#!/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/php _diagnoseClientsHaveMoreDomainsThanOneOwnedByAdmin(); $this->_diagnoseClientsHaveDomainAdministratorsOwnedByAdmin(); $this->_diagnoseClientsHaveNoDomainsOwnedByAdmin(); $this->_diagnoseClientPermissions(); } if (PleskVersion::is9x()) { //:INFO: Clients owned by Resellers (Client control over domain resources) $this->_diagnoseClientsHaveMoreDomainsThanOneOwnedByReseller(); $this->_diagnoseClientsHaveDomainAdministratorsOwnedByReseller(); $this->_diagnoseClientsHaveNoDomainsOwnedByReseller(); //:INFO: Domain Administrators owned by Admin $this->_diagnoseDomainAdmsOwnedByAdministrator(); //:INFO: Domain Administrators owned by Resellers $this->_diagnoseDomainAdmsOwnedByResellers(); //:INFO: Domain owned by non-existent Clients $this->_diagnoseDomainOwnersDontExist(); } } /** * Domain Administrators owned by Hoster */ function _diagnoseDomainAdmsOwnedByAdministrator() { //:INFO: Admin can create own domains since Plesk 9.x Log::step('Calculate domains belonging to admin with defined domain administrators', true); $domains = $this->_getAdminDomains(); $details = 'The following domains have domain administrator: ' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; foreach ($domains as $domainOwnedByAdmin) { $details .= "'{$domainOwnedByAdmin['name']}'" . PHP_EOL; } if (sizeof($domains)>0) { $logPath = APP_PATH.'/admin_domains_with_dom_admins.log'; Log::write($logPath, $details, 'w'); $warn = 'You have '.sizeof($domains).' domains with separate Domain Administrators. '; $warn .= 'In Plesk 10.x these users will see all your domains. '; $warn .= 'You should consider converting them to Customers after upgrade to avoid security problem.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::info('See details in log ' . $logPath); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } /** * Domain Administrators owned by Resellers */ function _diagnoseDomainAdmsOwnedByResellers() { //:INFO: Reseller role was defined since 9.0 Log::step('Calculate domains belonging to resellers with defined domain administrators', true); $resellerDomains = $this->_getResellerDomains(); $details = ''; $totalDomains = 0; foreach ($resellerDomains as $reseller => $domains) { $details .= "Reseller '{$reseller}' has " . sizeof($domains) . " domain administrators" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $totalDomains += sizeof($domains); } if (sizeof($resellerDomains)>0) { $logPath = APP_PATH.'/reseller_domains_with_dom_admins.log'; Log::write($logPath, $details, 'w'); $warn = 'You have '.sizeof($resellerDomains).' resellers with '.$totalDomains.' domains with separate domain administrators. '; $warn .= 'In Plesk 10.x these users will see all your domains of their Resellers. '; $warn .= 'You should consider converting them to customers after upgrade to avoid security problem.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::info('See details in log ' . $logPath); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } /** * The diagnosed situation is: * Client limit has more than 1 domain * Client can create domains * Client can manage domain limits */ function _diagnoseClientsHaveMoreDomainsThanOneOwnedByAdmin() { Log::step('Calculate clients owned by administrator who have more than a one domain', true); $clientsOwnedByAdmin = $this->_getClientsOwnedByAdmin(); $total = sizeof($clientsOwnedByAdmin); $details = ''; foreach ($clientsOwnedByAdmin as $clientOwnedByAdmin) { $details .= "Client '{$clientOwnedByAdmin['pname']}' has {$clientOwnedByAdmin['count_dom']} domains" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } //:INFO: count of clients > 0 if ($total) { $logPath = APP_PATH.'/admin_clients_have_domains.log'; Log::write($logPath, $details, 'w'); $warn = 'You have '.$total.' clients who are free to manage resources on their domains themselves within the resource limits that you gave them.'; $warn.= ' In Plesk 10.x the resources are defined in a subscription.'; $warn.= ' The Customer cannot redistribute resources between his/her subscriptions.'; $warn.= ' If you want to leave the same degree of flexibility for these Customers, you should consider converting them to Resellers after upgrade.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::info('See details in log ' . $logPath); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } /** * The diagnosed situation is: * Client has created Domain Administrators for several domains */ function _diagnoseClientsHaveDomainAdministratorsOwnedByAdmin() { Log::step('Calculate clients owned by administrator who have domain administrators', true); $clients = $this->_getClientsHaveDomAdminsOwnedByAdmin(); $details = ''; foreach ($clients as $client) { $details .= "Client '{$client['pname']}' has {$client['count_dom_adm']} domain administrators" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } if (sizeof($clients)) { $logPath = APP_PATH.'/admin_clients_have_domain_administators.log'; Log::write($logPath, $details, 'w'); $warn = 'Your have '.sizeof($clients).' clients with Domain Administrators defined on more than one domain.'; $warn.= ' After transitions these Clients will have problems, because in Plesk 10.x users belonging to a Customer have access to all Customer’s subscriptions.'; $warn.= ' You will avoid the problem if after upgrade the Clients will be upgraded to Resellers and Domain Administrators to the Customers.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::info('See details in log ' . $logPath); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } /** * The diagnosed situation is: * Client has no domains */ function _diagnoseClientsHaveNoDomainsOwnedByAdmin() { Log::step('Calculate clients owned by administrator who have no domains', true); $clients = $this->_getClientsHaveNoDomainsOwnedByAdmin(); $details = ''; foreach ($clients as $client) { $details .= "Client '{$client['pname']}' has no domains" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } if (sizeof($clients)) { $logPath = APP_PATH.'/admin_clients_have_no_domains.log'; Log::write($logPath, $details, 'w'); $warn = 'Your have ' . sizeof($clients) . ' clients with no domains defined.'; $warn .= ' After transitions these Clients will not be able to login into the control panel until you create a subscription for them.'; $warn .= ' An alternative solution is upgrading them to resellers after conversion.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::info('See details in log ' . $logPath); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } /** * The diagnosed situation is: * Client has default permissions */ function _diagnoseClientPermissions() { Log::step('Calculate clients who have default permissions', true); $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); $where = 'WHERE perm_id is NULL'; if (PleskVersion::is9x()) { $where = "WHERE perm_id is NULL AND id<>".$this->_getAdminId(); } //Get client list where perm_id is null. It means that client never modified permissions and have default permissions $sql = "SELECT clients.pname FROM clients {$where}"; $clients = $db->fetchAll($sql); if (sizeof($clients)) { $details = 'Client list where perm_id is null. It means that client never modified permissions and has default permissions' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; foreach ($clients as $client) { $details .= "Client '{$client['pname']}' has default permissions" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } $logPath = APP_PATH.'/clients_have_default_permissions.log'; Log::write($logPath, $details, 'w'); $warn = 'You have client '.sizeof($clients).' with default permissions.'; $warn .= ' Due to the changes in business model in PP10 release, default permissions are different from other versions. '; $warn .= 'You should go to the Client/Reseller permission page and save changes in order to permission values were saved in database.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::info('See details in log ' . $logPath); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } /** * The diagnosed situation is: * Client limit has more than 1 domain * Client can create domains * Client can manage domain limits */ function _diagnoseClientsHaveMoreDomainsThanOneOwnedByReseller() { Log::step('Calculate clients owned by reseller who have more than a one domain', true); $resellers = $this->_getClientsOwnedByReseller(); $totalResellers = sizeof($resellers); $totalClients = 0; $details = ''; foreach ($resellers as $reseller => $clients) { $details .= "Reseller with login '{$reseller}' has " . sizeof($clients) . ' clients' . PHP_EOL; $totalClients += sizeof($clients); foreach ($clients as $client) { $details .= "----Client '{$client['pname']}' has {$client['count_dom']} domains" . PHP_EOL; } } if ($totalResellers) { $logPath = APP_PATH.'/reseller_clients_have_domains.log'; Log::write($logPath, $details, 'w'); $warn = 'You have '.$totalResellers.' resellers with '.$totalClients.' clients who are free to manage resources on their domains themselves within the resource limits that you gave them.'; $warn.= ' In Plesk 10.x the resources are defined in a subscription.'; $warn.= ' The Customer cannot redistribute resources between his/her subscriptions.'; $warn.= ' After upgrade you will be suggested to redistribute Clients’ resources between the existing subscriptions (current domains).'; Log::warning($warn); Log::info('See details in log ' . $logPath); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } /** * The diagnosed situation is: * Client has created Domain Administrators for several domains */ function _diagnoseClientsHaveDomainAdministratorsOwnedByReseller() { Log::step('Calculate clients owned by reseller who have domain administrators', true); $resellers = $this->_getClientsWithDomAdminsOwnedByReseller(); $totalResellers = sizeof($resellers); $totalClients = 0; $details = ''; foreach ($resellers as $reseller => $clients) { $details .= "Reseller with login '{$reseller}' has " . sizeof($clients) . ' clients' . PHP_EOL; $totalClients += sizeof($clients); foreach ($clients as $client) { $details .= "----Client '{$client['pname']}' has {$client['count_dom_adm']} domain administrators" . PHP_EOL; } } if ($totalResellers) { $logPath = APP_PATH.'/reseller_clients_have_domain_administators.log'; Log::write($logPath, $details, 'w'); $warn = 'You have '.$totalResellers.' resellers with '.$totalClients.' clients with Domain Administrators defined on more than one domain.'; $warn.= ' After transitions these Clients will have problems, because in Plesk 10.x users belonging to a Customer have access to all Customer’s subscriptions.'; $warn.= ' Probably you should consult with your resellers of the path forward for these customers.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::info('See details in log ' . $logPath); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } /** * The diagnosed situation is: * Client has no domains */ function _diagnoseClientsHaveNoDomainsOwnedByReseller() { Log::step('Calculate clients owned by reseller who have no domains', true); $resellers = $this->_getClientsHaveNoDomainsOwnedByReseller(); $totalResellers = sizeof($resellers); $totalClients = 0; $details = ''; foreach ($resellers as $reseller => $clients) { $details .= "Reseller with login '{$reseller}' has " . sizeof($clients) . ' clients' . PHP_EOL; $totalClients += sizeof($clients); foreach ($clients as $client) { $details .= "----Client '{$client['pname']}' has no domains" . PHP_EOL; } } if ($totalResellers) { $logPath = APP_PATH.'/reseller_clients_have_no_domains.log'; Log::write($logPath, $details, 'w'); $warn = 'You have '.$totalResellers.' resellers with '.$totalClients.' clients that have no domains defined.'; $warn.= ' After transitions these Clients will not be able to login into the control panel until you or Reseller create a subscription for them.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::info('See details in log ' . $logPath); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } function _diagnoseDomainOwnersDontExist() { Log::step('Checking if there are domains owned by non-existent users', true); $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = 'SELECT name FROM domains AS d LEFT JOIN clients AS c ON c.id = d.cl_id WHERE c.id IS NULL;'; $domains = $db->fetchAll($sql); $details = 0; $totalDomains = 0; foreach ($domains as $key => $domain) { $details .= "----Domain '{$domain['name']}' belongs to owner that does not exist" . PHP_EOL; $totalDomains++; } if ($totalDomains > 0) { $logPath = APP_PATH.'/domain_owners_dont_exists.log'; Log::write($logPath, $details, 'w'); $warn = 'You have '.$totalDomains.' domains whose owners do not exist.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::info('See details in log ' . $logPath); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } function _getClientsOwnedByAdmin() { $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); $filterOwnedByAdmin = ''; if (PleskVersion::is9x()) { $filterOwnedByAdmin = "WHERE type='client' AND parent_id=".$this->_getAdminId(); } $sql = 'SELECT clients.id, clients.pname, clients.perm_id, count(domains.id) as count_dom FROM clients INNER JOIN domains ON(domains.cl_id = clients.id) '.$filterOwnedByAdmin.' GROUP BY clients.id, clients.pname, clients.perm_id HAVING count(domains.id) > 1 '; $clients = $db->fetchAll($sql); foreach ($clients as $key => $client) { if (empty($client['perm_id'])) { //:INFO: client permissions based on default template unset($clients[$key]); continue; } $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM Permissions WHERE id={$client['perm_id']} AND value='true' AND (permission = 'create_domains' OR permission = 'change_limits') "; $count = $db->fetchOne($sql); //:INFO: Client has no permissions and we unset him. if ($count != 2) { unset($clients[$key]); } } return $clients; } function _getClientsHaveDomAdminsOwnedByAdmin() { $filterOwnedByAdmin = ''; if (PleskVersion::is9x()) { $filterOwnedByAdmin = "WHERE type='client' AND parent_id=".$this->_getAdminId(); } $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql ='SELECT clients.id, clients.pname, count(domains.name) AS count_dom_adm FROM ((clients INNER JOIN domains ON (clients.id=domains.cl_id)) INNER JOIN dom_level_usrs ON(domains.id=dom_level_usrs.dom_id)) '.$filterOwnedByAdmin.' GROUP BY clients.id, clients.pname HAVING count(domains.name) > 1 '; $clients = $db->fetchAll($sql); return $clients; } function _getClientsHaveNoDomainsOwnedByAdmin() { $filterOwnedByAdmin = ''; if (PleskVersion::is9x()) { $filterOwnedByAdmin = "AND type='client' AND parent_id=".$this->_getAdminId(); } $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = 'SELECT clients.id, clients.pname FROM clients WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT cl_id FROM domains) '.