => 'Select addresses', 'ui__mass-mail#to_show_hide_text__title' => 'Show/hide selected', 'ui__mass-mail#to_text__title' => 'To', 'ui__mass-mail#tools_legend__title' => 'Tools', 'ui__mass-mail__already_exists' => 'Template with name %1 already exists', 'ui__mass-mail__none-available' => 'You have no message templates.', 'ui__mass-mail/delete__description' => 'Remove mass email message template %1', 'ui__mass-mail/delete__empty_selection' => 'Please select the templates you want to remove', 'ui__mass-mail/delete__short-title' => 'Remove %1', 'ui__mass-mail/delete__title' => 'Remove mass email message template %1', 'ui__mass-mail/delete_multi__description' => 'Remove mass email message templates.', 'ui__mass-mail/delete_multi__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__mass-mail/delete_multi__title' => 'Remove mass email message templates', 'ui__mass-mail/delete_multi__wizard-title' => 'Removal of mass email message templates', 'ui__mass-mail/delete_multi__wizard__1_multi' => 'Select the mass email message templates you want to remove.', 'ui__mass-mail/delete_multi__wizard__2_multi' => 'Confirm removing the templates by selecting the check box and click Finish to complete the wizard.', 'ui__mass-mail/delete_unknown__description' => 'Remove mass email message templates.', 'ui__mass-mail/delete_unknown__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__mass-mail/delete_unknown__title' => 'Remove mass email message templates', 'ui__mass-mail/delete_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Removal of mass email message templates.', 'ui__mass-mail/delete_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the mass email message template that you want to remove.', 'ui__mass-mail/delete_unknown__wizard__2' => 'Confirm removing the template by selecting the check box and click Finish to complete the wizard.', 'ui__mass-mail/properties__description' => 'Edit email message template %1.', 'ui__mass-mail/properties__invalid_values' => 'Specified values are incorrect', 'ui__mass-mail/properties__short-title' => '%1', 'ui__mass-mail/properties__title' => 'Edit email message template %1', 'ui__mass-mail/properties_new__wizard-title' => 'Create mass email message template', 'ui__mass-mail/properties_unknown-new__description' => 'Create an email message template.', 'ui__mass-mail/properties_unknown-new__short-title' => 'Add email message template', 'ui__mass-mail/properties_unknown-new__title' => 'Create email message template', 'ui__mass-mail/properties_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Edit mass email message template', 'ui__mass-mail/properties_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the template you want to modify and click Next >>.', 'ui__mass-mail/properties_unknown__wizard__2' => 'When done with editing the template, click Finish to apply the changes and exit the wizard.', 'ui__mass-mail/send__invalid_values' => 'You specified incorrect values', 'ui__mass-mail/send_new__wizard-title' => 'Create a Message Template and Send Email', 'ui__mass-mail/send_unknown-new__description' => 'Send email to selected recipients', 'ui__mass-mail/send_unknown-new__short-title' => 'Send Mass Email', 'ui__mass-mail/send_unknown-new__title' => 'Send Mass Email Message', 'ui__mass-mail/send_unknown__description' => 'Send email to selected recipients', 'ui__mass-mail/send_unknown__short-title' => 'Send Mass Email', 'ui__mass-mail/send_unknown__title' => 'Send Mass Email Message', 'ui__mass-mail/send_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Send Mass Email Message', 'ui__mass-mail/send_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the template you need and click Next >>.', 'ui__mass-mail/send_unknown__wizard__2' => 'When done with editing the properties of the template, click Finish to send the message and exit the wizard.', 'ui__news/dismiss__description' => 'Click to close the news frame. Plesk will not show this frame until news articles are updated.', 'ui__news/dismiss__title' => 'Close the news', 'ui__promotion/virtuozzo__learn_more' => 'Learn more about Virtuozzo containers', 'ui__promotion/virtuozzo__not_in_virtuozzo_enviroment' => 'Your Parallels Plesk software is not running in Virtuozzo containers.', 'ui__promotion/virtuozzo__promotion' => '

Learn more about another great Parallels product Virtuozzo containers, server virtualization software.

Virtuozzo containers creates isolated partitions (Containers) on a single physical server and OS instance to utilize hardware, software, data center and management effort with maximum efficiency.

', 'ui__server__description' => 'Server management.', 'ui__server__short-title' => 'Manage your server', 'ui__server__title' => 'Server management', // UNUSED SINCE 9.2 // END OF UNUSED SINCE 9.2 'ui__server/ip-address__disabled-warning' => 'The IP address %1 is unavailable.', 'ui__server/ip-address__none-available' => 'There are no IP addresses.', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/properties_new__description' => "Assign IP address %1 to resellers.", 'ui__server/ip-address/client/properties_new__short-title' => 'Assign', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/properties_new__title' => "Assign IP address %1 to resellers", 'ui__server/ip-address/client__none-available' => 'There are no user accounts', 'ui__server/ip-address/client_unknown__quick_search' => 'Users', 'ui__server/ip-address/client_unknown__wizard-title' => 'List of users who use this IP address.', 'ui__server/ip-address/client_unknown__wizard__3_unknown' => 'Please select the IP address.', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete__description' => 'Deassign IP address from the reseller.', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete__short-title' => 'Deassign', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete__title' => 'Deassign IP address from the reseller', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete_multi__description' => "Deassign the IP address from resellers' pools.", 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete_multi__short-title' => 'Deassign', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete_multi__title' => 'Deassign an IP address from a reseller', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete_multi__wizard-title' => "Remove IP address from users' pools.", 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete_multi__wizard__3_unknown' => 'Select the IP address you want to deassign from users and click Next >>.', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete_multi__wizard__3_multi' => 'Select the users from whom you want to deassign the IP address and click Next >>.', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete_multi__wizard__4_multi' => 'Confirm the deassignment of the IP address from the users by selecting the check box and click Finish to complete the wizard.', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete_unknown__description' => 'Deassign an IP address from resellers.', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete_unknown__short-title' => 'Deassign', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete_unknown__title' => 'Deassign IP address from resellers', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Deassign an IP address from users', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete_unknown__wizard__3_unknown' => 'Select the IP address you want to deassign from users and click Next >>.', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete_unknown__wizard__4_unknown' => 'Select the user from whom you want to deassign the IP address and click Next >>.', 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete_unknown__wizard__5' => 'Confirm the deassignment of the IP address from the users by selecting the check box and click Finish to complete the wizard.', 'ui__server/ip-address/domain__description' => "All domains on the IP address %1.", 'ui__server/ip-address/domain__short-title' => "Domains", 'ui__server/ip-address/domain__title' => "Domains on the IP address %1", 'ui__server/ip-address/domain_unknown__description' => "All domains on IP address.", 'ui__server/ip-address/domain_unknown__short-title' => "Domains", 'ui__server/ip-address/domain_unknown__title' => "Domains on IP address", 'ui__server/ip-address/domain_unknown__wizard__3_unknown' => "Select the IP address you need and click Next >>.", 'ui__server/ip-address/properties__description' => 'Change the properties of the IP address %1.', 'ui__server/ip-address/properties__short-title' => 'Properties', 'ui__server/ip-address/properties__title' => 'Change the properties of the IP address %1', 'ui__server/ip-address/properties_new__wizard-title' => 'Add IP address', 'ui__server/ip-address/properties_new__wizard__4_new' => 'When done with changing the IP address properties, click Finish to apply the changes.', 'ui__server/ip-address/properties_unknown__description' => 'Change the properties of the IP address.', 'ui__server/ip-address/properties_unknown__short-title' => 'Properties', 'ui__server/ip-address/properties_unknown__title' => 'Change the properties of the IP address', 'ui__server/ip-address/properties_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Change the properties of the IP address', 'ui__server/ip-address/properties_unknown__wizard__3_unknown' => 'Select the IP address whose properties you want to change.', 'ui__server/ip-address/properties_unknown__wizard__4' => 'When done with changing the IP address properties, click Finish to apply the changes.