#!/bin/bash ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. # # # Plesk script # ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. #admin set_admin_params() { ADMIN_ROOT=$PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin UTILS_DIR=$ADMIN_ROOT/sbin admin_user="${product}adm" admin_UID=8444 admin_group="${product}adm" admin_GID=8444 ADMIN_CERT="$ADMIN_ROOT/conf/httpsd.pem" define_start_script } get_certificate() { local dst="$1" local src="${certificate_file}" # Check or generate new default certificate [ -s "$src" ] || generate_default_certificate set_ac 0 0 0400 "${src}" cp -fp $src $dst } generate_default_certificate() { # Currently I have no will to accurately rewrite the stuff below # so I just add support for (optional) file parameter. Actually # one need to accurately handle temporary files, directory creation # etc. Probably next time... local cert_file cert_file="${certificate_file}" if [ -s "$cert_file" ]; then p_echo "default certificate already exists" return fi # This var also can safely be made local. It's not used outside local OPENSSL_CNF is_temp_cnf rc OPENSSL_CNF=${PRODUCT_ROOT_D}/admin/conf/openssl.cnf is_temp_cnf=0 if [ ! -f "${OPENSSL_CNF}" ]; then # Well, base psa package isn't yet installed. # let's form a temporary config file OPENSSL_CNF=$(mktemp /tmp/openssl.cnf.XXXXXX) [ $? != 0 ] && die "Unable to create temporary file" cat >>${OPENSSL_CNF} <<EOF [ req ] attributes=req_attributes distinguished_name=req_distinguished_name default_md = sha256 [ req_attributes ] challengePassword = A challenge password unstructuredName = An optional company name [ req_distinguished_name ] countryName = Country Name stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name localityName = Locality Name organizationName = Organisation Name organizationalUnitName = Organization Unit Name commonName = Common Name emailAddress = Email Address EOF is_temp_cnf=1 fi local cert_file_d=`dirname "${cert_file}"` [ -d "${cert_file_d}" ] || mkdir -p "${cert_file_d}" echo "CH . Schaffhausen Plesk . Plesk info@plesk.com " | openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 \ -config ${OPENSSL_CNF} -set_serial `date +%s` -keyout "${cert_file}_" \ -out "${cert_file}_" >> $product_log 2>&1 # preserve exit code rc=$? if [ $rc -eq 0 ]; then cat "${cert_file}_" | sed -e 's/^\(-----END.*\)/\1\ /' > $cert_file set_ac 0 0 0400 "${cert_file}" fi # cleanup temporary files rm -f "${cert_file}_" ||: if [ "x$is_temp_cnf" = "x1" ]; then rm -f ${OPENSSL_CNF} ||: fi return $rc } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. clean_panel_sessions() { # use subshell to catch die's inside db_do: ( db_do "DELETE FROM sessions" db_do "DELETE FROM SessionContexts" ) } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. set_apache_params() { apache_user="www-data" apache_UID=80 apache_group="www-data" apache_GID=80 user_apxs="/usr/bin/apxs2" apache_pid_file="$APACHE_ROOT/logs/httpd.pid" apache_lock_file="$APACHE_ROOT/logs/httpd.lock" product_lock_file="$HTTPD_CONF_D/cnf.lock" apache_service_name="apache2" apache_modules_d="/usr/lib/apache2/modules" apache_service="$apache_service_name" apache_httpd_conf="$HTTPD_CONF_D/httpd.conf" apache_httpd_conf2="$HTTPD_CONF_D/apache2.conf" apache_httpd_conf_in="$HTTPD_CONF_D/httpd.conf.in" apache_httpd_include="$HTTPD_INCLUDE_D/zz010_psa_httpd.conf" APACHE_CERT="$HTTPD_CONF_D/httpd.pem" APACHE_ROOT="/usr" min_suexec_UID=10000 max_suexec_UID=16000 min_suexec_GID=$min_suexec_UID max_suexec_GID=$max_suexec_UID suexec_storage=/usr/lib/plesk-9.0/suexec suexec=/usr/lib/apache2/suexec suexec_dir=/usr/lib/apache2 suexec_file=suexec rpm_httpd_bin=/usr/sbin/httpd } true apache_status_linux_debian apache_status_linux_debian() { get_pid "/usr/sbin/apache2" false local pid=$common_var if test "$pid" -ne 1; then # running return 0 fi return 1 } defer_apache_reconfiguration() { apache_need_reconfiguration="yes" } reconfigure_apache_if_needed() { [ -n "$apache_need_reconfiguration" ] || return 0 echo_try "reconfigure webserver(s) (reconfigure-all)" if httpdmng_reconfigure all ; then unset apache_need_reconfiguration suc else warn "webserver reconfiguration, maybe will attempt later" fi } httpdmng_reconfigure() { local httpdmng_tool="${PRODUCT_ROOT_D}/admin/sbin/httpdmng" local what="$1" shift case "$what" in all|server) : ;; *) simply_die "Unexpected argument '$what' to httpdmng_reconfigure()" ;; esac if [ ! -x "$httpdmng_tool" ]; then p_echo "Unable to do 'httpdmng --reconfigure-$what': the utility is not yet on its place. Maybe will attempt later." return 1 fi ! "$httpdmng_tool" "--reconfigure-$what" -service-node local "$@" >> $product_log 2>&1 || return 0 # There are 2 well known possible reasons of webserver templates reconfiguration failure: # 1. domain/server/webmail templates are well, but arbitrary domain unable to be configured due to the some reasons, # for example broken vhost structure # 2. broken domain/server/webmail templates # STEP 1. try to rollback to the default templates ! httpdmng_reconfigure_rollback_to_default_templates "${what}" "$@" || return 0 if [ "all" = "${what}" ]; then # STEP 2. ignore broken domains pp_echo "Warning: web server configuration is broken. We will try to repair it. This operation can take a lot of time, please do not interrupt the process." p_echo "Unable to rebuild web server configuration, possible there are broken domains" local inten="reconfigure web-server configurations skipping broken domains" echo_try "${inten}" if "$httpdmng_tool" "--reconfigure-$what" "-skip-broken" -service-node local "$@" >> $product_log 2>&1; then suc return 0 else # STEP 3. try to rollback to the default templates, broken domains are ignored (possibly problem are in the server/webmail configs) warn "${inten}" ! httpdmng_reconfigure_rollback_to_default_templates "${what}" "-skip-broken" -service-node local "$@" || return 0 fi fi return 1 } # NOTE: do not use function directly, it just helper for httpdmng_reconfigure !!! # here we try to reconfigure webserver configs using default temnplates httpdmng_reconfigure_rollback_to_default_templates() { local template_d="${PRODUCT_ROOT_D}/admin/conf/templates" local inten="rebuild web server configs with default templates after reconfiguration failure" local tmp_d= local what="$1" shift [ -d "${template_d}/custom" ] || return 1 p_echo "Unable to rebuild web server configuration with currently active default templates" echo_try "${inten}" if ! tmp_d=`mktemp -d "${template_d}/broken_templates_XXXXXXXX" 2>>$product_log`; then warn "${inten} - unable to create temporary directory for custom templates" return 1 fi if ! mv -f "${template_d}/custom/"* "${tmp_d}"; then warn "${inten} - unable to move custom templates into ${tmp_d}" return 1 fi rm -rf "${template_d}/custom" if ! "$httpdmng_tool" "--reconfigure-$what" -service-node local "$@" >> $product_log 2>&1; then warn "${inten} - using default templates does not solve the problem, restore custom ones" mv -f "${tmp_d}" "${template_d}/custom" return 1 fi suc pp_echo "Custom templates which are breaking web server reconfiguration were moved to ${tmp_d}" cat <<EOF >"${tmp_d}/README" This directory contains broken custom webserver templates which are breaking web server reconfiguration. Custom templates were moved here on `date` during product update or upgrade. EOF } read_apsc_connection_param_db() { local param="$1" db_select "SELECT val FROM misc WHERE param like 'aps_$param'" echo "$db_select_output" } read_apsc_connection_params_db() { # Warning: password can be encrypted. Don't use it. apsc_db_name=`read_apsc_connection_param_db "database"` apsc_db_user=`read_apsc_connection_param_db "login"` apsc_db_passwd=`read_apsc_connection_param_db "password"` apsc_db_host=`read_apsc_connection_param_db "host"` } save_apsc_connection_params_db() { local register_script="$PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/plib/scripts/register_apsc_database.php" [ -f "$register_script" ] || die 'can not find "register_apsc_database.php"' sw_engine_pleskrun "$register_script" --register -host 'localhost' -port 3306 -database "$apsc_db_name" -login "$apsc_db_user" -password "$apsc_db_passwd" >> "$product_log" 2>&1 } check_apsc_installed() { local db_name=`read_apsc_connection_param_db "database"` [ -n "$db_name" ] || return 1 db_test_database "$db_name" } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. # Backup manager tables will be managed by plesk pbm_create_certificate() { local inten="generate certificate for backup signing" [ -x "$PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/sbin/backup_sign" ] || return 0 if db_select "select val from misc where param='bu_cert_id'" && [ -n "$db_select_output" ]; then # Nothing to be done return fi echo_try $inten if ! $PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/sbin/backup_sign generate >> $product_log 2>&1; then warn "backup certificate generation" return 1 fi suc } install_cron_backup() { local backup_file_before_10_5_24="/etc/cron.d/plesk-backup-manager" local backup_file="/etc/cron.d/plesk-backup-manager-task" if [ -s "${backup_file_before_10_5_24}" ]; then mv -f "${backup_file_before_10_5_24}" "${backup_file}" else rm -f "${backup_file_before_10_5_24}" fi [ ! -s "${backup_file}" ] || return 0 minutes=`get_random_number 15` cat >"${backup_file}" <<-EOF $minutes,`expr $minutes + 15`,`expr $minutes + 30`,`expr $minutes + 45` * * * * root [ -x $PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/sbin/backupmng ] && $PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/sbin/backupmng >/dev/null 2>&1 EOF } remove_cron_backup() { rm -f "/etc/cron.d/plesk-backup-manager" "/etc/cron.d/plesk-backup-manager-task" } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. # import certificate into database when installing import_default_certificate() { db_select "SELECT val FROM misc WHERE param = 'default_certificate_id'" local default_certificate_id="$db_select_output" if [ -z "$default_certificate_id" ]; then # Update misc table if needed echo_try "import default certificate" import_certificate "$certificate_file" "default certificate" db_do "REPLACE INTO misc set param='default_certificate_id', val='$last_certificate_id'" default_certificate_id="$last_certificate_id" suc fi db_select "SELECT val FROM misc WHERE param = 'cert_rep_id'" local admin_repository_id="$db_select_output" if [ -z "$admin_repository_id" ]; then echo_try "push default certificate into repository" db_select "REPLACE INTO Repository SET component_id='${default_certificate_id}';SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();" admin_repository_id="$db_select_output" db_do "REPLACE INTO misc set param='cert_rep_id', val='${admin_repository_id}'" else # simple certificate insertion to repository db_do "REPLACE INTO Repository SET rep_id='${admin_repository_id}', component_id='${default_certificate_id}'" fi } # import certificate from a file to certificates table # $1 - certoificate file path # $2 - short description of certificate # last_certificate_id variable will contain its identifier import_certificate() { local certificate_file certificate_comment inten certificate_file=$1 certificate_comment=$2 cert_pub_val=`cat ${certificate_file} | awk 'BEGIN { state=0 } { if (state == 0) { if (index($0, "-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-") != 0) state = 1; }; if (state == 1) { print $0; if (index($0, "-END CERTIFICATE-") != 0) state = 2; } }' | perl -n -e 's/([^ A-Za-z0-9])/"%" . sprintf("%02X", unpack("C", $1))/ge; s/ /\+/g; print $_;'` cert_priv_val=`cat ${certificate_file} | awk 'BEGIN { state=0 } { if (state == 0) { if ((index($0, "-BEGIN ") != 0) && (index($0, " PRIVATE KEY-") != 0)) state = 1; }; if (state == 1) { print $0; if ((index($0, "-END ") != 0) && (index($0, " PRIVATE KEY-") != 0)) state = 2; } }' | perl -n -e 's/([^ A-Za-z0-9])/"%" . sprintf("%02X", unpack("C", $1))/ge; s/ /\+/g; print $_;'` if [ ! -d "${PRODUCT_ROOT_D}"/var/certificates ]; then inten="creating directory for certificates" mkdir -p "${PRODUCT_ROOT_D}"/var/certificates || die ${inten} chown root:0 "${PRODUCT_ROOT_D}"/var/certificates || die ${inten} chmod 500 "${PRODUCT_ROOT_D}"/var/certificates || die ${inten} fi # copy certificate file to file repository newcertfile=`mktemp "${PRODUCT_ROOT_D}"/var/certificates/certXXXXXXX` cp "${certificate_file}" "${newcertfile}" || die "place certificate to its directory" chown root:0 "${newcertfile}" chmod 400 "${newcertfile}" newcertfile=`basename ${newcertfile}` db_select "INSERT INTO certificates (pvt_key, cert, name, ca_cert, csr, cert_file, ca_file) VALUES ('${cert_priv_val}', '${cert_pub_val}', '${certificate_comment}', '', '', '${newcertfile}', ''); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()" last_certificate_id="$db_select_output" } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. # vim:ft=sh: #courier-imap set_courier_imap_params() { COURIERIMAP_CONFDIR="/etc/courier-imap" IMAPD_CERT="/usr/share/imapd.pem" POP3D_CERT="/usr/share/pop3d.pem" COURIER_DHPARAMS="/usr/share/dhparams.pem" # Certificate paths for Courier-IMAP <= 3.0.8 OLD_IMAPD_CERT="/usr/share/courier-imap/imapd.pem" OLD_POP3D_CERT="/usr/share/courier-imap/pop3d.pem" COURIER_DELIVER_QUOTA="/usr/bin/deliverquota" courier_imapd_service="courier-imapd" courier_imaps_service="courier-imaps" courier_pop3d_service="courier-pop3d" courier_pop3s_service="courier-pop3s" courier_authdaemon_service="courier-authdaemon" # Service name for Courier-IMAP <= 3.0.8 old_courier_service="courier-imap" } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. # vim:ft=sh: set_dovecot_params() { DOVECOT_CONFDIR="/etc/dovecot" DOVECOT_INCLUDE_DIR="/etc/dovecot/conf.d" DOVECOT_DIST_CONFDIR="/usr/share/doc/plesk-dovecot/dist-config" DOVECOT_CERT_DIR="$DOVECOT_CONFDIR/private" DOVECOT_CERT="$DOVECOT_CERT_DIR/ssl-cert-and-key.pem" DOVECOT_INTERNAL_USERGROUP="dovecot" DOVECOT_LOGIN_USERGROUP="dovenull" DOVECOT_LDA="/usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda" dovecot_service="dovecot" } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. # vim:syntax=sh install_cron_somely() { install_cron_somely_noop } remove_cron_somely() { remove_cron_somely_noop } install_cron_somely_noop() { : } remove_cron_somely_noop() { : } # db_test test_query awk_script # Runs test_query and processes it with awk_script. If the output is # not empty, return 0, otherwise return 1. Hint: supply '1' for # awk_script to test just for the presence of any output. db_test() { local any_db= eval `sh_get_args '--any-db) any_db=yes;;'` local test_query="$1" local awk_script="$2" if [ -n "$any_db" ]; then local output="`mysql_raw_anydb -e \"$test_query\" 2>>\"$product_log\"`" else local output="`mysql_raw -e \"$test_query\" 2>>\"$product_log\"`" fi local status=$? if [ "$status" -ne 0 ]; then p_echo "$output" die "run the following SQL query: $1" fi echo -n "$output" | awk -F '\t' -- "$awk_script" | test `wc -l` -ne 0 } # db_do [--inten <inten>] query # Runs query. If it fails, die # the inten string describes the query reason (to make finding the bug simpler) db_do() { local desc="execute SQL query" eval `sh_get_args '--inten) desc=" (to $2)"; shift;;'` if [ "$db_fix_check_stage" = "yes" ]; then return fi local query="$1" mysql -e "$query" >>"$product_log" 2>&1 || die "$desc, the query was: $query" } # db_select <query> # runs <query> via mysql_raw # writes output to db_select_output # if query fails, output errors and return 1 db_select() { local desc="execute SQL query" local query="$1" local output="`mysql_raw -e \"$query\" 2>>\"$product_log\"`" local status="$?" if [ "$status" -ne "0" ]; then p_echo "$output" die "run the following SQL query: $query" fi db_select_output="$output" return 0 } # db_test_database database # Returns 0 if the database exists db_test_database() { local database="$1" local mysql_db_name="mysql" db_test "SHOW DATABASES" "\$1 == \"$database\"" } # db_test_table table # Returns 0 if the table exists db_test_table() { local table="$1" db_test "SHOW TABLES LIKE '$table'" 1 } true drweb_status drweb_status() { local pidfile="/var/drweb/run/drwebd.pid" if [ ! -r "$pidfile" ]; then p_echo "drweb is stopped (no pidfile found)" return 1 fi local pid=$(head -1 "$pidfile" 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "$pid" ]; then p_echo "drweb is stopped (wrong pidfile)" return 1 fi if kill -0 "$pid" 2>/dev/null || ps -p "$pid" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then p_echo "drwebd (pid $pid) is running..." return 0 fi p_echo "drwebd is stopped" return 1 } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. # vim:ft=sh # Usage: pleskrc <service> <action> pleskrc() { [ 2 -le $# ] || die "Not enough arguments" local service_name=$1 local action=$2 local ret=0 local inten shift shift # Now check redefined functions if test "$machine" = "linux" && is_function "${service_name}_${action}_${machine}_${linux_distr}"; then "${service_name}_${action}_${machine}_${linux_distr}" "$@" return $? elif is_function "${service_name}_${action}_${machine}"; then "${service_name}_${action}_${machine}" "$@" return $? elif is_function "${service_name}_${action}"; then "${service_name}_${action}" "$@" return $? fi # Not redefined - call default action eval "service=\$${service_name}_service" [ -n "$service" ] || die "$action $service_name service (Empty service name for '$service_name')" inten="$action service $service" [ "$action" = "status" -o "$action" = "exists" ] || echo_try "$inten" service_ctl "$action" "$service" "$service_name" ret="$?" if [ "$action" != "status" -a "${action}" != "exists" ]; then if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ]; then suc else if [ -x "/bin/systemctl" ]; then /bin/systemctl -l status "${service}.service" | awk 'BEGIN {s=0} s==1 {s=2} /^$/ {s=1} s==2 {print}' | tee /tmp/service_control.log >> "$product_log" fi warn "$inten" fi fi return $ret } # NOTE: # Function service_ctl is just helper for pleskrc(). # Do not call it directly, use pleskrc()!!! service_ctl() { local action=$1 local service=$2 local service_name=$3 if [ "$action" != "exists" ]; then _service_exec $service exists; if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then warn "attempt to ${inten} - control script doesn't exist or isn't executable" return 1 fi fi case "$action" in start) pleskrc "$service_name" status || _service_exec "$service" "$action" ;; stop) ! pleskrc "$service_name" status || _service_exec "$service" "$action" ;; restart) if pleskrc "$service_name" status; then _service_exec "$service" "$action" else _service_exec "$service" start fi ;; reload) ! pleskrc "$service_name" status || _service_exec "$service" "$action" ;; status) _service_exec "$service" status ;; try-restart) if [ -x "/bin/systemctl" ]; then _service_exec "$service" "$action" else ! pleskrc "$service_name" status || _service_exec "$service" "restart" fi ;; try-reload) ! pleskrc "$service_name" status || _service_exec "$service" "reload" ;; reload-or-restart) if [ -x "/bin/systemctl" ]; then _service_exec "$service" "$action" elif pleskrc "$service_name" status; then _service_exec "$service" "reload" else _service_exec "$service" "start" fi ;; *) _service_exec "$service" "$action" ;; esac >> "$product_log" } _service_exec() { local service=$1 local action=$2 local action_cmd local sysvinit_service="/etc/init.d/$service" if [ -x "/bin/systemctl" ]; then case "${action}" in exists) if /bin/systemctl list-unit-files | awk 'BEGIN { rc = 1 } $1 == "'$service'.service" { rc = 0;} END { exit rc }'; then return 0 # systemd unit elif [ -x "$sysvinit_service" ]; then return 0 # sysvinit compat fi return 1 # not found ;; status) action="is-active" ;; reload|graceful) action='reload-or-try-restart' ;; esac /bin/systemctl "$action" "${service}.service" elif [ -x "/sbin/initctl" -a -e "/etc/init/$service.conf" ]; then # upstart (ubuntu) if [ "$action" = "status" ]; then /sbin/initctl status "$service" | grep -qE ' ([0-9]+)$' && return 0 || return 1 elif [ "$action" = "exists" ]; then return 0 else /sbin/initctl "$action" "$service" fi else if [ -x "/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d" ]; then action_cmd="/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d $service" elif [ -x "/sbin/service" ]; then action_cmd="/sbin/service $service" elif [ -x "/usr/sbin/service" ]; then action_cmd="/usr/sbin/service $service" else action_cmd="$sysvinit_service" fi if [ "$action" = "exists" ]; then [ -x "$sysvinit_service" ] && return 0 || return 1 else $action_cmd $action 2>/dev/null fi fi } is_function() { local type_output=$(type -t "$1") test "X${type_output}" = "Xfunction" } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. # echo message to product log and console (always visible) pp_echo() { if [ -n "$product_log" ] ; then echo "$@" >> "$product_log" 2>&1 fi echo "$@" >&2 } # echo message to product log, unless debug p_echo() { if [ -n "$PLESK_INSTALLER_DEBUG" -o -n "$PLESK_INSTALLER_VERBOSE" -o -z "$product_log" ] ; then echo "$@" >&2 else echo "$@" >> "$product_log" 2>&1 fi } # echo message to product log without new line, unless debug pnnl_echo() { if [ -n "$PLESK_INSTALLER_DEBUG" -o -n "$PLESK_INSTALLER_VERBOSE" -o -z "$product_log" ] ; then echo -n "$*" >&2 else echo -n "$*" >> "$product_log" 2>&1 fi } die() { PACKAGE_SCRIPT_FAILED="$*" report_problem \ "ERROR while trying to $*" \ "Check the error reason(see log file: ${product_log}), fix and try again" selinux_close exit 1 } simply_die() { report_problem "$@" exit 1 } warn() { local inten inten="$1" p_echo p_echo "WARNING!" pnnl_echo "Some problems are found during $inten" p_echo "(see log file: ${product_log})" p_echo p_echo "Continue..." p_echo product_log_tail | send_error_report_with_input "Warning: $inten" [ -n "$PLESK_INSTALLER_DEBUG" -o -n "$PLESK_INSTALLER_VERBOSE" ] || \ product_log_tail } # Use this function to report failed actions. # Typical report should contain # - reason or problem description (example: file copying failed) # - how to resolve or investigate problem (example: check file permissions, free disk space) # - how to re-run action (example: perform specific command, restart bootstrapper script, run installation again) report_problem() { [ -n "$product_problems_log" ] || product_problems_log="/dev/stderr" p_echo if [ "0$problems_occured" -eq 0 ]; then echo "***** $process problem report *****" >> "$product_problems_log" 2>&1 fi for problem_message in "$@"; do p_echo "$problem_message" echo "$problem_message" >> "$product_problems_log" 2>&1 done p_echo product_log_tail | send_error_report_with_input "Problem: $@" [ -n "$PLESK_INSTALLER_DEBUG" -o -n "$PLESK_INSTALLER_VERBOSE" ] || \ product_log_tail problems_occured=1 } echo_try() { msg="$*" pnnl_echo " Trying to $msg... " } suc() { p_echo "done" } # do not call it w/o input! Use send_error_report in these cases. send_error_report_with_input() { get_product_versions { echo "$@" echo "" if [ -n "$error_report_context" ]; then echo "Context: $error_report_context" echo "" fi if [ -n "$RP_LOADED_PATCHES" ]; then echo "Loaded runtime patches: $RP_LOADED_PATCHES" echo "" fi cat - } | $PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/bin/send-error-report --version "$product_this_version" install >/dev/null 2>&1 } set_error_report_context() { error_report_context="$*" } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. reexec_with_clean_env() { # Usage: call this function as 'reexec_with_clean_env "$@"' at the start of a script. # Don't use with scripts that require sensitive environment variables. # Don't put the call under any input/output redirection. # Purpose: make sure the script is executed with a sane environment. export LANG=C LC_MESSAGES=C LC_ALL=C export PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin umask 022 [ -z "$PLESK_INSTALLER_ENV_CLEANED" ] || { unset PLESK_INSTALLER_ENV_CLEANED; return 0; } [ -n "$BASH" ] || exec /bin/bash "$0" "$@" # N.B.: the following code requires Bash. On Dash it would cause syntax error upon parse w/o eval. eval ' local extra_vars=() # list of variables to preserve for var in "${!PLESK_@}"; do # enumerate all PLESK_* variables extra_vars+=("$var=${!var}") done extra_vars+=("PLESK_INSTALLER_ENV_CLEANED=1") # Exec self with clean env except for extra_vars, shell opts, and arguments. exec /usr/bin/env -i "${extra_vars[@]}" /bin/bash ${-:+-$-} "$0" "$@" || { echo "Failed to reexec self ($0) with clean environment" >&2 exit 91 # Just some relatively unique error code } ' } # accumulates chown and chmod set_ac() { local u_owner g_owner perms node u_owner="$1" g_owner="$2" perms="$3" node="$4" # A very small optimization - replacing of two execs by one, # it works only if the following conditions are observed: # - u_owner is username (not UID); # - g_owner is group (not GID); # - perms is in octal mode. # If some conditions aren't observed, # optimization doesn't work, # but it doesn't break function [ "$(stat -c '%U:%G 0%a' $node)" != "$u_owner:$g_owner $perms" ] || return 0 chown $u_owner:$g_owner $node || die "chown $u_owner:$g_owner $node" chmod $perms $node || die "chmod $perms $node" } mkdir_ex() { local owner group mode dir owner="$1" group="$2" mode="$3" dir="$4" if ! test -d "$dir"; then mkdir "$dir" || die "create directory $dir" fi set_ac "$owner" "$group" "$mode" "$dir" } detect_vz() { [ -z "$PLESK_VZ_RESULT" ] || return $PLESK_VZ_RESULT PLESK_VZ_RESULT=1 PLESK_VZ=0 PLESK_VE_HW_NODE=0 PLESK_VZ_TYPE= local issue_file="/etc/issue" local vzcheck_file="/proc/self/status" [ -f "$vzcheck_file" ] || return 1 local env_id=`sed -ne 's|^envID\:[[:space:]]*\([[:digit:]]\+\)$|\1|p' "$vzcheck_file"` [ -n "$env_id" ] || return 1 if [ "$env_id" = "0" ]; then # Either VZ/OpenVZ HW node or unjailed CloudLinux PLESK_VE_HW_NODE=1 return 1 fi if grep -q "CloudLinux" "$issue_file" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then return 1 fi if [ -f "/proc/vz/veredir" ]; then PLESK_VZ_TYPE="vz" elif [ -d "/proc/vz" ]; then PLESK_VZ_TYPE="openvz" fi PLESK_VZ=1 PLESK_VZ_RESULT=0 return 0 } call_optional_function() { export LANG=C LC_MESSAGES=C LC_ALL=C local type_output="`type \"$1\" 2>/dev/null | head -n 1`" case "$type_output" in *function) "$@" ;; *) return 0 ;; esac } sh_get_args() { echo 'while true; do case "$1" in '"$1"'*) break;; esac; shift; done' } get_random_number() { perl -e ' my $res = int(rand($ARGV[0])); if (exists $ARGV[1]) { $res = $res + $ARGV[1]; } print $res; ' "$@" } get_random_string() { local str_length="$1" local str_symbols="$2" if [ -x "$PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/sbin/random_str" -a -z "$str_symbols" ]; then "$PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/sbin/random_str" "$str_length" else # random_str utility may be unavailable in pre phase if [ -z "$str_length" ]; then str_length="14" fi if [ -z "$str_symbols" ]; then str_symbols="A-Za-z0-9_" fi < /dev/urandom tr -dc "$str_symbols" 2>/dev/null | head -c "$str_length" 2>/dev/null fi } sequence() { if type seq >/dev/null 2>&1; then seq $* elif type jot >/dev/null 2>&1; then jot $* else die "Unable to find seq or jot command" fi } get_ini_conf_var() { local conf="$1" local section="$2" local param="$3" [ -n "$conf" -a -n "$param" ] || die "get_ini_conf_var(): required parameters missing" local section_empty=0 [ -n "$section" ] || section_empty=1 perl -n -e 'BEGIN { $insect='$section_empty' } next if (/^\s*;/); $insect=0 if (/^\s*\[.*\]/); $insect=1 if (/^\s*\['$section'\]/); $val = $2, $val =~ s/\s+$//, print $val . "\n" if ($insect && /^\s*('$param')\s*=\s*([^;\n]*)(;.*)?$/);' $conf | head -n 1 } set_ini_conf_var() { local conf="$1" local section="$2" local param="$3" local value="$4" [ -n "$conf" -a -n "$param" ] || die "set_ini_conf_var(): required parameters missing" local section_empty=0 [ -n "$section" ] || section_empty=1 perl -n -e 'BEGIN { $insect='$section_empty' } if (not /^\s*;/) { $insect=0 if (/^\s*\[.*\]/); $insect=1 if (/^\s*\['$section'\]/); if ($insect && /^(\s*('$param')\s*=\s*)([^;\n]*)((;.*)?)$/) { $tail = $4; chomp($tail); $tail = " " . $tail if ($tail); print $1 . "'$value'" . $tail . "\n"; next; } } print $_;' $conf > $conf.tmp && cat $conf.tmp > $conf && rm -f $conf.tmp } sw_engine_pleskrun() { if [ -x $PRODUCT_ROOT_D/bin/sw-engine-pleskrun ]; then $PRODUCT_ROOT_D/bin/sw-engine-pleskrun "$@" elif [ -x "/usr/bin/sw-engine" ]; then local args if [ -e "$PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/conf/php.ini" ]; then args="-c $PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/conf/php.ini" else args="-d psasem.semfile=\"$PRODUCT_ROOT_D/var/psasem.sem\"" fi /usr/bin/sw-engine $args "$@" else echo "No Plesk PHP interpreter found" return 1 fi } install_default_license_key() { pnnl_echo "install default license key ..." # key from 8.x? if db_test_table "key_history" && db_test "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM key_history WHERE filename = '/etc/psa/psa.key' LIMIT 1" '$1!="0"'; then p_echo "not needed, license from 8.x found" return; fi # check OF-key if sw_engine_pleskrun -r 'exit(of_get_key_by_product("plesk-unix") === false ? 1 :0);'; then p_echo "not needed, OF license found" return fi # check Unified key if sw_engine_pleskrun -r 'exit(of_get_key_by_product("plesk-unified") === false ? 1 :0);'; then p_echo "not needed, unified license found" return fi local dest_dir="/etc/sw/keys/keys" local key=plesk-default-key.xml [ ! -s "$dest_dir/$key" ] || return 0 cp -f "${PRODUCT_ROOT_D}/tmp/$key" "$dest_dir/" chown root:swkey-data "$dest_dir/$key" chmod 0660 "$dest_dir/$key" suc } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. #-*- vim:syntax=sh product_log_name_ex() { local aux_descr="$1" local action="${CUSTOM_LOG_ACTION_NAME-installation}" if [ -n "$aux_descr" ]; then aux_descr="_${aux_descr}" fi if [ -n "$CUSTOM_LOG_NAME" ]; then echo "${CUSTOM_LOG_NAME}${action:+_$action}${aux_descr}.log" else echo "plesk_17.0.17${action:+_$action}${aux_descr}.log" fi } product_log_name() { product_log_name_ex } product_problems_log_name() { product_log_name_ex "problems" } problems_log_tail() { [ -f "$product_problems_log" ] || return 0 tac "$product_problems_log" | awk '/^START/ { exit } { print }' | tac } product_log_tail() { [ -f "$product_log" ] || return 0 { tac "$product_log" | awk '/^START/ { exit } { print }' | tac } 2>/dev/null } cleanup_problems_log() { [ -f "$product_problems_log" ] || return 0 touch "$product_problems_log.tmp" chmod 0600 "$product_problems_log.tmp" awk 'BEGIN { st = "" } /^START/ { st=$0; next } /^STOP/ && (st ~ /^START/) { st=""; next } (st != "") { print st; st="" } { print } ' "$product_problems_log" > "$product_problems_log.tmp" && mv -f "$product_problems_log.tmp" "$product_problems_log" || rm -f "$product_problems_log.tmp" if [ ! -s "$product_problems_log" ]; then rm -f "$product_problems_log" fi } set_log_action_name() { CUSTOM_LOG_ACTION_NAME="$1" } mktemp_log() { local logname="$1" local dir="$2" if [ "${logname:0:1}" != "/" ]; then logname="$dir/$logname" fi dir="`dirname $logname`" if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then mkdir -p "$dir" || { echo "Unable to create log directory : $dir"; exit 1; } if [ "$EUID" -eq "0" ]; then set_ac root root 0700 "$dir" fi fi if [ "${logname%XXX}" != "$logname" ]; then