* @author Michael Slusarz */ function _mailboxReturnURL($encode, $url = null) { if (empty($url)) { $url = Horde::applicationUrl('mailbox.php'); } foreach (array('start', 'page', 'mailbox', 'thismailbox') as $key) { if (($param = Util::getFormData($key))) { $url = Util::addParameter($url, $key, $param, $encode); } } return $url; } function _popupSuccess() { require_once 'Horde/Menu.php'; $menu = new Menu(HORDE_MENU_MASK_NONE); $menu->add(Horde::applicationUrl('compose.php'), _("New Message"), 'compose.png'); $menu->add('', _("Close this window"), 'close.png', $GLOBALS['registry']->getImageDir('horde'), '', 'window.close();'); require IMP_TEMPLATES . '/common-header.inc'; $success_template = new IMP_Template(); $success_template->set('menu', $menu->render()); echo $success_template->fetch(IMP_TEMPLATES . '/compose/success.html'); IMP::status(); require $GLOBALS['registry']->get('templates', 'horde') . '/common-footer.inc'; } function &_getIMPContents($index, $mailbox) { $res = false; if (empty($index)) { return $res; } require_once IMP_BASE . '/lib/MIME/Contents.php'; $imp_contents = &IMP_Contents::singleton($index . IMP_IDX_SEP . $mailbox); if (is_a($imp_contents, 'PEAR_Error')) { $GLOBALS['notification']->push(_("Could not retrieve the message from the mail server."), 'horde.error'); return $res; } return $imp_contents; } @define('IMP_BASE', dirname(__FILE__)); $session_control = 'netscape'; require_once IMP_BASE . '/lib/base.php'; require_once IMP_BASE . '/lib/Compose.php'; require_once IMP_BASE . '/lib/Template.php'; require_once 'Horde/Help.php'; require_once 'Horde/Identity.php'; require_once 'Horde/MIME/Part.php'; require_once 'Horde/Text/Filter.php'; /* The message text. */ $msg = ''; /* The headers of the message. */ $header = array( 'in_reply_to' => Util::getFormData('in_reply_to'), 'references' => Util::getFormData('references') ); $get_sig = true; $pgp_passphrase_dialog = $pgp_symmetric_passphrase_dialog = $showmenu = $smime_passphrase_dialog = false; $cursor_pos = $oldrtemode = $rtemode = $siglocation = null; /* Set the current identity. */ $identity = &Identity::singleton(array('imp', 'imp')); if (!$prefs->isLocked('default_identity')) { $identity_id = Util::getFormData('identity'); if (!is_null($identity_id)) { $identity->setDefault($identity_id); } } /* Catch submits if javascript is not present. */ if (!($actionID = Util::getFormData('actionID'))) { foreach (array('send_message', 'save_draft', 'cancel_compose', 'add_attachment', 'compose_expand_addr') as $val) { if (Util::getFormData('btn_' . $val)) { $actionID = $val; break; } } } if ($actionID) { switch ($actionID) { case 'mailto': case 'mailto_link': case 'draft': case 'reply': case 'reply_all': case 'reply_list': case 'forward_all': case 'forward_body': case 'forward_attachments': case 'redirect_compose': case 'fwd_digest': case 'recompose': // These are all safe actions that might be invoked without a token. break; default: $result = IMP::checkRequestToken('imp.compose', Util::getFormData('compose_requestToken')); if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) { $notification->push($result); $actionID = null; } } } $sent_mail_folder = $identity->getValue('sent_mail_folder'); $index = filter_var(Util::getFormData('index'), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $reply_index = filter_var(Util::getFormData('reply_index'), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $thismailbox = filter_var(Util::getFormData('thismailbox'), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); /* Check for duplicate submits. */ require_once 'Horde/Token.php'; if (isset($conf['token'])) { /* If there is a configured token system, set it up. */ $tokenSource = Horde_Token::factory( $conf['token']['driver'], Horde::getDriverConfig('token', $conf['token']['driver'])); } else { /* Default to the file system if no config. */ $tokenSource = Horde_Token::factory('file'); } if ($token = Util::getFormData('compose_formToken')) { $verified = $tokenSource->verify($token); /* Notify and reset the actionID. */ if (is_a($verified, 'PEAR_Error')) { $notification->push($verified); $actionID = null; } elseif (!$verified) { $notification->push(_("You have already submitted this page."), 'horde.error'); $actionID = null; } } /* Set the current time zone. */ NLS::setTimeZone(); /* Initialize the IMP_Compose:: object. */ $imp_compose = &IMP_Compose::singleton(Util::getFormData('messageCache')); $imp_compose->pgpAttachPubkey((bool) Util::getFormData('pgp_attach_pubkey')); $imp_compose->userLinkAttachments((bool) Util::getFormData('link_attachments')); $imp_compose->attachVCard((bool) Util::getFormData('vcard'), $identity->getValue('fullname')); /* Init IMP_UI_Compose:: object. */ require_once IMP_BASE . '/lib/UI/Compose.php'; $imp_ui = new IMP_UI_Compose(); /* Set the default charset & encoding. * $charset - charset to use when sending messages * $encoding - best guessed charset offered to the user as the default value in * the charset dropdown list. */ if ($prefs->isLocked('sending_charset')) { $charset = NLS::getEmailCharset(); } else { $charset = Util::getFormData('charset'); } $encoding = empty($charset) ? NLS::getEmailCharset() : $charset; /* Is this a popup window? */ $has_js = $browser->hasFeature('javascript'); $isPopup = (($prefs->getValue('compose_popup') || Util::getFormData('popup')) && $has_js); /* Determine the composition type - text or HTML. $rtemode is null if browser does not support it. */ if ($browser->hasFeature('rte')) { if ($prefs->isLocked('compose_html')) { $rtemode = $prefs->getValue('compose_html'); } else { $rtemode = Util::getFormData('rtemode'); if (is_null($rtemode)) { $rtemode = $prefs->getValue('compose_html'); } else { $rtemode = intval($rtemode); $oldrtemode = intval(Util::getFormData('oldrtemode')); $get_sig = false; } } } /* Load stationery. */ $stationery_list = array(); if (!