$filterOwnedByAdmin.' '; $clients = $db->fetchAll($sql); return $clients; } function _getClientsOwnedByReseller() { $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT clients.id, clients.login, clients.pname FROM clients WHERE type='reseller'"; $resellers = $db->fetchAll($sql); //:INFO: Get list of resellers with clients who have more than one domain $resellerMatched = array(); foreach ($resellers as $reseller) { $sql = 'SELECT clients.id, clients.login, clients.perm_id, clients.pname, count(domains.id) as count_dom FROM clients INNER JOIN domains ON(domains.cl_id = clients.id AND clients.parent_id = '.$reseller['id'].') GROUP BY clients.id, clients.login, clients.perm_id, clients.pname HAVING count(domains.id) > 1 '; $clients = $db->fetchAll($sql); if (sizeof($clients) > 0) { $resellerMatched[$reseller['login']] = $clients; } } //:INFO: Check that clients has permissions 'create_domains' and 'change_limits' foreach ($resellerMatched as $key => $clients) { foreach ($clients as $cl_key => $client) { if (empty($client['perm_id'])) { //:INFO: client permissions based on default template unset($resellerMatched[$key][$cl_key]); continue; } $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM Permissions WHERE id={$client['perm_id']} AND value='true' AND (permission = 'create_domains' OR permission = 'change_limits') "; $count = $db->fetchOne($sql); if ($count != 2) { //:INFO: Client has no permissions and we unset him. unset($resellerMatched[$key][$cl_key]); } } //:INFO: unset reseller if client list is empty if (!sizeof($resellerMatched[$key])) { unset($resellerMatched[$key]); } } return $resellerMatched; } function _getClientsWithDomAdminsOwnedByReseller() { $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT clients.id, clients.login, clients.pname FROM clients WHERE type='reseller'"; $resellers = $db->fetchAll($sql); $resellerMatched = array(); foreach ($resellers as $reseller) { $sql ='SELECT clients.id, clients.pname, count(domains.name) AS count_dom_adm FROM ((clients INNER JOIN domains ON (clients.id=domains.cl_id AND clients.parent_id = '.$reseller['id'].')) INNER JOIN dom_level_usrs ON(domains.id=dom_level_usrs.dom_id)) GROUP BY clients.id, clients.pname HAVING count(domains.name) > 1 '; $clients = $db->fetchAll($sql); if (sizeof($clients) > 0) { $resellerMatched[$reseller['login']] = $clients; } } return $resellerMatched; } function _getClientsHaveNoDomainsOwnedByReseller() { $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT clients.id, clients.login, clients.pname FROM clients WHERE type='reseller'"; $resellers = $db->fetchAll($sql); $resellerMatched = array(); foreach ($resellers as $reseller) { $sql = 'SELECT clients.id, clients.pname FROM clients WHERE parent_id='.$reseller['id'].' AND id NOT IN (SELECT cl_id FROM domains) '; $clients = $db->fetchAll($sql); if (sizeof($clients) > 0) { $resellerMatched[$reseller['login']] = $clients; } } return $resellerMatched; } function _getAdminDomains() { $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = 'SELECT domains.name FROM domains INNER JOIN dom_level_usrs ON(domains.id=dom_level_usrs.dom_id) WHERE domains.cl_id='.$this->_getAdminId() ; $domains = $db->fetchAll($sql); if (sizeof($domains) <= 1) { return array(); } return $domains; } function _getResellerDomains() { $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT clients.id, clients.login FROM clients WHERE type='reseller'"; $resellers = $db->fetchAll($sql); $resellerMatched = array(); foreach ($resellers as $reseller) { $sql = "SELECT domains.name FROM domains INNER JOIN dom_level_usrs ON(domains.id=dom_level_usrs.dom_id) WHERE cl_id = {$reseller['id']}"; $domains = $db->fetchAll($sql); if (sizeof($domains) > 1) { $resellerMatched[$reseller['login']] = $domains; } } return $resellerMatched; } function _getAdminId() { $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT id FROM clients WHERE type='admin'"; $adminId = $db->fetchOne($sql); if (empty($adminId)) { Log::fatal('Unable to find Plesk administrator. Please check SQL: ' . $sql); } return $adminId; } function _getAdminEmail() { $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT val FROM misc WHERE param='admin_email'"; $adminEmail = $db->fetchOne($sql); return $adminEmail; } //:INFO: Domain's type can be 'none','vrt_hst','std_fwd','frm_fwd' function _getDomainsByHostingType($type = 'vrt_hst') { $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = 'SELECT name FROM domains WHERE htype="' . $type . '"'; $domains = $db->fetchAll($sql); return $domains; } } class Plesk10Requirements { function validate() { //:INFO: Make sure that offline management is switched off before upgrading to Plesk 10.x if (PleskInstallation::isInstalled() && (PleskVersion::is8x() || PleskVersion::is9x())) { $this->_checkOfflineManagement(); } //:INFO: Check that Linux security module is swicthed off $this->_checkApparmorService(); //:INFO: Server should have properly configured hostname and it should be resolved locally $this->_resolveHostname(); } function _checkApparmorService() { if (Util::isLinux()) { Log::step('Detecting if the apparmor service is switched off...', true); $apparmorPath = '/etc/init.d/apparmor'; if (file_exists($apparmorPath)) { $apparmor_status = Util::exec('/etc/init.d/apparmor status', $code); if (preg_match('/(complain|enforce)/', $apparmor_status)) { $warn = 'The \'Apparmor\' security module for the Linux kernel is turned on. '; $warn .= 'Turn the module off before continuing work with Parallels Plesk Panel. Please check http://kb.parallels.com/en/112903 for more details.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } Log::resultOk(); } } function _checkOfflineManagement() { Log::step('Detect virtualization', true); //:INFO: There is no ability to detect offline management inside VZ container if (Util::isVz()) { $warn = 'Virtuozzo is detected in your system. '; $warn .= 'Make sure that offline management is switched off for the container before installing or upgrading to ' . PleskVersion::getLatestPleskVersionAsString(); Log::info($warn); return; } Log::resultOk(); } function _resolveHostname() { Log::step('Validate hostname', true); $hostname = Util::getHostname(); //Get the IPv address corresponding to a given Internet host name $ip = gethostbyname($hostname); if (!PleskValidator::isValidIp($ip)) { $warn = "Hostname '{$hostname}' is not resolved locally."; $warn .= 'Make sure that server should have properly configured hostname and it should be resolved locally before installing or upgrading to Plesk Billing'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } } class Plesk10MailServer { function validate() { if (!PleskInstallation::isInstalled()) { return; } $this->_checkPostfixDnsLookup(); } function _checkPostfixDnsLookup() { if (Util::isLinux()) { Log::step('Detecting if mail server type is Postfix...', true); if ($this->_isPostfix()) { Log::info('Postfix is current mail server'); $cmd = Util::lookupCommand('postconf') . ' disable_dns_lookups'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); if (preg_match('/disable_dns_lookups[\s]{0,}=[\s]{0,}yes/', $output)) { $warn = "Parameter 'disable_dns_lookups' is disabled in Postfix configuration (/etc/postfix/main.cf). "; $warn .= "By default this parameter is set to 'no' by Parallels Plesk. "; $warn .= "Need to set param value disable_dns_lookups=yes"; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } else { Log::info('Qmail is current mail server'); } Log::resultOk(); } } function _isPostfix() { $res = Util::lookupCommand( 'postconf', '/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin', false ); return $res; } function CurrentWinMailServer() { if (Util::isWindows()) { $currentMailServer = Util::regQuery('\PLESK\PSA Config\Config\Packages\mailserver', '/ve', true); Log::info('Current mail server is: ' . $currentMailServer); return $currentMailServer; } } } class Plesk10Skin { function validate() { if (!PleskInstallation::isInstalled()) { //:INFO: Plesk installation is not found. You will have no problems with upgrade, go on and install Plesk Panel 10 return; } if (PleskVersion::is8x() || PleskVersion::is9x()) { Log::step('Notify about skins in ' . PleskVersion::getLatestPleskVersionAsString()); $warn = 'Parallels Plesk Panel 10 is shipped with only one graphical user interface appearance theme, '; $warn .= 'so all the appearance settings will be ignored after upgrade and the default theme will be used for all users. '; $warn .= 'If you want to change the default Panel 10 appearance, create and use custom appearance themes as described '; $warn .= 'in the Guide to Customizing Panel Appearance and Branding (http://www.parallels.com/products/plesk/documentation/). '; $warn .= 'Deploying custom themes is available since Plesk 10.1.'; Log::info($warn); } } } class Plesk10Permissions { function validate() { $this->_validatePHPSessionDir(); } function _validatePHPSessionDir() { if (Util::isLinux()) { Log::step('Validating permissions of the PHP session directory...', true); $phpbinary = Util::getSettingFromPsaConf('CLIENT_PHP_BIN'); $cmd = $phpbinary . " -r 'echo ini_get(\"session.save_path\");'"; $path = Util::exec($cmd, $code); $cmd = 'su nobody -m -c "' . $phpbinary . ' -r \'@session_start();\' 2>&1"'; $realResult = `$cmd`; Log::info("session.save_path = $path"); if (!file_exists($path)) { // TODO no need to fail in this case, right? //Log::warning("No such directory {$path}"); //Log::resultWarning(); Log::info("No such directory '{$path}'"); Log::resultOk(); return; } $perms = (int)substr(decoct( fileperms($path) ), 2); Log::info('Permissions: ' . $perms); //:INFO: PHP on domains running via CGI/FastCGI can't use session by default http://kb.parallels.com/en/7056 if (preg_match('/Permission\sdenied/', $realResult, $match)) { $warn = "If a site uses default PHP settings and PHP is in CGI/FastCGI mode, site applications are unable to create user sessions. This is because the apps run on behalf of a subscription owner who does not have permissions to the directory which stores session files, " . $path . ". Please check http://kb.parallels.com/en/7056 for more details."; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } } } class Plesk10KnownIssues { function validate() { if (!PleskInstallation::isInstalled()) { //:INFO: Plesk installation is not found. You will have no problems with upgrade, go on and install Plesk Panel 10 return; } //:INFO: Validate known OS specific issues with recommendation to avoid bugs in Plesk if (Util::isLinux() && Util::isVz() && Util::getArch() == 'x86_64' && PleskOS::isSuse103() ) { $this->_diagnoseKavOnPlesk10x(); } //:INFO: Prevent potential problem with E: Couldn't configure pre-depend plesk-core for psa-firewall, probably a dependency cycle. if (PleskVersion::is8x() && Util::isLinux() && Util::isVz() && PleskOS::isUbuntu804() ) { $this->_diagnoseDependCycleOfModules(); } if (Util::isLinux()) { $this->_checkMainIP(); //:INFO: Checking for main IP address http://kb.parallels.com/en/112417 $this->_checkCBMrelayURL(); //:INFO: Checking for hostname in Customer & Business Manager relay URL http://kb.parallels.com/en/111500 $this->_checkMySQLDatabaseUserRoot(); //:INFO: Plesk user "root" for MySQL database servers have not access to phpMyAdmin http://kb.parallels.com/en/112779 $this->_checkPAMConfigsInclusionConsistency(); //:INFO: Check that non-existent PAM services are not referenced by other services, i.e. that PAM configuration array is consistent http://kb.parallels.com/en/112944 $this->_checkZendExtensionsLoadingOrder(); //:INFO:#100253 Wrong order of loading Zend extensions ionCube declaraion in php.ini can cause to Apache fail http://kb.parallels.com/en/1520 $this->_checkDumpTmpDvalue(); //:INFO: #101168 If DUMP_TMP_D in /etc/psa/psa.conf contains extra space character at the end of string backup procedure will fails permanently http://kb.parallels.com/113474 $this->_checkProftpdIPv6(); //:INFO: #94489 FTP service proftpd cannot be started by xinetd if IPv6 is disabled http://kb.parallels.com/en/113504 $this->_checkModificationOfCustomizedDNSzones(); //:INFO: # http://kb.parallels.com/en/113725 $this->_checkBindInitScriptPermission(); //:INFO: #105806 If there is no execute permission on named(bind) init file upgrade will fail $this->_checkMysqlclient15Release(); //:INFO: #105256 http://kb.parallels.com/en/113737 $this->_checkNsRecordInDnsTemplate(); //:INFO: #94544 http://kb.parallels.com/en/113119 $this->_checkMysqlOdbcConnectorVersion(); //:INFO: #102516 http://kb.parallels.com/en/113620 $this->_checkSwCollectdIntervalSetting(); //:INFO: #105405 http://kb.parallels.com/en/113711 $this->_checkIdnSubdomains(); //:INFO: #98961 http://kb.parallels.com/en/114082 if (PLeskVersion::is10x()) { $this->_checkIpAddressReferenceForForwardingDomains(); //:INFO: #72945 Checking for IP address references in Plesk database http://kb.parallels.com/en/113475 } if (PleskVersion::is10_1_or_below()) { $this->_checkCustomizedCnameRecordsInDnsTemplate(); //:INFO: Customized CNAME records in server's DNS template could lead to misconfiguration of BIND http://kb.parallels.com/en/113118 } if (PleskVersion::is10_2_or_above()) { $this->_checkSsoStartScriptsPriority(); //:INFO: Checking for conflicting of SSO start-up scripts http://kb.parallels.com/en/112666 $this->_checkIpcollectionReference(); //:INFO: #72751 http://kb.parallels.com/en/113826 } if (PleskVersion::is10_3_or_above()) { $this->_checkApsApplicationContext(); //:INFO: Broken contexts of the APS applications can lead to errors at building Apache web server configuration http://kb.parallels.com/en/112815 } if (!PleskVersion::is10_4_or_above()) { $this->_checkCustomPhpIniOnDomains(); //:INFO: Check for custom php.ini on domains http://kb.parallels.com/en/111697 } if (PleskOS::isDebLike()) { $this->_checkSymLinkToOptPsa(); //:INFO: Check that symbolic link /usr/local/psa actually exists on Debian-like OSes http://kb.parallels.com/en/112214 } if (PleskOS::isCentOS()) { $this->_checkMySQLServerPackageFromRemiRepository(); //:INFO: #112065 } if (Util::isVz()) { $this->_checkUserBeancounters(); //:INFO: Checking that limits are not exceeded in /proc/user_beancounters http://kb.parallels.com/en/112522 } } $this->_checkForCryptPasswords(); $this->_checkAutoinstallerVersion(); //:INFO: Checking for old version of autoinstaller http://kb.parallels.com/en/112166 $this->_checkMysqlServersTable(); //:INFO: Checking existing table mysql.servers $this->_checkUserHasSameEmailAsAdmin(); //:INFO: If user has the same address as the admin it should be changed to another http://kb.parallels.com/en/111985 $this->_checkDefaultMySQLServerMode(); //:INFO:#66278,70525 Checking SQL mode of default client's MySQL server http://kb.parallels.com/en/112453 //:INFO: Fixed in 10.4.4 MU#19 $this->_checkUserHasSameEmailAsEmailAccount(); //:INFO: Users with same e-mails as e-mail accounts will have problems with changing personal contact information http://kb.parallels.com/en/112032 $this->_checkPleskTCPPorts(); //:INFO: Check the availability of Plesk Panel