'Home', 'panelSystemOverview' => 'System Overview', 'hostname' => 'Hostname', 'ipAddress' => 'IP address', 'os' => 'OS', 'panelVersion' => 'Plesk version', 'installedPatchVersion' => 'Update #%%installed_patch%%', 'lastUpdateDate' => ', last updated at %%last_update%%', 'seeChangelog' => 'See the History of Changes', 'addComponents' => 'Add or Remove Components', 'systemIsUp2date' => 'The system is up-to-date; last checked at %%last_checked%%', 'updatesAvailable' => 'Update #%%version%% is available.', 'billingInstalledAndRequiresConfiguration' => 'Customer and Business Manager was successfully installed but it requires additional configuration. %%link%%', 'billingInstalledAndRequiresConfigurationLink' => 'Click here to complete the installation.', 'panelServerHealth' => 'Server Health', 'panelCustomButtons' => 'Custom Buttons', 'waitMessage' => 'Loading...', 'updateChangelog' => 'View detailed information on the updates.', 'updateInProgress' => 'Plesk is installing updates. This may take some time. %%bold%%', 'boldPartUpdateInProgress' => 'Please do not perform any management operations in Plesk until the update is complete.', 'updateCompleted' => 'Plesk was successfully updated.', 'updateFailed' => 'Failed to update Plesk.%%support%% To close this message, click %%dismiss%%.', 'updateFailedSupport' => ' To solve this problem, you can send the update log to Parallels support. %%logs%% Copy the logs to your computer before you close this message.', 'updateFailedLog' => 'View the update logs (%%date%%).', 'updateFailedDismiss' => 'here', 'upgradeIsAvailable' => 'Upgrade to %%product%% is available.', 'installNow' => 'Install Now', 'installShow' => 'Custom Installation', 'seeWhatsNew' => 'See What\'s New', 'upgradeShow' => 'Open Plesk Installer', 'postponeUpgrade' => 'Postpone the upgrade.', 'upgradeNotifications' => 'Notify me when the next %%branch%% version is available.', 'branchStable' => 'stable', 'branchRelease' => 'release', 'branchCurrent' => 'pre-release', 'branchTesting' => 'testing', 'changeBranch' => 'Change Settings', 'autoupdatesIsDisabled' => 'Automatic updates are off.', 'enableAutoupdate' => 'Allow Automatic Updates (Recommended)', 'upgradeCustomers' => 'Switch to the new business model.', 'toBusinessModelUpgradeGoTo' => 'Plesk 11 employs a new business model. The essential business objects were automatically converted during the upgrade: clients were converted to customers, domains to subscriptions, and so on. However, several extra steps are required to complete switching to the new model. The steps depend on the way you used a previous version of Plesk to organize your business, so they cannot be performed in a fully automatic manner. Please %%link%%.', 'businessModelUpgrade' => 'complete switching to the new Plesk business model', 'activeStateComponentsWarning' => 'You have ActivePython and/or ActivePerl components installed on your server. Plesk no longer licenses them from ActiveState. To avoid violating the license agreement, %%link%%.', 'activeStateComponentsWarningLink' => 'you need to take action', 'toSecurePasswordsGoTo' => 'To improve Plesk security, we recommend that you turn on the enhanced security mode on this %%link%%.', 'securePasswords' => 'page', 'upgradeDnsSyncSkip' => 'Note that after the upgrade, all existing DNS zones are considered as user-modified. This means that you can apply DNS template changes to such zones only by using the \'Apply the changes to all zones\' option during the %%link%%. %%learnMoreLink%%.', 'serverDns' => 'sync', 'learnMore' => 'Learn more', 'siteIsolationConfigIsNotValid' => 'The site_isolation_config.ini file is broken or absent, the default configuration file will be used.', 'getTrialLicense' => 'The product cannot operate yet because there is no license key installed. Would you like to evaluate the product for free using a %%link%%?', 'getTrialLicenseLink' => '14-day full-featured trial license', 'trialPeriodWarning' => 'Your Plesk is operating with a trial license that will expire in %%daysLeft%% days.', 'panelMyWebspaces' => 'My Webspaces', 'panelMyWebspacesMore' => 'View all webspaces', 'panelMyWebspacesDescription' => 'Webspaces are hosting subscriptions that you use for your own needs. They allow you to host multiple sites in an isolated space on the server. From Plesk\'s perspective, a webspace is a subscription with unlimited resources. %%link%%', 'panelMyWebspacesHelpLink' => 'Learn more', 'panelMyWebspacesNew' => 'Add a webspace in Power User view', 'panelMyWebspacesCreate' => 'Add a webspace', 'panelMyWebspacesOpen' => 'Manage in Power User view', 'panelMyWebspacesSummary' => 'Manage Hosting', 'panelUpgradeFailure' => "Installation or upgrade failed. For more information, log in as root to the server over SSH and view the file %%logFile%%. To remove this notice, remove the file %%lockFile%% from the server.", 'panelUpgradeFailureNoLogs' => "Upgrade failed. To remove this notice, remove the file %%lockFile%% from the server.", 'securityUpdatesAvailable' => 'The total number of missed security updates: %%total%%.', 'outgoingAntispamTitle' => 'Outgoing Mail Control', 'outgoingAntispamStatusOk' => 'No attempts to exceed limits', 'outgoingAntispamStatusOkLink' => 'See Report', 'outgoingAntispamStatusAttention' => 'Probable spam', 'outgoingAntispamStatusAttentionLink' => 'See Report', 'filrewallRulesUpdated' => 'Remote access rules for database users were modified and are waiting for your approval. Please go to %%link%% to review and confirm the rules.', 'applyFirewallRules' => 'Firewall Settings', 'fail2banTitle' => 'IP Address Banning', 'fail2banActive' => 'On', 'fail2banInactive' => 'Off', 'fail2banError' => 'Service failed', 'fail2banBannedIps' => 'See Banned IP Addresses', 'fail2banChangeSettings' => 'Change', 'modSecurityTitle' => 'Web Application Firewall', 'modSecurityStateOn' => 'On', 'modSecurityStateOff' => 'Off', 'modSecurityStateDetectionOnly' => 'Detection only', 'modSecurityManagement' => 'Manage ModSecurity', 'modSecurityChangeSettings' => 'Change', );