mktemp "$logname" else echo "$logname" fi } log_is_in_dev() { test "${1:0:5}" = "/dev/" } start_writing_logfile() { local logfile="$1" local title="$2" ! log_is_in_dev "$logfile" || return 0 echo "START $title" >> "$logfile" || { echo "Cannot write installation log $logfile" >&2; exit 1; } [ "$EUID" -ne "0" ] || set_ac root root 0600 "$logfile" } create_product_log_symlink() { local logfile="$1" local prevdir="$2" local prevlog="$prevdir/`basename $logfile`" [ -e "$prevlog" ] || ln -sf "$logfile" "$prevlog" } log_start() { true product_log_name product_problems_log_name mktemp_log local title="$1" local custom_log="$2" local custom_problems_log="$3" local product_log_dir="/var/log/plesk/install" product_log="$product_log_dir/`product_log_name`" product_problems_log="$product_log_dir/`product_problems_log_name`" problems_occured=0 # init product log [ ! -n "$custom_log" ] || product_log="$custom_log" product_log=`mktemp_log "$product_log" "$product_log_dir"` # init problems log if [ -n "$custom_problems_log" ]; then product_problems_log=`mktemp_log "$custom_problems_log" "$product_log_dir"` elif [ -n "$custom_log" ]; then product_problems_log="$product_log" else product_problems_log=`mktemp_log "$product_problems_log" "$product_log_dir"` fi # write starting message into logs start_writing_logfile "$product_log" "$title" if [ "$product_log" != "$product_problems_log" ]; then start_writing_logfile "$product_problems_log" "$title" fi # create compat symlinks if logs are written to default localtions if [ -z "$custom_log" -a -z "$CUSTOM_LOG_NAME" ]; then create_product_log_symlink "$product_log" "/tmp" [ ! -z "$custom_problems_log" ] || create_product_log_symlink "$product_problems_log" "/tmp" fi is_function profiler_setup && profiler_setup "$title" || : } log_stop() { local title="$1" local subject="$2" if [ "$product_log" = "$product_problems_log" ] || log_is_in_dev "$product_problems_log"; then [ -e "$product_log" ] && echo "STOP $title" >>"$product_log" is_function profiler_stop && profiler_stop || : return fi if [ -z "$subject" ]; then subject="[${title}]" fi # check if problems are non-empty, check for problems_occured local status local problem_lines="`problems_log_tail | wc -l`" if [ "$problem_lines" -eq 0 ]; then status="completed successfully" else if [ $problems_occured -ne 0 ]; then status="failed" else status="completed with warnings" fi fi if [ -e "$product_log" ]; then p_echo p_echo "**** $subject $status." p_echo fi if [ "$problem_lines" -ne 0 ]; then [ ! -e "$product_log" ] || problems_log_tail >>"$product_log" 2>&1 problems_log_tail fi [ ! -e "$product_log" ] || echo "STOP $title" >>"$product_log" if [ $problems_occured -ne 0 ]; then echo "STOP $title: PROBLEMS FOUND" >>"$product_problems_log" else [ ! -s "$product_problems_log" ] || echo "STOP $title: OK" >>"$product_problems_log" fi if [ "X${PLESK_INSTALLER_KEEP_PROBLEMS_LOG}" = "X" ]; then cleanup_problems_log fi # remove symlink to problems log if the log was removed local linkpath="/tmp/`basename $product_problems_log`" if [ -L "$linkpath" -a ! -e "$linkpath" ]; then rm -f "$linkpath" fi is_function profiler_stop && profiler_stop || : } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. generate_password_file() { local passwd_file="$1" local title="$2" local user="$3" local group="$4" local mode="$5" if [ "$#" -ne 5 ]; then die "Some arguments was not defined for this function" fi local passwd local inten="generate random password for $title" echo_try $inten if [ ! -s "$passwd_file" ]; then passwd=`get_random_string` || die $inten echo "$passwd" > "$passwd_file" || die $inten set_ac $user $group $mode $passwd_file || die $inten else set_ac $user $group $mode $passwd_file || die $inten fi } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. get_pid() { local i local ex_f="$1" local opt="$2" local owner="$3" local min_num="1" # Use pidof by default, bug 121868, except for FreeBSD - 140182 if type pidof >/dev/null 2>&1 && [ "$os" != "BSD" ]; then for pid in `pidof -o $$ -o $PPID -o %PPID -x $ex_f`; do # Check for owner [ "$opt" = "true" -a "$owner" != "`ps -p $pid -o ruser=`" ] && continue min_num=$pid break done common_var=$min_num return $min_num fi case "$opt" in false) for i in `$ps_long | grep $ex_f | grep -v grep | grep -v httpsdctl | grep -v apachectl | awk '{print $2}' -`; do min_num=$i break done ;; true) for i in `$ps_long | grep $ex_f | grep -v grep | grep -v httpsdctl | grep -v apachectl | grep "$owner" | awk '{print $2}' -`; do min_num=$i break done ;; *) p_echo "get_pid: wrong parameter" die "get_pid $ex_f $opt $owner" ;; esac common_var=$min_num return $min_num } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. # # Support for runtime patching of shell scripts (including utilities and package scripts). # # --- Service functions --- # Load and apply a patch in a relatively safe way rp_safe_load_patch() { local patch_file="$1" echo_try "load shell patch '$patch_file'" /bin/sh -n "$RP_BASEDIR/$patch_file" && { . "$RP_BASEDIR/$patch_file" RP_LOADED_PATCHES="$RP_LOADED_PATCHES $patch_file" } && suc } # Apply patches specific to the current context (e.g., depending on utility basename or package name) # This is currently not implemented. This may be overriden by "spark". rp_patch_runtime_context_specific() { : } # --- Main entry points --- rp_patch_runtime() { # List of loaded patch files RP_LOADED_PATCHES= local RP_BASEDIR="$PRODUCT_BOOTSTRAPPER_DIR/rp" [ -d "$RP_BASEDIR" ] || return 0 if [ -r "$RP_BASEDIR/spark" ]; then rp_safe_load_patch "spark" fi call_optional_function rp_patch_runtime_context_specific "$@" } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. # vim:ft=sh initial_conf() { DEMO_VERSION="no" PRODNAME="psa" PRODUCT_NAME="psa" product_full="Plesk Onyx" product=${PRODNAME} PRODUCT_FULL_NAME="Plesk Onyx" product_etc="/etc/${PRODNAME}" prod_conf_t="/etc/psa/psa.conf" prodkey="$product_etc/$PRODNAME.key" minimal_changes="" EXTERNAL_PACKAGES="" EXTERNAL_PACKAGES_DIR="" BUILDER_UID="10007" PERL5LIB=/opt/psa/local/share/perl/5.20.2:/opt/psa/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.20.2 export PERL5LIB support_contact="http://www.parallels.com/support" sales_email="sales@parallels.com" product_version="17.0.17" product_db_version="017000017" conceived_os_vendor=Debian conceived_os_version="8.0" osrels="debian8.0" clients_group="${product}cln" clients_GID=10001 services_group="psaserv" services_GID=10003 product_suff="saved_by_${product}".`date "+%m.%d;%H:%M"` product_suffo="saved_by_${product}" # plesk default password if [ "X$DEMO_VERSION" = "Xyes" ]; then PRODUCT_DEFAULT_PASSWORD="plesk" else PRODUCT_DEFAULT_PASSWORD="setup" fi } read_conf() { [ -n "$prod_conf_t" ] || prod_conf_t=/etc/psa/psa.conf if [ -s $prod_conf_t ]; then tmp_var=`perl -e 'undef $/; $_=<>; s/#.*$//gm; s/^\s*(\S+)\s*/$1=/mg; print' $prod_conf_t` eval $tmp_var else if [ "X$do_upgrade" = "X1" ]; then p_echo "Unable to find product configuration file: $prod_conf_t. Default values will be used." return 1 fi fi return 0 } get_my_cnf_param() { local r= local my_cnf find_my_cnf "non-fatal" && r=`perl -e '$p="'"$1"'"; undef $/; $_=<>; s/#.*$//gm; /\[mysqld\](.*?)\[/sg; $_=substr($1, rindex $1,"$p") and /$p\s*=(.*)/m and print $1 ' ${my_cnf}` echo $r } get_mysql_socket() { # Marked as local as it's not used anywhere else now. local mysql_socket="/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock" local mysqlsock=`get_my_cnf_param socket` local MYSQL_SOCKETS="/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock /tmp/mysql.sock /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock" for i in $mysql_socket $mysqlsock $MYSQL_SOCKETS; do if [ -S "$i" ]; then # This is used internally by mysqld_safe. Maybe this whole function isn't required nowadays. # See also: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/problems-with-mysql-sock.html MYSQL_UNIX_PORT=$i export MYSQL_UNIX_PORT mysql_socket="$i" break fi done } #default values product_default_conf() { PRODUCT_ROOT_D=/opt/psa PRODUCT_RC_D=/etc/init.d PRODUCT_ETC_D=/opt/psa/etc PLESK_LIBEXEC_DIR=/usr/lib/plesk-9.0 HTTPD_VHOSTS_D=/var/www/vhosts HTTPD_CONF_D=/etc/apache2 HTTPD_INCLUDE_D=/etc/apache2/conf-enabled HTTPD_BIN=/usr/sbin/apache2 HTTPD_LOG_D=/var/log/apache2 HTTPD_SERVICE=apache2 QMAIL_ROOT_D=/var/qmail PLESK_MAILNAMES_D=/var/qmail/mailnames RBLSMTPD=/usr/sbin/rblsmtpd NAMED_RUN_ROOT_D=/var/named/run-root NAMED_OPTIONS_CONF= NAMED_ZONES_CONF= WEB_STAT=/usr/bin/webalizer MYSQL_VAR_D=/var/lib/mysql MYSQL_BIN_D=/usr/bin MYSQL_SOCKET=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock PGSQL_DATA_D=/var/lib/postgresql//main PGSQL_CONF_D=/etc/postgresql//main PGSQL_BIN_D=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin DUMP_D=/var/lib/psa/dumps DUMP_TMP_D=/tmp MAILMAN_ROOT_D=/usr/lib/mailman MAILMAN_VAR_D=/var/lib/mailman PYTHON_BIN=/usr/bin/python CATALINA_HOME=/var/lib/tomcat7 DRWEB_ROOT_D=/opt/drweb DRWEB_ETC_D=/etc/drweb GPG_BIN=/usr/bin/gpg TAR_BIN=/bin/tar AWSTATS_ETC_D=/etc/awstats AWSTATS_BIN_D=/usr/lib/cgi-bin AWSTATS_TOOLS_D=/usr/share/awstats/tools AWSTATS_DOC_D=/usr/share/awstats OPENSSL_BIN=/usr/bin/openssl LIB_SSL_PATH=/lib/libssl.so LIB_CRYPTO_PATH=/lib/libcrypto.so CLIENT_PHP_BIN=/opt/psa/bin/php-cli SNI_SUPPORT=true APS_DB_DRIVER_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmysqlserver.so.2 IPv6_DISABLED=false SA_MAX_MAIL_SIZE=256000 } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. #-*- vim:ft=sh register_service() { [ -n "$1" ] || die "register_service: service name not specified" local inten="register service $1" echo_try "$inten" { if [ -x "/bin/systemctl" ]; then /bin/systemctl enable "$1.service" /bin/systemctl --system daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ -x "/sbin/initctl" -a -e "/etc/init/$1.conf" ]; then # upstart (ubuntu) [ ! -e "/etc/init/$1.override" ] || sed -i "/^manual$/d" "/etc/init/$1.override" else # update-rc.d for Debian/Ubuntu (not SuSE) /usr/sbin/update-rc.d "$1" defaults fi local rs_db="$PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/sbin/register_service_db" [ ! -x "$rs_db" ] || "$rs_db" -a "$@" } suc } selinux_close() { if [ -z "$SELINUX_ENFORCE" -o "$SELINUX_ENFORCE" = "Disabled" ]; then return fi setenforce "$SELINUX_ENFORCE" } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. # vim:ft=sh: #set_params set_common_params() { common_var=0 PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin LANG=C export PATH LANG unset GREP_OPTIONS umask 022 ulimit -n 65535 2>/dev/null K_HUP="/bin/kill -HUP" K_KILL="/bin/kill -KILL" K_TERM="/bin/kill -TERM" K_USR2="/bin/kill -USR2" K_TEST="/bin/kill -0" users_created="" groups_created="" certificate_file="$PRODUCT_ETC_D/httpsd.pem" services="/etc/services" mtab="/etc/mtab" get_hostname="hostname" get_domainname="domainname" #default parameters tar="tar" crontab="/usr/bin/crontab" cp_preserve="cp -p" SYSTEM_RC_D=/etc/init.d PLESK_LIBEXEC_DIR="/usr/lib/plesk-9.0" PLESK_DB_DIR="/var/lib/plesk" POSTFIX_LIBEXEC_DIR="/usr/lib/postfix" PRODUCT_BOOTSTRAPPER_DIR="/opt/psa/bootstrapper/pp17.0.17-bootstrapper" AUTOGENERATED_CONFIGS="#ATTENTION!