TCP ports http://kb.parallels.com/en/391 $this->_checkFreeMemory(); //:INFO: Check for free memory http://kb.parallels.com/en/112522 $this->_checkPanelAccessForLocalhost(); //:INFO: Upgrade of Customer & Business Manager failed in case of is restricted for administrative access http://kb.parallels.com/en/113096 $this->_checkCustomDNSrecordsEqualToExistedSubdomains(); //:INFO: Customized DNS records with host equal host of existing subdomain will lost after upgrade to Plesk version above 10.4.4 http://kb.parallels.com/en/113310 $this->_checkForwardingURL(); //:INFO: Wrong GUI behavior if forwarding URL hasn't "http://" after upgrade to Plesk version above 10.4.4 http://kb.parallels.com/en/113359 //:INFO: if (PleskVersion::is9x() || PleskVersion::is8x() ) { $this->_notificationChangePasswordForEmailAccount(); //:INFO: Notification about how to change password for the mail account after upgrade http://kb.parallels.com/en/9454 if (Util::isLinux()) { $this->_checkJkWorkersFileDirective(); //:INFO: JkWorkersFile directive in Apache configuration can lead to failed Apache configs re-generation during and after upgrade procedure http://kb.parallels.com/en/113210 $this->_checkWebAndSubdomainUserHardDiskQuota(); //:INFO: #74899 http://kb.parallels.com/en/111823 } if (Util::isWindows()) { $this->_hMailServerWarningOnUpgradeTo10x(); //:INFO: Plesk 10 version does not support hMailserver http://kb.parallels.com/en/9609 $this->_unsupportedFtpServersWarningOnUpgradeTo10x(); //:INFO: Plesk 10.2 version does not support Gene6 http://kb.parallels.com/en/111816 $this->_unsupportedDNSServersWarningOnUpgradeTo10x(); //:INFO: Plesk 10.x version does not support SimpleDNS http://kb.parallels.com/en/112280 $this->_mDaemonServerWarningOnUpgradeTo10x(); //:INFO: Plesk 10 version does not support MDaemon http://kb.parallels.com/en/112356 } } if (PleskVersion::is10x() && !PleskVersion::is10_2_or_above() ) { $this->_checkCBMlicense(); //:INFO: Check for Customer and Business Manager license http://kb.parallels.com/en/111143 } if (PleskVersion::is10_4()) { $this->_notificationSubDomainsHaveOwnDNSZoneSince104(); //:INFO: Notification about after upgrade all subdomains will have own DNS zone http://kb.parallels.com/en/112966 } if (Util::isWindows()) { $this->_unknownISAPIfilters(); //:INFO: Checking for unknown ISAPI filters and show warning http://kb.parallels.com/en/111908 $this->_checkMSVCR(); //:INFO: Just warning about possible issues related to Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages http://kb.parallels.com/en/111891 $this->_checkConnectToClientMySQL(); //:INFO: Checking possibility to connect to client's MySQL server http://kb.parallels.com/en/111983 $this->_checkIisFcgiDllVersion(); //:INFO: Check iisfcgi.dll file version http://kb.parallels.com/en/112606 $this->_checkCDONTSmailrootFolder(); //:INFO: After upgrade Plesk change permissions on folder of Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) for NTS (CDONTS) to default, http://kb.parallels.com/en/111194 $this->_checkWindowsAuthForPleskControlPanel(); //:INFO: Check windows authentication for PleskControlPanel web site http://kb.parallels.com/en/113253 if (Util::isVz()) { $this->_checkDotNetFrameworkIssue(); //:INFO: Check that .net framework installed properly http://kb.parallels.com/en/111448 } if (PleskVersion::is10x()) { $this->_checkSmarterMailOpenPorts(); //:INFO: #98549 Plesk doesn't bind Smartermail 8 ports on new IPs http://kb.parallels.com/en/113330 } } } //:INFO: #112065 http://kb.parallels.com/en/114306 function _checkMySQLServerPackageFromRemiRepository() { Log::step("Checking the mysql-server package...", true); $cmd = 'rpm -qa | grep mysqlclient | grep remi'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); if (!empty($output)) { Log::warning('The mysql-server package on this server is installed from the REMI repository. This may lead to upgrade fail. Please see http://kb.parallels.com/en/114306 for the solution.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: #98961 http://kb.parallels.com/en/114082 function _checkIdnSubdomains() { Log::step("Checking for subdomains with international domain names...", true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM subdomains WHERE name LIKE 'xn--%'"; $subdomains = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); if (!empty($subdomains)) { Log::warning('There are subdomains with international domain names in Panel. Thise may cause errors during the upgrade. Please see http://kb.parallels.com/en/114082 for the solution.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: #74899 http://kb.parallels.com/en/111823 function _checkWebAndSubdomainUserHardDiskQuota() { Log::step("Checking disk quotas of auxiliary users...", true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "select distinct sys_users.id from subdomains, web_users, sys_users where subdomains.sys_user_id = sys_users.id OR web_users.sys_user_id = sys_users.id AND sys_users.quota > 0"; $sysUsers = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); if (!empty($sysUsers)) { Log::warning('There are auxiliary with disk quotas set. After upgrading, these users will be able to use all disk space of the corresponding subscriptions. Please see http://kb.parallels.com/en/111823 for details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: #105405 http://kb.parallels.com/en/113711 function _checkSwCollectdIntervalSetting() { Log::step("Checking the 'Interval' parameter in the sw-collectd configuration file...", true); $collectd_config = '/etc/sw-collectd/collectd.conf'; if (file_exists($collectd_config)) { if (!is_file($collectd_config) || !is_readable($collectd_config)) return; $config_content = Util::readfileToArray($collectd_config); if ($config_content) { foreach ($config_content as $line) { if (preg_match('/Interval\s*\d+$/', $line, $match)) { if (preg_match('/Interval\s*10$/', $line, $match)) { Log::warning('If you leave the default value of the "Interval" parameter in the ' . $collectd_config . ', sw-collectd may heavily load the system. Please see http://kb.parallels.com/en/113711 for details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); return; } } Log::warning('If you leave the default value of the "Interval" parameter in the ' . $collectd_config . ', sw-collectd may heavily load the system. Please see http://kb.parallels.com/en/113711 for details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } } //:INFO: #94544 http://kb.parallels.com/en/113119 function _checkNsRecordInDnsTemplate() { Log::step("Checking NS records in the Panel DNS template...", true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM dns_recs_t WHERE type='NS'"; $nsRecord = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); if (empty($nsRecord)) { Log::warning('There are no NS records in the Panel DNS template. This can break the BIND server configuration. Please see http://kb.parallels.com/en/113119 for the solution.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: #102516 http://kb.parallels.com/en/113620 function _checkMysqlOdbcConnectorVersion() { Log::step("Checking the version of MySQL ODBC package...", true); if (PleskOS::isRedHatLike() || PleskOS::isSuseLike()) { $package = 'mysql-connector-odbc'; } else { $package = 'libmyodbc'; } $version = Package::getVersion($package); if ($version === false) { return; } if (preg_match('/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/', $version, $match) && version_compare($match[0], '3.51.21', '<')) { Log::warning('The installed version of ' . $package . ' is outdated. Please see http://kb.parallels.com/en/113620 for details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: #72751 http://kb.parallels.com/en/113826 function _checkIpcollectionReference() { Log::step("Checking consistency of the IP addresses list in the Panel database...", true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM ip_pool, clients, IpAddressesCollections, domains, DomainServices, IP_Addresses WHERE DomainServices.ipCollectionId = IpAddressesCollections.ipCollectionId AND domains.id=DomainServices.dom_id AND clients.id=domains.cl_id AND ipAddressId NOT IN (select id from IP_Addresses) AND IP_Addresses.id = ip_pool.ip_address_id AND pool_id = ip_pool.id GROUP BY pool_id"; $brokenIps = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); $sql = "select 1 from DomainServices, domains, clients, ip_pool where ipCollectionId not in (select IpAddressesCollections.ipCollectionId from IpAddressesCollections) and domains.id=DomainServices.dom_id and clients.id = domains.cl_id and ip_pool.id = clients.pool_id and DomainServices.type='web' group by ipCollectionId"; $brokenCollections = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); if (!empty($brokenIps) || !empty($brokenCollections)) { Log::warning('Some database entries related to Panel IP addresses are corrupted. Please see http://kb.parallels.com/en/113826 for the solution.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: #105256 http://kb.parallels.com/en/113737 function _checkMysqlclient15Release() { Log::step("Checking the version of the mysqlclient15 package...", true); if (PleskOS::isRedHatLike()) { $release = Package::getRelease('mysqlclient15'); if ($release === false) { return; } if (preg_match('/1\.el5\.art/', $release)) { Log::emergency('The installed version of mysqlclient15 is outdated. This may lead to upgrade fail. Please see http://kb.parallels.com/en/113737 for the solution'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: #105806 If there is no execute permission on named(bind) init file upgrade will fail function _checkBindInitScriptPermission() { Log::step("Checking permissions of the BIND initialization script...", true); $redhat = '/etc/init.d/named'; $debian = '/etc/init.d/bind9'; $suse = '/etc/init.d/named'; $bindInitFile = 'unknown'; if (PleskOS::isRedHatLike()) { $bindInitFile = $redhat; } if (PleskOS::isDebLike()) { $bindInitFile = $debian; } if (PleskOS::isSuseLike()) { $bindInitFile = $suse; } $perms = Util::Exec('ls -l ' . $bindInitFile, $code); if (!preg_match('/^.+x.+\s/', $perms) && $code === 0) { Log::emergency('The ' . $bindInitFile . ' does not have the execute premission. This may lead to upgrade fail. Please see http://kb.parallels.com/en/113733 for the solution.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: #101351 #101690 #103125 #104527 #104528 http://kb.parallels.com/en/113725 function _checkModificationOfCustomizedDNSzones() { Log::step("Checking for user-modified DNS records that will be changed during the upgrade...", true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); if (PleskVersion::is10_2_or_above()) { $ipv4 = "SELECT dns_zone.id, dns_zone.name, dns_recs.val, ip_address from dns_zone, dns_recs, DomainServices, IpAddressesCollections, IP_Addresses, domains where domains.dns_zone_id = dns_zone.id AND dns_zone.id = dns_recs.dns_zone_id AND dns_recs.type = 'A' AND dns_recs.host = concat(domains.name,'.') AND domains.id = DomainServices.dom_id AND DomainServices.type = 'web' AND DomainServices.ipCollectionId = IpAddressesCollections.ipCollectionId AND IpAddressesCollections.ipAddressId = IP_Addresses.id AND IP_Addresses.ip_address not like '%:%' AND dns_recs.val not like '%:%' AND IP_Addresses.ip_address <> dns_recs.val"; $ipv6 = "SELECT dns_zone.id, dns_zone.name, dns_recs.val, ip_address from dns_zone, dns_recs, DomainServices, IpAddressesCollections, IP_Addresses, domains where domains.dns_zone_id = dns_zone.id AND dns_zone.id = dns_recs.dns_zone_id AND dns_recs.type = 'A' AND dns_recs.host = concat(domains.name,'.') AND domains.id = DomainServices.dom_id AND DomainServices.type = 'web' AND DomainServices.ipCollectionId = IpAddressesCollections.ipCollectionId AND IpAddressesCollections.ipAddressId = IP_Addresses.id AND IP_Addresses.ip_address like '%:%' AND dns_recs.val like '%:%' AND IP_Addresses.ip_address <> dns_recs.val"; $ipv4_zones = $mysql->fetchAll($ipv4); $ipv6_zones = $mysql->fetchAll($ipv6); $dns_zones = array_merge($ipv4_zones, $ipv6_zones); } else { $fwd = "SELECT dns_zone.id, dns_zone.name, dns_recs.val, ip_address AS hosts from dns_zone, dns_recs, forwarding, IP_Addresses, domains where domains.dns_zone_id = dns_zone.id AND dns_zone.id = dns_recs.dns_zone_id AND dns_recs.type = 'A' AND dns_recs.host = concat(domains.name,'.') AND domains.id = forwarding.dom_id AND forwarding.ip_address_id = IP_Addresses.id AND IP_Addresses.ip_address <> dns_recs.val"; $hst = "SELECT dns_zone.id, dns_zone.name, dns_recs.val, ip_address AS hosts from dns_zone, dns_recs, hosting, IP_Addresses, domains where domains.dns_zone_id = dns_zone.id AND dns_zone.id = dns_recs.dns_zone_id AND dns_recs.type = 'A' AND dns_recs.host = concat(domains.name,'.') AND domains.id = hosting.dom_id AND hosting.ip_address_id = IP_Addresses.id AND IP_Addresses.ip_address <> dns_recs.val"; $fwd_zones = $mysql->fetchAll($fwd); $hst_zones = $mysql->fetchAll($hst); $dns_zones = array_merge($fwd_zones, $hst_zones); } $warning = false; foreach ($dns_zones as $zone) { $subdomains = $mysql->fetchAll('SELECT subdomains.name FROM domains, subdomains WHERE subdomains.dom_id = domains.id AND domains.dns_zone_id=' . $zone['id']); if (!empty($subdomains)) { Log::info('The existing A and AAAA records in the DNS zone ' . $zone['name'] . ' will be modified or removed after the upgrade.'); $warning = true; } } if ($warning) { Log::warning('Some of the existing A or AAAA records in DNS zones will be modified or removed after the upgrade. Please see http://kb.parallels.com/en/113725 and ' . APP_PATH . '/plesk10_preupgrade_checker.log for details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Broken contexts of the APS applications can lead to errors at building Apache web server configuration http://kb.parallels.com/en/112815 function _checkApsApplicationContext() { Log::step("Checking installed APS applications...", true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM apsContexts WHERE (pleskType = 'hosting' OR pleskType = 'subdomain') AND subscriptionId = 0"; $brokenContexts = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); if (!empty($brokenContexts)) { Log::warning('Some database entries realted to the installed APS applications are corrupted. Please see http://kb.parallels.com/en/112815 for the solution.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: #98549 Plesk doesn't bind Smartermail 8 ports on new IPs http://kb.parallels.com/en/113330 function _checkSmarterMailOpenPorts() { Log::step("Checking SmarterMail open ports...", true); if (Plesk10MailServer::CurrentWinMailServer() == 'smartermail') { $ip_addresses = Util::getIPListOnWindows(); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "select ip_address from IP_Addresses"; $ip_addresses = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); foreach ($ip_addresses as $ip) { if (PleskValidator::validateIPv4($ip['ip_address'])) { $fp = @fsockopen($ip['ip_address'], 25, $errno, $errstr, 1); } elseif (PleskValidator::validateIPv6($ip['ip_address'])) { $fp = @fsockopen('[' . $ip['ip_address'] . ']', 25, $errno, $errstr, 1); } else { Log::warning('The IP address is invalid: ' . $ip['ip_address']); Log::resultWarning(); return; } if (!