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list__description' => 'Set up black list for server-wide spam filter.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list__short-title' => 'Black list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list__title' => 'Black list for server-wide spam filter', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address__addresses_available' => 'Only %1 first unique email addresses will be added.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address__description' => 'Spam filter\'s black list address.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address__empty_content' => 'There are no email addresses in the list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address__file_size' => 'The uploaded file is empty.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address__invalid_addresses' => 'The following email addresses are invalid: %1.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address__none-available' => 'There are no addresses in the spam filter\'s black list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address__short-title' => 'Address', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address__title' => 'Black list address %1', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address_unknown__description' => 'Add addresses to the black list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address_unknown__short-title' => 'Add addresses', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address_unknown__title' => 'Add addresses to the black list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/delete__description' => 'Remove %1 address from server-wide black list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/delete__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/delete__title' => 'Remove %1 address from server-wide black list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/delete_multi__description' => 'Remove addresses from server-wide black list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/delete_multi__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/delete_multi__title' => 'Remove addresses from server-wide black list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/delete_multi__wizard-title' => 'Removal of addresses from server-wide spam filter black list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/delete_multi__wizard__4_multi' => 'Select the spam filter addresses you want to remove and click Next >>', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/delete_multi__wizard__5_multi' => 'Confirm removing the spam filter addresses by selecting the check box and click Finish to completely remove them and exit the wizard.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/delete_unknown__description' => 'Remove address from server-wide black list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/delete_unknown__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/delete_unknown__title' => 'Remove address from server-wide black list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/delete_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Removal of addresses from server-wide spam filter black list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/delete_unknown__wizard__4_unknown' => 'Select the spam filter address you want to remove and click Next >>', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/delete_unknown__wizard__5' => 'Confirm removing the spam filter address by selecting the check box and click Finish to completely remove it and exit the wizard.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/properties__addresses_available' => 'Only %1 first unique email addresses will be added.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/properties__empty_content' => 'There are no email addresses in the list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/properties__file_size' => 'Unable to upload file. The maximum size of file to upload is %1.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/properties__invalid_addresses' => 'The following email addresses are invalid: %1.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/properties_unknown-new__description' => 'Add addresses to the black list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/properties_unknown-new__short-title' => 'Add addresses', 'ui__server/spam-filter/black-list/address/properties_unknown-new__title' => 'Add addresses to the black list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/properties__description' => 'Set up server-wide spam filter.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/properties__short-title' => 'Settings', 'ui__server/spam-filter/properties__title' => 'Spam filter settings', 'ui__server/spam-filter/toggle_disable__description' => 'Disable spam filtering for the entire system.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/toggle_disable__short-title' => 'Disable', 'ui__server/spam-filter/toggle_disable__title' => 'Disable spam filtering', 'ui__server/spam-filter/toggle_enable__description' => 'Enable spam filtering for the entire server.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/toggle_enable__short-title' => 'Enable', 'ui__server/spam-filter/toggle_enable__title' => 'Enable spam filtering', 'ui__server/spam-filter/toggle_unknown__description' => 'Enable or disable spam filtering for the entire server.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/toggle_unknown__short-title' => 'Enable or disable', 'ui__server/spam-filter/toggle_unknown__title' => 'Enable or disable spam filtering', 'ui__server/spam-filter/toggle_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Enable or disable spam filter', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list__description' => 'Set up system-wide spam filter\'s white list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list__short-title' => 'White list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list__title' => 'System-wide spam filter\'s white list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address__addresses_available' => 'Only %1 first unique email addresses will be added.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address__description' => 'Spam filter\'s white list address.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address__empty_content' => 'There are no email addresses in the list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address__file_size' => 'The uploaded file is empty.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address__invalid_addresses' => 'The following email addresses are invalid: %1.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address__none-available' => 'There are no addresses in the spam filter\'s server-wide white list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address__short-title' => 'Address', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address__title' => 'White list address %1', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address_unknown__description' => 'Add addresses to the white list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address_unknown__short-title' => 'Add addresses', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address_unknown__title' => 'Add addresses to the white list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/delete__description' => 'Remove %1 address from server-wide white list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/delete__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/delete__title' => 'Remove %1 address from server-wide white list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/delete_multi__description' => 'Remove addresses from server-wide white list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/delete_multi__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/delete_multi__title' => 'Remove addresses from server-wide white list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/delete_multi__wizard-title' => 'Removal of addresses from server-wide spam filter white list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/delete_multi__wizard__4_multi' => 'Select the spam filter addresses you want to remove and click Next >>', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/delete_multi__wizard__5_multi' => 'Confirm removing the spam filter addresses by selecting the check box and click Finish to completely remove them and exit the wizard.