\n#\n#DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE BECAUSE IT WAS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY,\n#SO ALL YOUR CHANGES WILL BE LOST THE NEXT TIME THE FILE IS GENERATED.\n" AUTOGENERATED_CONFIGS_UPGRADE="#ATTENTION!\n#\n#DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE BECAUSE IT WAS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY,\n#SO ALL YOUR CHANGES WILL BE LOST AFTER YOU UPGRADE PARALLELS PLESK PANEL.\n" PRODUCT_LOGS_D="/var/log/plesk" set_common_params_linux rp_patch_runtime } set_common_params_linux() { get_hostname="hostname -f" fstab="/etc/fstab" cp_preserve="cp --preserve=all --remove-destination" machine="linux" sendmail="/usr/sbin/sendmail" ps="ps axw" ps_long="ps axuw" false_shell="/bin/false" dummy_home="/" compress="gzip -9 -c" uncompress="gunzip -c" uudecode="uudecode -o /dev/stdout" ifconfig="/sbin/ifconfig -a" inet_str="inet addr" useradd_options="-r" if [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ]; then linux_distr="suse" elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then linux_distr="debian" get_domainname="dnsdomainname" else linux_distr="redhat" fi sndml_ini="/etc/init.d/sendmail" mail_local="/usr/libexec/mail.local" if [ -x /sbin/nologin ]; then dummy_shell="/sbin/nologin" else dummy_shell="/bin/false" fi bash_shell="/bin/bash" rbash_shell="/bin/rbash" uudecode_full="/usr/bin/uudecode" # FIXME: remove or keep? can't find use of this variable # named_osrelease=`perl -F"/[.-]/" -n -a -e 'printf "%02u%02u%02u\n", $F[0],$F[1],$F[2]' /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease` return 0 } define_start_script() { if [ -f "$PRODUCT_RC_D/${product}.sh" ]; then START_SH="$PRODUCT_RC_D/${product}.sh" else START_SH="$PRODUCT_RC_D/${product}" fi } ## @@constructor set_syslog_params true syslog_status_linux_debian syslog_status_linux_debian() { get_pid "$syslog_binary" false local pid=$common_var if test "$pid" -ne 1; then # running return 0 fi return 1 } true syslog_reload_linux_suse true syslog_reload syslog_reload_linux_suse() { if [ "$syslog_service" = "rsyslog" -a "$syslog_binary" = "/sbin/rsyslogd" ]; then # Suse 13.1 man 8 rsyslogd: # So it is advised to use HUP only for closing files, and a "real restart" (e.g. /etc/rc.d/rsyslogd restart) to activate configuration changes. service_ctl restart $syslog_service syslog else service_ctl reload $syslog_service syslog fi } syslog_reload() { # set_syslog_params must be called in outed function if [ "X$syslog_service" = "Xrsyslog" ]; then # Bug 142129 # rsyslog service registration is necessary # it is workaround on default rsyslog service registration behaviour register_service rsyslog # then we restart it fi detect_vz if [ "$syslog_service" = "syslog" -o "$syslog_service" = "rsyslog" ] && [ "$PLESK_VZ" = "1" ]; then # 146355 - rsyslog/syslog service returns false on VZ service_ctl restart $syslog_service syslog elif [ "X$syslog_service" = "Xrsyslog" ]; then service_ctl restart $syslog_service syslog else service_ctl reload $syslog_service syslog fi } get_product_versions() { local prod_root_d="/opt/psa" product_name="psa" product_this_version="17.0.17" product_this_version_tag="" if [ -z "$product_prev_version" ]; then if [ -r "$prod_root_d/version.upg" ]; then product_prev_version=`awk '{ print $1 }' "$prod_root_d/version.upg"` elif [ -r "$prod_root_d/version" ]; then product_prev_version=`awk '{ print $1 }' "$prod_root_d/version"` else product_prev_version="$product_this_version" fi fi } set_mysql_auth() { # This function requires set_mysql_server_params and set_mysql_client_params (or set_mysqld_params) # to be called before local inten="set up mysql authentication" get_admin_passwd pleskrc mysql start mysql_host= mysql_user="--user=admin" mysql_passwd="$admin_passwd" unset mysql_defaults if [ -z "$MYSQL_AUTH_SKIP_CONNECTION_CHECK" ]; then mysql_test_connection 60 || die "$inten" fi suc } get_admin_passwd() { [ -z "$admin_passwd" ] || return 0 if [ -f "$mysql_passwd_file" ]; then admin_passwd=`cat "$mysql_passwd_file"` return 0 fi admin_passwd=`get_random_string 12 'A-Za-z0-9_'` [ -n "$admin_passwd" ] || admin_passwd="$PRODUCT_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" } mysql_quote_string() { echo "$1" | perl -pe 's|\\|\\\\|g' } mysql_test_connection() { inten="establish test connection" echo_try $inten attempts=${1:-1} for i in `sequence $attempts`; do echo "" | mysql_direct mysql >> "$product_log" 2>&1 if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then p_echo "connected" return 0 fi [ "$attempts" -eq "1" ] || sleep 2 done p_echo "failed" return 1 } find_my_cnf() { local non_fatal="$1" local cnf_files="/etc/my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf /var/db/mysql/my.cnf" for my_cnf in $cnf_files; do if [ -f ${my_cnf} ]; then break fi done [ -f "$my_cnf" -o -n "$non_fatal" ] || die "find MySQL server configuration file. " "If you use thirdparty MySQL server build, make sure you don't use implicit default configuration " "and have MySQL configuration file in one of the following locations: $cnf_files" [ -f "$my_cnf" ] } ## @@constructor set_mysqld_params set_mysql_server_params() { get_mysql_socket if [ -x "${PRODUCT_RC_D}/mysql" ]; then mysql_service="mysql" elif [ -x "${PRODUCT_RC_D}/mysql.sh" ]; then mysql_service="mysql.sh" elif [ -x "${PRODUCT_RC_D}/mysqld" ]; then mysql_service="mysqld" elif [ -x "${PRODUCT_RC_D}/mysql" ]; then mysql_service="mysql" elif [ -n "/lib/systemd/system" -a -f "/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service" ]; then mysql_service="mariadb" elif [ -n "/lib/systemd/system" -a -f "/lib/systemd/system/mysqld.service" ]; then # Percona server mysql_service="mysqld" elif [ "X$DEMO_VERSION" = "Xyes" ]; then mysql_service="mysqld" else die "detect MySQL service name" fi } set_mysql_client_params() { mysql_client="$MYSQL_BIN_D/mysql" # Override this variable as needed mysql_db_name="$PRODNAME" mysql_passwd_file="$product_etc/.${PRODNAME}.shadow" mysql_args="-N" mysql_args_raw="-Br" } #Invoke mysql mysql() { mysql_anydb -D$mysql_db_name "$@" } mysql_anydb() { ( export MYSQL_PWD="$mysql_passwd" $mysql_client $mysql_host $mysql_user $mysql_args "$@" 2>>"$product_log" local status=$? if [ $status -gt 0 ]; then $mysql_client $mysql_host $mysql_user $mysql_args -D$mysql_db_name $mysql_args_raw -e "SHOW ENGINE innodb status" >>"$product_log" 2>&1 fi unset MYSQL_PWD return $status ) } # Invoke mysql without any wrapper or something else mysql_direct() { # a bit dirty but it works properly for passwords with spaces, quotes and double quotes: if [ -n "$mysql_passwd" ]; then ( export MYSQL_PWD="$mysql_passwd" $mysql_client $mysql_host $mysql_defaults $mysql_user $mysql_args "$@" 2>>"$product_log" rc=$? unset MYSQL_PWD return $rc ) else $mysql_client $mysql_host $mysql_defaults $mysql_user $mysql_args "$@" 2>>"$product_log" fi } # Invoke mysql in raw mode mysql_raw() { mysql $mysql_args_raw "$@" } mysql_raw_anydb() { mysql_anydb $mysql_args_raw "$@" } uses_mysql_client() { # Initialize local MySQL authentication parameters and test connection. # After that db_*() and mysql*() functions may be used. # Any MySQL-specific overrides (e.g., local mysql_db_name="whatever") should appear # *after* calling this function. # This function is for use in component installers that require access to MySQL DB. set_mysql_server_params set_mysql_client_params set_mysql_auth } reset_user_password() { true mysql_quote_string local user="$1" local passwd="$2" local hosts="${3:-localhost}" local inten="reset database user password for '${user}@${host}'" echo_try "${inten}" if [ "$hosts" = "" -o "$hosts" = "::1" ] ; then hosts="${hosts} localhost" fi hosts="${hosts} %" for host in $hosts; do if echo "SET PASSWORD FOR '$user'@'$host' = PASSWORD('`mysql_quote_string $passwd`')" | mysql_direct mysql; then suc return 0 fi done warn "$inten - database user does not exist." return 1 } is_local_mysql_instance() { local host="$1" [ -z "$host" -o "$host" = "localhost" -o "$host" = "" -o "$host" = "::1" ] } check_db_accessible() { local mysql_db_name="$1" local mysql_user="--user=$2" local mysql_passwd="$3" #INFO: we should not die here echo "" | mysql_direct } reset_sitebuilder_passwd() { local no_force="$1" local sb_conf="/usr/local/sb/config" [ -f "$sb_conf" ] || return 0 local sb_host=` get_ini_conf_var "$sb_conf" "database" "host"` local sb_username=`get_ini_conf_var "$sb_conf" "database" "username"` local sb_password=`get_ini_conf_var "$sb_conf" "database" "password"` local sb_dbname=` get_ini_conf_var "$sb_conf" "database" "dbname"` is_local_mysql_instance "$sb_host" || return 0 if [ -n "$no_force" ]; then check_db_accessible "$sb_dbname" "$sb_username" "$sb_password" && return 0 || : fi if reset_user_password "$sb_username" "$sb_password" "$sb_host"; then check_db_accessible "$sb_dbname" "$sb_username" "$sb_password" else # https://jira.plesk.ru/browse/PPP-4676 return 0 fi } get_webmail_config_param() { local webmail_config="$1" local config_var="$2" local param="$3" local default_val="$4" local result=`sw_engine_pleskrun -n -r 'include "'$webmail_config'"; echo $'${config_var}${param}';' 2>/dev/null` [ -n "$result" ] || result="$default_val" echo "$result" } get_horde_config_param() { get_webmail_config_param "/usr/share/psa-horde/config/conf.php" "conf" "$1" "$2" } get_roundcube_config_param() { #INFO: this function now is able to extract settings from config.inc.php, now it just db_dsnw; # if need another parameters need to reimplement this function - parse defaults.inc.php, parse config.inc.php and merge data get_webmail_config_param "/usr/share/psa-roundcube/config/config.inc.php" "config" "$1" } reset_horde_passwd() { local no_force="$1" set_horde_params local horde_shadow="$horde_passwd_file" [ -f "$horde_shadow" ] || horde_shadow="/etc/psa/.webmail.shadow" local hor_host=` get_horde_config_param "['sql']['hostspec']" "localhost"` local hor_user=` get_horde_config_param "['sql']['username']" "horde"` local hor_dbname=`get_horde_config_param "['sql']['database']" "horde"` local hor_passwd=`get_horde_config_param "['sql']['password']"` [ -n "$hor_passwd" ] || hor_passwd=`cat "$horde_shadow" 2>/dev/null` [ -n "$hor_passwd" -a -n "$hor_user" -a -n "$hor_dbname" ] || return 0 is_local_mysql_instance "$hor_host" || return 0 if [ -n "$no_force" ]; then ! check_db_accessible "$hor_dbname" "$hor_user" "$hor_passwd" || return 0 fi reset_user_password "$hor_user" "$hor_passwd" "$hor_host" && \ check_db_accessible "$hor_dbname" "$hor_user" "$hor_passwd" } parse_mysql_dsn_get_user() { echo $1 | sed -e 's|^mysql://\([^:]\+\):\([^@]\+\)@\([^/]\+\)/\(.