$fp) { // $errno 110 means "timed out", 111 means "refused" Log::info('Unable to connect to the SMTP port 25 on the IP address ' . $ip['ip_address'] . ': ' . $errstr); $warning = true; } } if ($warning) { Log::warning('SmarterMail is unable to use some of the IP addresses because they are not associated with the SmarterMail ports. Please check http://kb.parallels.com/en/113330 for details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: #94489 FTP service proftpd cannot be started by xinetd if IPv6 is disabled http://kb.parallels.com/en/113504 function _checkProftpdIPv6() { Log::step("Checking proftpd settings...", true); $inet6 = '/proc/net/if_inet6'; if (!file_exists($inet6)) { $proftpd_config = '/etc/xinetd.d/ftp_psa'; if (!is_file($proftpd_config) || !is_readable($proftpd_config)) return null; $config_content = Util::readfileToArray($proftpd_config); if ($config_content) { for ($i=0; $i<=count($config_content)-1; $i++) { if (preg_match('/flags.+IPv6$/', $config_content[$i], $match)) { Log::warning('The proftpd FTP service will fail to start in case the support for IPv6 is disabled on the server. Please check http://kb.parallels.com/en/113504 for details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } } } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: #72945 Checking for IP address references in Plesk database http://kb.parallels.com/en/113475 function _checkIpAddressReferenceForForwardingDomains() { Log::step("Checking associations between domains and IP addresses...", true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); if (PleskVersion::is10_2_or_above()) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM IpAddressesCollections WHERE ipAddressId = 0"; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM forwarding WHERE ip_address_id = 0"; } $domains = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); if (!empty($domains)) { Log::warning('There is a number of domains which are not associated with any IP address. This may be caused by an error in the IP address database. Please check http://kb.parallels.com/en/113475 for details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: #101168 If DUMP_TMP_D in /etc/psa/psa.conf contains extra space character at the end of string backup procedure will fails permanently http://kb.parallels.com/113474 function _checkDumpTmpDvalue() { Log::step("Checking the /etc/psa/psa.conf file for consistency...", true); $file = '/etc/psa/psa.conf'; if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file)) return null; $lines = file($file); if ($lines === false) return null; foreach ($lines as $line) { if (preg_match('/^DUMP_TMP_D\s.+\w $/', $line, $match_setting)) { Log::warning('The DUMP_TMP_D variable in /etc/psa/psa.conf contains odd characters. This can cause backup tasks to fail on this server. Please check http://kb.parallels.com/113474 for details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Wrong order of loading Zend extensions ionCube declaraion in php.ini can cause to Apache fail http://kb.parallels.com/en/1520 function _checkZendExtensionsLoadingOrder() { Log::step("Checking for the Zend extension declaraion in php.ini...", true); $phpini = Util::getPhpIni(); if ($phpini) { foreach ($phpini as $line) { if (preg_match('/^\s*zend_extension(_debug)?(_ts)?\s*=/i', $line, $match)) { Log::warning('The server-wide php.ini file contains the declaration of the Zend extension. As a result, the Apache server may fail to start after the upgrade. Please check http://kb.parallels.com/en/1520 for more details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: JkWorkersFile directive in Apache configuration can lead to failed Apache configs re-generation during and after upgrade procedure http://kb.parallels.com/en/113210 function _checkJkWorkersFileDirective() { Log::step("Checking for the JkWorkersFile directive in the Apache configuration...", true); $httpd_include_d = Util::getSettingFromPsaConf('HTTPD_INCLUDE_D') . '/'; if (empty($httpd_include_d)) { $warn = 'Unable to open /etc/psa/psa.conf'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } $handle = @opendir($httpd_include_d); if (!$handle) { $warn = 'Unable to open dir ' . $httpd_include_d; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } $configs = array(); while ( false !== ($file = readdir($handle)) ) { if (preg_match('/^\./', $file) || preg_match('/zz0.+/i', $file) || is_dir($httpd_include_d . $file)) continue; $configs[] = $file; } closedir($handle); $warning = false; foreach ($configs as $config) { $config_content = Util::readfileToArray($httpd_include_d . '/' . $config); if ($config_content) { for ($i=0; $i<=count($config_content)-1; $i++) { if (preg_match('/^JkWorkersFile.+/', $config_content[$i], $match)) { Log::warning('The Apache configuration file "' . $httpd_include_d . $config . '" contains the "' . $match[0] . '" directive.' ); $warning = true; } } } } if ($warning) { Log::warning('The JkWorkersFile directive may cause problems during the Apache reconfiguration after the upgrade. Please check http://kb.parallels.com/en/113210 for more details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Wrong GUI behavior if forwarding URL hasn't "http://" after upgrade to Plesk version above 10.4.4 http://kb.parallels.com/en/113359 function _checkForwardingURL() { Log::step("Checking domain URLs...", true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT htype, redirect FROM domains, forwarding WHERE domains.id=forwarding.dom_id AND forwarding.redirect NOT LIKE 'https://%' AND forwarding.redirect NOT LIKE 'http://%'"; $domains_with_wrong_url = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); if (count($domains_with_wrong_url)>0) { Log::warning('There are domains registered in Panel which URL does not have the http:// prefix. Such domains will not be shown on the Domains page. Check http://kb.parallels.com/en/113359 for more details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Customized DNS records with host equal host of existing subdomain will lost after upgrade to Plesk version above 10.4.4 function _checkCustomDNSrecordsEqualToExistedSubdomains() { Log::step("Checking DNS records of subdomains...", true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); if (PleskVersion::is10_2_or_above()) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT dns_recs.dns_zone_id, dns_recs.type, dns_recs.host, dns_recs.val, dns_recs.opt FROM subdomains LEFT JOIN domains ON subdomains.dom_id = domains.id LEFT JOIN DomainServices ON domains.id = DomainServices.dom_id LEFT JOIN IpAddressesCollections ON DomainServices.ipCollectionId = IpAddressesCollections.ipCollectionId LEFT JOIN IP_Addresses ON IpAddressesCollections.ipAddressId = IP_Addresses.id LEFT JOIN dns_recs ON IP_Addresses.ip_address <> dns_recs.val WHERE DomainServices.type = 'web' AND host = concat(subdomains.name,'.', domains.name,'.')"; } else { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT dns_recs.dns_zone_id, dns_recs.type, host, val, opt FROM dns_recs, subdomains, domains WHERE host = concat(subdomains.name,'.', domains.name,'.') AND dns_recs.dns_zone_id IN ( SELECT dns_recs.dns_zone_id FROM dns_recs, subdomains, domains, hosting, IP_Addresses WHERE host = concat(subdomains.name,'.', domains.name,'.') AND subdomains.dom_id = domains.id AND domains.id = hosting.dom_id AND hosting.ip_address_id = IP_Addresses.id AND IP_Addresses.ip_address <> dns_recs.val)"; } if (Util::isWindows()) { $dbprovider = Util::regPleskQuery('PLESK_DATABASE_PROVIDER_NAME'); if ($dbprovider <> 'MySQL') { if (PleskVersion::is10_2_or_above()) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT dns_recs.dns_zone_id, dns_recs.type, dns_recs.host, dns_recs.val, dns_recs.opt FROM dns_recs, subdomains, domains, hosting, IP_Addresses, DomainServices, IpAddressesCollections WHERE host = (subdomains.name + '.' + domains.name + '.') AND subdomains.dom_id = domains.id AND domains.id = DomainServices.dom_id AND DomainServices.type = 'web' AND DomainServices.ipCollectionId = IpAddressesCollections.ipCollectionId AND IpAddressesCollections.ipAddressId = IP_Addresses.id AND IP_Addresses.ip_address <> dns_recs.val"; } else { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT dns_recs.dns_zone_id, dns_recs.type, dns_recs.host, dns_recs.val, dns_recs.opt FROM dns_recs, subdomains, domains WHERE host = (subdomains.name + '.' + domains.name + '.') AND dns_recs.dns_zone_id IN ( SELECT dns_recs.dns_zone_id FROM dns_recs, subdomains, domains, hosting, IP_Addresses WHERE host = (subdomains.name + '.' + domains.name + '.') AND subdomains.dom_id = domains.id AND domains.id = hosting.dom_id AND hosting.ip_address_id = IP_Addresses.id AND IP_Addresses.ip_address <> dns_recs.val)"; } } } $problem_dns_records = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); if (count($problem_dns_records)>0) { Log::warning('There is a number of DNS records for the subdomains that you manually added to domain DNS zones. If you upgrade to Panel 10.4.4, these records will be lost. Check http://kb.parallels.com/en/113310 for more details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Check windows authentication for PleskControlPanel web site http://kb.parallels.com/en/113253 function _checkWindowsAuthForPleskControlPanel() { Log::step('Checking the authentication settings of the PleskControlPanel website in IIS...', true); $PleskControlPanel = 'PleskControlPanel'; $cmd = 'wmic.exe /namespace:\\\\root\\MicrosoftIISv2 path IIsWebServerSetting where "ServerComment = \'' . $PleskControlPanel . '\'" get name /VALUE'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); if (preg_match_all('/Name=(.+)/', $output, $siteName)) { $cmd = 'wmic.exe /namespace:\\\\root\\MicrosoftIISv2 path IIsWebVirtualDirSetting where "Name = \'' . $siteName[1][0] . '/ROOT\'" get AuthNTLM /VALUE'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); if (preg_match_all('/AuthNTLM=FALSE/', $output, $matches)) { Log::warning('Windows authentication for the PleskControlPanel website in IIS is disabled. Check http://kb.parallels.com/en/113253 for more details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Notification about after upgrade all subdomains will have own DNS zone http://kb.parallels.com/en/112966 function _notificationSubDomainsHaveOwnDNSZoneSince104() { Log::step('Checking for subdomains...', true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "select val from misc where param='subdomain_own_zones'"; $subdomain_own_zones = $mysql->fetchOne($sql); if ($subdomain_own_zones == "true") { Log::warning('Since Panel 10.4, all subdomains have their own DNS zone. Check http://kb.parallels.com/en/112966 for more details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Customized CNAME records in server's DNS template could lead to misconfiguration of BIND http://kb.parallels.com/en/113118 function _checkCustomizedCnameRecordsInDnsTemplate() { Log::step("Checking for CNAME records added to the initial Panel DNS template...", true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "select * from dns_recs_t where type='CNAME' and host in ('.','ns..','mail..','ipv4..','ipv6..','webmail..')"; $records = $mysql->fetchOne($sql); if (!empty($records)) { Log::warning("There are CNAME records that were added to the initial Panel DNS template. These records may cause incorrect BIND operation after upgrade. Please check http://kb.parallels.com/en/113118 for more details."); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Upgrade of Customer & Business Manager failed in case of is restricted for administrative access http://kb.parallels.com/en/113096 function _checkPanelAccessForLocalhost() { Log::step('Checking for restriction policy...', true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "select val from cl_param where param='ppb-url'"; $url = $mysql->fetchOne($sql); if (!empty($url)) { $sql = "select val from misc where param='access_policy'"; $policy = $mysql->fetchOne($sql); $sql = "select netaddr from misc m,cp_access c where m.param='access_policy' and m.val='allow' and c.netaddr='' and c.type='allow';"; $allow = $mysql->fetchOne($sql); $sql = "select netaddr from misc m,cp_access c where m.param='access_policy' and m.val='deny' and c.netaddr='' and c.type='deny';"; $deny = $mysql->fetchOne($sql); if (!empty($allow) || (empty($deny) && $policy == 'deny')) { Log::warning('The IP address is restricted for administrative access. Upgrade of the Customer & Business Manager component will be impossible. Please check http://kb.parallels.com/en/113096 for more details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Checking that limits are not exceeded in /proc/user_beancounters function _checkUserBeancounters() { Log::step("Checking that limits are not exceeded in /proc/user_beancounters ...", true); $warning = false; $user_beancounters = Util::readfileToArray('/proc/user_beancounters'); if ($user_beancounters) { for ($i=2; $i<=count($user_beancounters)-1; $i++) { if (preg_match('/\d{1,}$/', $user_beancounters[$i], $match) && $match[0]>0) { if (preg_match('/^.+?:?.+?\b(\w+)\b/', $user_beancounters[$i], $limit_name)) { Log::warning('Virtuozzo Container limit "' . trim($limit_name[1]) . '" was exceeded ' . $match[0] . ' times.'); } $warning = true; } } } if ($warning) { Log::warning('Limits set by Parallels Virtuozzo Container are exceeded. Please, check http://kb.parallels.com/en/112522 for more details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Checking for available free memory for the upgrade procedure http://kb.parallels.com/en/112522 function _checkFreeMemory() { Log::step('Checking for available free memory for the upgrade procedure ...', true); $freeMem = Util::GetFreeSystemMemory(); if (!empty($freeMem) && $freeMem < 200000) { Log::warning('Not enough memory to perform the upgrade: You should have at least 200 megabytes free. The current amount of free memory is: ' . $freeMem . ' Kb'); Log::resultWarning(); } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Check for Customer and Business Manager property in license key http://kb.parallels.com/en/111143 function _checkCBMlicense() { Log::step('Checking if the license key includes support for Customer and Business Manager ...', true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "select val from cl_param where param='ppb-url'"; $url = $mysql->fetchOne($sql); $warning = false; if (!empty($url)) { if (Util::isLinux()) { $license_folder = '/etc/sw/keys/keys/'; } else { $license_folder = Util::getPleskRootPath() . 'admin\\repository\\keys\\'; } $license_files = scandir($license_folder); for ($i = 2; $i <= count($license_files) - 1; $i++) { $file = file_get_contents($license_folder . $license_files[$i]); if (preg_match('/modernbill.