'Tools & Settings', 'pageHint' => 'This is where you manage the server, and configure Panel, system services, and resources.', 'resourcesPanel' => 'Tools & Resources', 'summaryReport' => 'Summary Report', 'summaryReportDescription' => 'View a report on resource usage by users and websites.', 'summaryReportKeywords' => 'information amount delivery traffic statistics stats', 'ipAddresses' => 'IP Addresses', 'ipAddressesDescription' => 'View, add, and remove server IP addresses, and assign IP addresses to resellers.', 'ipAddressesKeywords' => 'address host IPv4 IPv6 network dedicated shared pool', 'applicationsVault' => 'Application Vault', 'applicationsVaultDescription' => 'Manage APS web apps: Install, configure, and remove app packages, check for package updates, make apps available to your customers in Control Panel.', 'applicationsVaultKeywords' => 'catalog storefront repository upload', 'databaseServers' => 'Database Servers', 'databaseServersDescription' => 'Configure and manage database servers used by the Panel.', 'databaseServersKeywords' => 'remote DB MySQL SQL MSSQL postgres', 'odbcDataSources' => 'ODBC Data Sources', 'odbcDataSourcesDescription' => 'Configure ODBC data sources for connections to external databases.', 'iisApplicationPool' => 'IIS Application Pool', 'iisApplicationPoolDescription' => 'Configure and manage IIS application pool.', 'virtualHostTemplate' => 'Virtual Host Template', 'virtualHostTemplateDescription' => 'Define a set of directories and files that should be created for each site on the server.', 'virtualHostTemplateKeywords'=> 'custom default', 'sslCertificates' => 'SSL Certificates', 'sslCertificatesDescription' => 'View and manage SSL certificates, and secure connections to the Panel.', 'sslCertificatesKeywords' => 'certificate repository self-sign encrypt protect authority sign security CSR', 'setupMailingListsServer' => 'Set Up Mailing Lists Server', 'setupMailingListsServerDescription' => 'Set up Mailman mailing lists server.', 'setupMailingListsServerKeywords' => 'mail list mailing list maillist group', 'sharedSsl' => 'Shared SSL', 'sharedSslDescription' => 'Set up sharing of a single SSL certificate for securing a number of websites at once.', 'sharedSslKeywords' => 'repository self-sign encrypt protect authority sign security CSR', 'downloadSmarterMail' => 'Download SmarterMail', 'downloadSmarterMailDescription' => 'Download the SmarterMail mail server package for installing it on the server.', 'trafficUsageByDomains' => 'Traffic Usage by Domains', 'trafficUsageByDomainsDescription' => 'View reports on traffic usage by domains.', 'trafficUsageByDomainsKeywords' => 'statistics stats', 'trafficUsageByResellers' => 'Traffic Usage by Resellers', 'trafficUsageByResellersDescription' => 'View reports on traffic usage by resellers.', 'trafficUsageByResellersKeywords' => 'statistics stats', 'trafficUsageByUsers' => 'Traffic Usage by Customers', 'trafficUsageByUsersDescription' => 'View reports on traffic usage by customers.', 'trafficUsageByUsersKeywords' => 'statistics stats', 'massEmailMessages' => 'Mass E-Mail Messages', 'massEmailMessagesDescription' => 'Send an e-mail message to a number of Panel users at once.', 'massEmailMessagesKeywords' => 'mail template', 'scheduledTasks' => 'Scheduled Tasks', 'scheduledTasksDescription' => 'Schedule execution of scripts or utilities on the server.', 'scheduledTasksKeywords' => 'command', 'eventManager' => 'Event Manager', 'eventManagerDescription' => 'Set up execution of custom commands and scripts when specific events are registered in the Panel.', 'eventManagerKeywords' => 'handler variable command', 'backupManager' => 'Backup Manager', 'backupManagerDescription' => 'Back up and restore data related to websites, Plesk services, and user accounts.', 'backupManagerKeywords' => 'archive', 'migrationManager' => 'Migration & Transfer Manager', 'migrationManagerDescription' => 'Migrate user accounts, websites, and e-mail from other hosting servers.', 'migrationManagerKeywords' => 'transfer source destination agent', 'panelPanel' => 'Panel', 'additionalAdministratorAccounts' => 'Additional Administrator Accounts', 'additionalAdministratorAccountsDescription' => 'Set up additional administrator accounts if you need to delegate system administration tasks to other users.', 'activeSessions' => 'Active Sessions', 'activeSessionsDescription' => 'See who is currently connected to the server and close user sessions if required.', 'licenseManagement' => 'License Management', 'licenseManagementDescription' => 'View the options provided by your license. Order and install license keys for the Panel and add-ons.', 'licenseManagementKeywords' => 'renew prolong expiration revert roll activation code', 'support' => 'Support', 'supportDescription' => 'Submit a request for technical support assistance.', 'supportKeywords' => 'bug help issue error troubleshooting', 'updates' => 'Updates and Upgrades', 'updatesDescription' => 'Update or upgrade your Panel and install additional components.', 'updatesKeywords' => 'webmatrix webdeploy web matrix deploy', 'serverManagementPanel' => 'Server Management', 'serverInformation' => 'Server