package Storage::FileStorage; use strict; use bigint; use Storage::Storage; use Logging; use AgentConfig; use HelpFuncs; use POSIX; use IPC::Run; use Symbol; use Storage::Splitter; use Storage::Counter; use vars qw|@ISA|; @ISA = qw|Storage::Storage|; sub _init { my ($self, %options) = @_; $self->SUPER::_init(%options); $self->{split_size} = $options{split_size}; $self->{gzip_bundle} = $options{gzip_bundle}; $self->{output_dir} = $options{output_dir}; $self->{space_reserved} = $options{space_reserved} if $options{space_reserved}; $self->{sign} = 1 if $options{sign}; $self->{last_used_id} = 0; $self->{unpacked_size} = 0; $self->{packed_size} = 0; Logging::info("-" x 60); Logging::info("FILE storage initialized."); Logging::info("Base directory: $self->{output_dir}"); Logging::info("Space reserved: $self->{space_reserved}"); Logging::info("Gzip bundles: " . ($self->{gzip_bundle} ? "yes" : "no")); Logging::info("Bundle split size: " . ($self->{split_size} || "do not split")); Logging::info("-" x 60); $self->reserveSpace(); } sub getFileSize { my( $fileName ) = @_; my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime, $blksize,$blocks) = stat($fileName); return $size if defined $size; return 0; } sub reserveSpace { my ($self ) = @_; if (exists $self->{space_reserved} ) { my $avail = (HelpFuncs::getMountSpace($self->{output_dir}))[1]; if( $avail < $self->{space_reserved} ) { my $errmsg = "Available disk space ($avail) is less than required by storage bundle ($self->{space_reserved})"; Logging::error($errmsg,'fatal'); die $errmsg; } my $namebase = $self->{output_dir}.'/.fs_'.(0+$self).'_'; my $var = 0; while( -e "$namebase$var.tmp"){$var++;} $self->{space_reserver} = "$namebase$var"; Logging::info("Reserve disk space at $self->{space_reserver}"); qx( dd if=/dev/zero of=$self->{space_reserver} bs=$self->{space_reserved} count=1); } } sub unreserveSpace { my ($self ) = @_; if (exists $self->{space_reserver} ) { Logging::info("Free reserved disk space at $self->{space_reserver}"); if( -f $self->{space_reserver}){ unlink $self->{space_reserver} or Logging::debug("Cannot delete file ".$self->{space_reserver} ); } delete $self->{space_reserver}; } } # # Checks the validity of proposed id: it should not be too long. # sub getFileNameIdFromId { my ($self, $id, $ext, $cansplit ) = @_; my $maxLength = &POSIX::PATH_MAX; $maxLength -= length( $ext ); if ( $cansplit && $self->{split_size}) { $maxLength -= 4; } my $destFile = $self->getFullOutputPath() . "/" . $id; if (length($destFile) > $maxLength) { $id = $self->{last_used_id}++; $destFile = $self->getFullOutputPath() . "/" . $id; } if ($self->{gzip_bundle}) { $id .= ":gzipped"; } my $dstDir = $destFile; if( $dstDir=~ m/(.*)\/(.*)/ ){ $dstDir = $1; $destFile = $2; } else{ $destFile = 'empty'; } return ($dstDir,$destFile, $id); } sub getBundleExecutor { my ($bundle) = @_; return sub { my $exec = $bundle->run(); binmode STDOUT; my $block; my $blocklen; my $timeWorking = time(); while ($blocklen = sysread($exec, $block, 65536)) { my $offset = 0; do { my $written = syswrite(STDOUT, $block, $blocklen, $offset); die $! unless defined $written ; $offset += $written; $blocklen -= $written; } while ($blocklen != 0); # bug 30101. Prevent ssh connection close(when source host has strong security policy) on big content if ( time() - $timeWorking > 30) { Logging::info("Tar is working"); $timeWorking = time(); } } $bundle->cleanup(); POSIX::_exit(0); }; } sub executeAndSave { my ($self, $destDir, $destFile, $destExt, $bundle, $outunpackedSize, $doNotSplit, $doNotGzip ) = @_; my $unpackedSize = 0; system( "mkdir", "-p", $destDir ) if $destDir and not -e $destDir; #allocating filehandle for creating pipe from subprocess my $newhandle = POSIX::open("/dev/null", O_RDWR, 0666); my @cmd; push @cmd, getBundleExecutor($bundle); if ($self->{gzip_bundle} and not $doNotGzip ) { #FIXME check gzip push @cmd, "|", ["gzip"]; } my $files; my $newhandle2 = POSIX::open("/dev/null", O_RDWR, 0666); my $splitSize = $self->{split_size}; $splitSize = 0 if $doNotSplit; push @cmd, "|", \&Storage::Splitter::run, "$newhandle2>", \$files, init => sub {Storage::Splitter::init_process($newhandle2, $splitSize, $destFile, $destDir, $destExt )}; my $h = IPC::Run::harness(@cmd); if (!