+\>(.+)\<.+modernbill/', $file, $accounts)) { if ($accounts[1] > 0) { Log::resultOk(); return; } } } Log::warning('If you had not purchased the Customer and Business Manager License you can not use it after the upgrade. Check the article http://kb.parallels.com/en/111143 for more details.'); Log::resultWarning(); } } //:INFO: Check the availability of Plesk Panel TCP ports function _checkPleskTCPPorts() { Log::step('Checking the availability of Plesk Panel TCP ports...', true); $plesk_ports = array('8880' => 'Plesk Panel non-secure HTTP port', '8443' => 'Plesk Panel secure HTTPS port'); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "select ip_address from IP_Addresses"; $ip_addresses = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); $warning = false; if (count($ip_addresses)>0) { if (Util::isLinux()) { $ipv4 = Util::getIPv4ListOnLinux(); $ipv6 = Util::getIPv6ListOnLinux(); if ($ipv6) { $ipsInSystem = array_merge($ipv4, $ipv6); } else { $ipsInSystem = $ipv4; } } else { $ipsInSystem = Util::getIPListOnWindows(); } foreach ($ip_addresses as $ip) { foreach ($plesk_ports as $port => $description) { if (PleskValidator::validateIPv4($ip['ip_address']) && in_array($ip['ip_address'], $ipsInSystem)) { $fp = @fsockopen($ip['ip_address'], $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); } elseif (PleskValidator::validateIPv6($ip['ip_address']) && in_array($ip['ip_address'], $ipsInSystem)) { $fp = @fsockopen('[' . $ip['ip_address'] . ']', $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); } else { Log::warning('IP address registered in Plesk is invalid or broken: ' . $ip['ip_address']); Log::resultWarning(); return; } if (!$fp) { // $errno 110 means "timed out", 111 means "refused" Log::info('Unable to connect to IP address ' . $ip['ip_address'] . ' on ' . $description . ' ' . $port . ': ' . $errstr); $warning = true; } } } } if ($warning) { Log::warning('Unable to connect to some Plesk ports. Please see ' . APP_PATH . '/plesk10_preupgrade_checker.log for details. Find the full list of the required open ports at http://kb.parallels.com/en/391 '); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } function _getPAMServiceIncludes($serviceFile) { // Get array of PAM services that are included from a given PAM configuration file. $lines = file($serviceFile); $includes = array(); foreach ($lines as $line) { // Note: we do not support here line continuations and syntax variants for old unsupported systems. $line = trim( preg_replace('/#.*$/', '', $line) ); if (empty($line)) continue; // See PAM installation script source for info on possible syntax variants. $tokens = preg_split('/\s+/', $line); $ref = null; if ($tokens[0] == '@include') { $ref = $tokens[1]; } elseif ($tokens[1] == 'include' || $tokens[1] == 'substack') { $ref = $tokens[2]; } if (!empty($ref)) { $includes[] = $ref; } } return $includes; } //:INFO: Check that non-existent PAM services are not referenced by other services, i.e. that PAM configuration array is consistent http://kb.parallels.com/en/112944 function _checkPAMConfigsInclusionConsistency() { Log::step('Checking PAM configuration array consistency...', true); $pamDir = "/etc/pam.d/"; $handle = @opendir($pamDir); if (!$handle) { $warn = 'Unable to open the PAM configuration directory "' . $pamDir . '". Check http://kb.parallels.com/en/112944 for more details.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } $services = array(); while ( false !== ($file = readdir($handle)) ) { if (preg_match('/^\./', $file) || preg_match('/readme/i', $file) || is_dir($pamDir . $file)) continue; $services[] = $file; } closedir($handle); $allIncludes = array(); foreach ($services as $service) { $includes = $this->_getPamServiceIncludes($pamDir . $service); $allIncludes = array_unique(array_merge($allIncludes, $includes)); } $missingIncludes = array_diff($allIncludes, $services); if (!empty($missingIncludes)) { $warn = 'The PAM configuration is in inconsistent state. '; $warn .= 'If you proceed with the installation, the required PAM modules will not be installed and the upgrade procedure will fail. '; $warn .= 'Some PAM services reference the following nonexistent services: ' . implode(', ', $missingIncludes) . '. '; $warn .= 'Check http://kb.parallels.com/en/112944 for more details.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Plesk user "root" for MySQL database servers have not access to phpMyAdmin http://kb.parallels.com/en/112779 function _checkMySQLDatabaseUserRoot() { Log::step('Checking existence of Plesk user "root" for MySQL database servers ...', true); $psaroot = Util::getSettingFromPsaConf('PRODUCT_ROOT_D'); $phpMyAdminConfFile = $psaroot . '/admin/htdocs/domains/databases/phpMyAdmin/libraries/config.default.php'; if (file_exists($phpMyAdminConfFile)) { $phpMyAdminConfFileContent = file_get_contents($phpMyAdminConfFile); if (!preg_match("/\[\'AllowRoot\'\]\s*=\s*true\s*\;/", $phpMyAdminConfFileContent)) { $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "select login, data_bases.name as db_name, displayName as domain_name from db_users, data_bases, domains where db_users.db_id = data_bases.id and data_bases.dom_id = domains.id and data_bases.type = 'mysql' and login = 'root'"; $dbusers = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); foreach ($dbusers as $user) { Log::warning('The database user "' . $user['login'] . '" (database "' . $user['db_name'] . '" at "' . $user['domain_name'] . '") has no access to phpMyAdmin. Please check http://kb.parallels.com/en/112779 for more details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: After upgrade Plesk change permissions on folder of Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) for NTS (CDONTS) to default, http://kb.parallels.com/en/111194 function _checkCDONTSmailrootFolder() { Log::step('Checking for CDONTS mailroot folder ...', true); $mailroot = Util::getSystemDisk() . 'inetpub\mailroot\pickup'; if (is_dir($mailroot)) { Log::warning('After upgrade you have to add write pemissions to psacln group on folder ' . $mailroot . '. Please, check http://kb.parallels.com/en/111194 for more details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Checking for conflicting of SSO start-up scripts http://kb.parallels.com/en/112666 function _checkSsoStartScriptsPriority() { Log::step('Checking for SSO start-up script priority ...', true); $sso_script = '/etc/sw-cp-server/applications.d/00-sso-cpserver.conf'; $sso_folder = '/etc/sso'; if (!file_exists($sso_script) && is_dir($sso_folder)) { Log::warning('SSO start-up script has wrong execution priority. Please, check http://kb.parallels.com/en/112666 for more details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Check iisfcgi.dll file version http://kb.parallels.com/en/112606 function _checkIisFcgiDllVersion() { Log::step("Checking the iisfcgi.dll file version ...", true); $windir = Util::getSystemRoot(); $iisfcgi = $windir . '\system32\inetsrv\iisfcgi.dll'; if (file_exists($iisfcgi)) { $version = Util::getFileVersion($iisfcgi); if (version_compare($version, '7.5.0', '>') && version_compare($version, '7.5.7600.16632', '<')) { Log::warning('File iisfcgi.dll version ' . $version . ' is outdated. Please, check article http://kb.parallels.com/en/112606 for details'); return; } } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Notification about how to change password for the mail account after upgrade http://kb.parallels.com/en/9454 function _notificationChangePasswordForEmailAccount() { Log::step("Checking for mailnames with access to Panel ...", true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "select count(mail_name) as num from mail m, Permissions p where p.value='true' and p.id=m.perm_id and p.permission='cp_access'"; $mailnames = $mysql->fetchOne($sql); if ($mailnames > 0) { $warn = 'You have ' . $mailnames . ' mailbox users that will be converted to subscription-level auxiliary users after upgrading to Panel 10. Learn how to change passwords for such users in http://kb.parallels.com/en/9454'; Log::warning($warn); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Users with same e-mails as e-mail accounts will have problems with changing personal contact information http://kb.parallels.com/en/112032 function _checkUserHasSameEmailAsEmailAccount() { Log::step("Checking for users with same e-mail address as e-mail account ...", true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "select login, email from clients where email in (select concat(m.mail_name, '@', d.displayName) from domains d, mail m, Permissions p where m.perm_id=p.id and (p.permission='cp_access' and value='true'))"; if (Util::isWindows()) { $dbprovider = Util::regPleskQuery('PLESK_DATABASE_PROVIDER_NAME'); if ($dbprovider <> 'MySQL') { $sql = "select login, email from clients where email in (select (m.mail_name + '@' + d.displayName) from domains d, mail m, Permissions p where m.perm_id=p.id and (p.permission='cp_access' and value='true'))"; } } if (PleskVersion::is10x()) { $sql = "select count(login) users, email from smb_users where email in (select email from smb_users group by email having count(email)>1) and email != '' group by email"; } $problem_clients = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); if (PleskVersion::is8x() || PleskVersion::is9x()) { $sql = "select d.name domain_name, c.email domain_admin_email from domains d, dom_level_usrs dl, Cards c where c.id=dl.card_id and dl.dom_id=d.id and c.email in (select concat(m.mail_name, '@', d.displayName) from domains d, mail m, Permissions p where m.perm_id=p.id and (p.permission='cp_access' and value='true'))"; if (Util::isWindows()) { $dbprovider = Util::regPleskQuery('PLESK_DATABASE_PROVIDER_NAME'); if ($dbprovider <> 'MySQL') { $sql = "select d.name as domain_name, c.email as domain_admin_email from domains d, dom_level_usrs dl, Cards c where c.id=dl.card_id and dl.dom_id=d.id and c.email in (select (m.mail_name + '@' + d.displayName) from domains d, mail m, Permissions p where d.id=m.dom_id and m.perm_id=p.id and (p.permission='cp_access' and value='true'))"; } } } $problem_domain_admins = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); if (count($problem_clients)>0 || count($problem_domain_admins)>0) { foreach ($problem_clients as $client) { if (PleskVersion::is10x()) { $info = 'There are ' . $client['users'] . ' users with the same contact e-mail address ' . $client['email']; } else { $info = 'User ' . $client['login'] . ' has contact mail address as e-mail account ' . $client['email']; } Log::info($info); } foreach ($problem_domain_admins as $domain_admin) { $info = 'Domain administrator of domain ' . $domain_admin['domain_name'] . ' has contact mail address as e-mail account ' . $domain_admin['domain_admin_email']; Log::info($info); } if (PleskVersion::is10x()) { Log::warning('There are a number of Panel users that have the same contact email. Please see the ' . APP_PATH . '/plesk10_preupgrade_checker.log for details. You will not be able to change personal information (including passwords) of these users. Learn more at http://kb.parallels.com/en/112032.'); } else { Log::warning('There are some users found with email matches mailboxes with permission to access Control Panel. Please see the ' . APP_PATH . '/plesk10_preupgrade_checker.log for details. If a client\'s or domain administrator\'s e-mail address (in the profile) matches a mailbox in Plesk and the mailbox has the permission to access Control Panel, the upgrade procedure will create two auxiliarily user accounts (with the same e-mail) for such customers and Panel will not allow to change personal information (including passwords) for them. Please, check http://kb.parallels.com/en/112032 for more details.'); } Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Checking for main IP address http://kb.parallels.com/en/112417 function _checkMainIP() { Log::step("Checking for main IP address ...", true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = 'select * from IP_Addresses'; $ips = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); $mainexists = false; foreach ($ips as $ip) { if (isset($ip['main'])) { if ($ip['main'] == 'true') { $mainexists = true; } } else { Log::info('No field "main" in table IP_Addresses.'); Log::resultOk(); return; } } if (!$mainexists) { $warn = 'Unable to find "main" IP address in psa database. Please, check http://kb.parallels.com/en/112417 for more details.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Checking for hostname in Customer & Business Manager relay URL http://kb.parallels.com/en/111500 function _checkCBMrelayURL() { Log::step("Checking for hostname in Customer & Business Manager relay URL...", true); $mysql = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "select val from cl_param where param='ppb-url'"; $url = $mysql->fetchOne($sql); if (preg_match("/\/\/(.*):/i", $url, $result)) { if (!PleskValidator::isValidIp($result[1])) { $ip = Util::resolveHostname($result[1]); if (!Util::isFQDN($result[1]) || !PleskValidator::isValidIp($ip)) { $warn = 'In case you get the 404 error when trying to access Customer & Business Manager, refer to the article http://kb.parallels.com/en/111500 for resoultion details.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO:#66278,70525 Checking SQL mode of default client's MySQL server http://kb.parallels.com/en/112453 function _checkDefaultMySQLServerMode() { Log::step("Checking SQL mode of default client's MySQL server...", true); $credentials = Util::getDefaultClientMySQLServerCredentials(); if (!empty($credentials)) { $mysql = new DbClientMysql('localhost', $credentials['admin_login'], $credentials['admin_password'] , 'mysql', 3306); if (!$mysql->hasErrors()) { $sql = 'SELECT @@sql_mode'; $sqlmode = $mysql->fetchOne($sql); if (preg_match("/STRICT_/i", $sqlmode, $match)) { $warn = 'Please, switch off strict mode for MySQL server. Read carefully article http://kb.parallels.com/en/112453 for details.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: If user has the same address as the admin it should be changed to another http://kb.parallels.com/en/111985 function _checkUserHasSameEmailAsAdmin() { Log::step('Checking for users with the same e-mail address as the administrator...', true); $adminEmail = Plesk10BusinessModel::_getAdminEmail(); if (!empty($adminEmail)) { $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); if (PleskVersion::is10x_or_above()) { $sql = "SELECT login, email FROM smb_users WHERE login<>'admin' and email='" . $adminEmail . "'"; $clients = $db->fetchAll($sql); } else { $sql = "SELECT login, email FROM clients WHERE login<>'admin' and email='" . $adminEmail . "'"; $clients = $db->fetchAll($sql); } if (!empty($clients)) { foreach ($clients as $client) { Log::info('The customer with the username ' . $client['login'] . ' has the same e-mail address as the Panel administrator: ' . $client["email"]); } Log::warning('Some customers have e-mail addresses coinciding with the Panel administrator\'s e-mail address. Please see the ' . APP_PATH . '/plesk10_preupgrade_checker.log and check http://kb.parallels.com/en/111985 for details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Check that .net framework installed properly http://kb.parallels.com/en/111448 function _checkDotNetFrameworkIssue() { Log::step('Checking that .NET framework installed properly...', true); $pleskCpProvider = Util::regPleskQuery('PLESKCP_PROVIDER_NAME', true); if ($pleskCpProvider == 'iis') { $cmd = '"' . Util::regPleskQuery('PRODUCT_ROOT_D', true) . 