'An unknown WordPress installation was selected.', 'hintBrokenInstance' => 'The selected WordPress installation is broken.', 'hintIgnoreFail' => 'Unable to find the selected installation of WordPress.', 'errorNotInstalled' => 'WordPress is not installed.', 'errorMinVersion' => 'Please upgrade WordPress to version 3.6 or later.', 'errorConfig' => 'The wp-config.php configuration file is not found.', 'errorPhpVersionUnix' => 'Contact your service provider for assistance. Upgrade the system PHP CLI to version 5.3.0 or later, or set the correct path to the PHP CLI in the clipath option of the php_handler utility for a custom PHP handler.', 'errorPhpDirectiveSafeModeUnix' => 'Disable the safe_mode directive in the system PHP CLI.', 'errorPhpVersionWin' => 'Upgrade PHP to version 5.3.0 or later.', 'errorPhpDirectiveSafeModeWin' => 'Disable the safe_mode directive in PHP on your subscription.', 'errorPermissionRoot' => 'Unable to read or execute files from the WordPress root directory.', 'errorPermissionConfig' => 'Unable to read the WordPress configuration file.', 'errorPermissionAdminIncludes' => 'Unable to read or execute files from the wp-admin/includes directory.', 'errorPermissionWpIncludes' => 'Unable to read or execute files from the wp-includes directory.', 'errorPermissionWpContent' => 'Unable to read or execute files from the wp-content directory.', 'errorPermissionWpContentWrite' => 'Unable to write into the wp-content directory.', 'errorPermissionPlugins' => 'Unable to remove files of the plugin. Make sure that you have the write permission on them.', 'errorPermissionThemes' => 'Unable to remove files of the theme. Make sure that you have the write permission on them.', 'errorAdminNotFound' => 'Unable to find the specified administrator account in WordPress. Specify the username of your administrator\'s account in WordPress. This account will be associated with Plesk.', 'errorNotConfigured' => 'This WordPress installation is not configured. Go to the WordPress administrator\'s interface and finish configuring it. Then click the Refresh button.', 'task_scan_queue' => 'Scanning for WordPress installations:', 'task_scan_done' => 'Scanning for WordPress installations was performed.', 'task_scan_done_with_errors' => 'Scanning for WordPress installations was performed with errors:', 'task_scan_error' => 'Scanning for WordPress installations finished with errors:', 'task_reset_cache_queue' => 'Checking for updates: ', 'task_reset_cache_done' => 'Checking for updates was performed.', 'task_reset_cache_done_with_errors' => 'Checking for updates was performed with errors:', 'task_reset_cache_error' => 'Checking for updates finished with errors.', 'task_install_plugins_queue' => 'Installing the WordPress plugins: ', 'task_install_plugins_done' => 'The WordPress plugins were installed.', 'task_install_plugins_done_with_errors' => 'The WordPress plugins were installed with errors:', 'task_install_plugins_error' => 'Failed to install the WordPress plugins.', 'task_activate_plugins_queue' => 'Activating the WordPress plugins: ', 'task_activate_plugins_done' => 'The WordPress plugins were activated.', 'task_activate_plugins_done_with_errors' => 'The WordPress plugins were activated with errors:', 'task_activate_plugins_error' => 'Failed to activate the WordPress plugins.', 'task_deactivate_plugins_queue' => 'Deactivating the WordPress plugins: ', 'task_deactivate_plugins_done' => 'The WordPress plugins were deactivated.', 'task_deactivate_plugins_done_with_errors' => 'The WordPress plugins were deactivated with errors:', 'task_deactivate_plugins_error' => 'Failed to deactivate the WordPress plugins.', 'task_remove_plugins_queue' => 'Removing the WordPress plugins: ', 'task_remove_plugins_done' => 'The WordPress plugins were removed.', 'task_remove_plugins_done_with_errors' => 'The WordPress plugins were removed with errors:', 'task_remove_plugins_error' => 'Failed to remove the WordPress plugins.', 'task_switch_state_plugins_queue' => 'Switching the states of the WordPress plugins: ', 'task_switch_state_plugins_done' => 'The states of the WordPress plugins were changed.', 'task_switch_state_plugins_done_with_errors' => 'The states of the WordPress plugins were changed with errors:', 'task_switch_state_plugins_error' => 'Failed to change the states of the WordPress plugins.', 'task_update_plugins_queue' => 'Updating the WordPress plugins: ', 'task_update_plugins_done' => 'The WordPress plugins were updated.', 'task_update_plugins_done_with_errors' => 'The WordPress plugins were updated with errors:', 'task_update_plugins_error' => 'Failed to update the WordPress plugins.', 'task_install_themes_queue' => 'Installing the WordPress themes: ', 'task_install_themes_done' => 'The WordPress themes were installed.', 'task_install_themes_done_with_errors' => 'The WordPress themes were installed with errors:', 'task_install_themes_error' => 'Failed to install the WordPress themes.', 'task_activate_themes_queue' => 'Activating the WordPress themes: ', 'task_activate_themes_done' => 'The WordPress themes were activated.', 'task_activate_themes_done_with_errors' => 'The WordPress themes were activated with errors:', 'task_activate_themes_error' => 'Failed to activate the WordPress themes.', 'task_remove_themes_queue' => 'Removing the WordPress themes: ', 'task_remove_themes_done' => 'The WordPress themes were removed.', 'task_remove_themes_done_with_errors' => 'The WordPress themes were removed with errors:', 'task_remove_themes_error' => 'Failed to remove the WordPress themes.', 'task_switch_state_themes_queue' => 'Switching the states of the WordPress themes: ', 'task_switch_state_themes_done' => 'The states of the WordPress themes were changed.', 'task_switch_state_themes_done_with_errors' => 'The states of the WordPress themes were changed with errors:', 'task_switch_state_themes_error' => 'Failed to change the states of the WordPress themes.', 'task_update_themes_queue' => 'Updating the WordPress themes: ', 'task_update_themes_done' => 'The WordPress themes were updated.', 'task_update_themes_done_with_errors' => 'The WordPress themes were updated with errors:', 'task_update_themes_error' => 'Failed to update the WordPress themes.', 'task_update_instances_queue' => 'Updating the WordPress installations: ', 'task_update_instances_done' => 'The WordPress installations were updated.', 'task_update_instances_done_with_errors' => 'The WordPress installations were updated with errors:', 'task_update_instances_error' => 'Failed to update the WordPress installations.', 'task_update_all_queue' => 'Updating all WordPress installations, plugins, and themes: ', 'task_update_all_done' => 'All WordPress installations, plugins, and themes were updated.', 'task_update_all_done_with_errors' => 'All WordPress installations, plugins, and themes were updated with errors:', 'task_update_all_error' => 'Failed to update the WordPress installations, plugins, and themes.', 'task_instance_error_detail' => 'Installation "%%name%%": %%error%%', 'task_subscription_error_detail' => 'Subscription "%%name%%": %%error%%', );