$h->run()) { my ($total, $avail, $mount) = HelpFuncs::getMountSpace($destDir); Logging::debug("Failed to pack files $destFile in $destDir [ $avail bytes free of $total bytes total on mount point $mount]"); Logging::error("Failed to pack files $destFile in $destDir [ $avail bytes free of $total bytes total on mount point $mount]"); POSIX::close($newhandle); POSIX::close($newhandle2); return; } POSIX::close($newhandle); POSIX::close($newhandle2); if ($unpackedSize =~ /ERR\s(.*)/) { Logging::error("Unable to pipe data through filter: $1"); return; } $self->{unpacked_size} += $unpackedSize; ${$outunpackedSize} = $unpackedSize; my @ret; foreach my $line ( split/\n/, $files ) { my ($file_name, $file_size) = split / /, $line; $self->{packed_size} += $file_size; my @filedata; push @filedata, $file_name; push @filedata, $file_size; push @ret, \@filedata; } return \@ret if (@ret); return; } sub getFullOutputPath{ my $self = shift; return "$self->{output_dir}"; } sub getFilesFromId{ my ($self, $id) = @_; return $self->{files}->{$id}; } sub getFilePathFromId{ my ($self, $id) = @_; return $self->{destdir}->{$id}; } sub getFilesUnpackSizeFromId{ my ($self, $id) = @_; return $self->{unpacksize}->{$id}; } sub regIdFiles{ my ($self, $id, $destDir, $unpackedSize, $files, $shortid ) = @_; if( $files ){ $destDir = substr( $destDir, length( $self->getFullOutputPath() ) + 1 ) if index( $destDir, $self->getFullOutputPath() )==0; if( index( $destDir, -1, 1 ) eq '/' ) { $destDir = substr( $destDir, 0, length($destDir)-1 ); } $id = "$destDir/$id" if $destDir and not $shortid; $self->{unpacksize}->{$id} = $unpackedSize; $self->{destdir}->{$id} = "$destDir"; $self->{files}->{$id} = $files; for my $file( @{$files} ){ chmod S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP, $self->getFullOutputPath() . '/' . "$destDir/$file->[0]"; } return $id; } return undef; } sub getDumpFiles{ my ($self, $fromPath ) = @_; my @ret; while( my( $id, $data ) = each( %{$self->{files}} ) ) { my $path = $self->getFilePathFromId( $id ); $path = substr( $path, length ($fromPath) ) if $fromPath && index( $path, $fromPath )==0; $path .= '/' if $path and substr( $path, -1, 1 ) ne '/'; $path = substr( $path, 1 ) if substr ( $path, 0, 1 ) eq '/'; foreach my $filedata( @{$data} ) { push @ret, "$path$filedata->[0]"; } } return @ret; } sub CleanupFiles() { my $self = shift; my $pid; while( ( $pid = wait() ) !=-1 ){ Logging::debug("The child process '$pid' has been terminated" ); } my $path = $self->getFullOutputPath(); my @files = $self->getDumpFiles(); foreach my $file(@files ){ Logging::debug("Remove file '$file' from repository '$path' "); unlink "$path/$file" or Logging::debug("Cannot remove file '$path/$file'"); } if( exists $self->{discovered} ){ foreach my $discovered(@{$self->{discovered}} ){ Logging::debug("Remove discovered '$discovered'"); opendir DIR, $discovered; my @dirfiles = readdir( DIR ); closedir DIR; foreach my $file(@dirfiles){ if( $file ne '.' and $file ne '..' ){ unlink "$discovered/$file" or Logging::debug("Cannot remove file '$discovered/$file'"); } } rmdir( $discovered ) or Logging::debug("Cannot remove discovered '$discovered'"); } } } sub createRepositoryIndex{ my ( $self, $index ) = @_; if( $index ){ Logging::debug("Create repository index: $index"); my $destDir = "$self->{output_dir}/.discovered"; system("mkdir", "-p", "$destDir") if not -e $destDir; open INDEXFILE, "> $destDir/$index"; close INDEXFILE; } } sub writeDiscovered{ my ( $self, $dumpPath, $dumpXmlName, $dumpSize, $ownerGuid, $ownerType, $objectGuid, $objectId ) = @_; my $idx = rindex( $dumpXmlName, '.xml' ); $dumpXmlName = substr( $dumpXmlName, 0, $idx ) if $idx>0; my $destDir = $self->getFullOutputPath(); $destDir .