'admin\bin\websrvmng" --list-wdirs --vhost-name=pleskcontrolpanel'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); if (!preg_match("/wdirs/i", trim($output), $matches)) { Log::warning('There is a problem with .NET framework. Please, check http://kb.parallels.com/en/111448 for details.'); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Check for custom php.ini on domains http://kb.parallels.com/en/111697 function _checkCustomPhpIniOnDomains() { Log::step('Checking for custom php.ini on domains...', true); $domains = Plesk10BusinessModel::_getDomainsByHostingType('vrt_hst'); if (empty($domains)) { Log::resultOk(); return; } $vhost = Util::getSettingFromPsaConf('HTTPD_VHOSTS_D'); if (empty($vhost)) { $warn = 'Unable to read /etc/psa/psa.conf'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } $flag = false; foreach ($domains as $domain) { $filename = $vhost . '/' . $domain['name'] . '/conf/php.ini'; if (file_exists($filename)) { $warn = 'Custom php.ini is used for domain ' . $domain['name'] . '.'; Log::warning($warn); $flag = true; } } if ($flag) { $warn = 'After upgrade, Panel will not apply changes to certain website-level PHP settings due to they are predefined in /var/www/vhosts/DOMAINNAME/conf/php.ini. Please check http://kb.parallels.com/en/111697 for details.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Plesk 10 version does not support Mdaemon mail server http://kb.parallels.com/en/112356 function _mDaemonServerWarningOnUpgradeTo10x() { Log::step('Checking for MDaemon mail server...', true); if (Plesk10MailServer::CurrentWinMailServer() == 'mdaemon') { $warn = 'Plesk 10 version does not support MDaemon. Please, check http://kb.parallels.com/en/112356 for more details.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Checking existing table mysql.servers http://kb.parallels.com/en/112290 function _checkMysqlServersTable() { Log::step('Checking table "servers" in database "mysql"...', true); $mySQLServerVersion = Util::getMySQLServerVersion(); if (version_compare($mySQLServerVersion, '5.1.0', '>=')) { $credentials = Util::getDefaultClientMySQLServerCredentials(); $mysql = new DbClientMysql('localhost', $credentials['admin_login'], $credentials['admin_password'] , 'information_schema', 3306); if (!$mysql->hasErrors()) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA="mysql" and TABLE_NAME="servers"'; $servers = $mysql->fetchAll($sql); if (empty($servers)) { $warn = 'Table "servers" in database "mysql" does not exists. Please, check http://kb.parallels.com/en/112290 for more details.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Plesk 10.x version does not support SimpleDNS http://kb.parallels.com/en/112280 function _unsupportedDNSServersWarningOnUpgradeTo10x() { Log::step('Detecting current DNS server...', true); $dnsServer = PleskComponent::CurrentWinDNSServer(); if ($dnsServer == 'simpledns') { $warn = 'Since Parallels Plesk Panel version 10 Simple DNS server is no longer supported. Please, check http://kb.parallels.com/en/112280 for more details.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Check that there is symbolic link /usr/local/psa on /opt/psa on Debian-like Oses http://kb.parallels.com/en/112214 function _checkSymLinkToOptPsa() { Log::step('Checking symbolic link /usr/local/psa on /opt/psa...', true); $link = @realpath('/usr/local/psa/version'); if (!preg_match('/\/opt\/psa\/version/', $link, $macthes)) { $warn = "The symbolic link /usr/local/psa does not exists or has wrong destination. Read article http://kb.parallels.com/en/112214 to fix the issue."; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Checking for old version of autoinstaller http://kb.parallels.com/en/112166 function _checkAutoinstallerVersion() { Log::step('Checking autoinstaller version...', true); if (getenv('AUTOINSTALLER_VERSION')) { Log::resultOk(); return; } if (Util::isWindows()) { if (PleskVersion::is9x() || PleskVersion::is8x() ) { Log::resultOk(); return; } } $installed_ai_version = Util::getAutoinstallerVersion(); if (version_compare($installed_ai_version, AI_VERSION, '<')) { $warn = 'Your autoinstaller version '. $installed_ai_version .' is outdated. Please refer to article http://kb.parallels.com/en/112166 on how to obtain latest version of autoinstaller.'; Log::warning($warn); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Checking possibility to connect to client's MySQL server function _checkConnectToClientMySQL() { Log::step('Checking connection to client MySQL server...', true); $credentials = Util::getDefaultClientMySQLServerCredentials(); if ($credentials == NULL) { $installedMySQLserver55 = Util::regQuery('\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.5', '/v version', true); $installedMySQLserver51 = Util::regQuery('\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.1', '/v version', true); $installedMySQLserver50 = Util::regQuery('\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.0', '/v version', true); if ($installedMySQLserver55 || $installedMySQLserver51 || $installedMySQLserver50 ) { $warn = 'Default MySQL server is not registered in Parallels Plesk Panel. If you use custom MySQL instances you should register one at least according to article http://kb.parallels.com/en/111983.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } } $mysql = new DbClientMysql('localhost', $credentials['admin_login'], $credentials['admin_password'] , 'mysql', 3306); if ($mysql->hasErrors()) { $warn = 'Unable to connect to local default MySQL server. Read carefully article http://kb.parallels.com/en/111983 for details.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::info('Connected sucessfully', true); $result = $mysql->query('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS pre_upgrade_checker_test_db'); if (!$result) { $warn = 'User has not enough privileges. Read article http://kb.parallels.com/en/111983 for details.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } $result = $mysql->query('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS pre_upgrade_checker_test_db'); if (!$result) { $warn = 'User has not enough privileges. Read article http://kb.parallels.com/en/111983 for details.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Checking for unknown ISAPI filters and show warning http://kb.parallels.com/en/111908 function _unknownISAPIfilters() { Log::step('Detecting installed ISAPI filters...', true); if (Util::isUnknownISAPIfilters()) { $warn = 'Please read carefully article http://kb.parallels.com/en/111908, for avoiding possible problems caused by unknown ISAPI filters.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Warning about possible issues related to Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages ?http://kb.parallels.com/en/111891 function _checkMSVCR() { Log::step('Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages', true); $warn = 'Please read carefully article http://kb.parallels.com/en/111891, for avoiding possible problems caused by Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages.'; Log::info($warn); return; } //:INFO: Plesk 10.x version does not support Gene6 and Serv-U http://kb.parallels.com/en/111816, http://kb.parallels.com/en/111894 function _unsupportedFtpServersWarningOnUpgradeTo10x() { Log::step('Detecting current FTP server...', true); $ftpserver = PleskComponent::CurrentWinFtpServer(); if ( $ftpserver == 'gene6' || $ftpserver == 'servu' ) { $warn = 'Since Parallels Plesk Panel version 10 Gene6 and Serv-U FTP servers are no longer supported. Please, check http://kb.parallels.com/en/111816 and http://kb.parallels.com/en/111894 for more details.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Plesk 10 version does not support hMailserver http://kb.parallels.com/en/9609 function _hMailServerWarningOnUpgradeTo10x() { Log::step('Detecting current mail server...', true); if (Plesk10MailServer::CurrentWinMailServer() == 'hmailserver') { $warn = 'Plesk 10 version does not support hMailserver. Please, check http://kb.parallels.com/en/9609 for more details.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } function _diagnoseKavOnPlesk10x() { Log::step('Detecting if antivirus is Kaspersky...', true); $pleskComponent = new PleskComponent(); $isKavInstalled = $pleskComponent->isInstalledKav(); Log::info('Kaspersky antivirus: ' . ($isKavInstalled ? ' installed' : ' not installed')); if (Util::isVz() && $isKavInstalled) { $warn = 'An old version of Kasperskiy antivirus is detected. '; $warn .= 'If you are upgrading to the Panel 10 using EZ templates, update the template of Kaspersky antivirus on hardware node to the latest version, and then upgrade the container.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } function _diagnoseDependCycleOfModules() { //:INFO: Prevent potential problem with E: Couldn't configure pre-depend plesk-core for psa-firewall, probably a dependency cycle. Log::step('Detecting if Plesk modules are installed...', true); if (Util::isVz() && PleskModule::isInstalledWatchdog() && PleskModule::isInstalledVpn() && PleskModule::isInstalledFileServer() && PleskModule::isInstalledFirewall() ) { $warn = 'Plesk modules "watchdog, fileserver, firewall, vpn" were installed on container. '; $warn .= 'If you are upgrading to the Panel 10 using EZ templates, remove the modules, and then upgrade the container.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } function _checkForCryptPasswords() { //:INFO: Prevent potential problem with E: Couldn't configure pre-depend plesk-core for psa-firewall, probably a dependency cycle. Log::step('Detecting if encrypted passwords are used...', true); $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM accounts WHERE type='crypt';"; $r = $db->fetchAll($sql); if ($r[0]['cnt'] != '0') { $warn = 'There are ' . $r[0]['cnt'] . ' accounts with encrypted passwords. Please refer to http://kb.parallels.com/en/112391 on how to change the passwords\' type to plain.'; Log::warning($warn); Log::resultWarning(); return; } Log::resultOk(); } } class PleskComponent { function isInstalledKav() { return $this->_isInstalled('kav'); } function _isInstalled($component) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM Components WHERE name LIKE '%{$component}%'"; $pleskDb = PleskDb::getInstance(); $row = $pleskDb->fetchRow($sql); return (empty($row) ? false : true); } function CurrentWinFTPServer() { if (Util::isWindows()) { $currentFTPServer = Util::regQuery('\PLESK\PSA Config\Config\Packages\ftpserver', '/ve', true); Log::info('Current FTP server is: ' . $currentFTPServer); return $currentFTPServer; } } function CurrentWinDNSServer() { if (Util::isWindows()) { $currentDNSServer = Util::regQuery('\PLESK\PSA Config\Config\Packages\dnsserver', '/ve', true); Log::info('Current DNS server is: ' . $currentDNSServer); return $currentDNSServer; } } function getPackageVersion($package_name) { if (Util::isWindows()) { $cmd = '"' . Util::getPleskRootPath() . 'admin\bin\packagemng" ' . $package_name; } else { if (PleskVersion::is10_4_or_above()) { $cmd = '/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/packagemng -l'; } else { $cmd = '/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/packagemng ' . $package_name . ' 2>/dev/null'; } } /* packagemng - returns ":" on Windows all versions and Unix till Plesk 10.4 versions * since Plesk 10.4 on linux packagemng -l should be used to return list of all packages * if doesn't exists OR not installed on Windows output will be ":" * if doesn't installed on Linux output will be ":not_installed" * if doesn't exists on Linux output will be "packagemng: Package is not found in Components table" */ $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); if (preg_match('/' . $package_name . '\:(.+)/', $output, $version)) { if ($version[1] <> 'not_installed') { return $version[1]; } } return null; } } class PleskModule { function isInstalledWatchdog() { return PleskModule::_isInstalled('watchdog'); } function isInstalledFileServer() { return PleskModule::_isInstalled('fileserver'); } function isInstalledFirewall() { return PleskModule::_isInstalled('firewall'); } function isInstalledVpn() { return PleskModule::_isInstalled('vpn'); } function _isInstalled($module) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM Modules WHERE name = '{$module}'"; $pleskDb = PleskDb::getInstance(); $row = $pleskDb->fetchRow($sql); return (empty($row) ? false : true); } } class PleskInstallation { function validate() { if (!$this->isInstalled()) { Log::step('Plesk installation is not found. You will have no problems with upgrade, go on and install '.PleskVersion::getLatestPleskVersionAsString().' (http://www.parallels.com/products/plesk/)'); return; } $this->_detectVersion(); } function isInstalled() { $rootPath = Util::getPleskRootPath(); if (empty($rootPath) || !file_exists($rootPath)) { //Log::fatal('Plesk is not installed. Please install Plesk Panel at first.'); return false; } return true; } function _detectVersion() { Log::step('Installed Plesk version/build: ' . PleskVersion::getVersionAndBuild()); $currentVersion = PleskVersion::getVersion(); if (version_compare($currentVersion, PLESK_VERSION, 'eq')) { $err = 'You have already installed the latest version ' . PleskVersion::getLatestPleskVersionAsString() . '. '; $err .= 'Tool must be launched prior to upgrade to ' . PleskVersion::getLatestPleskVersionAsString() . ' for the purpose of getting a report on potential problems with the upgrade.'; // TODO either introduce an option to suppress fatal error here, or always exit with 0 here. //Log::fatal($err); Log::info($err); exit(0); } if (!PleskVersion::is8x() && !PleskVersion::is9x() && !PleskVersion::is10x()) { $err = 'Unable to find Plesk 8.x or Plesk 9.x or Plesk 10.x. '; $err .