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/delete_unknown__description' => 'Remove address from server-wide white list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/delete_unknown__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/delete_unknown__title' => 'Remove address from server-wide white list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/delete_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Removal of addresses from server-wide spam filter white list', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/delete_unknown__wizard__4_unknown' => 'Select the spam filter address you want to remove and click Next >>', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/delete_unknown__wizard__5' => 'Confirm removing the spam filter address by selecting the check box and click Finish to completely remove it and exit the wizard.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/properties__addresses_available' => 'Only %1 first unique email addresses will be added.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/properties__empty_content' => 'There are no email addresses in the list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/properties__file_size' => 'Unable to upload file. The maximum size of file to upload is %1.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/properties__invalid_addresses' => 'The following email addresses are invalid: %1.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/properties_unknown-new__description' => 'Add addresses to the white list.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/properties_unknown-new__short-title' => 'Add addresses', 'ui__server/spam-filter/white-list/address/properties_unknown-new__title' => 'Add addresses to the white list', // *** The strings above have been generated automatically from @@CAPTION directives. // RESELLERS // Admin's Home page 'ui__reseller/properties_new__wizard__client/ip-pool/properties' => 'When done with configuring the reseller\'s IP pool, click Finish to complete the wizard.', // Resellers 'ui__reseller#tools__title' => "Tools", 'ui__reseller/properties_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Edit reseller\'s personal information', 'ui__reseller/properties_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the reseller whose personal information you want to change.', 'ui__reseller/properties_unknown__wizard__2' => 'When done with editing the reseller\'s information, click Finish to apply the changes.', 'ui__reseller/traffic-history_unknown__short-title' => "View Traffic by Resellers", 'ui__reseller/traffic-history_unknown__title' => "View Traffic by Resellers", 'ui__reseller/traffic-history_unknown__description' => "View traffic by reseller accounts.", 'ui__reseller#list__title' => "Resellers", 'accounts_list__name__filter_title' => "Name", 'accounts_list__resource__filter_title' => "Resource usage", 'resellers_list__filter_resource_usage_any' => "Any", 'resellers_list__filter_resource_usage_overuse' => "Overuse", 'resellers_list__filter_resource_usage_normal' => "Within limits", 'accounts_list__status__filter_title' => "Status", 'resellers_list__filter_status_any' => "Any", 'resellers_list__filter_status_blocked' => "Suspended", 'resellers_list__filter_status_active' => "Active", 'resellers_list__filter_clients__filter_title' => "Show", 'resellers_list__filter_clients_on' => "Resellers with their customers", 'resellers_list__filter_clients_off' => "Resellers only", '__disk_usage' => "Disk space used", 'ui__reseller/traffic_unknown__short-title' => "View Traffic by Resellers", 'ui__reseller/traffic_unknown__title' => "View Traffic by Resellers", 'ui__reseller/traffic#list__title' => "Traffic by reseller", 'ui__reseller/traffic_unknown__description' => "View traffic usage reports.", // Resellers > Traffic by resellers '__traffic_by_reseller' => "Traffic by reseller", '__reseller_name' => "Reseller's name", '__reseller' => "Resellers", 'resellertrafficlist_header' => "View Traffic by Resellers", '__reseller_personal' => "Traffic used by reseller's domains", 'ui__reseller/traffic-history__short-title' => "Traffic by resellers", 'ui__reseller/traffic-history__title' => "Traffic by resellers", 'ui__reseller/traffic-history__description' => "View traffic usage reports.", // Resellers > Create Reseller Account 'ui__reseller/properties#form__title' => "Reseller form", 'ui__reseller__short-title' => "%1", 'ui__reseller/properties#proceed_to_pool__title' => "Proceed to configuring reseller's IP pool", // Resellers > Reseller preferences // Resellers > Reseller Account Templates // Resellers > Reseller Account Templates > Create Reseller Account Template 'limits__oversell_text' => "Allow overselling", 'limits__reseller_oversell_description' => "Overselling allows the reseller to sell more resources than was actually allocated to him or her. If overselling is allowed, the reseller is governed by actual resource usage instead of initial resource allocation", 'limits__overuse_block_text' => "Overuse policy", 'limits__overuse_block_true_text' => "Overuse is not allowed", 'limits__reseller_overuse_block_true_description' => "Block the overuse of resources. Actual resource usage cannot exceed the initial resource allocation", 'limits__overuse_block_false_text' => "Overuse is allowed", 'limits__reseller_overuse_block_false_description' => "Do not block the overuse of resources, allowing the reseller to use more resources than initially provided. Actual resource usage can exceed the initial resource allocation", 'limits__reseller_overuse_notify_text' => "Notify the reseller about reaching the resource limits", 'reseller_perm__manage_sh_access_disabled' => "Reseller cannot allow or prohibit shell access", 'reseller_perm__manage_sh_access_chrooted' => "Reseller can allow access only to a chrooted environment", 'reseller_perm__manage_sh_access_any' => "Reseller can allow access to any type of shell", 'template__reseller_num_excl_ips' => "Allocate dedicated IP addresses to the reseller", // Reseller's Home page 'client_chown__no_clients_selected' => 'Please select customer accounts that you want to assign a new owner to.', 'ui__reseller#tools2__title' => "Account", 'ui__reseller#info__title' => "Info", 'ui__reseller#clientsTab__title' => "Customers", 'ui__reseller#domainsTab__title' => "Domains", 'ui__reseller__title' => "Manage %1's Reseller Account", 'domains__reseller_info' => "%1 customers, %2 domains, %3 of disk space used, %4 of data transferred.", 'domains__reseller_info_hiding_traffic' => "%1 customers, %2 domains, %3 of disk space used.", 'ui__reseller__description' => "Manage reseller's account.", 'ui__reseller/limits_unknown__wizard-title' => 'View or change resource limits for a reseller', 'ui__reseller/limits_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the reseller you need.', 'ui__reseller/limits_unknown__wizard__2' => 'To apply the changes, click Finish.', 'ui__client/report_reseller__short-title' => "Report", 'ui__client/report_reseller__title' => "View Account Report", 'ui__client/report_reseller__description' => "View reseller account report.", 'ui__client/ip-pool_reseller__short-title' => "IP pool", 'ui__client/ip-pool_reseller__description' => "Assign IP addresses and SSL certificates to the reseller account.", 'ui__reseller/permissions_unknown__wizard-title' => 'View or change permissions for a reseller', 'ui__reseller/permissions_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the reseller whose permissions you want to view or change.', //'ui__reseller/permissions_unknown__wizard__1/properties_self' => 'When done with viewing your permissions, click Finish to to apply the changes and exit the wizard.', 'ui__reseller/permissions_unknown__wizard__2' => 'When done with changing the reseller\'s permissions, click Finish to apply the changes and exit the wizard.', // Resellers > reseller name > Create Customer Account 'ui__reseller/client/properties#form__title' => "Personal information", 'ui__reseller/client/properties#proceed_to_pool__title' => "Proceed to configuring customer's IP pool", // Customers > create customer account 'ui__reseller/client/properties_new__wizard-title' => "Create a new customer account", 'ui__reseller/client/properties_new__wizard-short-title' => 'Customer Account Creation', 'ui__reseller/client/properties_new__wizard-description' => 'Create a new customer account', '__resellers_list' => 'Resellers', 'picker_reseller__title' => 'Select the reseller', 'ui__reseller/client/properties_new__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select the reseller who will be the owner of the created customer account.', 'ui__reseller/client/properties_new__wizard__3_new' => "Specify the information about the new customer and click Finish.", 'ui__reseller/client/properties_new__wizard__client/limits' => 'Specify the resource limits for created customer account.', 'ui__reseller/client/properties_new__wizard__client/limits_readonly' => 'Review the resource limits for created customer account.', 'ui__reseller/client/properties_new__wizard__client/permissions' => 'Specify what actions the customer can perform in the Control Panel', 'ui__reseller/client/properties_new__wizard__client/ip-pool/properties' => "Provide IP addresses for the customer's IP pool", // Resellers > reseller name > customer name 'ui__client#tools1__title' => "Tools", 'ui__client#tools2__title' => "Account", 