$prefs->isLocked('stationery')) { $stationery = null; $all_stationery = @unserialize($prefs->getValue('stationery', false)); if (is_array($all_stationery)) { $all_stationery = String::convertCharset($all_stationery, $prefs->getCharset()); foreach ($all_stationery as $id => $choice) { if (($choice['t'] == 'plain') || (($choice['t'] == 'html') && $rtemode)) { if ($rtemode && $choice['t'] == 'plain') { $choice['c'] = $imp_compose->text2html($choice['c']); } $stationery_list[$id] = $choice; } } } } /* Update the file attachment information. */ if ($_SESSION['imp']['file_upload']) { /* Only notify if we are reloading the compose screen. */ $notify = ($actionID != 'send_message') && ($actionID != 'save_draft'); $deleteList = Util::getPost('delattachments', array()); /* Update the attachment information. */ foreach (array_keys($imp_compose->getAttachments()) as $i) { if (!in_array($i, $deleteList)) { $disposition = Util::getFormData('file_disposition_' . $i); $description = Util::getFormData('file_description_' . $i); $imp_compose->updateAttachment($i, array('disposition' => $disposition, 'description' => $description)); } } /* Delete attachments. */ if (!empty($deleteList)) { $filenames = $imp_compose->deleteAttachment($deleteList); if ($notify) { foreach ($filenames as $val) { $notification->push(sprintf(_("Deleted the attachment \"%s\"."), MIME::decode($val)), 'horde.success'); } } } /* Add new attachments. */ if (!$imp_compose->addFilesFromUpload('upload_', 'upload_disposition_', $notify)) { $actionID = null; } } /* Run through the action handlers. */ $reply_type = null; $title = _("New Message"); switch ($actionID) { case 'recompose': // Extract the stored form data. $formData = @unserialize($_SESSION['recompose_formData']); unset($_SESSION['recompose_formData']); if (!empty($formData['post'])) { $_POST = $formData['post']; } if (!empty($formData['get'])) { $_GET = $formData['get']; } $get_sig = false; break; case 'mailto': if (!($imp_contents = &_getIMPContents($index, $thismailbox))) { break; } $imp_headers = &$imp_contents->getHeaderOb(); $header['to'] = ''; if (Util::getFormData('mailto')) { $header['to'] = $imp_headers->getValue('to'); } if (empty($header['to'])) { ($header['to'] = MIME::addrArray2String($imp_headers->getOb('from'))) || ($header['to'] = MIME::addrArray2String($imp_headers->getOb('reply-to'))); } break; case 'mailto_link': $args = IMP::getComposeArgs(); if (isset($args['body'])) { $msg = $args['body']; } foreach (array('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'subject') as $val) { if (isset($args[$val])) { $header[$val] = $args[$val]; } } break; case 'draft': $result = $imp_compose->resumeDraft($index . IMP_IDX_SEP . $thismailbox); if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) { $notification->push($result->getMessage(), 'horde.error'); } else { if (!is_null($rtemode)) { $rtemode = ($result['mode'] == 'html'); } $msg = $result['msg']; $header = array_merge($header, $result['header']); if (!is_null($result['identity']) && ($result['identity'] != $identity->getDefault()) && !$prefs->isLocked('default_identity')) { $identity->setDefault($result['identity']); $sent_mail_folder = $identity->getValue('sent_mail_folder'); } if (isset($result['header']['references'])) { $reply_type = 'reply'; } } $get_sig = false; break; case 'compose_expand_addr': case 'redirect_expand_addr': $header['to'] = $imp_ui->expandAddresses(Util::getFormData('to'), $imp_compose); if ($actionID == 'compose_expand_addr') { $header['cc'] = $imp_ui->expandAddresses(Util::getFormData('cc'), $imp_compose); $header['bcc'] = $imp_ui->expandAddresses(Util::getFormData('bcc'), $imp_compose); } $get_sig = false; break; case 'reply': case 'reply_all': case 'reply_list': if (!($imp_contents = &_getIMPContents($index, $thismailbox))) { break; } $reply_msg = $imp_compose->replyMessage($actionID, $imp_contents, Util::getFormData('to')); $msg = $reply_msg['body']; $header = $reply_msg['headers']; $format = $reply_msg['format']; if (!is_null($rtemode)) { $rtemode = $rtemode || $format == 'html'; } if ($actionID == 'reply') { $title = _("Reply:"); } elseif ($actionID == 'reply_all') { $title = _("Reply to All:"); } elseif ($actionID == 'reply_list') { $title = _("Reply to List:"); } $title .= ' ' . $header['subject']; $encoding = empty($charset) ? $header['encoding'] : $charset; $reply_index = $index; break; case 'forward_all': case 'forward_body': case 'forward_attachments': if (!($imp_contents = &_getIMPContents($index, $thismailbox))) { break; } $fwd_msg = $imp_ui->getForwardData($imp_compose, $imp_contents, $actionID, $index . IMP_IDX_SEP . $thismailbox); if ($actionID == 'forward_all') { $msg = ''; } else { $msg = $fwd_msg['body']; } $header = $fwd_msg['headers']; $format = $fwd_msg['format']; $rtemode = ($rtemode || (!is_null($rtemode) && ($format == 'html'))); $title = $header['title']; $encoding = empty($charset) ? $header['encoding'] : $charset; break; case 'redirect_compose': $title = _("Redirect this message"); break; case 'redirect_send': if (!