= 'Tool must be launched prior to upgrade to ' . PleskVersion::getLatestPleskVersionAsString() . ' for the purpose of getting a report on potential problems with the upgrade.'; Log::fatal($err); } } } class PleskVersion { function is8x() { $version = PleskVersion::getVersion(); return version_compare($version, '8.0.0', '>=') && version_compare($version, '9.0.0', '<'); } function is9x() { $version = PleskVersion::getVersion(); return version_compare($version, '9.0.0', '>=') && version_compare($version, '10.0.0', '<'); } function is10x() { $version = PleskVersion::getVersion(); return version_compare($version, '10.0.0', '>=') && version_compare($version, '11.0.0', '<'); } function is10x_or_above() { $version = PleskVersion::getVersion(); return version_compare($version, '10.0.0', '>='); } function is10_1_or_below() { $version = PleskVersion::getVersion(); return version_compare($version, '10.1.1', '<='); } function is10_2_or_above() { $version = PleskVersion::getVersion(); return version_compare($version, '10.2.0', '>='); } function is10_3_or_above() { $version = PleskVersion::getVersion(); return version_compare($version, '10.3.0', '>='); } function is10_4() { $version = PleskVersion::getVersion(); return version_compare($version, '10.4.0', '>=') && version_compare($version, '10.5.0', '<'); } function is10_4_or_above() { $version = PleskVersion::getVersion(); return version_compare($version, '10.4.0', '>='); } function getVersion() { $version = PleskVersion::getVersionAndBuild(); if (!preg_match('/([0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9])/', $version, $macthes)) { Log::fatal("Incorrect Plesk version format. Current version: {$version}"); } return $macthes[1]; } function getVersionAndBuild() { $versionPath = Util::getPleskRootPath().'/version'; if (!file_exists($versionPath)) { Log::fatal("Plesk version file is not exists $versionPath"); } $version = file_get_contents($versionPath); $version = trim($version); return $version; } function getLatestPleskVersionAsString() { return 'Parallels Panel ' . PLESK_VERSION; } } class Log { function Log() { $this->_logFile = APP_PATH . '/plesk10_preupgrade_checker.log'; @unlink($this->_logFile); } function _getInstance() { static $_instance = null; if (is_null($_instance)) { $_instance = new Log(); } return $_instance; } function fatal($msg) { $log = Log::_getInstance(); $log->_log($msg, 'FATAL_ERROR'); } function error($msg) { $log = Log::_getInstance(); $log->_log($msg, 'ERROR'); } function warning($msg) { $log = Log::_getInstance(); $log->_log($msg, 'WARNING'); } function emergency($msg) { $log = Log::_getInstance(); $log->_log($msg, 'EMERGENCY'); } function step($msg, $useNumber=false) { static $step = 1; if ($useNumber) { $msg = "==> STEP " . $step . ": {$msg}"; $step++; } else { $msg = "==> {$msg}"; } $log = Log::_getInstance(); $log->_log($msg, 'INFO', PHP_EOL); } function resultOk() { $msg = 'Result: OK'; Log::info($msg); } function resultWarning() { $msg = 'Result: Warning'; Log::info($msg); } function resultError() { $msg = 'Result: Error'; Log::info($msg); } function info($msg) { $log = Log::_getInstance(); $log->_log($msg, 'INFO'); } function dumpStatistics() { global $errors, $warnings; $str = 'Found errors: ' . $errors . '; Found Warnings: ' . $warnings ; echo PHP_EOL . $str . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } function _log($msg, $type, $newLine='') { global $errors, $warnings, $emergency; // TODO modern PHP (from 5.3) issues warning: // PHP Warning: date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting // or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most // likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/New_York' for 'EDT/-4.0/DST' instead in // panel_preupgrade_checker.php on line 1282 if (getenv('AUTOINSTALLER_VERSION')) { $log = $newLine . "{$type}: {$msg}" . PHP_EOL; } else { $date = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $log = $newLine . "[{$date}][{$type}] {$msg}" . PHP_EOL; } if ($type == 'EMERGENCY') { $emergency++; fwrite(STDERR, $log); } elseif ($type == 'ERROR' || $type == 'FATAL_ERROR') { $errors++; fwrite(STDERR, $log); } elseif ($type == 'WARNING') { $warnings++; fwrite(STDERR, $log); } elseif ($type == 'INFO') { //:INFO: Dump to output and write log to the file echo $log; } Log::write($this->_logFile, $log); //:INFO: Terminate the process if have the fatal error if ($type == 'FATAL_ERROR') { exit(1); } } function write($file, $content, $mode='a+') { $fp = fopen($file, $mode); fwrite($fp, $content); fclose($fp); } } class PleskDb { var $_db = null; function PleskDb($dbParams) { switch($dbParams['db_type']) { case 'mysql': $this->_db = new DbMysql( $dbParams['host'], $dbParams['login'], $dbParams['passwd'], $dbParams['db'], $dbParams['port'] ); break; case 'jet': $this->_db = new DbJet($dbParams['db']); break; case 'mssql': $this->_db = new DbMsSql( $dbParams['host'], $dbParams['login'], $dbParams['passwd'], $dbParams['db'], $dbParams['port'] ); break; default: Log::fatal("{$dbParams['db_type']} is not implemented yet"); break; } } function getInstance() { global $options; static $_instance = array(); $dbParams['db_type']= Util::getPleskDbType(); $dbParams['db'] = Util::getPleskDbName(); $dbParams['port'] = Util::getPleskDbPort(); $dbParams['login'] = Util::getPleskDbLogin(); $dbParams['passwd'] = $options->getDbPasswd(); $dbParams['host'] = Util::getPleskDbHost(); $dbId = md5(implode("\n", $dbParams)); $_instance[$dbId] = new PleskDb($dbParams); return $_instance[$dbId]; } function fetchOne($sql) { if (DEBUG) { Log::info($sql); } return $this->_db->fetchOne($sql); } function fetchRow($sql) { $res = $this->fetchAll($sql); if (is_array($res) && isset($res[0])) { return $res[0]; } return array(); } function fetchAll($sql) { if (DEBUG) { Log::info($sql); } return $this->_db->fetchAll($sql); } } class DbMysql { var $_dbHandler = null; function DbMysql($host, $user, $passwd, $database, $port) { if ( extension_loaded('mysql') ) { $this->_dbHandler = @mysql_connect("{$host}:{$port}", $user, $passwd); if (!is_resource($this->_dbHandler)) { $mysqlError = mysql_error(); if (stristr($mysqlError, 'access denied for user')) { $errMsg = 'Given is incorrect. ' . $mysqlError; } else { $errMsg = 'Unable to connect database. The reason of problem: ' . $mysqlError . PHP_EOL; } $this->_logError($errMsg); } @mysql_select_db($database, $this->_dbHandler); } else if ( extension_loaded('mysqli') ) { $this->_dbHandler = @mysqli_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $database, $port); if (!$this->_dbHandler) { $mysqlError = mysqli_connect_error(); if (stristr($mysqlError, 'access denied for user')) { $errMsg = 'Given is incorrect. ' . $mysqlError; } else { $errMsg = 'Unable to connect database. The reason of problem: ' . $mysqlError . PHP_EOL; } $this->_logError($errMsg); } } else { Log::fatal("No MySQL extension is available"); } } function fetchAll($sql) { if ( extension_loaded('mysql') ) { $res = mysql_query($sql, $this->_dbHandler); if (!is_resource($res)) { $this->_logError('Unable to execute query. Error: ' . mysql_error($this->_dbHandler)); } $rowset = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $rowset[] = $row; } return $rowset; } else if ( extension_loaded('mysqli') ) { $res = $this->_dbHandler->query($sql); if ($res === false) { $this->_logError('Unable to execute query. Error: ' . mysqli_error($this->_dbHandler)); } $rowset = array(); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) { $rowset[] = $row; } return $rowset; } else { Log::fatal("No MySQL extension is available"); } } function fetchOne($sql) { if ( extension_loaded('mysql') ) { $res = mysql_query($sql, $this->_dbHandler); if (!is_resource($res)) { $this->_logError('Unable to execute query. Error: ' . mysql_error($this->_dbHandler)); } $row = mysql_fetch_row($res); return $row[0]; } else if ( extension_loaded('mysqli') ) { $res = $this->_dbHandler->query($sql); if ($res === false) { $this->_logError('Unable to execute query. Error: ' . mysqli_error($this->_dbHandler)); } $row = mysqli_fetch_row($res); return $row[0]; } else { Log::fatal("No MySQL extension is available"); } } function query($sql) { if ( extension_loaded('mysql') ) { $res = mysql_query($sql, $this->_dbHandler); if ($res === false ) { $this->_logError('Unable to execute query. Error: ' . mysql_error($this->_dbHandler) ); } return $res; } else if ( extension_loaded('mysqli') ) { $res = $this->_dbHandler->query($sql); if ($res === false ) { $this->_logError('Unable to execute query. Error: ' . mysqli_error($this->_dbHandler) ); } return $res; } else { Log::fatal("No MySQL extension is available"); } } function _logError($message) { $message = "[MYSQL ERROR] $message"; Log::fatal($message); } } class DbClientMysql extends DbMysql { var $errors = array(); function _logError($message) { $message = "[MYSQL ERROR] $message"; Log::warning($message); $this->errors[] = $message; } function hasErrors() { return count($this->errors) > 0; } } class DbJet { var $_dbHandler = null; function DbJet($dbPath) { $dsn = "Provider='Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0';Data Source={$dbPath}"; $this->_dbHandler = new COM("ADODB.Connection", NULL, CP_UTF8); if (!$this->_dbHandler) { $this->_logError('Unable to init ADODB.Connection'); } $this->_dbHandler->open($dsn); } function fetchAll($sql) { $result_id = $this->_dbHandler->execute($sql); if (!$result_id) { $this->_logError('Unable to execute sql query ' . $sql); } if ($result_id->BOF && !$result_id->EOF) { $result_id->MoveFirst(); } if ($result_id->EOF) { return array(); } $rowset = array(); while(!$result_id->EOF) { $row = array(); for ($i=0;$i<$result_id->Fields->count;$i++) { $field = $result_id->Fields($i); $row[$field->Name] = (string)$field->value; } $result_id->MoveNext(); $rowset[] = $row; } return $rowset; } function fetchOne($sql) { $result_id = $this->_dbHandler->execute($sql); if (!$result_id) { $this->_logError('Unable to execute sql query ' . $sql); } if ($result_id->BOF && !$result_id->EOF) { $result_id->MoveFirst(); } if ($result_id->EOF) { //Log::fatal('Unable to find row'); return null; } $field = $result_id->Fields(0); $result = $field->value; return (string)$result; } function _logError($message) { $message = "[JET ERROR] $message"; Log::fatal($message); } } class DbMsSql extends DbJet { function DbMsSql($host, $user, $passwd, $database, $port) { $dsn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Initial Catalog={$database};Data Source={$host}"; $this->_dbHandler = new COM("ADODB.Connection", NULL, CP_UTF8); if (!$this->_dbHandler) { $this->_logError('Unable to init ADODB.Connection'); } $this->_dbHandler->open($dsn, $user, $passwd); } function _logError($message) { $message = "[MSSQL ERROR] $message"; Log::fatal($message); } } class Util { function isWindows() { if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { return true; } return false; } function isLinux() { return !Util::isWindows(); } function isVz() { $vz = false; if (Util::isLinux()) { if (file_exists('/proc/vz/veredir')) { $vz = true; } } else { $reg = 'REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\SWsoft\Virtuozzo" 2>nul'; Util::exec($reg, $code); if ($code==0) { $vz = true; } } return $vz; } function getArch() { global $arch; if (!empty($arch)) return $arch; $arch = 'i386'; if (Util::isLinux()) { $cmd = 'uname -m'; $x86_64 = 'x86_64'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); if (!empty($output) && stristr($output, $x86_64)) { $arch = 'x86_64'; } } else { $cmd = 'systeminfo'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); if (preg_match('/System Type:[\s]+(.*)/', $output, $macthes) && stristr($macthes[1], '64')) { $arch = 'x86_64'; } } return $arch; } function getHostname() { if (Util::isLinux()) { $cmd = 'hostname -f'; } else { $cmd = 'hostname'; } $hostname = Util::exec($cmd, $code); if (empty($hostname)) { $err = 'Command: ' . $cmd . ' returns: ' . $hostname . "\n"; $err .= 'Hostname is not defined and configured. Unable to get hostname. Server should have properly configured hostname and it should be resolved locally.'; Log::fatal($err); } return $hostname; } function isFQDN($string) { $tld_list = array( 'aero', 'asia', 'biz', 'cat', 'com', 'coop', 'edu', 'gov', 'info', 'int', 'jobs', 'mil', 'mobi', 'museum', 'name', 'net', 'org', 'pro', 'tel', 'travel', 'xxx', 'ac', 'ad', 'ae', 'af', 'ag', 'ai', 'al', 'am', 'an', 'ao', 'aq', 'ar', 'as', 'at', 'au', 'aw', 'ax', 'az', 'ba', 'bb', 'bd', 'be', 'bf', 'bg', 'bh', 'bi', 'bj', 'bm', 'bn', 'bo', 'br', 'bs', 'bt', 'bv', 'bw', 'by', 'bz', 'ca', 'cc', 'cd', 'cf', 'cg', 'ch', 'ci', 'ck', 'cl', 'cm', 'cn', 'co', 'cr', 'cs', 'cu', 'cv', 'cx', 'cy', 'cz', 'dd', 'de', 'dj', 'dk', 'dm', 'do', 'dz', 'ec', 'ee', 'eg', 'eh', 'er', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fi', 'fj', 'fk', 'fm', 'fo', 'fr', 'ga', 'gb', 'gd', 'ge', 'gf', 'gg', 'gh', 'gi', 'gl', 'gm', 'gn', 'gp', 'gq', 'gr', 'gs', 'gt', 'gu', 'gw', 'gy', 'hk', 'hm', 'hn', 'hr', 'ht', 'hu', 'id', 'ie', 'il', 'im', 'in', 'io', 'iq', 'ir', 'is', 'it', 'je', 'jm', 'jo', 'jp', 'ke', 'kg', 'kh', 'ki', 'km', 'kn', 'kp', 'kr', 'kw', 'ky', 'kz', 'la', 'lb', 'lc', 'li', 'lk', 'lr', 'ls', 'lt', 'lu', 'lv', 'ly', 'ma', 'mc', 'md', 'me', 'mg', 'mh', 'mk', 'ml', 'mm', 'mn', 'mo', 'mp', 'mq', 'mr', 'ms', 'mt', 'mu', 'mv', 'mw', 'mx', 'my', 'mz', 'na', 'nc', 'ne', 'nf', 'ng', 'ni', 'nl', 'no', 'np', 'nr', 'nu', 'nz', 'om', 'pa', 'pe', 'pf', 'pg', 'ph', 'pk', 'pl', 'pm', 'pn', 'pr', 'ps', 'pt', 'pw', 'py', 'qa', 're', 'ro', 'rs', 'ru', 'rw', 'sa', 'sb', 'sc', 'sd', 'se', 'sg', 'sh', 'si', 'sj', 'sk', 'sl', 'sm', 'sn', 'so', 'sr', 'ss', 'st', 'su', 'sv', 'sy', 'sz', 'tc', 'td', 'tf', 'tg', 'th', 'tj', 'tk', 'tl', 'tm', 'tn', 'to', 'tp', 'tr', 'tt', 'tv', 'tw', 'tz', 'ua', 'ug', 'uk', 'us', 'uy', 'uz', 'va', 'vc', 've', 'vg', 'vi', 'vn', 'vu', 'wf', 'ws', 'ye', 'yt', 'za', 'zm', 'zw' ); $label = '[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,62}\.'; $tld = '[\w]+'; if(preg_match( '/^(' . $label. ')+(' . $tld . ')$/', $string, $match ) && in_array( $match[2], $tld_list )) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } function resolveHostname($hostname) { $dns_record = dns_get_record($hostname, DNS_A | DNS_AAAA); if (isset($dns_record[0]['ip'])) { return $dns_record[0]['ip']; } if (isset($dns_record[0]["ipv6"])) { return $dns_record[0]['ipv6']; } return null; } function getIP() { $list = Util::getIPList(); return $list[0]; //main IP } function getIPList($lo=false) { if (Util::isLinux()) { $ifconfig = Util::lookupCommand('ifconfig'); $output = Util::exec("{$ifconfig} -a", $code); if (!preg_match_all('/inet addr:([0-9\.]+)/', $output, $matches)) { Log::fatal('Unable to get IP address'); } $ipList = $matches[1]; foreach ($ipList as $key => $ip) { if (!$lo && substr($ip, 0, 3) == '127') { unset($ipList[$key]); continue; } trim($ip); } $ipList = array_values($ipList); } else { $cmd = 'hostname'; $hostname = Util::exec($cmd, $code); $ip = gethostbyname($hostname); $res = ($ip != $hostname) ? true : false; if (!$res) { Log::fatal('Unable to retrieve IP address'); } $ipList = array(trim($ip)); } return $ipList; } function getIPv6ListOnLinux() { $ifconfig = Util::lookupCommand('ifconfig'); $output = Util::exec("{$ifconfig} -a", $code); if (!preg_match_all('/inet6 addr: ?([^ ][^\/]+)/', $output, $matches)) { return; } return $matches[1]; } function getIPv4ListOnLinux() { $ifconfig = Util::lookupCommand('ifconfig'); $output = Util::exec("{$ifconfig} -a", $code); if (!preg_match_all('/inet addr: ?