'ui__client#info__title' => "Info", 'ui__client#clientslist__title' => "Customers", 'ui__client#domainslist__title' => "Domains", // Reseller's session in the Control Panel - Home page 'feature__aps_categories__reseller' => "All web applications are now sorted by categories, which makes it easier to choose the right application to install.", 'feature__domainkeys__reseller' => "You can use DomainKeys email sender authentication mechanism to reduce the amount of spam and phishing emails.", '__reseller_form' => "Reseller form", // Reseller's session in the control panel - Home page > Manage Customer Settings 'ui__client/preferences_unknown__wizard__reseller' => "Select the customer account whose settings you want to change.", // Reseller's session in the control panel - Home page > Suspend/Activate Customer Account // Reseller's session in the control panel - Home page > Change Customer Limits 'ui__client/limits_unknown__wizard__1' => "To change the resource usage limits, click Resource limits.", // Reseller's session in the control panel - Home page > Change Customer Permissions 'ui__client/permissions_unknown__wizard__1' => "To change permissions for operations the customer can perform in Plesk, click Permissions.", // Reseller's session in the control panel - Home page > Create Domain 'ui__client/domain/properties_new__wizard__reseller' => "To create a domain that will belong to your own account, click Create Domain. To create a domain for one of your customers, click the customer name you need, and then click Create Domain.", // Reseller's session in the control panel - Home page > Create Customer Template 'template__shared_text' => "Make this template available to other users", 'template__shared_description' => "Select this option if you want your customers to be able to use this template.", // CLIENT (updated for reseller feature): // Customers 'ui__client#tools__title' => 'Tools', 'ui__client/traffic-history_unknown__short-title' => 'View Traffic by Customers', 'ui__client/traffic-history_unknown__title' => 'Traffic by Customers', 'ui__client/traffic-history_unknown__description' => 'View traffic usage report for all customers', 'ui__client/traffic-history__short-title' => 'Traffic by Customers', 'ui__client/traffic-history__title' => 'View Traffic by Customers', 'ui__client/traffic-history__description' => 'View traffic usage report for all customers', 'ui__client/traffic#list__title' => 'Traffic by customers', 'ui__reseller/client/traffic#list__title' => 'Traffic by customers', 'clients_list__filter_type__filter_title' => 'Show', 'clients_list__filter_type_any' => 'Customers and resellers', 'clients_list__filter_type_clients' => 'Customers only', 'clients_list__filter_type_resellers' => 'Resellers only', 'ui__client/domain_unknown-new__short-title' => "Create Domain", // Customers > View traffic by customers '__personal' => "Traffic used by user's domains", 'PersonalTrafficList_header_of_client__' => "View Traffic Usage Report for Your Account", // Create new customer 'ui__client/properties#form__title' => 'Personal information', // DOMAINS // Domain > Domain Admin Permissions 'domain_perm__manage_sh_access_disabled' => "Domain administrator cannot allow or prohibit shell access", 'domain_perm__manage_sh_access_chrooted' => "Domain administrator can allow access only to a chrooted environment", 'domain_perm__manage_sh_access_any' => "Domain administrator can allow access to any type of shell", // APS Catalog 'bt_add_to_vault' => "Add to Vault", 'bt_hide_updates' => "Hide available updates", 'bt_show_updates' => "Show available updates", '__site_apps__applications' => "Applications", //search elements (not in the GUI yet) // Application; Vendor; Packager; Certification level; '__site_apps__apps_selected_to_add_to_vault' => "Applications selected for addition to the vault", 'site_apps__application_selected' => "Selected", 'site_apps__currently_in_vault' => "Other versions already in the vault:", 'site_apps__new_versions' => "New versions:", 'site_apps__patches' => "Patches:", 'site_apps__applications_have_been_scheduled_for_adding_to_application_vault' => "Number of applications scheduled for addition to the vault: %1", 'site_apps__applications_downloading_now' => "The following applications are now being downloaded: %1", // temporary workaround string, to be removed later 'site_apps__package_already_exist_in_vault' => "Already in the vault", // Server > Action Log 'bt_skin_edit' => "Edit Skin Description", 'domains__you_want_change_the_status_of_the_reseller??' => "Are you sure you want to change the status of the reseller account?", 'limits__oversell_legend' => "Overselling", 'limitsManager__limit_available_error' => "Unable to allocate the required amount of resources (%%quantity%% %%limitName%%). Only %%available%% %%limitName%% are available.", 'limitsManager__limit_reserved_error' => "Unable to set the required resource usage limit (%%quantity%% %%limitName%%) because the new value is less than the amount of resources reserved for your customers or used by yourself (%%reserved%% %%limitName%%).", 'limitsManager__limit_used_error' => "Unable to set the required resource usage limit (%%quantity%% %%limitName%%) because the new value is less than the actual amount of resource already used by your account and sites (%%used%% %%limitName%%).", 'ui__client/domain/traffic#list__title' => "Bandwidth usage by services", 'ui__client/domain/traffic_unknown-reseller__short-title' => "View Traffic Usage Report", 'ui__client/domain/traffic_unknown-reseller__title' => "View Traffic Usage Report", 'ui__client/domain_new__short-title' => "Create Domain", 'ui__client_reseller__description' => "Manage reseller account %1.", 'ui__client_reseller__short-title' => "%1", 'ui__client_reseller__title' => "Manage reseller account", '__owner_name' => "Owner's name", 'domains_list__resource__filter_title' => "Resource Usage", // APS CATALOG 'site_apps__application_catalog_preferences' => "APS applications catalog", 'site_apps__applications_have_updates' => "Updated versions of the following applications are available:\n%1\nTo view the updates, make sure the Search area is visible, select Show updates only check box and search for the applications you need.", 'site_apps__progress_adding_to_vault' => "Adding to the vault: ", 'site_apps__progress_done_message' => "Progress:", 'site_apps__progress_applications_left' => "%1 of %2 applications left", 'site_apps__download_item_long_task_title' => "Download APS application (%1)", 'site_apps__download_transaction_long_task_title' => "Download APS applications from APS Catalog", 'site_apps__last_check_for_updates' => "last check for updates: %1", 'site_apps__all_sucessfully_added_to_app_vault' => "All scheduled applications are successfully added to the Application Vault", 'site_apps__number_of_apps_sucessfully_added_to_app_vault' => "%1 scheduled applications are successfully added to the Application Vault.", 'site_apps__no_search_results' => 'No applications found. Try different search request or browse applications by categories.', 'site_apps__search_results_title' => 'Search results', '__site_apps__search_by_application' => 'Application name', '__site_apps__search_by_vendor' => 'Vendor', '__site_apps__search_by_vendor__all' => 'All vendors', '__site_apps__search_by_packager' => 'Packager', '__site_apps__search_by_certification_level' => 'Certification level', '__site_apps__search_by_cert__any' => 'Any', '__site_apps__search_by_cert__silver_and_higher' => 'Silver and higher', '__site_apps__search_by_cert__gold_and_higher' => 'Gold and higher', '__retry' => 'Retry', '__cancel' => 'Cancel', 'site_apps__application_packager_site' => 'Packager', 'site_apps__add_to_pool_message' => "Applications marked as \"available for all\" are automatically distibuted to all resellers and customers with unlimited amount of installations. Restricted applications are distributed to all resellers and customers manually on an individual basis with explicitly specified number of available installations.", 'site_apps__make_available_for_all' => "Make selected applications available to all users", 'site_apps__broadcast_app_text' => "Applications marked as \"available for all\" are automatically distibuted to all resellers and customers with unlimited amount of installations. Restricted applications are distributed to all resellers and customers manually on an individual basis with explicitly specified number of available installations.", 'site_apps__broadcast_app_name' => 'Make application available to all users', // User Application Pool per application 'site_apps__available_clients' => 'Available users', 'site_apps__no_more_clients_to_add_to_pool' => 'There are no more user accounts that you can provide this application to', // Installed application instances 'site_apps__installations' => 'Installations', '__check_all' => "Select All", '__uncheck_all' => "Clear All", 'mail__invalid_white_pattern' => 'The specified value is invalid. Use the following format: for email addresses, for domains, or for IP addresses.', 'mail__invalid_black_pattern' => 'The specified value is