($imp_contents = &_getIMPContents($index, $thismailbox))) { break; } $f_to = Util::getFormData('to', $imp_ui->getAddressList(Util::getFormData('to'), Util::getFormData('to_list'), Util::getFormData('to_field'), Util::getFormData('to_new'))); $result = $imp_ui->redirectMessage($f_to, $imp_compose, $imp_contents, $encoding); if (!is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) { if ($isPopup) { if ($prefs->getValue('compose_confirm')) { $notification->push(_("Message redirected successfully."), 'horde.success'); _popupSuccess(); } else { Util::closeWindowJS(); } } else { if ($prefs->getValue('compose_confirm')) { $notification->push(_("Message redirected successfully."), 'horde.success'); } header('Location: ' . _mailboxReturnURL(false)); } exit; } $notification->push($result, 'horde.error'); $actionID = 'redirect_compose'; $get_sig = false; break; case 'send_message': $from = $identity->getFromLine(null, Util::getFormData('from')); if (is_a($from, 'PEAR_Error')) { $get_sig = false; $notification->push($from); break; } $header['from'] = $from; $header['replyto'] = $identity->getValue('replyto_addr'); $header['to'] = $imp_ui->getAddressList(Util::getFormData('to'), Util::getFormData('to_list'), Util::getFormData('to_field'), Util::getFormData('to_new')); if ($prefs->getValue('compose_cc')) { $header['cc'] = $imp_ui->getAddressList(Util::getFormData('cc'), Util::getFormData('cc_list'), Util::getFormData('cc_field'), Util::getFormData('cc_new')); } if ($prefs->getValue('compose_bcc')) { $header['bcc'] = $imp_ui->getAddressList(Util::getFormData('bcc'), Util::getFormData('bcc_list'), Util::getFormData('bcc_field'), Util::getFormData('bcc_new')); } $message = Util::getFormData('message'); $header['subject'] = Util::getFormData('subject', ''); if ($smf = Util::getFormData('sent_mail_folder')) { $sent_mail_folder = $smf; } $options = array( 'save_sent' => Util::getFormData('save_sent_mail'), 'sent_folder' => $sent_mail_folder, 'save_attachments' => Util::getFormData('save_attachments_select'), 'reply_type' => Util::getFormData('reply_type'), 'reply_index' => (empty($reply_index) ? null : $reply_index . IMP_IDX_SEP . $thismailbox), 'encrypt' => $prefs->isLocked('default_encrypt') ? $prefs->getValue('default_encrypt') : Util::getFormData('encrypt_options'), 'priority' => Util::getFormData('x_priority'), 'readreceipt' => Util::getFormData('request_read_receipt') ); $sent = $imp_compose->buildAndSendMessage($message, $header, $charset, $rtemode, $options); if (is_a($sent, 'PEAR_Error')) { $get_sig = false; $code = $sent->getCode(); $notification->push($sent, strpos($code, 'horde.') === 0 ? $code : 'horde.error'); if ($sent->getUserInfo() == 'pgp_symmetric_passphrase_dialog') { $pgp_symmetric_passphrase_dialog = true; } elseif ($sent->getUserInfo() == 'pgp_passphrase_dialog') { $pgp_passphrase_dialog = true; } elseif ($sent->getUserInfo() == 'smime_passphrase_dialog') { $smime_passphrase_dialog = true; } break; } if ($isPopup) { if ($prefs->getValue('compose_confirm') || !$sent) { if ($sent) { $notification->push(_("Message sent successfully."), 'horde.success'); } _popupSuccess(); } else { Util::closeWindowJS(); } } else { if ($prefs->getValue('compose_confirm') && $sent) { $notification->push(_("Message sent successfully."), 'horde.success'); } header('Location: ' . _mailboxReturnURL(false)); } exit; case 'save_draft': /* Set up the From address based on the identity. */ $header['from'] = $identity->getFromLine(null, Util::getFormData('from')); if (is_a($header['from'], 'PEAR_Error')) { $get_sig = false; $notification->push($header['from']); break; } foreach (array('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'subject') as $val) { $header[$val] = Util::getFormData($val); } $message = Util::getFormData('message', ''); /* Save the draft. */ $result = $imp_compose->saveDraft($header, $message, NLS::getCharset(), $rtemode); if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) { $notification->push($result->getMessage(), 'horde.error'); } else { /* Closing draft if requested by preferences. */ if ($isPopup) { if ($prefs->getValue('close_draft')) { Util::closeWindowJS(); } else { $notification->push($result, 'horde.success'); break; } } else { $notification->push($result); header('Location: ' . _mailboxReturnURL(false)); } exit; } $get_sig = false; break; case 'fwd_digest': $indices = Util::getFormData('fwddigest'); if (!empty($indices)) { $msglist = unserialize(urldecode($indices)); $imp_compose->attachIMAPMessage($msglist, $header); } break; case 'cancel_compose': $imp_compose->deleteAllAttachments(); if ($isPopup) { Util::closeWindowJS(); } else { header('Location: ' . _mailboxReturnURL(false)); } exit; case 'selectlist_process': $select_id = Util::getFormData('selectlist_selectid'); if (!empty($select_id)) { if ($registry->hasMethod('files/selectlistResults') && $registry->hasMethod('files/returnFromSelectlist')) { $filelist = $registry->call('files/selectlistResults', array($select_id)); if ($filelist && !is_a($filelist, 'PEAR_Error')) { $i = 0; foreach ($filelist as $val) { $data = $registry->call('files/returnFromSelectlist', array($select_id, $i++)); if ($data && !is_a($data, 'PEAR_Error')) { $part = new MIME_Part(); $part->setContents($data); $part->setName(reset($val)); $res = $imp_compose->addMIMEPartAttachment($part); if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { $notification->push($res, 'horde.error'); } } } } } } break; case 'change_stationery': if (empty($stationery_list)) { break; } $stationery = Util::getFormData('stationery'); if (strlen($stationery)) { $stationery = (int)$stationery; $stationery_content = $stationery_list[$stationery]['c']; $msg = Util::getFormData('message', ''); if (strpos($stationery_content, '%s') !