var localeKeys = getSection('admin.controllers.customer-service-plan._shared')); ?>; function optionConflictWarning(element, defaultValue, resetHandler) {{ 'type': Jsw.messageBox.TYPE_YESNO, 'subtype': 'confirm', 'text': localeKeys['sureToApplyConflictOptionTitle'], 'description': localeKeys['sureToApplyConflictOptionDescription'], 'onNoClick': function() { if ('undefined' != typeof resetHandler) { resetHandler(); } else { if ('input' == element.tagName.toLowerCase() && 'checkbox' == element.type) { // set inverted value and simulate the selection by click to fire event observers element.checked = !defaultValue;; } else if ('select' == element.tagName.toLowerCase()) { element.value = defaultValue; } } }, 'buttonTitles': { 'yes': localeKeys['buttonConflictYes'], 'no': localeKeys['buttonConflictNo'] } }); } function checkShellOptionConflict(option, element, callback) { var shellEnabledElement = $(optionsElementsPrefix + 'shellEnabled'); var shellEnabled = shellEnabledElement && shellEnabledElement.checked || !shellEnabledElement; if (shellEnabled && element.value != '/bin/false' && element.value != 'Login Disabled') { defaultValue = optionsDefaults[option]; callback(element, defaultValue, function() { if ('off' == defaultValue || '' == defaultValue) { if (shellEnabledElement) { shellEnabledElement.checked = false; $(optionsElementsPrefix + 'shell').disable(); } else { // first value is "disable shell", so it's ok defaultValue = element.options.first().value; element.value = defaultValue; } } else { element.value = defaultValue; } }); } } function checkOptionConflict(element, callback) { var option ='-').last().underscore(); if ('input' == element.tagName.toLowerCase() && 'checkbox' == element.type) { if (!element.checked && ('1' == optionsDefaults[option] || 'on' == optionsDefaults[option])) { callback(element, true); } else if (element.checked && ('' == optionsDefaults[option] || 'off' == optionsDefaults[option])) { callback(element, false); } } else if ('select' == element.tagName.toLowerCase()) { if (option.startsWith('php_handler_id')) { option = 'php_handler_id'; } if ('any' != optionsDefaults[option] && element.value != optionsDefaults[option]) { if (option == 'shell') { checkShellOptionConflict(option, element, callback); } else if ('php_handler' == option) { defaultValue = optionsDefaults[option]; callback(element, defaultValue, function() { element.value = defaultValue; if ('undefined' != typeof onAfterPhpHandlerChange) { onAfterPhpHandlerChange(); } }); } else { callback(element, optionsDefaults[option]); } } } } var optionsElements = []; optionsNames.each(function(option) { var element = $(optionsElementsPrefix + option.dasherize().camelize()); if (!element) { if ('ssl' == option) { element = $('sslSettings-ssl'); } else if ('write_modify' == option) { element = $(optionsElementsPrefix + 'write_modify'); } else if ('iis_app_pool' == option) { element = $('tabs-performanceTab-performanceSubForm-iis_app_pool'); } else if ('php_handler' == option) { element = $('tabs-phpSettingsTab-phpSettings-phpHandler'); } else if ('php_handler_id' == option) { var handlerHash = optionsDefaults['php_handler'] element = $(optionsElementsPrefix + 'phpHandlerId' + handlerHash); if (!element) { element = $('tabs-phpSettingsTab-phpSettings-phpHandlerId' + handlerHash); } } else if ('php_safe_mode' == option) { element = $('tabs-phpTab-php-general-safe_mode_predefined'); if (!element) { // hosting panel element = $('tabs-phpSettingsTab-phpsection-general-safe_mode_predefined'); } optionsDefaults['safe_mode_predefined'] = optionsDefaults[option]; } } if (!element) { return ; } optionsElements.push(element); }); optionsElements.each(function(element) { var eventType = ('select' == element.tagName.toLowerCase()) ? 'change' : 'click'; element.observe(eventType, function(event) { if (insecureHostingOptionsElement && insecureHostingOptionsElement.checked) { return ; } checkOptionConflict(element, optionConflictWarning); }); }); var shellEnabledElement = $(optionsElementsPrefix + 'shellEnabled'); var shellElement = $(optionsElementsPrefix + 'shell'); if (shellEnabledElement) { shellEnabledElement.observe('click', function(event) { if (insecureHostingOptionsElement && insecureHostingOptionsElement.checked) { return; } if (shellEnabledElement.checked && ('' == optionsDefaults['shell'] || 'off' == optionsDefaults['shell'])) { optionConflictWarning(shellEnabledElement, false, function() { shellEnabledElement.checked = false; shellElement.disable(); }); } }); } var formElement = $$('button[name="send"]').first().up('form'); var origSubmitHandler = formElement.submit; formElement.submit = function() { if ((insecureHostingOptionsElement && insecureHostingOptionsElement.checked) || ($(optionsElementsPrefix + 'hostingEnabled') && !$(optionsElementsPrefix + 'hostingEnabled').checked) ) { return origSubmitHandler(); } var conflictsFound = false; var conflictOptionsHtml = ''; if (!conflictsFound) { return origSubmitHandler(); }{ 'type': Jsw.messageBox.TYPE_YESNO, 'subtype': 'confirm', 'text': localeKeys['foundConflictOptionsTitle'], 'description': localeKeys['foundConflictOptionsDescription'] + conflictOptionsHtml, 'descriptionWrapperTag': 'div', 'onYesClick': function() { origSubmitHandler(); }, 'buttonTitles': { 'yes': localeKeys['buttonConflictYes'], 'no': localeKeys['buttonConflictNo'] } }); return false; } function applySecureSettings(event) { if (event) { event.preventDefault(); } optionsElements.each(function(element) { var option ='-').last().underscore(); if ('shell' == option && ('' == optionsDefaults[option] || 'off' == optionsDefaults[option])) { if ($(optionsElementsPrefix + 'shellEnabled')) { $(optionsElementsPrefix + 'shellEnabled').checked = false; $(optionsElementsPrefix + 'shell').disable(); } } else if ('php_handler' == option && 'any' != optionsDefaults[option]) { element.value = optionsDefaults[option]; if ('undefined' != typeof onAfterPhpHandlerChange) { onAfterPhpHandlerChange(); } } else if (option.startsWith("php_handler_id") && 'any' != optionsDefaults[option]) { element.value = optionsDefaults['php_handler_id']; } else if ('input' == element.tagName.toLowerCase() && 'checkbox' == element.type) { if ('1' == optionsDefaults[option] || 'on' == optionsDefaults[option]) { element.checked = true; } else if ('' == optionsDefaults[option] || 'off' == optionsDefaults[option]) { element.checked = false; } // invert the value and simulate the selection by click to fire event observers element.checked = !element.checked;; } else if ('select' == element.tagName.toLowerCase()) { if ('any' != optionsDefaults[option]) { element.value = optionsDefaults[option]; } } }); }