invalid. Use the following format: for email addresses, for domains.', 'mail__black_list_no_sa_warning' => 'Entries will not be marked as spam because Spamassassin is not installed or is switched off', // Hosting setup redesign '__domain_name_and_ip_address' => "Domain name and IP address", '__assign_ip_address' => "Assign IP address", '__switch_on_service' => "Switch on service", '__hosting_configuration' => "Hosting configuration", '__vrt_hst' => "Website hosting", '__vrt_hst_hint' => "Host a website on this server.", '__fwd' => "Forwarding", '__fwd_hint' => "Redirect visitors to another website.", '__none_hint' => "Do not host a website at the moment.", '__web_hosting_settings' => "Hosting settings", '__login_hint' => "This username is used for accessing your website through FTP", '__password_hint' => "This password is used for accessing your website through FTP", '__advanced_hosting_setup' => "Configure advanced website hosting settings", '__domain_creation_successful' => "The domain was created.", 'bt_hosting_settings' => "Hosting Settings", '__change_hosting_type' => "Change hosting type for domain %1", '__hosting_type_change_warning' => "When you change hosting type to forwarding or no hosting, all files and directories related to your site are removed from the server. Be sure to save a local copy of your site.", '__current_hosting_type' => "Current hosting type", '__new_hosting_type' => "New hosting type", '__fwd_settings' => "Forwarding settings", '__fwd_settings_legend' => "Forwarding settings", '__fwd_destination_url' => "Destination URL", '__fwd_type' => "Forwarding type", '__fwd_type_standart' => "Standard forwarding", '__fwd_type_standart_hint' => "Redirect website visitors to another site and show them the destination address, so they know about the redirection.", '__fwd_type_frame' => "Frame forwarding", '__fwd_type_frame_hint' => "Redirect website visitors to another site, but do not show them the destination address, so they do not know about the redirection.", '__hosting_type_template_warning' => "The type of hosting you selected is different from the type specified in the template. If you continue, web hosting settings in the selected template will be ignored. Are you sure you want to set the selected hosting type?", 'ui__client/domain/properties#vrt_hst__title' => "Website hosting", 'ui__client/domain/properties#vrt_hst__description' => "Host a website on this server", 'ui__client/domain/properties#fwd__title' => "Forwarding", 'ui__client/domain/properties#fwd__description' => "Redirect visitors to another website", 'ui__client/domain/properties#none__title' => "No hosting", 'ui__client/domain/properties#none__description' => "Do not host a website at the moment", 'ui__client/domain/hosting/shared-ssl-link_self__description' => "Set up shared SSL link for this domain.", 'ui__client/domain/hosting/shared-ssl-link_self__short-title' => "Shared SSL", 'ui__client/domain/hosting/shared-ssl-link_self__title' => "Shared SSL link settings", 'fieldset_titlebar_setup' => "Title of Plesk pages", 'use_custom_titlebar' => "Title text", '__use_default' => 'Use default', '__no_resellers_selected' => "You must select at least one reseller account.", 'drweb__drweb' => 'Antivirus mail checking', 'ui__client/ipaddress/properties_new__short-title' => "Add IP Address", 'ui__client/ipaddress/properties_new__title' => 'Add IP Address', 'ui__client/ipaddress/properties_new__description' => "Add IP address.", 'ui__client/ipaddress/properties_unknown-new__short-title' => "Add IP Address", 'ui__client/ipaddress/properties_unknown-new__title' => "Add IP Address", 'ui__client/ipaddress/properties_unknown-new__description' => "Add IP Address", 'ui__client/ipaddress/delete_multi__short-title' => "Remove IP Address", 'ui__client/ipaddress/delete_multi__description' => "Remove IP addresses.", 'ippool_Manager__no_available_ips' => "There are no vacant IP addresses in the IP pool.", 'ippool_Manager__ip_shared' => "shared", 'ippool_Manager__ip_exclusive' => "dedicated", 'ui__client/ipaddress/properties__title' => "Manage IP Addresses", 'ui__client/ipaddress/properties__description' => "View or change IP address properties.", 'ui__client/ipaddress_unknown-new__title' => "Add IP Address", 'ui__client/ipaddress_unknown-new__short-title' => "Add IP Address", 'ui__client/ipaddress_unknown-new__description' => "Add new IP addresses.", '__php_cgi_handler' => 'CGI application', '__php_isapi_handler' => 'ISAPI extension', '__php_fastcgi_handler' => 'FastCGI application', '__php_module_handler' => 'Apache module', '__php_run_as' => "run as", 'sso__account_not_found' => "Account %1 was not found.", 'sso__delegation_rule_not_found' => "The authentication rule \"%1 - %2\" was not found.", 'sso__delegation_rules_not_found' => "No authentication rules were found for the account %1.", 'class_notificationform__reseller_creation_text' => "Reseller account creation", 'class_notificationform__reseller_limits_exceed_text' => "Resource usage limits exceeded by reseller account", 'class_notificationform__reseller' => "Reseller", 'class_notificationform__reseller_blocked_text' => 'Reseller account suspended due to resource overuse', 'class_notificationform__reseller_overuse_block_text' => "Reseller's resource usage limits reached by reseller's subscriptions due to overselling", 'class_notificationform__domain_blocked_text' => 'Subscription suspended due to resource overuse', 'ui__mass-mail#to_resellers_text__title' => "Resellers", 'ui__mass-mail#to_domainusers_text__title' => "Domain administrators", 'ui__reseller/preferences_unknown__wizard-title' => "Change Account Settings", 'ui__reseller/preferences_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => "Select the reseller whose account settings you want to change and click Next.", 'ui__reseller/preferences_unknown__wizard__2' => "Specify the account settings and click OK.", 'ippoolManager__ip_shared' => "shared", 'ippoolManager__ip_exclusive' => "dedicated", '__users_list' => "Users", '__users' => "Users", '__user_name' => "User's name", 'clientOwnerChanger__wrong_owner_type' => "You can transfer the selected customer accounts only to a reseller account.", 'clientOwnerChanger__wrong_client_type' => 'Selected user account is a reseller account. Reseller accounts cannot be assigned a new owner since they are owned by the server administrator.', 'ui__client/chowner_multi__description' => "Transfer user accounts to another owner.", 'client_chown__clients_list_legend' => "User accounts", 'client_chown__client_name' => "User's name", 'client_chown__old_owner' => "Previous owner", 'client_chown__limits_legend' => "Resources", 'client_chown__limit_name' => "Resource name", 'client_chown__limit_value' => "Allocated resources", 'client_chown__usage_before' => "Before transfer", 'client_chown_usage_after' => "After transfer", 'limit__name_max_dom_aliases' => "domain aliases", 'limit__name_max_fpse_users' => "Microsoft FrontPage user accounts", 'limit__name_max_subftp_users' => "additional FTP accounts", 'limit__name_max_mssql_db' => "Microsoft SQL Server databases", 'limit__name_max_iis_app_pools' => "IIS application pools", 'limit__name_max_shared_ssl_links' => "shared SSL links", 'limit__name_max_odbc' => "ODBC connections", 'limit__name_max_cf_dsn' => "ColdFusion DSN connections", 'total_mboxes_quota_unsupported' => 'not supported by the mail server', 'limit_soft__disk_space' => 'Notify upon reaching disk space', 'limit_soft__max_traffic' => 'Notify upon reaching traffic', 'dsr__of_reseller_title' => "Resource Usage by Domains", 'client_chown__new_owner' => 'New owner', 'ui__reseller/to-client__has_clients_warning' => 'Some of the selected reseller accounts cannot be converted to customer accounts because they have customers subscribed to their services. Please remove the customer accounts subscribed to this reseller or move them to another reseller.', 'limitsManager__commit_failed' => "Unable to change resource limits.", 'limitsManager__date_in_past' => "Incorrect expiration date %1.", 'limitsManager__limit_not_supported' => "Limits for the resource type %1 cannot be set.", 'limitsManager__limit_oversell_inconsistency' => "Unable to allocate the specified amounts of resources with overselling switched off.", 'limitsManager__limit_overuse_inconsistency' => "Resource usage exceeds the defined limits.", 'limitsManager__no_resource_available' => "There are no available resources of this type (%%limitName%%) left. Requested: %%quantity%%; available: %%unused%%.", 'limitsManager__no_total_resource_available' => "There are no resources of this type (%%limitName%%) available from your service provider. Requested: %%quantity%%; available: %%unused%%.", 'limitsManager__invalid_expiration_limit' => "The expiration date must be less than or equal to %1.", 'limitsManager__invalid_disk_space_limit' => "The amount of disk space must be less than or equal to %1.", 'limitsManager__invalid_max_traffic_limit' => "The amount of traffic must be less than or equal to %1.", 'ippoolManager__ip_has_suballocations' => "Cannot change the type of IP address already allocated to a user. IP address %%ip%% is already allocated to user(s) as %%reserved%% IP address.", 'ui__client/domain/dns/acl-record_readonly-unknown__short-title' => "Zone Transfers", 'ui__client/domain/dns/acl-record_readonly-unknown__description' => "The list of networks allowed to get a copy of DNS zone.", 'ippoolManager__ip_is_already_in_pool' => "This IP address is already assigned to the user.", 'ippoolManager__ip_is_not_in_pool' => "There is no IP address %%ip%% in the pool.", 'ippoolManager__can_not_allocate_ip' => "The IP address %%ip%% is available only as %%available%%.", 'ippoolManager__unable_to_set_default_type' => "The IP address %%ip%% cannot be allocated as dedicated.", 'ippoolManager__ip_used_by_hst_or_frw' => "The IP address %%ip%% is already used for hosting.", 'ippoolManager__active_anon_ftp_on_ip' => "Anonymous FTP access is already switched on for the IP address %%ip%%", 'ippoolManager__no_vacant_ips' => "There are no vacant IP addresses.", 'ippoolManager__no_available_ips' => "There are no available IP addresses.", 'templates__dublicate_name' => "A template with such a name already exists. Please select another name for this template.", 'cl_perm__client_limits_exceeded' => "The specified resource limit values exceed the values allowed by your hosting plan, or these values provide less resources than currently used by your sites.", 'cl_perm__reseller_limits_exceeded' => "The specified resource limit values exceed the values allowed by your hosting plan, or these values provide less resources than currently used by user accounts and sites.", 'site_apps__preferences_show_all_versions_title' => "Show the full list of versions for every application retrieved from the catalog", 'site_apps__preferences_show_all_versions_hint' => "If this option is selected, it may take considerable time to retrieve all versions of each application every time you open the catalog. If this option is not selected, only latest versions are shown.", '__select_user_template' => "Create user account based on a template", 'ip_already_added_to_all_clients' => "This IP address is already assigned to all users.", 'ui__server/ip-address/client/delete#legend__description' => "The following IP addresses will be removed from the system and users' IP pools:", 'dns__serial_format_timestamp' => "UNIX timestamp SOA serial format", 'dns__serial_format_yyyymmddnn' => "SOA serial format recommended by IETF and RIPE", 'site_apps__cancelled_apps' => "You have cancelled the addition of the following applications: %2", 'sb_url_is_not_resolved' => 'URL cannot be resolved: check your DNS settings. URL %1 must resolve in IP address of the server with installed Presence Builder.', 'ip_addr__is_last_on_interface' => 'Cannot remove the IP address %%ip%% because it is the last IP address present on a network interface.', 'ip_addr__used_for_current_session' => 'Cannot remove the IP address %%ip%% because it is used by an active session.', 'ip_addr__used_for_hosting' => 'Cannot remove the IP address %%ip%% because it is used for hosting a website.', 'ip_addr__is_main' => 'Cannot remove the IP address %%ip%% because it is the primary IP address of a network interface.', 'ip_addr__ip_used_by_message_submission' => 'Cannot remove the IP address %%ip%% because it is used for the mail message submission', // RESELLER ACTION LOG '__cl_domains' => 'domains of customers', 'excl_ip_num' => 'Dedicated IP address', 'sb_err_sitebuilder_not_installed' => 'Presence Builder is not installed.', '__perm_allow_oversell_can_not_be_revoked' => 'Permission to allow oversell cannot be revoked from user since the user has already allocated more resources than available, going into oversell mode.', 'limitsManager__invalid_limit_value' => 'Incorrect value %%value%% specified for limit %%limit_name%%', 'ip_alias__type' => "IP address distributed as", 'ip_alias__in_type' => 'IP address allocated as', 'ui__client/ipaddress/delete_multi__title' => 'Remove IP Addresses', 'ui__client/ipaddress/delete#legend__short-title' => 'Items that will be removed', 'ui__client/ipaddress/delete#legend__description' => "The following IP addresses will be removed from user's IP pool:", 'ui__client/ipaddress/delete#nlegend__short-title' => 'Items that cannot be removed', 'ui__client/ipaddress/delete#nlegend__description' => 'The following IP addresses cannot be removed:', 'ui__server/ip-address/delete#legend__description' => 'The following IP addresses will be removed from server IP pool:', 'confirmationForm_default_agreement_text' => 'Confirm the operation', 'confirmationForm_default_confirm_message' => 'Please confirm the operation.', 'limit__max_mn' => 'Maximum number of mail accounts', 'ui__client/properties#proceed_to_pool__title' => "Proceed to configuring customer's IP pool", 'limits__client_overuse_description' => 'Overuse policy tells Plesk what to do when resource usage exceeds the initial resource allocation.', 'limits__client_overuse_block_true_description' => 'Block the overuse of resources. Actual resource usage cannot exceed the initial resource allocation', 'limits__client_overuse_block_false_description' => 'Do not block the overuse of resources, allowing the customer to use more resources than initially provided. Actual resource usage can exceed the initial resource allocation', 'limits__client_overuse_notify_text' => 'Notify the customer about reaching the resource limits', 'limits__domain_overuse_description' => 'Overuse policy tells Plesk what to do when resource usage exceeds the initial resource allocation.', 'limits__domain_overuse_block_true_description' => 'Overuse policy tells Plesk what to do when resources are overused.', 'limits__domain_overuse_block_false_description' => 'Do not block the overuse of resources, allowing the domain to use more resources than initially provided. Actual resource usage can exceed the initial resource allocation', 'limits__domain_overuse_notify_text' => 'Notify the domain owner about reaching the resource limits', 'cancel_remove' => 'Discard any changes and return to the previous page.', 'php_not_installed' => 'PHP is not installed', 'dns__dns_rr_delete' => 'Items that will be removed', 'dns__delete_rr' => 'The following DNS records will be removed from the DNS zone:', 'dns__dns_rr_delete_non_removable' => 'Items that cannot be removed', 'dns__non_delete_rr' => 'The following DNS records cannot be removed:', 'dns__dns_rr_delete_confirm_message' => 'Confirm the removal of DNS records', 'site_apps__format_is_unsupported_broadcast_not_set' => 'Unknown web application format: web application might be unavailable for installation and usage.', '__php_handler_type_desc' => 'Run PHP as', 'sfdk_domain_sign__failed' => 'Unidentified error has occurred when trying to switch on signing of mail with DomainKeys on domain. Refer to server error log for more information.', // key management ported from cpp to php 'pkey_notify__subj_update_success_notification' => 'Parallels Plesk key update success notification', 'pkey_notify__subj_update_deferral_notification' => 'Parallels Plesk key update deferral notification', 'pkey_notify__subj_update_error_notification' => 'Parallels Plesk key update error notification', 'pkey_notify__update_successful' => '%1 update completed successfully.', 'pkey_notify__update_failed_no_more_try' => 'Unable to update %1. The key you are trying to send is invalid. You should not try updating this key anymore.', 'pkey_notify__update_failed_try_later' => 'Unable to update %1. An error occurred while processing your key. You can try updating it later.', //// Activation Code feature 'key__tabs_activation' => 'License Key Activation', 'key__code_text' => 'Enter an activation code', 'dns__default_ttl_legend' => 'Default TTL', // not needed? // spam assassin error messages 'ui__server/spam-filter/toggle__unable_disable' => 'Unable to switch off server-wide spam filtering.', 'ui__server/spam-filter/toggle__unable_enable' => 'Unable to switch on server-wide spam filtering', // Application vault/ application pool for admin mapping - TEMPORARY // report 'report_auto__recipient_reseller' => 'This reseller', 'report_auto__select_reseller_report_all' => 'All resellers', 'report_auto__select_reseller_report_client' => 'All resellers of this customer', 'report_auto__select_reseller_report_current' => 'This reseller', 'report_auto__select_reseller_report_reseller' => '%1', 'report_auto__select_client_report_reseller' => 'All customers of this reseller', 'report_auto__select_client_report_client' => 'This customer', 'report_auto__select_client_report_other_reseller' => '%1', 'report_auto__select_admin_report_all' => 'Resellers, customers and domains', 'rpt_reseller_section_full_domains' => 'Domains', 'rpt_reseller_dom_subdomains' => 'Subdom', 'rpt_reseller_dom_postboxes' => 'MBoxes', 'rpt_reseller_dom_redirects' => 'Forwarders', 'rpt_reseller_dom_mail_groups' => 'MGroups', 'rpt_reseller_dom_mail_resps' => 'AResp.', 'rpt_reseller_dom_mail_lists' => 'MLists', 'rpt_reseller_dom_web_users' => 'WUsers', 'rpt_reseller_dom_data_bases' => 'Dbases', // CONFLICT 'rpt_reseller_dom_webapps' => 'WApps', 'rpt_reseller_section_full_clients' => 