== false) { $sig = $identity->getSignature(); if ($rtemode) { $sig = $imp_compose->text2html($sig); $stationery_content = $imp_compose->text2html($stationery_content); } $msg = str_replace(array("\r\n", $sig), array("\n", ''), $msg); $stationery_content = str_replace('%s', $sig, $stationery_content); } if (strpos($stationery_content, '%c') === false) { $msg .= $stationery_content; } else { $msg = str_replace('%c', $msg, $stationery_content); } } $get_sig = false; break; case 'add_attachment': $get_sig = false; break; } /* Get the message cache ID. */ $messageCacheID = $imp_compose->getMessageCacheId(); /* Has this page been reloaded? */ $reloaded = Util::getFormData('reloaded'); /* Are we in redirect mode? */ $redirect = in_array($actionID, array('redirect_compose', 'redirect_expand_addr')); /* Attach autocompleters to the compose form elements. */ $spellcheck = false; if ($has_js) { require_once IMP_BASE . '/lib/Imple.php'; if ($redirect) { $imp_ui->attachAutoCompleter('Imple', array('to')); } else { $auto_complete = array('to'); foreach (array('cc', 'bcc') as $val) { if ($prefs->getValue('compose_' . $val)) { $auto_complete[] = $val; } } $imp_ui->attachAutoCompleter('Imple', $auto_complete); if (!empty($conf['spell']['driver'])) { require_once IMP_BASE . '/lib/SpellChecker.php'; if (IMP_SpellChecker::factory($conf['spell']['driver'], array()) !== false) { $spellcheck = true; $imp_ui->attachSpellChecker('imp', true); } } if ($browser->isBrowser('msie')) { Horde::addScriptFile('ieEscGuard.js', 'imp', true); } } } $max_attach = $imp_compose->additionalAttachmentsAllowed(); $smf_check = !empty($conf['user']['select_sentmail_folder']) && !$prefs->isLocked('sent_mail_folder'); /* Get the URL to use for the cancel action. */ $cancel_url = ''; if ($isPopup) { /* If the attachments cache is not empty, we must reload this page * and delete the attachments. */ if ($imp_compose->numberOfAttachments()) { $cancel_url = Util::addParameter(Horde::selfUrl(), array('actionID' => 'cancel_compose', 'messageCache' => $messageCacheID, 'popup' => 1), null, false); } } else { /* If the attachments cache is not empty, we must reload this page and delete the attachments. */ if ($imp_compose->numberOfAttachments()) { $cancel_url = Util::addParameter(_mailboxReturnURL(true, Horde::selfUrl()), array('actionID' => 'cancel_compose', 'messageCache' => $messageCacheID), null, false); } else { $cancel_url = _mailboxReturnURL(true); } $showmenu = true; } /* Grab any data that we were supplied with. */ if (empty($msg)) { $msg = Util::getFormData('message', Util::getFormData('body', '')); if ($browser->hasQuirk('double_linebreak_textarea')) { $msg = preg_replace('/(\r?\n){3}/', '$1', $msg); } $msg = "\n" . $msg; } /* Get the current signature. */ $sig = $identity->getSignature(); /* Convert from Text -> HTML or vice versa if RTE mode changed. */ if (!is_null($oldrtemode) && ($oldrtemode != $rtemode)) { if ($rtemode) { /* Try to find the signature, replace it with a placeholder, * HTML-ize the message, then replace the signature * placeholder with the HTML-ized signature, complete with * marker comment. */ $msg = preg_replace('/' . preg_replace('/(?text2html($msg); $msg = str_replace(array('##IMP_SIGNATURE_WS##', '##IMP_SIGNATURE##'), array('


', '

' . $imp_compose->text2html($sig) . '

'), $msg); } else { $msg = Text_Filter::filter($msg, 'html2text'); } } /* If this is the first page load for this compose item, add auto BCC * addresses. */ if (!$reloaded && ($actionID != 'draft')) { $header['bcc'] = MIME::addrArray2String($identity->getBccAddresses()); } foreach (array('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'subject') as $val) { if (!isset($header[$val])) { $header[$val] = Util::getFormData($val, $imp_ui->getAddressList(Util::getFormData($val), Util::getFormData($val . '_list'), Util::getFormData($val . '_field'), Util::getFormData($val . '_new'))); } } if ($get_sig && isset($msg) && !empty($sig)) { if ($rtemode) { $sig = '


' . $imp_compose->text2html(trim($sig)) . '