*\)$|\1|' } parse_mysql_dsn_get_passwd() { echo $1 | sed -e 's|^mysql://\([^:]\+\):\([^@]\+\)@\([^/]\+\)/\(.*\)$|\2|' } parse_mysql_dsn_get_host() { echo $1 | sed -e 's|^mysql://\([^:]\+\):\([^@]\+\)@\([^/]\+\)/\(.*\)$|\3|' } parse_mysql_dsn_get_db() { echo $1 | sed -e 's|^mysql://\([^:]\+\):\([^@]\+\)@\([^/]\+\)/\(.*\)$|\4|' } reset_roundcube_passwd() { local no_force="$1" local roundcube_dsn=`get_roundcube_config_param "['db_dsnw']"` local roundcube_user=`parse_mysql_dsn_get_user "$roundcube_dsn"` local roundcube_passwd=`parse_mysql_dsn_get_passwd "$roundcube_dsn"` local roundcube_host=`parse_mysql_dsn_get_host "$roundcube_dsn"` local roundcube_db=`parse_mysql_dsn_get_db "$roundcube_dsn"` [ -n "$roundcube_passwd" -a -n "$roundcube_user" -a -n "$roundcube_db" ] || return 0 is_local_mysql_instance "$roundcube_host" || return 0 if [ -n "$no_force" ]; then ! check_db_accessible "$roundcube_db" "$roundcube_user" "$roundcube_passwd" || return 0 fi reset_user_password "$roundcube_user" "$roundcube_passwd" "$roundcube_host" && \ check_db_accessible "$roundcube_db" "$roundcube_user" "$roundcube_passwd" } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. # -*- vim:ft=sh # MySQL service action handlers true mysql_start_linux_suse mysql_start_linux_suse() { local rc inten="start service mysql" echo_try "$inten" service_ctl start $mysql_service mysql rc="$?" # bug 52690. MySQL init script reports failure if protected mysqld is running (true for SuSE >= 11.3) if [ "$rc" -ne 0 ]; then local mysqld_bin="/usr/sbin/mysqld" killall -TERM mysqld >> $product_log 2>&1 if [ -x "$mysqld_bin" ]; then for i in 2 4 8 16 32; do get_pid "$mysqld_bin" false local pid="$common_var" if test "$pid" -eq 1; then break fi killall -TERM mysqld >> $product_log 2>&1 sleep $i done fi service_ctl start $mysql_service mysql rc="$?" fi [ "$rc" -eq 0 ] && suc || warn "$inten" return $rc } ### FIXME: probably need var service_restart warn true mysql_stop mysql_stop() { local op_result i inten="stop MySQL server" echo_try $inten service_ctl stop $mysql_service mysql op_result=$? if [ "X$linux_distr" = "Xdebian" ]; then # Debian has well designed mysql stopping code [ "$op_result" -eq 0 ] || die $inten suc return 0 fi for i in 2 4 6 8 16; do if ! mysql_status ; then suc return 0 fi # I just want to be sure that mysql really stopped killall -TERM mysqld mysql safe_mysqld mysqld_safe >> $product_log 2>&1 sleep $i done die "$inten" } true mysql_status mysql_status() { local file #Check with native script first #debian script always return 0. bug #111825 [ "X$linux_distr" = "Xdebian" ] && msqld_status_supported="no" if [ -z "$msqld_status_supported" ]; then msqld_status_supported="yes" fi if [ "$msqld_status_supported" = "yes" ]; then service_ctl status $mysql_service mysql && return 0 fi if [ "$msqld_status_supported" = "no" ]; then # MySQL AB packages file="/usr/sbin/mysqld" fi if [ -x "$file" ]; then #standard build and debian get_pid "$file" false pid=$common_var if test "$pid" -ne 1; then echo "$file (pid $pid) is running..." >>$product_log 2>&1 return 0 else echo "$file is stopped" >>$product_log 2>&1 return 1 fi fi return 1 } true named_status_linux_debian named_status_linux_debian() { get_pid "/usr/sbin/named" false local pid=$common_var if test "$pid" -ne 1; then # running return 0 fi return 1 } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. phpmyadmin_config_backup() { set_phpmyadmin_params if [ -f "$PHPMYADMIN_CONFIG" ]; then cp -f "$PHPMYADMIN_CONFIG" "$PHPMYADMIN_CONFIG.save" set_ac root root 0640 "$PHPMYADMIN_CONFIG.save" fi } phpmyadmin_rm_config_backup() { rm -f "$PHPMYADMIN_CONFIG.save" } set_phpmyadmin_params() { PHPMYADMIN_D="$PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/htdocs/domains/databases/phpMyAdmin" PHPMYADMIN_CONFIG="$PHPMYADMIN_D/libraries/config.default.php" } pma__read_values_from_config() { local pma_config if [ -f "$PHPMYADMIN_CONFIG.save" ]; then pma_config="$PHPMYADMIN_CONFIG.save" else pma_config="$PHPMYADMIN_CONFIG" fi # looking for values of following variables in config.default.php.save pma__set_values_from_config "$pma_config" \ 'controluser' 'controlpass' 'pmadb' 'bookmarktable' 'column_info' \ 'history' 'pdf_pages' 'recent' 'favorite' 'relation' 'table_coords' \ 'table_info' 'table_uiprefs' 'tracking' 'userconfig' 'users' 'usergroups' \ 'navigationhiding' 'savedsearches' 'central_columns' 'designer_settings' 'export_templates' } pma__write_values_to_config() { # write new config.default.php ( umask 0027 sed -e "`pma__sed_script`" < "$PHPMYADMIN_CONFIG.tpl" > "$PHPMYADMIN_CONFIG" || return 1 set_admin_params set_ac root "$admin_group" 0640 "$PHPMYADMIN_CONFIG" ) } pma__set_values_from_config() { eval `pma__read_values "$@"` } pma__read_values() { local PHPMYADMIN_CONFIG="$1" shift [ -f $PHPMYADMIN_CONFIG ] && sw_engine_pleskrun -r ' try { error_reporting(0); $GLOBALS["db_host"] = "localhost"; class vz { public static function in_vzcp_proxy() { return false; } } function in_vzcp_proxy() { return false; } require_once("'$PHPMYADMIN_CONFIG'"); for ($i = 1; $i < $argc; $i++) if (isset($cfg["Servers"][1][$argv[$i]])) echo $argv[$i] . "=\"" . $cfg["Servers"][1][$argv[$i]] . "\"\n"; } catch (Exception $e) {}' -- "$@" 2>/dev/null || true } pma__sed_script() { echo "\ s|@@""PMA_TEMP_DIR""@@|$PRODUCT_ROOT_D/var/phpMyAdmin|g s|@@""CONTROLUSER""@@|$controluser|g s|@@""CONTROLPASS""@@|$controlpass|g s|@@""PMADB""@@|$pmadb|g s|@@""PMA_BOOKMARK""@@|$bookmarktable|g s|@@""PMA_COLUMN_INFO""@@|$column_info|g s|@@""PMA_HISTORY""@@|$history|g s|@@""PMA_PDF_PAGES""@@|$pdf_pages|g s|@@""PMA_RECENT""@@|$recent|g s|@@""PMA_FAVORITE""@@|$favorite|g s|@@""PMA_RELATION""@@|$relation|g s|@@""PMA_TABLE_COORDS""@@|$table_coords|g s|@@""PMA_TABLE_INFO""@@|$table_info|g s|@@""PMA_TABLE_UIPREFS""@@|$table_uiprefs|g s|@@""PMA_TRACKING""@@|$tracking|g s|@@""PMA_USERCONFIG""@@|$userconfig|g s|@@""PMA_USERS""@@|$users|g s|@@""PMA_USERGROUPS""@@|$usergroups|g s|@@""PMA_NAVIGATIONHIDING""@@|$navigationhiding|g s|@@""PMA_SAVEDSEARCHES""@@|$savedsearches|g s|@@""PMA_CENTRAL_COLUMNS""@@|$central_columns|g s|@@""PMA_DESIGNER_SETTINGS""@@|$designer_settings|g s|@@""PMA_EXPORT_TEMPLATES""@@|$export_templates|g \ " } true exim_status_linux_debian exim_status_linux_debian() { get_pid /usr/lib/exim/exim3 false local pid=$common_var if test "$pid" -ne 1; then #running return 0; fi return 1 } set_postfix_auth() { local run="$PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/sbin/mailmng-server --set-mail-params" if db_test "SELECT value FROM ServiceNodeConfiguration WHERE name='relay' AND value='open' AND serviceNodeId=1 AND section='mailServer'" 1 ; then run="$run --relayclient" fi if db_test "SELECT * FROM ServiceNodeConfiguration WHERE name='disable_smtp_auth' and value=0 AND serviceNodeId=1 AND section='mailServer'" 1 ; then run="$run --smtpauth" fi if db_test "SELECT * FROM ServiceNodeConfiguration WHERE name='disable_pop_auth' and value=0 AND serviceNodeId=1 AND section='mailServer'" 1 ; then run="$run --popauth" fi db_select "SELECT value FROM ServiceNodeConfiguration WHERE name='poplock_time' AND serviceNodeId=1 AND section='mailServer'" if [ -n "$db_select_output" ]; then # this will also set correct crontab for poplock.db cleanup run="$run --poplock-time=$db_select_output" fi $run >> $product_log 2>&1 } update_postfix_poplockdb_cleanup_crontab() { [ -x "${PRODUCT_RC_D}/postfix" -a ! -f "${PRODUCT_RC_D}/qmail" ] || return 0 set_postfix_auth } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. # $1 - openssl binary # $2 - openssl args # $3 - cert file name # $4 - bits number qmail_tls_cert() { local QMAIL_CONTROL_D TLS_CERT QMAIL_CONTROL_D=${QMAIL_ROOT_D}/control TLS_CERT=${QMAIL_CONTROL_D}/$3 if [ ! -f ${TLS_CERT} ]; then $1 $2 -out ${TLS_CERT} $4 >> $product_log 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then report_problem "Certificate for qmail TLS sessions ${TLS_CERT} was not generated. Qmail will generate it at each TLS session. It is too slow and will make high CPU load." fi p_echo fi if [ -f ${TLS_CERT} ]; then chmod 600 ${TLS_CERT} && chown qmaild:0 ${TLS_CERT} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # Fallback for case when qmail is not installed chmod 600 ${TLS_CERT} && chown root:0 ${TLS_CERT} report_problem "Unable to set proper permission to ${TLS_CERT} Normally, owner user and group should be qmaild:0 and access should be 0600." fi fi } generate_tls_certificates() { local SSL_BIN inten umask_sav inten="generate SSL certificates for TLS sessions" echo_try $inten SSL_BIN=/usr/bin/openssl # store old umask and set very secure one umask_sav=`umask` umask 0077 qmail_tls_cert ${SSL_BIN} "genrsa" rsa512.pem 512 #qmail_tls_cert ${SSL_BIN} "dhparam -2" dh512.pem 512 #qmail_tls_cert ${SSL_BIN} "dhparam -2" dh1024.pem 1024 umask ${umask_sav} suc } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. #qmail set_qmail_params() { QMAIL_DIR="/var/qmail" QMAIL_USERS="alias:2021:nofiles:false:alias qmaild:2020:nofiles:false: qmaill:2022:nofiles:false: qmailp:2023:nofiles:false: qmailq:2520:qmail: qmailr:2521:qmail: qmails:2522:qmail:" QMAIL_GROUPS="qmail:2520 nofiles:2020" #variable from psa.conf but used in mail-qc-driver #so we need define this before install psa base package if [ -z "$QMAIL_ROOT_D" ]; then QMAIL_ROOT_D="/var/qmail" fi mm_mailgroup=12 qmail_service="qmail" qmail_extra_cmd="" } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. transaction_begin() { [ -n "$TRANSACTION_STARTED" ] && die "Another transaction