'System Overview', 'hostname' => 'Hostname', 'ipAddress' => 'IP address', 'os' => 'OS', 'panelVersion' => 'Plesk version', 'installedPatchVersion' => 'Update #%%installed_patch%%', 'lastUpdateDate' => ', last updated at', 'seeChangelog' => 'See the History of Changes', 'addComponents' => 'Add or Remove Components', 'systemIsUp2date' => 'The system is up-to-date; last checked at %%last_checked%%', 'updatesAvailable' => 'Update #%%version%% is available.', 'securityUpdatesAvailable' => 'The total number of missed security updates: %%total%%.', 'upgradeIsAvailable' => 'Upgrade to %%product%% is available.', 'installNow' => 'Install Now', 'installShow' => 'Custom Installation', 'seeWhatsNew' => 'See What\'s New', 'upgradeShow' => 'Open Plesk Installer', 'postponeUpgrade' => 'Postpone the upgrade.', 'upgradeNotifications' => 'Notify me when the next %%branch%% version is available.', 'branchStable' => 'stable', 'branchRelease' => 'release', 'branchCurrent' => 'pre-release', 'branchTesting' => 'testing', 'changeBranch' => 'Change Settings', 'autoupdatesIsDisabled' => 'Automatic updates are off.', 'autoupdatesIsDisabledHint' => 'Automatic updates are off.', 'enableAutoupdate' => 'Allow Automatic Updates (Recommended)', 'systemMoreLink' => 'More system info', 'statsMoreLink' => 'View more statistics', 'appsMoreLink' => 'See the full list', 'featuredApplicationsSection' => 'Featured Applications', 'applicationFeaturedItemsDescription' => 'Try out the most popular web apps.', 'applicationFeaturedItemsClose' => 'Hide this promo', 'panelStatSection' => 'Resource Usage', 'mpcDomainsSection' => 'Domains', 'buttonRegisterDomain' => 'Register Domain Names', 'buttonRegisterDomainHint' => 'Register domain names with a domain name registrar recommended by your provider.', 'buttonManageDomains' => 'Manage Domain Names', 'buttonManageDomainsHint' => 'Manage domain names that you registered with your provider: Update registration information, specify name servers, and renew domain registration.', 'promoSection' => 'Promo', 'customButtonsSection' => 'Additional Services', 'customSpotSection' => 'News', 'helpDeskButton' => 'Help Desk', 'helpDeskButtonDescription' => 'Submit requests for technical support to your provider.', 'systemSecurity' => 'System Security', 'fail2banManagement' => 'IP Address Banning', 'fail2banActive' => 'On', 'fail2banInactive' => 'Off', 'fail2banError' => 'Service failed', 'modSecurityManagement' => 'ModSecurity', 'modSecurityStateOn' => 'On', 'modSecurityStateOff' => 'Off', 'modSecurityStateDetectionOnly' => 'Detection only', );