'; } if ($identity->getValue('sig_first')) { $siglocation = 0; $msg = "\n" . $sig . $msg; } else { $siglocation = String::length($msg); /* We always add a line break at the beginning, so if length is 1, ignore that line break (i.e. the message is empty). */ if ($siglocation == 1) { $siglocation = 0; } $msg .= "\n" . $sig; } } /* Open the passphrase window here. */ if ($pgp_passphrase_dialog || $pgp_symmetric_passphrase_dialog) { require_once IMP_BASE .'/lib/Crypt/PGP.php'; $imp_pgp = new IMP_PGP(); Horde::addScriptFile('popup.js', 'imp', true); $notification->push($imp_pgp->getJSOpenWinCode($pgp_symmetric_passphrase_dialog ? 'open_symmetric_passphrase_dialog' : 'open_passphrase_dialog', "opener.focus();opener.uniqSubmit('send_message');"), 'javascript'); } elseif ($smime_passphrase_dialog) { require_once IMP_BASE .'/lib/Crypt/SMIME.php'; $imp_smime = new IMP_SMIME(); Horde::addScriptFile('popup.js', 'imp', true); $notification->push($imp_smime->getJSOpenWinCode('open_passphrase_dialog', "opener.focus();opener.uniqSubmit('send_message');"), 'javascript'); } /* If PGP encryption is set by default, and we have a recipient list on first * load, make sure we have public keys for all recipients. */ $encrypt_options = $prefs->isLocked('default_encrypt') ? $prefs->getValue('default_encrypt') : Util::getFormData('encrypt_options'); if ($prefs->getValue('use_pgp') && !$prefs->isLocked('default_encrypt')) { $default_encrypt = $prefs->getValue('default_encrypt'); if (!$reloaded && in_array($default_encrypt, array(IMP_PGP_ENCRYPT, IMP_PGP_SIGNENC))) { $addrs = $imp_compose->recipientList($header); if (!is_a($addrs, 'PEAR_Error') && !empty($addrs['list'])) { require_once IMP_BASE .'/lib/Crypt/PGP.php'; $imp_pgp = new IMP_PGP(); foreach ($addrs['list'] as $val) { $res = $imp_pgp->getPublicKey($val); if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { $notification->push(_("PGP encryption cannot be used by default as public keys cannot be found for all recipients."), 'horde.warning'); $encrypt_options = ($default_encrypt == IMP_PGP_ENCRYPT) ? IMP_ENCRYPT_NONE : IMP_PGP_SIGN; break; } } } } } /* Determine the default cursor position in the compose text area. */ if (!$rtemode) { switch ($prefs->getValue('compose_cursor')) { case 'top': default: $cursor_pos = 0; break; case 'bottom': $cursor_pos = String::length($msg); break; case 'sig': if (!is_null($siglocation)) { $cursor_pos = $siglocation; } elseif (!empty($sig)) { $next_pos = $pos = 0; $sig_length = String::length($sig); do { $cursor_pos = $pos; $pos = strpos($msg, $sig, $next_pos); $next_pos = $pos + $sig_length; } while ($pos !== false); } break; }; } /* Define some variables used in the javascript code. */ $js_code = array( 'var cancel_url = \'' . $cancel_url . '\'', 'var compose_spellcheck = ' . intval($spellcheck && $prefs->getValue('compose_spellcheck')), 'var cursor_pos = ' . (is_null($cursor_pos) ? 'null' : $cursor_pos), 'var max_attachments = ' . (($max_attach === true) ? 'null' : $max_attach), 'var compose_popup = ' . intval($isPopup), 'var redirect = ' . intval($redirect), 'var rtemode = ' . intval($rtemode), 'var smf_check = ' . intval($smf_check), 'var reloaded = ' . intval($reloaded), ); /* Create javascript identities array. */ if (!$redirect) { $js_ident = array(); foreach ($identity->getAllSignatures() as $ident => $sig) { $smf = $identity->getValue('sent_mail_folder', $ident); $js_ident[] = array( ($rtemode) ? str_replace(' target="_blank"', '', Text_Filter::filter($sig, 'text2html', array('parselevel' => TEXT_HTML_MICRO_LINKURL, 'class' => null, 'callback' => null))) : $sig, $identity->getValue('sig_first', $ident), ($smf_check) ? $smf : IMP::displayFolder($smf), $identity->saveSentmail($ident), MIME::addrArray2String($identity->getBccAddresses($ident)) ); } require_once IMP_BASE . '/lib/JSON.php'; $js_code[] = 'var identities = ' . IMP_Serialize_JSON::encode(String::convertCharset($js_ident, NLS::getCharset(), 'utf-8')); } Horde::addScriptFile('prototype.js', 'imp', true); Horde::addScriptFile('compose.js', 'imp', true); require IMP_TEMPLATES . '/common-header.inc'; IMP::addInlineScript($js_code); if ($showmenu) { IMP::menu(); } /* Set up the base template now. */ $t = new IMP_Template(); $t->setOption('gettext', true); $t->set('post_action', Util::addParameter(Horde::applicationUrl('compose.php'), 'uniq', base_convert(microtime(), 10, 36))); if ($has_js) { $t->set('loading_img', Horde::img('loading.gif', _("Loading..."))); } if ($redirect) { /* Prepare the redirect template. */ $t->set('mailbox', htmlspecialchars($thismailbox)); $t->set('index', htmlspecialchars($index)); $t->set('status', IMP::status()); $t->set('title', htmlspecialchars($title)); $t->set('token', IMP::getRequestToken('imp.compose')); if ($registry->hasMethod('contacts/search')) { $t->set('has_search', true); $t->set('abook', Horde::link('#', _("Address Book"), 'widget', null, 'window.open(\'' . Util::addParameter(Horde::applicationUrl('contacts.php'), array('formname' => 'redirect', 'to_only' => 1)) . '\', \'contacts\', \'toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=550,height=300,left=100,top=100\'); return false;') . Horde::img('addressbook_browse.png') . '
' . _("Address Book") . ''); if (!$has_js) { $t->set('expand', Horde::link('#', _("Expand Names"), 'widget', null, "$('actionID').value='redirect_expand_addr';uniqSubmit();return false;") . Horde::img('expand.png') . '