'Customers', '__cl_name' => 'Customer name', '__cl_creation_date' => 'Creation date', '__clients_traffic' => 'Customer traffic', // CONHELPS FOR HOME PAGE // common: 'sitebuilder_not_installed' => 'Presence Builder is not installed.', 'sitebuilder_disabled' => 'Presence Builder is switched off.', 'b_sitebuilder_disabled' => 'Presence Builder is switched off.', 'web_apps_disabled' => 'Tomcat Java applications server is not installed.', 'webmail_not_installed' => 'Webmail software is not installed.', 'webmail_disabled' => 'Webmail service is switched off.', 'migration_manager_not_installed' => $PROD_NAME.' Migration & Transfer Manager is not installed.', 'migration_manager_not_supported' => $PROD_NAME.' Migration & Transfer Manager is not supported by the license key.', 'migration_manager_not_installed_supported' => $PROD_NAME.' Migration & Transfer Manager is not installed and not supported by the license key.', 'configure_maillists_disabled__configured' => 'Mailing list software is already configured.', 'configure_maillists_disabled__not_installed' => 'Mailing list software is not installed.', 'spamassassin_not_installed' => 'SpamAssassin is not installed.', 'coldfusion_not_installed' => 'ColdFusion is not installed.', // CONFLICTED // pfu: 'frontpage__not_installed' => 'Microsoft FrontPage is not installed.', 'frontpage_ssl__disabled' => 'FrontPage is switched off or not installed.', 'frontpage__disabled' => 'FrontPage is switched off or not installed.', 'anonymous_ftp_shared' => 'Unable to set up anonymous FTP: shared IP address type.', 'anonymous_ftp_used' => 'Unable to set up anonymous FTP: the IP address is used by another domain for anonymous FTP service.', 'sshterm__not_installed' => 'SSH terminal is not installed.', 'sshterm__empty_shell' => 'In order to use the terminal client, you should allow shell access for this domain.', // LIST OF CLIENTS // under reseller 'ui__reseller/client#tools__title' => 'Tools', 'ui__reseller/client#clientslist__title' => 'Customers', //reseller accounts removal // NEW HOME PAGE WIZARDS 'ui__client/domain/dns_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Configure DNS settings for domain', 'ui__client/domain/dns_readonly-unknown__wizard-title' => 'View DNS settings on domain', 'ui__client/domain/dns_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain whose DNS settings you want to configure.', 'ui__client/domain/dns_unknown__wizard__2_readonly-unknown' => 'Select the domain whose DNS settings you want to view.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/anonymous-ftp_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Set up anonymous FTP on domain', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/anonymous-ftp_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to set up anonymous FTP.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/protected-directories_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Manage password-protected directories on domain', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/protected-directories_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain whose password-protected directories you want to manage.', 'ui__client/domain/report/web-stats_unknown__wizard-title' => 'View web statistics for domain', 'ui__client/domain/report/web-stats_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain for which you want to view web statistics.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/logs_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Set up log manager for domain and view domain log files', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/logs_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain which log manager you want to set up and which logs files you want to view.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Manage domain aliases for domain', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias_readonly-unknown__wizard-title' => 'View domain aliases on domain', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain which domain aliases you want to manage.', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias_unknown__wizard__2_readonly-unknown' => 'Select the domain which domain aliases you want to view.', 'ui__client/domain/certificate_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Manage SSL certificates for domain', 'ui__client/domain/certificate_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain which SSL certificates you want to manage.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/frontpage/webadmin_unknown__wizard-title' => "Open Frontpage Webadmin for domain", 'ui__client/domain/hosting/frontpage/webadmin_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => "Select the website that you want to manage through Frontpage Webadmin.", 'ui__client/domain/hosting/frontpage/webadmin-ssl_unknown__wizard-title' => "Open Frontpage SSL Webadmin for website", 'ui__client/domain/hosting/frontpage/webadmin-ssl_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => "Select the website that you want to manage through secure connection to Frontpage Webadmin.", 'ui__client/to-reseller_multi__wizard-title' => 'Convert customer accounts to reseller accounts', 'ui__client/to-reseller_multi__wizard__1_multi' => 'Select the customer accounts that you want to convert to reseller accounts.', 'ui__client/domain/properties_new__wizard__2/hosting/setup' => 'Specify hosting settings for the domain.', 'ui__client/domain/disable_multi__wizard-title' => 'Suspend Domains', 'ui__client/domain/disable_multi__wizard__2_multi' => 'Select the domains which you want to suspend.', 'ui__client/domain/enable_multi__wizard-title' => 'Activate Domains', 'ui__client/domain/enable_multi__wizard__2_multi' => 'Select the domains that you want to activate.', 'ui__client/domain_unknown__wizard-title' => 'View Domains', 'ui__client/domain_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select a customer whose domains you want to view.', 'ui__client/domain/register_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Register Domains', 'ui__client/domain/register_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain which you want to register.', 'ui__client/domain/extras_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Use Tools from', 'ui__client/domain/extras_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain which you want to manage with tools from', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/ssh-terminal_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Access Server through SSH', // PFU 'ui__client/domain/hosting/ssh-terminal_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain which virtual host you want to connect through SSH to.', // PFU // various 'ui__server/ip-address/client_unknown__short-title' => 'IP Address Users', 'ui__server/ip-address/client_unknown__title' => 'IP Address Users', 'ui__server/ip-address/client_unknown__description' => 'Users of IP address %1', 'disabled_by_admin' => 'Disabled by server administrator', 'ui__client/domain/chowner_multi__short-title' => 'Change ownership', 'ui__client/domain/chowner_multi__title' => 'Change subscription ownership', 'ui__client/domain/chowner_multi__description' => 'Change subscription ownership.', 'ui__client/domain/chowner_multi__wizard__2_multi' => 'Select the domains for which you want to change ownership and click Next >>.', 'ui__client/domain/chowner_unknown__short-title' => 'Change ownership', 'ui__client/domain/chowner_unknown__title' => 'Change subscription ownership', 'ui__client/domain/chowner_unknown__description' => 'Change subscription ownership.', 'ui__client/domain/chowner_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Change subscription ownership', 'ui__client/chowner__short-title' => 'Change Customer Owner', 'ui__client/chowner__title' => 'Change Customer Account Owner', 'ui__client/chowner__description' => 'Assign new owner for this customer account', //custom buttons reseller home support //ui captions 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button__none-available' => 'There are no custom buttons.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button__none-available__1' => 'There are no custom buttons in reseller %1\'s interface.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete__description' => 'Remove the button %1.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete__title' => 'Remove the button %1', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__description' => 'Remove custom buttons from reseller\'s interface', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__title' => 'Remove custom buttons', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard-title' => 'Remove buttons', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select a reseller whose custom buttons you want to remove and click Next >>.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard__3_multi' => 'Select the buttons you want to remove and click Next >>.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_multi__wizard__4_multi' => 'Confirm removing the buttons by selecting the check box on this screen, and then click Finish.