in progress!" TRANSACTION_STARTED="true" TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_FUNCS= TRANSACTION_COMMIT_FUNCS= local transaction_autocommit="$1" if [ -n "$transaction_autocommit" ]; then trap "transaction_commit" PIPE EXIT trap "transaction_rollback" HUP INT QUIT TERM else trap "transaction_rollback" HUP PIPE INT QUIT TERM EXIT fi } transaction_rollback() { [ -z "$TRANSACTION_STARTED" ] && die "Transaction is not started!" # perform rollback actions local f for f in ${TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_FUNCS}; do "$f" done TRANSACTION_STARTED= TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_FUNCS= TRANSACTION_COMMIT_FUNCS= trap - HUP PIPE INT QUIT TERM EXIT exit 1 } transaction_commit() { [ -z "$TRANSACTION_STARTED" ] && die "Transaction is not started!" # perform commit actions local f for f in ${TRANSACTION_COMMIT_FUNCS}; do "$f" done TRANSACTION_STARTED= TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_FUNCS= TRANSACTION_COMMIT_FUNCS= trap - HUP PIPE INT QUIT TERM EXIT } transaction_add_rollback_action() { [ -z "$TRANSACTION_STARTED" ] && die "Transaction is not started!" # LIFO rollback order [ -z "$TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_FUNCS" ] \ && TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_FUNCS="$1" \ || TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_FUNCS="$1 $TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_FUNCS" } transaction_add_commit_action() { [ -z "$TRANSACTION_STARTED" ] && die "Transaction is not started!" # FIFO commit order [ -z "$TRANSACTION_COMMIT_FUNCS" ] \ && TRANSACTION_COMMIT_FUNCS="$1" \ || TRANSACTION_COMMIT_FUNCS="$TRANSACTION_COMMIT_FUNCS $1" } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. install_postfix_certificate() { local force= if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then force="yes" fi local CERT_DIR=`/usr/sbin/postconf -h config_directory` local TLS_CERT=${CERT_DIR}/postfix_default.pem if ! mkdir_ex 0 0 755 ${CERT_DIR}; then report_problem "Unable to create directory for ${CERT_DIR} with proper permissions." return 1 fi [ -z "${force}" -a -f ${TLS_CERT} ] && return ||: get_certificate "${TLS_CERT}" set_ac 0 0 600 "${TLS_CERT}" } true postfix_status postfix_status() { # here be dragons. # the practical experience shows that simple checking of status of # Postfix "master" process is not enough. So we read Postfix master # process pid file if any, then try to look for a process with # name ``qmgr'' and parent pid being equal to # the pid read from the pidfile. If pgrep finds such a process # it returns 0, if not its exit status is non-zero. # pgrep is portable enough to prefer it to "hand-made" alternatives # such as famous ``ps | grep $name | grep -v grep...'' pipes # bug 147822. do not interrupt installation for FreeBSD [ -f "/var/spool/postfix/pid/master.pid" ] || return 1 local ppid read ppid </var/spool/postfix/pid/master.pid 2>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 -o -z "$ppid" ]; then # not found or other error return 1; fi pgrep -P $ppid qmgr >/dev/null 2>/dev/null } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. set_horde_params() { horde_datadir="/usr/share/psa-horde" horde_confdir="/etc/psa-webmail/horde" horde_sysconfd="$horde_confdir/horde" horde_logdir="/var/log/psa-horde" horde_passwd_file="/etc/psa-webmail/horde/.horde.shadow" horde_title="Horde Web Based mail client" imp_datadir="$horde_datadir/imp" imp_sysconfd="$horde_confdir/imp" turba_datadir="$horde_datadir/turba" turba_sysconfd="$horde_confdir/turba" kronolith_datadir="$horde_datadir/kronolith" kronolith_sysconfd="$horde_confdir/kronolith" ingo_datadir="$horde_datadir/ingo" ingo_sysconfd="$horde_confdir/ingo" mnemo_datadir="$horde_datadir/mnemo" mnemo_sysconfd="$horde_confdir/mnemo" passwd_datadir="$horde_datadir/passwd" passwd_sysconfd="$horde_confdir/passwd" horde_user="horde_sysuser" horde_group="horde_sysgroup" horde_php_ini="/etc/psa-webmail/horde/horde/php.ini" } generate_horde_password() { generate_password_file "$horde_passwd_file" "$horde_title" root "$horde_group" 640 horde_password=`cat $horde_passwd_file` || die $inten } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. generate_roundcube_password() { local inten='generate roundcube password' generate_password_file "$roundcube_passwd_file" "$roundcube_title" root root 640 roundcube_password=`cat $roundcube_passwd_file` || die $inten } update_roundcube_db_settings() { local cfg_db_dsnw="\$config\['db_dsnw'\]" sed -e "s#${cfg_db_dsnw}.*#${cfg_db_dsnw} = 'mysql://roundcube:${roundcube_password}@localhost/roundcubemail';#" \ -i ${roundcube_conf} } ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. # vim:set ft=sh: set_roundcube_params() { roundcube_passwd_file="/usr/share/psa-roundcube/config/.roundcube.shadow" roundcube_title="Roundcube Web Based mail client" roundcube_conf="/usr/share/psa-roundcube/config/config.inc.php" roundcube_sql_d="/usr/share/psa-roundcube/SQL" roundcube_user="roundcube_sysuser" roundcube_group="roundcube_sysgroup" roundcube_home="/usr/share/psa-roundcube" roundcube_logs_d="/var/log/plesk-roundcube" roundcube_temp_d="/var/tmp/plesk-roundcube" roundcube_php_ini="/etc/psa-webmail/roundcube/php.ini" roundcube_php_ini_tpl="/usr/share/psa-roundcube/config/php.ini.tpl" roundcube_preupgrade_version_file="/etc/psa-webmail/roundcube/version.upg" } # vim:ft=sh: ### Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. reexec_with_clean_env "$@" prog="`basename $0`" cmds_num="$#" usage() { cat << EOT Usage: $prog --do-what-I-say [ --force ] --force Reset instance-specific data regardless of currently active cloning mode options. WARNING: You probably don't want to invoke this utility directly. It will reset ALL global instance-specific data on this machine, including but not limited to passwords, certificates, and optionally license keys. If you are preparing a public master image for a cloud platform or virtualization solution take a look at 'cloning' utility. If you are sure you need to invoke this utility directly, pass --do-what-I-say option. Note that this utility is not designed to reset any customer data, but only global and admin data. EOT exit 1 } # --- args check --- while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in --do-what-I-say) opt_do_what_i_say="yes" shift ;; --force) opt_force_instance_reset="yes" shift ;; --psa-init) opt_psa_init_context="yes" shift ;; -h|--help) usage ;; *) echo "Unknown argument '$1'" echo usage ;; esac done [ "$opt_do_what_i_say" = "yes" ] || usage # --- logging --- rstinst_log_title() { local title="Doing $prog" if [ "$opt_force_instance_reset" = "yes" ]; then title="$title --force" fi if [ "$opt_psa_init_context" = "yes" ]; then title="$title --psa-init" fi title="$title AT `date`" echo "$title" } rstinst_transaction_begin() { set_log_action_name "$prog" log_start "`rstinst_log_title`" set_error_report_context "`rstinst_log_title`" product_default_conf initial_conf set_common_params read_conf uses_mysql_client set_apache_params transaction_begin # LIFO rollback order transaction_add_rollback_action "rstinst_log_stop" } rstinst_transaction_end() { rstinst_update_cloning_mode_status_to_completed # FIFO commit order transaction_add_commit_action "rstinst_log_stop" transaction_commit } rstinst_log_stop() { log_stop "`rstinst_log_title`" "Product instance-specific data reset" } # --- utility functions --- rstinst_check_bool_misc_param() { local param="$1" local default_value="$2" [ -n "$param" ] || die "rstinst_check_bool_misc_param(): parameter name required" [ -n "$default_value" ] || default_value="false" db_select "SELECT val FROM misc WHERE param = '$param'" [ -n "$db_select_output" ] || db_select_output="$default_value" [ "$db_select_output" = "true" ] } rstinst_is_license_keys_reset_enabled() { rstinst_check_bool_misc_param "vps_cloning_license_reset" } rstinst_is_public_image_cloning_mode_enabled() { rstinst_check_bool_misc_param "vps_cloning_mode" } rstinst_disable_public_image_cloning_mode() { db_do "DELETE FROM misc WHERE param = 'vps_cloning_mode'" } rstinst_update_cloning_mode_status_to_completed() { db_do "DELETE FROM misc WHERE param = 'vps_cloning_not_finished'" } rstinst_reconfigure_webservers() { pp_echo " Reconfiguring Webservers..." # This is at least needed to accommodate to default certificate change. # However, normaly there are no domains when this utility is called, # so it shouldn't take long. reconfigure_apache_if_needed } rstinst_is_qmail() { [ -x ${PRODUCT_ROOT_D}/admin/sbin/mailmng-server ] || return 1 ${PRODUCT_ROOT_D}/admin/sbin/mailmng-server --features | grep -q "SMTP_Server_package.*qmail" } rstinst_is_postfix() { [ -x ${PRODUCT_ROOT_D}/admin/sbin/mailmng-server ] || return 1 ${PRODUCT_ROOT_D}/admin/sbin/mailmng-server --features | grep -q "SMTP_Server_package.*postfix" } rstinst_reconfigure_mailserver() { pp_echo " Reconfiguring mailserver..." if rstinst_is_postfix; then /usr/lib/plesk-9.0/mail_restore >> $product_log 2>&1 || warn "reset Postfix configuration" fi } rstinst_reread_admin_passwd() { admin_passwd= set_mysql_auth } rstinst_clean_panel_sessions() { # This is done by psa init script, therefore not needed here unless this script is called manually [ "$opt_psa_init_context" != "yes" ] || return 0 p_echo " Cleaning Panel sessions..." clean_panel_sessions } rstinst_cloning_action() { local action="$1" sw_engine_pleskrun "$PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/plib/scripts/cloning_actions.php" --do "$action" >> $product_log 2>&1 } # --- password generation --- rstinst_gen_passwd() { get_random_string 16 'A-Za-z0-9_' } rstinst_recipher_passwords() { rstinst_cloning_action reset-secret-key || warn 'generating new encryption key and switching to it' rstinst_reread_admin_passwd } rstinst_reset_admin_passwd() { pp_echo " Generating new admin password..." rstinst_cloning_action reset-admin-password || warn 'resetting admin password' rstinst_reread_admin_passwd } rstinst_reset_sitebuilder_passwd() { local sb_conf="/usr/local/sb/config" [ -f "$sb_conf" ] || return 0 local sb_host=`get_ini_conf_var "$sb_conf" "database" "host"` is_local_mysql_instance "$sb_host" || return 0 pp_echo " Generating new WPB (sitebuilder) password..." set_ini_conf_var "$sb_conf" "database" "password" `rstinst_gen_passwd` reset_sitebuilder_passwd } rstinst_reset_apsc_passwd() { check_apsc_installed || return 0 read_apsc_connection_params_db