' . _("Expand Names") . '', true); } } $t->set('to', Horde::label('to', _("To"))); $tabindex = -1; if (is_array($header['to'])) { $t->set('multiple_to', true); $first_to = true; $to_hdrs = array(); foreach ($header['to'] as $to_item) { $entry = array(); if (count($to_item) > 1) { $entry['multiple'] = true; $entry['select_tabindex'] = ++$tabindex; $entry['select_name'] = htmlspecialchars($to_item[0]); $entry['select_to'] = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < count($to_item); $i++) { $entry['select_to'][] = array('val' => htmlspecialchars($to_item[$i])); } } else { $entry['multiple'] = null; $entry['input_value'] = htmlspecialchars($to_item); } $entry['input_tabindex'] = ++$tabindex; if ($first_to) { $first_to = false; $entry['help'] = Help::link('imp', 'compose-to'); } else { $entry['help'] = null; } $to_hdrs[] = $entry; } $t->set('to_new_tabindex', ++$tabindex); $t->set('to_hdrs', $to_hdrs); } else { $t->set('input_tabindex', ++$tabindex); $t->set('input_value', htmlspecialchars($header['to'])); $t->set('help', Help::link('imp', 'compose-to')); } echo $t->fetch(IMP_TEMPLATES . '/compose/redirect.html'); } else { if (!($reply_type = Util::getFormData('reply_type', $reply_type))) { switch ($actionID) { case 'reply': case 'reply_all': case 'reply_list': $reply_type = 'reply'; break; case 'forward': case 'forward_all': case 'forward_body': case 'forward_attachments': $reply_type = 'forward'; break; } } /* Prepare the compose template. */ $tabindex = 0; $t->set('file_upload', $_SESSION['imp']['file_upload']); $t->set('forminput', Util::formInput()); $hidden = array(); if ($_SESSION['imp']['file_upload']) { if ($browser->hasQuirk('broken_multipart_form')) { $hidden[] = array('n' => 'msie_formdata_is_broken', 'v' => ''); } $hidden[] = array('n' => 'MAX_FILE_SIZE', 'v' => $_SESSION['imp']['file_upload']); } $hidden[] = array('n' => 'actionID', 'v' => ''); $hidden[] = array('n' => 'compose_requestToken', 'v' => IMP::getRequestToken('imp.compose')); $hidden[] = array('n' => 'compose_formToken', 'v' => Horde_Token::generateId('compose')); $hidden[] = array('n' => 'messageCache', 'v' => $messageCacheID); $hidden[] = array('n' => 'mailbox', 'v' => htmlspecialchars($imp_mbox['mailbox'])); $hidden[] = array('n' => 'thismailbox', 'v' => $thismailbox); foreach (array('page', 'start', 'popup') as $val) { $hidden[] = array('n' => $val, 'v' => htmlspecialchars(Util::getFormData($val))); } $hidden[] = array('n' => 'attachmentAction', 'v' => ''); $hidden[] = array('n' => 'reloaded', 'v' => 1); $hidden[] = array('n' => 'oldrtemode', 'v' => $rtemode); $hidden[] = array('n' => 'rtemode', 'v' => $rtemode); $hidden[] = array('n' => 'index', 'v' => $index); if ($reply_type) { $hidden[] = array('n' => 'reply_type', 'v' => $reply_type); $hidden[] = array('n' => 'reply_index', 'v' => $reply_index); $hidden[] = array('n' => 'in_reply_to', 'v' => htmlspecialchars($header['in_reply_to'])); if ($reply_type == 'reply') { $hidden[] = array('n' => 'references', 'v' => htmlspecialchars($header['references'])); } } $t->set('hidden', $hidden); $t->set('title', htmlspecialchars($title)); $t->set('send_msg_ak', Horde::getAccessKeyAndTitle(_("_Send Message"))); if ($conf['user']['allow_folders']) { $t->set('save_draft_ak', Horde::getAccessKeyAndTitle(_("Save _Draft"))); } $t->set('help_buttons', Help::link('imp', 'compose-buttons')); $t->set('di_locked', $prefs->isLocked('default_identity')); if ($t->get('di_locked')) { $t->set('help_compose-from', Help::link('imp', 'compose-from')); $t->set('fromaddr_locked', $prefs->isLocked('from_addr')); $t->set('from', htmlspecialchars($identity->getFromLine(null, Util::getFormData('from')))); if (!$t->get('fromaddr_locked')) { $t->set('fromaddr_tabindex', ++$tabindex); } } else { $select_list = $identity->getSelectList(); $t->set('identity_label', Horde::label('identity', _("_Identity"))); $t->set('help_compose-from', Help::link('imp', 'compose-identity')); $t->set('last_identity', $identity->getDefault()); $t->set('count_select_list', count($select_list) > 1); if (count($select_list) > 1) { $t->set('selectlist_tabindex', ++$tabindex); $t_select_list = array(); foreach ($select_list as $key => $select) { $t_select_list[] = array('value' => $key, 'selected' => ($key == $identity->getDefault()), 'label' => htmlspecialchars($select)); } $t->set('select_list', $t_select_list); } else { $t->set('identity_default', $identity->getDefault()); $t->set('identity_text', htmlspecialchars($select_list[0])); } } $t->set('label_to', Horde::label('to', _("_To"))); $addr_array = array('to' => _("_To")); if ($prefs->getValue('compose_cc')) { $addr_array['cc'] = _("_Cc"); } if ($prefs->getValue('compose_bcc')) { $addr_array['bcc'] = _("_Bcc"); } $address_array = array(); foreach ($addr_array as $val => $label) { $addr = array( 'id' => $val, 'label' => Horde::label($val, $label), ); $first_addr = false; if (is_array($header[$val])) { $addr['multiple'] = true; $first_addr = true; $hdrs = array(); foreach ($header[$val] as $item) { $entry = array(); if (count($item) > 1) { $entry['multiple'] = true; $entry['select_tabindex'] = ++$tabindex; $entry['select_name'] = htmlspecialchars($item[0]); $entry['select_arr'] = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < count($item); $i++) { $entry['select_arr'][] = array('val' => htmlspecialchars($item[$i])); } $entry['input_value'] = null; } else { $entry['multiple'] = null; $entry['input_value'] = htmlspecialchars($item); } $entry['input_tabindex'] = ++$tabindex; if ($first_addr) { $first_addr = false; $entry['help'] = Help::link('imp', 'compose-' . $val); } else { $entry['help'] = null; } $hdrs[] = $entry; } $addr['hdrs'] = $hdrs; } else { $addr['multiple'] = false; $addr['input_tabindex'] = ++$tabindex; $addr['input_value'] = htmlspecialchars($header[$val]); $addr['help_compose'] = Help::link('imp', 'compose-' . $val); } $address_array[] = $addr; } $t->set('addr', $address_array); $t->set('subject_label', Horde::label('subject', _("S_ubject"))); $t->set('subject_tabindex', ++$tabindex); $t->set('subject', htmlspecialchars($header['subject'])); $t->set('help-subject', Help::link('imp', 'compose-subject')); $t->set('set_priority', $prefs->getValue('set_priority')); $t->set('unlocked_charset', !