Information', 'serverInformationDescription' => 'View detailed statistics on usage of system resources, such as CPU, memory, and disk space.', 'serverInformationKeywords' => 'stats utilization performance process load RAM', 'servicesManagement' => 'Services Management', 'servicesManagementDescription' => 'View and manage system services.', 'servicesManagementKeywords' => 'start stop restart tomcat java dns bind apache kaspersky spamassassin qmail imap pop smtp courier coldfusion postgres mysql task ftp firewall nginx reverse proxy', 'remoteDesktop' => 'Remote Desktop', 'remoteDesktopDescription' => 'Use an integrated Web-based client to open a remote desktop connection to the server.', 'remoteDesktopKeywords' => 'rdp terminal session', 'rebootServer' => 'Restart Server', 'rebootServerDescription' => 'Restart the server.', 'rebootServerKeywords' => 'reboot restart', 'buttonServerRebootConfirmationTitle' => 'Do you really want to restart server?', 'buttonServerRebootConfirmationDescription' => 'This operation will restart the server.', 'shutdownServer' => 'Shut Down Server', 'shutdownServerDescription' => 'Shut down the server. If you shut down the server using this button, you will not be able to start it remotely.', 'buttonShutdownConfirmationTitle' => 'Do you really want to shut the server down?', 'buttonShutdownConfirmationDescription' => 'This operation will shut the server down. The server cannot be restarted remotely by means of this software.', 'vzpp' => 'Manage Your Container', 'vzppDescription' => 'Open Parallels Power Panel with your container in a new window.', 'vzppKeywords' => 'virtuozzo vps virtual environment', 'myPleskPanel' => 'External Services', 'toolsFromMyPlesk' => 'View Services', 'toolsFromMyPleskDescription' => 'View online services available from your provider.', 'toolsFromMyPleskKeywords' => 'buy purchase order', 'registerDomain' => 'Register Domain Names', 'registerDomainDescription' => 'Register domain names with a domain name registrar recommended by your provider.', 'registerDomainKeywords' => 'buy purchase order', 'manageDomain' => 'Manage Domain Names', 'manageDomainDescription' => 'Update registration information for your domain names, specify name servers, and renew domain registration.', 'registerServer' => 'Register Your Server', 'registerServerDescription' => 'Register your server with MyPlesk.com portal to participate in the affiliate program and earn commissions.', 'buySslCert' => 'Buy SSL Certificate', 'buySslCertDescription' => 'Purchase SSL certificates to secure connections to the Panel and to the hosted websites.', 'buySslCertKeywords' => 'order', 'partnersOnlineStore' => 'Products from Parallels Partners', 'partnersOnlineStoreDescription' => 'Visit online store to purchase applications created for the Panel by Parallels partners.', 'businessModelUpgrade' => 'Complete Switching to the new Panel business model', 'businessModelUpgradeDescription' => 'After upgrading to Panel 11, transition former clients, domains and domain administrators to fit in the new model.', 'statisticsPanel' => 'Statistics', 'generalPanel' => 'General Settings', 'serverComponents' => 'Server Components', 'serverComponentsDescription' => 'View the software components installed on the server.', 'serverComponentsKeywords' => 'package', 'serverSettings' => 'Server Settings', 'serverSettingsDescription' => 'Set the server\'s host name, statistics calculation preferences, and restrict creation of DNS zones for users.', 'systemTime' => 'System Time', 'systemTimeDescription' => 'Adjust system date and time, and enable time synchronization with a time server on the Internet.', 'serverStatistics' => 'Settings of Server Statistics', 'serverStatisticsDescription' => 'Configure global statistics settings.', 'serverStatisticsKeywords' => 'stats usage calculation', 'ftpSettings' => 'FTP Settings', 'ftpSettingsDescription' => 'Configure port ranges for passive FTP connections to the server.', 'previewDomainSettings' => 'Website Preview Settings', 'previewDomainSettingsDescription' => 'Specify one of your domains under which websites of your customers will be previewed.', 'backupSettings' => 'Backup Settings', 'backupSettingsDescription' => 'Configure the global data backup settings to reduce server CPU load.', 'backupSettingsKeywords' => 'archive', 'dnsTemplate' => 'DNS Template Settings', 'dnsTemplateDescription' => 'Configure the global DNS zone template that predefines DNS zone settings for all domain DNS zones served by the name server.', 'restrictCreationOfSubzones' => 'Restrict Creation of Subzones', 'restrictCreationOfSubzonesDescription' => 'Restrict creation of subdomains and domain aliases in DNS zones belonging to other users.', 'restrictAdministrativeAccess' => 'Restrict Administrative Access', 'restrictAdministrativeAccessDescription' => 'Specify IP addresses of computers or networks from which administrative access to the Panel must be allowed.', 'restrictAdministrativeAccessKeywords' => 'deny grant', 'firewall' => 'Firewall', 'firewallDescription' => 'Configure the firewall to allow or forbid network connections to the hosting services.', 'firewallKeywords' => 'rule