is_local_mysql_instance "$apsc_db_host" || return 0 pp_echo " Generating new APS controller password..." apsc_db_passwd=`rstinst_gen_passwd` reset_user_password "$apsc_db_user" "$apsc_db_passwd" "$apsc_db_host" && \ save_apsc_connection_params_db && \ sw_engine_pleskrun "$PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/plib/scripts/check_apsc_connection.php" >>"$product_log" 2>&1 [ $? -eq 0 ] || warn "connect to APS controller database with new password" } rstinst_reset_horde_passwd() { set_horde_params [ -s "$horde_passwd_file" ] || return 0 local hor_host=`get_horde_config_param "['sql']['hostspec']" "localhost"` is_local_mysql_instance "$hor_host" || return 0 pp_echo " Generating new $horde_title password..." rm -f "$horde_passwd_file" && \ generate_horde_password && \ reset_horde_passwd } rstinst_reset_roundcube_passwd() { set_roundcube_params [ -s "$roundcube_passwd_file" ] || return 0 pp_echo " Generating new $roundcube_title password..." rm -f "$roundcube_passwd_file" && \ generate_roundcube_password && \ update_roundcube_db_settings && \ reset_roundcube_passwd } rstinst_reset_phpmyadmin_passwd() { set_phpmyadmin_params phpmyadmin_config_backup || return 0 pp_echo " Generating new phpMyAdmin password..." local pmahost="localhost" local controluser controlpass pmadb bookmarktable relation table_info table_coords pdf_pages column_info history tracking userconfig pma__read_values_from_config controlpass=`rstinst_gen_passwd` [ -n "$controlpass" -a -n "$controluser" -a -n "$pmadb" ] && \ pma__write_values_to_config && \ reset_user_password "$controluser" "$controlpass" "$pmahost" && \ check_db_accessible "$pmadb" "$controluser" "$controlpass" && \ phpmyadmin_rm_config_backup [ $? -eq 0 ] || warn "connect to phpMyAdmin database with new password" } rstinst_reset_mysql_debian_sys_maint_passwd() { local mysql_debian_cnf="/etc/mysql/debian.cnf" if [ -f "$mysql_debian_cnf" ]; then pp_echo " Generating new debian-sys-maint mysql password..." local mysql_debian_pass=`rstinst_gen_passwd` perl -i -ple '$_ = "$1 = '$mysql_debian_pass'" if /^(\s*password\s*)=/' "$mysql_debian_cnf" db_do "SET PASSWORD FOR 'debian-sys-maint'@localhost = PASSWORD('$mysql_debian_pass')" fi } # --- certificate generation --- rstinst_delete_certificate_from_store() { local cert_name_pattern="$1" [ -n "$cert_name_pattern" ] || die "rstinst_delete_certificate_from_store(): certificate pattern required" db_select "SELECT ca_file, cert_file FROM certificates WHERE name like '$cert_name_pattern'" for c_file in $db_select_output; do rm -f "${PRODUCT_ROOT_D}/var/certificates/${c_file}" done db_do "DELETE r, c FROM Repository r INNER JOIN certificates c ON (c.id = r.component_id) WHERE c.name LIKE '$cert_name_pattern'" } rstinst_update_default_cert_copy() { local src="$certificate_file" local dst="$1" [ -n "$dst" ] || die "rstinst_update_default_cert_copy(): certificate file required" if diff -q "$certificate_file_old" "$dst" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then cp -fp "$src" "$dst" set_ac 0 0 0400 "$dst" else p_echo "Not touching custom or absent certificate $dst" fi } rstinst_reset_default_cert() { pp_echo " Creating default certificate backup..." certificate_file_old="$certificate_file.old" cp -fp "$certificate_file" "$certificate_file_old" db_select "SELECT val FROM misc WHERE param = 'default_certificate_id'" local old_default_certificate_id="$db_select_output" pp_echo " Generating new default certificate..." rstinst_delete_certificate_from_store "default certificate" rm -f "$certificate_file" last_certificate_id= generate_default_certificate && \ db_do "DELETE FROM misc WHERE param = 'default_certificate_id'" && \ # psa.misc.param='cert_rep_id' is left untouched intentionally (to be preserved on import) import_default_certificate && \ db_do "UPDATE IP_Addresses SET ssl_certificate_id = '$last_certificate_id' WHERE ssl_certificate_id = '$old_default_certificate_id'" && \ # normally psa.hosting would not reference default cert directly, it would use '0' for that db_do "UPDATE hosting SET certificate_id = '$last_certificate_id' WHERE certificate_id = '$old_default_certificate_id'" && \ defer_apache_reconfiguration } rstinst_wipe_old_default_cert() { pp_echo " Removing default certificate backup..." rm -f "$certificate_file_old" } rstinst_reset_admin_cert() { set_admin_params pp_echo " Updating Panel webserver certificate..." rstinst_update_default_cert_copy "$ADMIN_CERT" } rstinst_reset_apache_cert() { set_apache_params pp_echo " Updating Apache certificate..." rstinst_update_default_cert_copy "$APACHE_CERT" && \ defer_apache_reconfiguration } rstinst_reset_courier_imap_certs() { set_courier_imap_params pp_echo " Updating Courier-IMAP certificates..." rstinst_update_default_cert_copy "$IMAPD_CERT" rstinst_update_default_cert_copy "$POP3D_CERT" } rstinst_reset_dovecot_cert() { set_dovecot_params pp_echo " Updating Dovecot certificate..." rstinst_update_default_cert_copy "$DOVECOT_CERT" } rstinst_reset_mail_certs() { if rstinst_is_qmail; then rstinst_reset_qmail_certs elif rstinst_is_postfix; then pp_echo " Generating new Postfix certificates..." install_postfix_certificate force fi } rstinst_reset_qmail_certs() { set_qmail_params local qmail_control_d="$QMAIL_ROOT_D/control" local qmail_tls_cert="$qmail_control_d/rsa512.pem" local qmail_client_cert="$qmail_control_d/clientcert.pem" local qmail_server_cert="$qmail_control_d/servercert.pem" [ -d "$qmail_control_d" ] || return 0 pp_echo " Generating new QMail certificates..." local qmail_user=qmaild local qmail_group=qmail if ! id "$qmail_user" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || ! groupmod "$qmail_group" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 ; then # Qmail may not be actually installed, but we need to update certs nonetheless qmail_user=root qmail_group=0 fi rm -f "$qmail_tls_cert" && \ [ "$qmail_user" != "root" ] && generate_tls_certificates rstinst_update_default_cert_copy "$qmail_server_cert" && \ set_ac "$qmail_user" "$qmail_group" 0640 "$qmail_server_cert" if [ ! -L "$qmail_client_cert" ] || [ "`readlink $qmail_client_cert`" != "$qmail_server_cert" ]; then rstinst_update_default_cert_copy "$qmail_client_cert" && \ set_ac "$qmail_user" "$qmail_group" 0640 "$qmail_client_cert" fi } rstinst_reset_backup_cert() { db_select "SELECT val FROM misc WHERE param = 'bu_cert_id'" local bu_cert_id="$db_select_output" if [ -n "$bu_cert_id" ]; then pp_echo " Generating new certificate for backup signing..." db_do "DELETE FROM misc WHERE param = 'bu_cert_id'; DELETE FROM certificates WHERE id = $bu_cert_id" && \ pbm_create_certificate fi } # --- reset actions --- rstinst_remap_ips() { pp_echo " Reconfiguring IP addresses..." $PRODUCT_ROOT_D/bin/reconfigurator --autoconfigure >> $product_log 2>&1 } rstinst_generate_passwords() { pp_echo " Generating new passwords..." rstinst_recipher_passwords rstinst_reset_admin_passwd rstinst_reset_sitebuilder_passwd rstinst_reset_apsc_passwd rstinst_reset_horde_passwd rstinst_reset_roundcube_passwd rstinst_reset_phpmyadmin_passwd rstinst_reset_mysql_debian_sys_maint_passwd # Postgres is not configured by default. } rstinst_reset_libswkey_store() { rstinst_is_license_keys_reset_enabled || return 0 pp_echo " Resetting license keys store..." local swkey_store="/etc/sw/keys" rm -rf $swkey_store/backup/* rm -rf $swkey_store/keys/* rm -rf $swkey_store/instances rm -f $swkey_store/registry.xml install_default_license_key } rstinst_generate_certificates() { pp_echo " Generating new certificates..." rstinst_reset_default_cert rstinst_reset_admin_cert rstinst_reset_apache_cert rstinst_reset_courier_imap_certs rstinst_reset_dovecot_cert rstinst_reset_mail_certs rstinst_reset_backup_cert # We don't reset Google Apps and other customizable certs rstinst_wipe_old_default_cert } rstinst_generate_guids() { pp_echo " Generating new GUIDs for BL entities..." rstinst_cloning_action reset-guids } rstinst_reshuffle_cron_tasks() { pp_echo " Randomizing cron tasks execution time shifts..." remove_cron_somely; install_cron_somely update_postfix_poplockdb_cleanup_crontab remove_cron_backup; install_cron_backup } rstinst_reset_thirdparties() { : } rstinst_shedule_init_conf_screens() { pp_echo " Enabling initial configuration screens on next admin login..." # show license, admin info, ip and passwd initial configuration screens rstinst_cloning_action shedule-init-conf-screens rstinst_clean_panel_sessions } rstinst_shedule_updates_check() { pp_echo " Ensuring updates will be installed as soon as possible..." rstinst_cloning_action reset-updates-check-time } rstinst_reset_all() { pp_echo "Resetting instance-specific settings..." rstinst_remap_ips rstinst_generate_guids rstinst_generate_passwords rstinst_generate_certificates rstinst_reshuffle_cron_tasks rstinst_reset_thirdparties rstinst_reset_libswkey_store rstinst_shedule_init_conf_screens } rstinst_update_all_services() { pp_echo "Reloading services configuration..." rstinst_reconfigure_webservers rstinst_reconfigure_mailserver # We would also need to restart various services, if the script was run manually. # But that is not a top priority right now. } rstinst_deferred_install_updates() { pp_echo "Sheduling automatic product update..." rstinst_shedule_updates_check { # 30 seconds should be enough for the machine to complete startup sleep 30 echo "Starting asynchronous product update task..." sw_engine_pleskrun "$PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/plib/DailyMaintainance/script.php" -f "CheckForUpdates,InstallUpdates" echo "Asynchronous update task completed with return code $?" echo } >> $product_log 2>&1 & } # --- the script --- # Note: general prolicy for this script is to avoid interrupting its # execution unless something _extremely_ bad happened. # Ideally we should execute each action that might fail in a separate # subshell. But that would dramatically influence global variables # and therefore probably introduce a couple of new critical bugs. rstinst_transaction_begin if [ "$opt_force_instance_reset" != "yes" ] && ! rstinst_is_public_image_cloning_mode_enabled ; then pp_echo "Refusing to reset instance-specific data." if [ "$opt_psa_init_context" != "yes" ]; then echo usage fi exit 1 fi rstinst_disable_public_image_cloning_mode rstinst_reset_all rstinst_update_all_services rstinst_deferred_install_updates pp_echo "Completed" rstinst_transaction_end # vim:ft=sh