$prefs->isLocked('sending_charset')); if ($t->get('unlocked_charset')) { $t->set('charset_label', Horde::label('charset', _("C_harset"))); $t->set('charset_tabindex', ++$tabindex); $charset_array = array(); foreach ($nls['encodings'] as $charset => $label) { $charset_array[] = array('value' => $charset, 'selected' => (strtolower($charset) == strtolower($encoding)), 'label' => $label); } $t->set('charset_array', $charset_array); $t->set('help_compose_charset', Help::link('imp', 'compose-charset')); } if ($t->get('set_priority')) { $t->set('priority_label', Horde::label('priority', _("_Priority"))); $t->set('priority_tabindex', ++$tabindex); $priority = Util::getFormData('x_priority', 3); $priorities = array( 1 => '1 (' . _("Highest") . ')', 2 => '2 (' . _("High") . ')', 3 => '3 (' . _("Normal") . ')', 4 => '4 (' . _("Low") . ')', 5 => '5 (' . _("Lowest") . ')' ); $priority_option = array(); foreach ($priorities as $key => $val) { $priority_option[] = array('val' => $key, 'label' => $val, 'selected' => ($priority == $key)); } $t->set('pri_opt', $priority_option); $t->set('help_priority', Help::link('imp', 'compose-priority')); } $t->set('stationery', !empty($stationery_list)); if ($t->get('stationery')) { $t->set('stationery_label', Horde::label('stationery', _("Stationery"))); $stationeries = array(); foreach ($stationery_list as $id => $choice) { $stationeries[] = array('val' => $id, 'label' => $choice['n'], 'selected' => ($stationery === $id)); } $t->set('stationeries', $stationeries); } $menu_view = $prefs->getValue('menu_view'); $show_text = ($menu_view == 'text' || $menu_view == 'both'); $compose_options = array(); if ($registry->hasMethod('contacts/search')) { $compose_options[] = array( 'url' => Horde::link('#', '', 'widget', null, 'window.open(\'' . Horde::applicationUrl('contacts.php') . '\', \'contacts\', \'toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=550,height=300,left=100,top=100\'); return false;'), 'img' => Horde::img('addressbook_browse.png'), 'label' => $show_text ? _("Address Book") : ''); if (!$has_js) { $compose_options[] = array( 'url' => Horde::link( '#', '', 'widget', null, "uniqSubmit('compose_expand_addr'); return false;", '', '', array('name' => 'btn_compose_expand_addr')), 'img' => Horde::img('expand.png'), 'label' => $show_text ? _("Expand Names") : ''); } } if ($spellcheck) { $compose_options[] = array( 'url' => Horde::link('#', '', 'widget', '', 'return false', '', '', array('id' => 'spellcheck')), 'img' => '', 'label' => ''); } if ($has_js && $conf['compose']['special_characters']) { $compose_options[] = array( 'url' => Horde::link( '#', '', 'widget', null, 'window.open(\'' . Horde::url($registry->get('webroot', 'horde') . '/services/keyboard.php') . '\', \'chars\', \'height=220,width=400\'); return false;'), 'img' => Horde::img('keyboard.png', null, null, $registry->getImageDir('horde')), 'label' => $show_text ? _("Special Characters") : ''); } if ($_SESSION['imp']['file_upload']) { $compose_options[] = array( 'url' => Horde::link('#attachments', '', 'widget'), 'img' => Horde::img('manage_attachments.png'), 'label' => $show_text ? _("Attachments") : ''); } $t->set('compose_options', $compose_options); $t->set('help_options', Help::link('imp', 'compose-options')); $t->set('ssm', ($conf['user']['allow_folders'] && !$prefs->isLocked('save_sent_mail'))); if ($t->get('ssm')) { $t->set('ssm_selected', ($reloaded) ? (Util::getFormData('save_sent_mail') == 'on') : $identity->saveSentmail()); $t->set('ssm_label', Horde::label('ssm', _("Sa_ve a copy in "))); if ($smf = Util::getFormData('sent_mail_folder')) { $sent_mail_folder = $smf; } if (!empty($conf['user']['select_sentmail_folder']) && !$prefs->isLocked('sent_mail_folder')) { /* Check to make sure the sent-mail folder is created - it needs * to exist to show up in drop-down list. */ require_once IMP_BASE . '/lib/Folder.php'; $imp_folder = &IMP_Folder::singleton(); if (!$imp_folder->exists($sent_mail_folder)) { $imp_folder->create($sent_mail_folder, true); } $t->set('ssm_tabindex', ++$tabindex); $t->set('ssm_folders', IMP::flistSelect('', false, array('INBOX'), $sent_mail_folder)); } else { if (!empty($sent_mail_folder)) { $sent_mail_folder = '"' . IMP::displayFolder($sent_mail_folder) . '"'; } $t->set('ssm_folder', $sent_mail_folder); $t->set('ssm_folders', false); } } $d_read = $prefs->getValue('disposition_request_read'); $t->set('rrr', $conf['compose']['allow_receipts'] && ($d_read != 'never')); if ($t->get('rrr')) { $t->set('rrr_selected', ($d_read != 'ask') || (Util::getFormData('request_read_receipt') == 'on')); $t->set('rrr_label', Horde::label('rrr', _("Request a _Read Receipt"))); } $t->set('compose_html', (!is_null($rtemode) && !