panic port tcp udp protect connection icmp block', 'sessionIdleTime' => 'Session Idle Time', 'sessionIdleTimeDescription' => 'Configure the period that a user session is allowed to remain idle before it is closed.', 'applicationsAndDatabasesPanel' => 'Applications & Databases', 'databaseHostingPreferences' => 'Database Hosting Preferences', 'databaseHostingPreferencesDescription' => 'Specify whether Panel should add usernames to database names and whether it should allow installation of web applications that cannot use remote databases.', 'databaseHostingPreferencesKeywords' => 'DB MySQL SQL MSSQL postgres', 'coldFusionSettings' => 'ColdFusion Settings', 'coldFusionSettingsDescription' => 'After you install Adobe ColdFusion components on the server, click this link to specify the path to Adobe ColdFusion installation directory.', 'aspNetSettings' => 'ASP.NET Settings', 'aspNetSettingsDescription' => 'Configure the global settings for execution of ASP.NET applications on the server.', 'sitebuilderSettings' => 'Try and Buy Mode Settings', // 'sitebuilderSettingsDescription' => 'Configure settings of payment systems and specify Google Maps API key that can be used for sites created with Web Presence Builder.', //not available 'sitebuilderSettingsDescription' => 'Configure scenarios for acquiring new customers to your hosting services.', 'googleServicesForWebsitesSettings' => 'Settings of Google Services for Websites', 'googleServicesForWebsitesSettingsDescription' => 'Integrate Google Services for Websites with Panel.', 'optimizationSettings' => 'Apache Modules', 'optimizationSettingsDescription' => 'Optimize Panel by switching off unused service modules.', 'optimizationSettingsKeywords' => 'apache module advanced vps optimized', 'securePasswords' => 'Security Policy', 'securePasswordsDescription' => 'Set the minimum user password strength and turn on the enhanced security mode.', 'securePasswordsKeywords' => 'password security policy', 'mailPanel' => 'Mail', 'mailServerSettings' => 'Mail Server Settings', 'mailServerSettingsDescription' => 'Set up e-mail services and protection from spam and viruses.', 'mailServerSettingsKeywords' => 'email e-mail message relay', 'virusProtectionSettings' => 'Virus Protection Settings', 'virusProtectionSettingsDescription' => 'Set up protection from viruses and other malicious software.', 'virusProtectionSettingsKeywords' => 'kaspersky antivirus anti-virus email e-mail mail', 'spamFilterSettings' => 'Spam Filter Settings', 'spamFilterSettingsDescription' => 'Set up protection from unsolicited commercial e-mail.', 'spamFilterSettingsKeywords' => 'spamassassin antispam anti-spam email e-mail mail', 'commTouch' => 'Outgoing Antispam Filter', 'commTouchDescription' => 'Parallels Premium Outgoing Antispam is a high performance solution that supports real-time spam classifications, allowing fast detection and blocking of outbound spam.', 'commTouchKeywords' => 'spam outgoing anti-spam antispam outbound commtouch', 'webmailSettings' => 'Webmail', 'webmailSettingsDescription' => 'Register additional webmail services, and set up webmail options available to your customers.', 'uiPanel' => 'Panel Appearance', 'controlPanelBranding' => 'Panel Branding', 'controlPanelBrandingDescription' => 'Set your own logo image, text in the browser\'s title bar, or apply a custom branding theme.', 'controlPanelBrandingKeywords' => 'skin look', 'languages' => 'Languages', 'languagesDescription' => 'View and manage installed language packs.', 'languagesKeywords' => 'localize interface', 'skins' => 'Skins', 'skinsDescription' => 'View and manage visual styles for the Panel.', 'interfaceManagement' => 'Interface Management', 'interfaceManagementDescription' => 'Select a Panel UI view, a language, or specify which buttons need to be removed from Panel.', 'interfaceManagementKeywords' => 'GUI', 'customButtons' => 'Custom Buttons', 'customButtonsDescription' => 'Add shortcuts to your apps or any other resources available at external URLs.', 'notifications' => 'Notifications', 'notificationsDescription' => 'Set up Panel to automatically send resource overuse and account expiration warnings to users.', 'notificationsKeywords' => 'notice event', 'actionLog' => 'Action Log', 'actionLogDescription' => 'Set up logging of actions performed by Panel users.', 'actionLogKeywords' => 'event', 'fileSharingSettings' => 'File Sharing Settings', 'fileSharingSettingsDescription' => 'Configure file sharing on your webspaces.', 'fileSharingSettingsKeywords' => 'share folder public', 'automaticUpdatesSettings' => 'Update and Upgrade Settings', 'automaticUpdatesSettingsDescription' => 'Set up Panel to automatically install updates and notify you when upgrades to the next version become available.', 'automaticUpdatesSettingsKeywords' => 'stable testing release upgrade', 'adminPlan' => 'Custom View Settings', 'adminPlanDescription' => 'Select actions available to the administrator and limit resources allotted to new webspaces in this view.', 'adminPlanKeywords' => 'admin plan power user permissions interface customization view actions webspace simple custom', 'additionalServices' => 'Additional Services', );