([^ ]+)/', $output, $matches)) { Log::fatal('Unable to get IP address'); } return $matches[1]; } function getIPListOnWindows() { $cmd = 'wmic.exe path win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration get IPaddress'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); if (!preg_match_all('/"(.*?)"/', $output, $matches)) { Log::fatal('Unable to get IP address'); } return $matches[1]; } function getPleskRootPath() { global $_pleskRootPath; if (empty($_pleskRootPath)) { if (Util::isLinux()) { if (PleskOS::isDebLike()) { $_pleskRootPath = '/opt/psa'; } else { $_pleskRootPath = '/usr/local/psa'; } } if (Util::isWindows()) { $_pleskRootPath = Util::regPleskQuery('PRODUCT_ROOT_D', true); } } return $_pleskRootPath; } function getPleskDbName() { $dbName = 'psa'; if (Util::isWindows()) { $dbName = Util::regPleskQuery('mySQLDBName'); } return $dbName; } function getPleskDbLogin() { $dbLogin = 'admin'; if (Util::isWindows()) { $dbLogin = Util::regPleskQuery('PLESK_DATABASE_LOGIN'); } return $dbLogin; } function getPleskDbType() { $dbType = 'mysql'; if (Util::isWindows()) { $dbType = strtolower(Util::regPleskQuery('PLESK_DATABASE_PROVIDER_NAME')); } return $dbType; } function getPleskDbHost() { $dbHost = 'localhost'; if (Util::isWindows()) { if (strtolower(Util::regPleskQuery('PLESK_DATABASE_PROVIDER_NAME')) == 'mysql') { $dbHost = Util::regPleskQuery('MySQL_DB_HOST'); } } return $dbHost; } function getPleskDbPort() { $dbPort = '3306'; if (Util::isWindows()) { $dbPort = Util::regPleskQuery('MYSQL_PORT'); } return $dbPort; } function regPleskQuery($key, $returnResult=false) { $arch = Util::getArch(); if ($arch == 'x86_64') { $reg = 'REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Plesk\Psa Config\Config" /v '.$key; } else { $reg = 'REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Plesk\Psa Config\Config" /v '.$key; } $output = Util::exec($reg, $code); if ($returnResult && $code!=0) { return false; } if ($code!=0) { Log::info($reg); Log::info($output); Log::fatal("Unable to get '$key' from registry"); } if (!preg_match("/\w+\s+REG_SZ\s+(.*)/i", trim($output), $matches)) { Log::fatal('Unable to macth registry value by key '.$key.'. Output: ' . trim($output)); } return $matches[1]; } function regQuery($path, $key, $returnResult=false) { $arch = Util::getArch(); if ($arch == 'x86_64') { $reg = 'REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node' . $path . '" '.$key; } else { $reg = 'REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE' . $path . '" '.$key; } $output = Util::exec($reg, $code); if ($returnResult && $code!=0) { return false; } if ($code!=0) { Log::info($reg); Log::info($output); Log::fatal("Unable to get '$key' from registry"); } if (!preg_match("/\s+REG_SZ\s+(.*)/i", trim($output), $matches)) { Log::fatal('Unable to match registry value by key '.$key.'. Output: ' . trim($output)); } return $matches[1]; } function getAutoinstallerVersion() { if (Util::isLinux()) { $rootPath = Util::getPleskRootPath(); $cmd = $rootPath . '/admin/sbin/autoinstaller --version'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); } else { $cmd = '"' . Util::regPleskQuery('PRODUCT_ROOT_D', true) . 'admin\bin\ai.exe" --version'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); } if (!preg_match("/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/", trim($output), $matches)) { Log::fatal('Unable to match autoinstaller version. Output: ' . trim($output)); } return $matches[0]; } function lookupCommand($cmd, $path = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin', $exit = true) { $dirs = explode(':', $path); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $util = $dir . '/' . $cmd; if (is_executable($util)) { return $util; } } if ($exit) { Log::fatal("{$cmd}: command not found"); } } function getSystemDisk() { $cmd = 'echo %SYSTEMROOT%'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); return substr($output, 0, 3); } function getSystemRoot() { $cmd = 'echo %SYSTEMROOT%'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); return $output; } function getFileVersion($file) { $fso = new COM("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); $version = $fso->GetFileVersion($file); $fso = null; return $version; } function isUnknownISAPIfilters() { $isUnknownISAPI = false; $knownISAPI = array ("ASP\\.Net.*", "sitepreview", "COMPRESSION", "jakarta"); foreach ($knownISAPI as &$value) { $value = strtoupper($value); } $cmd='cscript ' . Util::getSystemDisk() . 'inetpub\AdminScripts\adsutil.vbs ENUM W3SVC/FILTERS'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); if ($code!=0) { Log::info("Unable to get ISAPI filters. Error: " . $output); return false; } if (!preg_match_all('/FILTERS\/(.*)]/', trim($output), $matches)) { Log::info($output); Log::info("Unable to get ISAPI filters from output: " . $output); return false; } foreach ($matches[1] as $ISAPI) { $valid = false; foreach ($knownISAPI as $knownPattern) { if (preg_match("/$knownPattern/i", $ISAPI)) { $valid = true; break; } } if (! $valid ) { Log::warning("Unknown ISAPI filter detected in IIS: " . $ISAPI); $isUnknownISAPI = true; } } return $isUnknownISAPI; } function getMySQLServerVersion() { $credentials = Util::getDefaultClientMySQLServerCredentials(); $mysql = new DbClientMysql('localhost', $credentials['admin_login'], $credentials['admin_password'] , 'information_schema', 3306); if (!$mysql->hasErrors()) { $sql = 'select version()'; $mySQLversion = $mysql->fetchOne($sql); if (!preg_match("/(\d{1,})\.(\d{1,})\.(\d{1,})/", trim($mySQLversion), $matches)) { Log::fatal('Unable to match MySQL server version.'); } return $matches[0]; } } function getDefaultClientMySQLServerCredentials() { $db = PleskDb::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT DatabaseServers.admin_login, DatabaseServers.admin_password FROM DatabaseServers WHERE type='mysql' AND host='localhost'"; $clientDBServerCredentials = $db->fetchAll($sql); if (Util::isLinux()) { $clientDBServerCredentials[0]['admin_password'] = Util::retrieveAdminMySQLDbPassword(); } return $clientDBServerCredentials[0]; } function retrieveAdminMySQLDbPassword() { if (Util::isLinux()) return trim( Util::readfile("/etc/psa/.psa.shadow") ); else return null; } function exec($cmd, &$code) { exec($cmd, $output, $code); return trim(implode("\n", $output)); } function readfile($file) { if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file)) return null; $lines = file($file); if ($lines === false) return null; return trim(implode("\n", $lines)); } function readfileToArray($file) { if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file)) return null; $lines = file($file); if ($lines === false) return null; return $lines; } function getSettingFromPsaConf($setting) { $file = '/etc/psa/psa.conf'; if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file)) return null; $lines = file($file); if ($lines === false) return null; foreach ($lines as $line) { if (preg_match("/^{$setting}\s.*/", $line, $match_setting)) { if (preg_match("/[\s].*/i", $match_setting[0], $match_value)) { $value = trim($match_value[0]); return $value; } } } return null; } function GetFreeSystemMemory() { if (Util::isLinux()) { $cmd = 'cat /proc/meminfo'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); if (preg_match("/MemFree:.+?(\d+)/", $output, $MemFree)) { if (preg_match("/SwapFree:.+?(\d+)/", $output, $SwapFree)) { return $MemFree[1] + $SwapFree[1]; // returns value in Kb } } } else { $cmd = 'wmic.exe OS get FreePhysicalMemory'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); if (preg_match("/\d+/", $output, $FreePhysicalMemory)) { $cmd = 'wmic.exe PAGEFILE get AllocatedBaseSize'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); if (preg_match("/\d+/", $output, $SwapAllocatedBaseSize)) { $cmd = 'wmic.exe PAGEFILE get CurrentUsage'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); if (preg_match("/\d+/", $output, $SwapCurrentUsage)) { return $FreePhysicalMemory[0] + ($SwapAllocatedBaseSize[0] - $SwapCurrentUsage[0]) * 1000; // returns value in Kb } } } } } function getPhpIni() { if (Util::isLinux()) { // Debian/Ubuntu /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini /etc/php5/conf.d/ // SuSE /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini /etc/php5/conf.d/ // CentOS 4/5 /etc/php.ini /etc/php.d if (PleskOS::isRedHatLike()) { $phpini = Util::readfileToArray('/etc/php.ini'); } else { $phpini = Util::readfileToArray('/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini'); } } return $phpini; } } class Package { function getManager($field, $package) { $redhat = 'rpm -q --queryformat \'%{' . $field . '}\n\' ' . $package; $debian = 'dpkg-query --show --showformat=\'${' . $field . '}\n\' '. $package; $suse = 'rpm -q --queryformat \'%{' . $field . '}\n\' ' . $package; $manager = false; if (PleskOS::isRedHatLike()) { $manager = $redhat; } elseif (PleskOS::isDebLike()) { $manager = $debian; } elseif (PleskOS::isSuseLike()) { $manager = $suse; } else { return false; } return $manager; } /* DPKG doesn't supports ${Release} * */ function getRelease($package) { $release = false; $manager = Package::getManager('Release', $package); if (!$manager) { return false; } $release = Util::exec($manager, $code); if (!$code === 0) { return false; } return $release; } function getVersion($package) { $version = false; $manager = Package::getManager('Version', $package); if (!$manager) { return false; } $version = Util::exec($manager, $code); if (!$code === 0) { return false; } return $version; } } class PleskOS { function isSuse103() { return PleskOS::_detectOS('suse', '10.3'); } function isUbuntu804() { return PleskOS::_detectOS('ubuntu', '8.04'); } function isDebLike() { if (PleskOS::_detectOS('ubuntu', '.*') || PleskOS::_detectOS('debian', '.*') ) { return true; } return false; } function isSuseLike() { if (PleskOS::_detectOS('suse', '.*')) { return true; } return false; } function isRedHatLike() { if (PleskOS::_detectOS('centos', '.*') || PleskOS::_detectOS('red hat', '.*') ) { return true; } return false; } function isRedHat() { if (PleskOS::_detectOS('red hat', '.*')) { return true; } return false; } function isCentOS() { if (PleskOS::_detectOS('centos', '.*')) { return true; } return false; } function _detectOS($name, $version) { $output = PleskOS::catEtcIssue(); if (!preg_match("/{$name}[\s]+$version/i", $output)) { return false; } return true; } function catEtcIssue() { $cmd = 'cat /etc/issue'; $output = Util::exec($cmd, $code); return $output; } function detectSystem() { Log::step('Detect system configuration'); Log::info('OS: ' . (Util::isLinux() ? PleskOS::catEtcIssue() : 'Windows')); Log::info('Arch: ' . Util::getArch()); } } class PleskValidator { function isValidIp($value) { if (!is_string($value)) { return false; } if (!PleskValidator::validateIPv4($value) && !PleskValidator::validateIPv6($value)) { return false; } return true; } function validateIPv4($value) { $ip2long = ip2long($value); if ($ip2long === false) { return false; } return $value == long2ip($ip2long); } function validateIPv6($value) { if (strlen($value) < 3) { return $value == '::'; } if (strpos($value, '.')) { $lastcolon = strrpos($value, ':'); if (!($lastcolon && PleskValidator::validateIPv4(substr($value, $lastcolon + 1)))) { return false; } $value = substr($value, 0, $lastcolon) . ':0:0'; } if (strpos($value, '::') === false) { return preg_match('/\A(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}:){7}[a-f0-9]{1,4}\z/i', $value); } $colonCount = substr_count($value, ':'); if ($colonCount < 8) { return preg_match('/\A(?::|(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}:)+):(?:(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}:)*[a-f0-9]{1,4})?\z/i', $value); } // special case with ending or starting double colon if ($colonCount == 8) { return preg_match('/\A(?:::)?(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}:){6}[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?:::)?\z/i', $value); } return false; } } class CheckRequirements { function validate() { if (!PleskInstallation::isInstalled()) { //:INFO: skip chking mysql extension if plesk is not installed return; } $reqExts = array(); foreach ($reqExts as $name) { $status = extension_loaded($name); if (!$status) { $this->_fail("PHP extension {$name} is not installed"); } } } function _fail($errMsg) { echo '===Checking requirements===' . PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL . 'Error: ' . $errMsg . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } } class GetOpt { var $_argv = null; var $_adminDbPasswd = null; function GetOpt() { $this->_argv = $_SERVER['argv']; if (empty($this->_argv[1]) && Util::isLinux()) $this->_adminDbPasswd = Util::retrieveAdminMySQLDbPassword(); else $this->_adminDbPasswd = $this->_argv[1]; } function validate() { if (empty($this->_adminDbPasswd) && PleskInstallation::isInstalled()) { echo 'Please specify Plesk database password'; $this->_helpUsage(); } } function getDbPasswd() { return $this->_adminDbPasswd; } function _helpUsage() { echo PHP_EOL . "Usage: {$this->_argv[0]} " . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } } $emergency = 0; $errors = $warnings = 0; //:INFO: Validate options $options = new GetOpt(); $options->validate(); //:INFO: Validate PHP requirements, need to make sure that PHP extensions are installed $checkRequirements = new CheckRequirements(); $checkRequirements->validate(); //:INFO: Validate Plesk installation $pleskInstallation = new PleskInstallation(); $pleskInstallation->validate(); //:INFO: Detect system $pleskOs = new PleskOS(); $pleskOs->detectSystem(); //:INFO: Need to make sure that given db password is valid if (PleskInstallation::isInstalled()) { Log::step('Validating the database password'); $pleskDb = PleskDb::getInstance(); Log::resultOk(); } //:INFO: Dump script version Log::step('Pre-Upgrade analyzer version: ' . PRE_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_VERSION); //:INFO: Check potential problems you may encounter during transition to Plesk 10 model. $pleskBusinessModel = new Plesk10BusinessModel(); $pleskBusinessModel->validate(); //:INFO: Validate Plesk requirements before installation/upgrade $pleskRequirements = new Plesk10Requirements(); $pleskRequirements->validate(); //:INFO: Validate issues related to Mail system $pleskMailServer = new Plesk10MailServer(); $pleskMailServer->validate(); //:INFO: Validate issues related to Skin $pleskSkin = new Plesk10Skin(); $pleskSkin->validate(); //:INFO: Validate issues related to Permissions $pleskPermissions = new Plesk10Permissions(); $pleskPermissions->validate(); //:INFO: Validate known OS specific issues with recommendation to avoid bugs in Plesk $pleskKnownIssues = new Plesk10KnownIssues(); $pleskKnownIssues->validate(); Log::dumpStatistics(); if ($emergency > 0) { exit(2); } if ($errors > 0 || $warnings > 0) { exit(1); }