$prefs->isLocked('compose_html'))); if ($t->get('compose_html')) { $t->set('html_img', Horde::img('compose.png', _("Switch Composition Method"))); $t->set('html_switch', Horde::link('#', _("Switch Composition Method"), '', '', "$('rtemode').value='" . ($rtemode ? 0 : 1) . "';uniqSubmit();return false;")); $t->set('rtemode', $rtemode); } $t->set('message_label', Horde::label('message', _("Te_xt"))); $t->set('message_tabindex', ++$tabindex); $t->set('message', htmlspecialchars($msg)); $t->set('use_encrypt', ($prefs->getValue('use_pgp') || $prefs->getValue('use_smime'))); if ($t->get('use_encrypt')) { if ($prefs->isLocked('default_encrypt')) { $t->set('use_encrypt', false); } else { $t->set('encrypt_label', Horde::label('encrypt_options', _("Encr_yption Options"))); $t->set('encrypt_options', IMP::encryptList($encrypt_options)); $t->set('help-encrypt', Help::link('imp', 'compose-options-encrypt')); } $t->set('pgp_options', ($prefs->getValue('use_pgp') && $prefs->getValue('pgp_public_key'))); if ($t->get('pgp_options')) { $t->set('pgp_attach_pubkey', Util::getFormData('pgp_attach_pubkey', $prefs->getValue('pgp_attach_pubkey'))); $t->set('pap', Horde::label('pap', _("Attach a copy of your PGP public key to the message?"))); $t->set('help-pubkey', Help::link('imp', 'pgp-compose-attach-pubkey')); } } if ($registry->hasMethod('contacts/ownVCard')) { $t->set('vcard', Horde::label('vcard', _("Attach your contact information to the message?"))); $t->set('attach_vcard', Util::getFormData('vcard')); } if ($_SESSION['imp']['file_upload']) { if ($GLOBALS['registry']->hasMethod('files/selectlistLink')) { $res = $GLOBALS['registry']->call('files/selectlistLink', array(_("Attach Files"), 'widget', 'compose', true)); $t->set('selectlistlink', (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) ? null : $res); } $t->set('maxattachsize', !$imp_compose->maxAttachmentSize()); if (!$t->get('maxattachsize')) { $t->set('maxattachmentnumber', !$max_attach); if (!$t->get('maxattachmentnumber')) { $t->set('file_tabindex', ++$tabindex); } } $t->set('attach_size', IMP::numberFormat($imp_compose->maxAttachmentSize(), 0)); $t->set('help-attachments', Help::link('imp', 'compose-attachments')); $save_attach = $prefs->getValue('save_attachments'); $show_link_attach = ($conf['compose']['link_attachments'] && !$conf['compose']['link_all_attachments']); $show_save_attach = ($t->get('ssm') && (strpos($save_attach, 'prompt') === 0) && (!$conf['compose']['link_attachments'] || !$conf['compose']['link_all_attachments'])); $t->set('show_link_save_attach', ($show_link_attach || $show_save_attach)); if ($t->get('show_link_save_attach')) { $attach_options = array(); if ($show_save_attach) { $save_attach_val = Util::getFormData('save_attachments_select', ($save_attach == 'prompt_yes')); $attach_options[] = array('label' => _("Save Attachments with message in sent-mail folder?"), 'name' => 'save_attachments_select', 'select_yes' => ($save_attach_val == 1), 'select_no' => ($save_attach_val == 0), 'help' => Help::link('imp', 'compose-save-attachments')); } if ($show_link_attach) { $link_attach_val = Util::getFormData('link_attachments'); $attach_options[] = array('label' => _("Link Attachments?"), 'name' => 'link_attachments', 'select_yes' => ($link_attach_val == 1), 'select_no' => ($link_attach_val == 0), 'help' => Help::link('imp', 'compose-link-attachments')); } $t->set('attach_options', $attach_options); } $t->set('numberattach', $imp_compose->numberOfAttachments()); if ($t->get('numberattach')) { require_once IMP_BASE . '/lib/MIME/Contents.php'; $mime_contents = new MIME_Contents(new MIME_Part()); $atc = array(); $disp_num = 0; foreach ($imp_compose->getAttachments() as $atc_num => $mime) { $entry = array(); $disposition = $mime->getDisposition(); $viewer = &$mime_contents->getMIMEViewer($mime); $linked = Util::getFormData (sprintf('file_linked_%d', $atc_num)); $entry['name'] = $mime->getName(true, true); if ($mime->getType() != 'application/octet-stream') { $preview_url = Util::addParameter(Horde::applicationUrl('view.php'), array('actionID' => 'compose_attach_preview', 'id' => $atc_num, 'messageCache' => $imp_compose->getMessageCacheId())); $entry['name'] = Horde::link($preview_url, _("Preview") . ' ' . $entry['name'], 'link', 'compose_preview_window') . $entry['name'] . ''; } $entry['icon'] = $viewer->getIcon($mime->getType()); $entry['disp_number'] = ++$disp_num; $entry['number'] = $atc_num; $entry['type'] = $mime->getType(); $entry['size'] = $mime->getSize(); $entry['disp_atc'] = ($disposition == 'attachment'); $entry['disp_inline'] = ($disposition == 'inline'); $entry['description'] = $mime->getDescription(true); $atc[] = $entry; } $t->set('atc', $atc); $t->set('total_attach_size', IMP::numberFormat($imp_compose->sizeOfAttachments() / 1024, 2)); $t->set('perc_attach', ((!empty($conf['compose']['attach_size_limit'])) && ($conf['compose']['attach_size_limit'] > 0))); if ($t->get('perc_attach')) { $t->set('perc_attach', sprintf(_("%s%% of allowed size"), IMP::numberFormat($imp_compose->sizeOfAttachments() / $conf['compose']['attach_size_limit'] * 100, 2))); } $t->set('help-current-attachments', Help::link('imp', 'compose-current-attachments')); } } $t->set('status', IMP::status()); echo $t->fetch(IMP_TEMPLATES . '/compose/compose.html'); } /* Load RTE. */ if ($rtemode && !$redirect) { echo $imp_ui->initRTE(); } require $registry->get('templates', 'horde') . '/common-footer.inc';