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__description' => 'Remove a custom button from reseller\'s interface.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__short-title' => 'Remove', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__title' => 'Remove a custom button', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Remove custom button', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select a reseller whose custom button you want to remove and click Next >>.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard__3_unknown' => 'Select a custom button you want to remove and click Next >>.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/delete_unknown__wizard__4' => 'Confirm removing the custom button by selecting the check box on this screen, and then click Finish.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties__description' => 'Edit properties of reseller-level custom button %1.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties__short-title' => 'Settings', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties__title' => 'Modify reseller\'s custom button %1', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_new__wizard-title' => 'Add custom button', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_new__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select a reseller in whose interface you want to create a custom button and click Next >>.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_new__wizard__4_new' => 'Click Finish to create the button.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__description' => 'Change properties of a button in reseller\'s interface.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__short-title' => 'Properties', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__title' => 'Change properties of a button in reseller\'s interface', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Change custom button properties', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select a reseller whose custom button you want to modify and click Next >>.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__wizard__3_unknown' => 'Select a custom button you want to modify and click Next >>.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/properties_unknown__wizard__4' => 'When done with editing the properties of the button, click Finish to apply changes and exit the wizard.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_private__description' => 'Make the button %1 unavailable to your customers.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_private__short-title' => 'Make unavailable to your customers', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_private__title' => 'Make the button %1 unavailable to your customers', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_public__description' => 'Make the button %1 visible to reseller\'s customers.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_public__short-title' => 'Make available to your customers', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_public__title' => 'Make the button %1 visible to reseller\'s customers', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__description' => 'Make a custom button available/unavailable to your customers.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__short-title' => 'Available/unavailable to your customers', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__title' => 'Make a custom button available or unavailable to your customers', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__wizard-title' => 'Make a custom button available/unavailable to your customers.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__wizard__1_unknown' => 'Select a reseller whose custom button you want to make available to the reseller\'s customers and click Next >>.', 'ui__reseller/custom-buttons/custom-button/toggle_unknown__wizard__3_unknown' => 'Select a custom button that you want to make available or unavailable to your customers and click Next >>.', 'ui__server/ip-addresses__short-title' => 'IP Addresses', 'ui__server/ip-addresses__title' => 'IP Addresses Management', 'ui__server/ip-addresses__description' => 'Add, remove and assign IP addresses.', 'ip_ctrl__allow_ftps' => 'Allow FTP over SSL', '__ftps' => 'FTP over SSL', '__not_allowed' => 'Not allowed', 'ui__client/ipaddress/domain_unknown__short-title' => 'Domains Using %2', 'ui__client/ipaddress/domain_unknown__title' => 'Domains that Use %1 IP Address %2', 'ui__client/ipaddress/domain_unknown__description' => 'View the list of domain that use %1 IP address %2', 'ui__client/ipaddress__none-available' => 'No IP addresses available', 'ui__client/ipaddress__none-available__1' => 'No IP addresses available', 'ui__client/domain/report_unknown__wizard-title' => 'View Domain Report', 'ui__client/domain/report_unknown__wizard__2_unknown' => 'Select the domain which report you want to view.', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/frontpage__none-available' => 'FrontPage is not available', 'ui__client/domain/hosting/frontpage__none-available__1' => 'FrontPage is not available for customer %1.', 'ui__client/domain/chowner__wizard__3' => '', 'ui__client/domain/chowner__wizard__3_select' => 'Select new owner of the domain.', 'ui__client/chowner__wizard__2_select' => 'Select new owner of the customer account.', '__ip_addr_state_unknown' => "IP address is not operational now due to the system still processing your request. Please wait a minute.", 'resellers_list__accounts' => 'Users', 'ip_addr__repair_is_not_allowed' => 'IP address cannot be repaired under Virtuozzo environment.', 'ui__reseller/client__none-available__1' => 'Reseller %1 does not have customers.', 'ippoolManager__ip_used_in_dns_zone' => 'IP address %%ip%% cannot be removed because it is used by DNS zone of one or more domains.', 'ip_ctrl__cannot_manage_on_vz' => 'This installation of Parallels Plesk is working under Virtuozzo containers. New IP addresses can be added only by the Virtuozzo containers node administrator.', 'client_template__limits_auto_adjusted' => 'Limits from customer template were automatically adjusted.', '__entries' => 'Entries', '__path_is_not_set' => 'The path is not specified. Please specify a valid path.', // license keys 'key_new_plesk_key_is_uploaded' => 'The new Plesk key was uploaded.', 'key_new_additional_key_is_uploaded' => 'The new additional key was uploaded.', // SSO tooltips 'b_sso_skip' => 'Skip global account configuration', 'b_sso_configure' => 'Configure global account settings', 'mail__spamassassin_personal_settings_disallowed' => 'The ability to apply personal spam filtering settings is switched off by the server administrator. Spam filtering settings specified below will not be applied', 'ui__client/domain/domain-alias/dns/resource-record__none-available__3' => 'This customer has no domains with their own DNS zones', // CLI keys, should be moved to separate file after 9.0 'cu__unable_create_object' => 'Unable to create %1 object: %2', 'cu_dom_pref__invalid_expiration_date' => 'Invalid expiration date: %1', 'cu_cl_pref__illegal_date_val' => 'You specified illegal date value ("%1")', 'cu_cl_pref__illegal_date_greater_less' => 'Enter the year from "%1" to "%2"', 'cu_initconf__unable_set_ip_alias_type' => 'Unable to set IP alias type: %1', 'cu_mlist__unable_change_status' => "Cannot change mailing list status: %1", 'cu_initconf__unable_change_passwd' => "Unable to change administrator's password: %1", 'cu_siteapp_item__add_to_pool_success' => 'Web application was added to web application pool.', 'cu_siteapp_item__remove_from_pool_success' => 'Web application was removed from web application pool.', 'cu_traffic_command_description_add_user' => 'Registers a specific amount of traffic as if already being used by customer/reseller', 'cu_traffic_command_description_sub_user' => 'Subtracts a specific amount of traffic from the amount registered for customer/reseller', 'cu_traffic_command_description_add_batch_user' => 'Registers a specific amount of traffic as if already being used by customer/reseller (batch mode)', 'cu_traffic_command_description_del_user' => 'Resets the amount of traffic registered for this customer/reseller to zero', 'cu_resellerpref__option_lock_screen' => 'Prevents users from working with Plesk until interface screens are completely loaded', /////// Technical Dashboard and Drilldowns 'health_parameter__ram_total_usage' => 'Real memory usage', 'health_parameter__network_interface_bandwidth' => 'Interface "%1" throughput', 'health_parameter__services_web_cpu_time' => 'Apache CPU usage', 'health_parameter__services_web_memory_usage' => 'Apache memory usage', ); // Require developers messages if exists // The + operator appends elements of remaining keys from // the right handed array to the left handed, whereas // duplicated keys are NOT overwritten. // That's why this code MUST be executed after main array assignment @include('devmessages_en-US.php'); @include('common_messages_en-US.php'); @include('common_cli_messages_en-US.php'); @include('conhelp_en-US.php');