'Parallels Panel Server Manager Mobile', 'headerPart1' => 'Welcome', 'headerPart2' => 'to Parallels Panel Server Manager Mobile!', 'generalHint1' => 'Parallels Panel Server Manager Mobile gives administrators access to the most important information about Panel servers and control over core administrative functions anytime and anywhere from a mobile device.', 'generalHint2' => 'If you are seeing this page, you\'ve successfully installed Connector for Plesk Server Manager and ready to connect it to your mobile device.', 'deviceHeader' => 'Parallels Panel Server Manager is currently available:', 'forAndroid' => 'For Android', 'forIphone' => 'For iPhone', 'forBlackberry' => 'For BlackBerry', 'android' => 'Android', 'iphone' => 'iPhone', 'blackberry' => 'BlackBerry', 'step1' => 'Step 1', 'step2' => 'Step 2', 'step3' => 'Step 3', 'step4' => 'Step 4', 'step5' => 'Step 5', 'step1AndroidText' => 'Install %%installLink%% from Android Market.', 'step1AndroidLinkText' => 'Parallels Panel Server Manager Mobile', 'step1IphoneText' => 'Install %%installLink%% from the Mac App Store.', 'step1IphoneLinkText' => 'Parallels Panel Server Manager Mobile', 'step1BlackberryText' => 'Install %%installLink%% from App World.', 'step1BlackberryLinkText' => 'Parallels Panel Server Manager Mobile', 'step2AndroidText' => 'Open Plesk Manager on your device and tap %%addButton%%.', 'step2IphoneText' => 'Open Plesk Manager on your device and tap %%addButton%%.', 'step2BlackberryText' => 'Open Plesk Manager on your device and click %%addButton%%.', 'step2ButtonText' => 'Add', 'step3Text1' => 'In opened %%addButton%% window, enter Connector URL as well as the username and password of the Panel administrator.', 'step3ButtonText' => 'Add Server', 'step3Text2' => 'Hostname for Plesk Server:', 'step4Text1' => 'Select your server from the list.', 'step5Text1' => 'That’s it! Now you can work with it.', 'descriptionColumn1Header' => 'Parallels Panel Server Manager', 'descriptionColumn1Text1' => 'Parallels Panel Server Manager gives administrators access to the most important information about Panel servers and control over core administrative functions anytime and anywhere from a mobile device.', 'descriptionColumn1Text2' => 'With Parallels Panel Server Manager, administrators can:', 'descriptionColumn1Item1' => 'View the list of services on a particular server.', 'descriptionColumn1Item2' => 'View information about a server: OS, CPU, Panel version and so on.', 'descriptionColumn1Item3' => 'View vital indicators of a server health: CPU load average, memory consumption, swap usage, etc.', 'descriptionColumn1Item4' => 'Subscribe to Panel events and unsubscribe from them.', 'descriptionColumn1Item5' => 'Authenticate themselves by a secret key.', 'descriptionColumn1Item6' => 'Support health monitor events.', 'descriptionColumn1Item7' => 'Roll back and retrieve a Panel license key.', 'descriptionColumn1Item8' => 'Restart a server.', 'descriptionColumn1Item9' => 'Stop and start services on a particular server.', 'descriptionColumn1Text3' => 'Parallels Panel Server Manager Mobile connects only to Panel servers which have the corresponding permission granted by their Panel license.', );