= "/$dumpPath" if $dumpPath; $destDir .= "/.discovered/$dumpXmlName"; push @{$self->{discovered}}, $destDir; Logging::debug("Create discovered: $destDir"); system("mkdir", "-p", "$destDir") if not -e $destDir; open SIZEFILE, "> $destDir/size_$dumpSize"; close SIZEFILE; open OWNERFILE, "> $destDir/owner_$ownerGuid"; close OWNERFILE; open OWNERTYPEFILE, "> $destDir/ownertype_$ownerType"; close OWNERTYPEFILE; open GUIDFILE, "> $destDir/GUID_$objectGuid"; close GUIDFILE; open OBJIDFILE, "> $destDir/objectid_$objectId"; close OBJIDFILE; my @files; my $file = ["size_$dumpSize", 0]; push @files, $file; $file = ["owner_$ownerGuid", 0]; push @files, $file; $file = ["ownertype_$ownerType", 0]; push @files, $file; $file = ["GUID_$objectGuid", 0]; push @files, $file; $file = ["objectid_$objectId", 0]; push @files, $file; $self->regIdFiles( $destDir, $destDir, 0, \@files ); } sub getMainDumpXmlFile{ my ($self) = @_; return $self->{dumpxmlfile}; } sub getDefExtension{ my ($self) = @_; return '' if $self->noDefExtension(); return '.tgz' if $self->{gzip_bundle}; return '.tar'; } sub addDb { my ($self, $proposedId, %options) = @_; if ($self->{collectStatistics}) { $self->{stopWatch}->createMarker("pack"); } my ($destDir, $destFile, $id) = $self->getFileNameIdFromId($proposedId, $self->{gzip_bundle}, '', 1); Logging::debug("DB bundle. id=$id, destFile=$destFile"); my $bundle = Storage::Bundle::createDbBundle(%options, 'gzip' => 0 ); return unless $bundle; my $size = 0; my $files = $self->executeAndSave($destDir, $destFile, '', $bundle, \$size, 1, 1 ); if ($self->{collectStatistics}) { $self->{statistics}->{packTime} += $self->{stopWatch}->getDiff("pack"); $self->{stopWatch}->releaseMarker("pack"); } if( $files and @{$files} ){ my $filename = $files->[0]->[0]; $filename = substr( $filename, length($destDir)+1 ) if index( $filename, $destDir )==0; my $ret = $self->addTar( $proposedId, "directory" => $destDir, "include" => [$filename] ); foreach my $file( @{$files} ){ $filename = $file->[0]; $filename = substr( $filename, length($destDir)+1 ) if index( $filename, $destDir )==0; unlink "$destDir/$filename" or Logging::error("Cannot delete temp file '$destDir/$filename'");; } return $ret; } else{ Logging::error("Failed to execute backup of " . $options{'type'} . " database '" . $options{'name'} . "'"); return undef; } } sub addTar { my ($self, $proposedId, %options) = @_; return unless -d $options{'directory'}; if (defined $options{'checkEmptyDir'}) { return unless checkDirForArchive($options{'directory'}, $options{'exclude'}, $options{'include_hidden_files'}); } if ($self->{collectStatistics}) { $self->{stopWatch}->createMarker("pack"); } my ($destDir, $destFile, $id) = $self->getFileNameIdFromId( $proposedId, $self->getDefExtension(), 1 ); Logging::debug("Tar bundle. id=$id, destFile=$destDir/$destFile"); my $bundle = Storage::Bundle::createTarBundle(%options, 'gzip' => $self->{gzip_bundle}); return unless $bundle; unless ($bundle) { if ($self->{collectStatistics}) { $self->{statistics}->{packTime} += $self->{stopWatch}->getDiff("pack"); $self->{stopWatch}->releaseMarker("pack"); } return; } my $size = 0; my $files = $self->executeAndSave($destDir, $destFile, $self->getDefExtension(), $bundle, \$size); my $ret = $self->regIdFiles( $id, $destDir, $size, $files ); if ($self->{collectStatistics}) { $self->{statistics}->{packTime} += $self->{stopWatch}->getDiff("pack"); $self->{stopWatch}->releaseMarker("pack"); } return $ret; } sub _getInfoXmlFileName { my ($self, $fileName ) = @_; return "$fileName.xml"; #return Storage::Splitter::generateUniqueFileName( $fileName, ".xml" ); } sub finishXmlFile { my ($self, $descriptor, $child, $savePath, $fileName) = @_; if ($self->{collectStatistics}) { $self->{stopWatch}->createMarker("pack"); } $fileName = 'dump' if not $fileName; $savePath = $self->getFullOutputPath() . "/$savePath"; system("mkdir", "-p", "$savePath") if not -e $savePath; my $dumpFile = $self->_getInfoXmlFileName( $fileName ); my $written; my $signBundle = AgentConfig::backupSignUtil() if exists $self->{sign}; if( $signBundle ){ if( $child ){ Logging::info("Writing signed child dump file: $savePath/$dumpFile"); } else{ Logging::info("Writing signed dump file: $savePath/$dumpFile "); } my $handle = Symbol::gensym(); Logging::debug( "Execute sign bundle: $signBundle" ); my $pid = open $handle, "|". "$signBundle sign>$savePath/$dumpFile"; if( $pid and $handle ) { if( $child ){ $descriptor->serializeChild($handle, $child); } else{ $descriptor->serialize($handle); } close($handle); waitpid( $pid, 0 ); if( -s "$savePath/$dumpFile" ){ $written = 1; } else{ Logging::error("Cannot sign output file."); } } else{ Logging::error("Cannot execute dump file signing."); } } if( not defined $written ){ Logging::info("Writing dump file: $savePath/$dumpFile"); open DUMPFILE, "> $savePath/$dumpFile"; if( $child ){ $descriptor->serializeChild(\*DUMPFILE, $child); } else{ $descriptor->serialize(\*DUMPFILE); } close DUMPFILE; } chmod S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP, "$savePath/$dumpFile" or Logging::warning("Cannot chmod of '$savePath/$dumpFile'"); my @files; my @file; push @file, $dumpFile; push @file, getFileSize( "$savePath/$dumpFile" ); push @files, \@file; my $ret = $self->regIdFiles( $dumpFile, $savePath, 0, \@files, $child ? undef : 1 ); $self->{dumpxmlfile} = $dumpFile if not $child; if ($self->{collectStatistics}) { $self->{statistics}->{packTime} += $self->{stopWatch}->getDiff("pack"); $self->{stopWatch}->releaseMarker("pack"); } return $ret; } sub finishChild { my $self = shift; my $ret = $self->finishXmlFile( @_ ); return $ret; } sub finish { my $self = shift; my $descriptor = shift; $self->unreserveSpace(); my $ret = $self->finishXmlFile( $descriptor, undef, @_ ); return 0 if $ret; return 1; } sub createContentList{ my ($self) = @_; open CONTENT_FILE, ">" . $self->_getContentListFileName(); my @files = $self->getDumpFiles( $self->{output_dir} ); my $fromPath = $self->{output_dir}; my $fullsize = 0; while( my( $id, $data ) = each( %{$self->{files}} ) ) { foreach my $filedata( @{$data} ) { $fullsize += $filedata->[1]; } } print CONTENT_FILE "\n"; while( my( $id, $data ) = each( %{$self->{files}} ) ) { my $path = $self->getFilePathFromId( $id ); $path = substr( $path, length ($fromPath) ) if $fromPath && index( $path, $fromPath )==0; $path .= '/' if $path and substr( $path, -1, 1 ) ne '/'; $path = substr( $path, 1 ) if substr ( $path, 0, 1 ) eq '/'; foreach my $filedata( @{$data} ) { print CONTENT_FILE " $path$filedata->[0]\n"; } } print CONTENT_FILE " migration.result\n"; print CONTENT_FILE "\n"; close CONTENT_FILE; } sub getContentList { my ($self) = @_; if ($self->{collectStatistics}) { $self->{stopWatch}->createMarker("pack"); } open CONTENT_FILE, $self->_getContentListFileName(); my $s = join "", ; close CONTENT_FILE; if ($self->{collectStatistics}) { $self->{statistics}->{packTime} += $self->{stopWatch}->getDiff("pack"); $self->{stopWatch}->releaseMarker("pack"); } return $s; } sub _getContentListFileName { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{output_dir} . "/content-list.xml"; } sub checkDirForArchive { my ($srcDir, $exclude, $include_hidden_files) = @_; # check that directory is not empty if (!opendir(SRCDIR, $srcDir)) { return; } my $filename; while (defined ($filename = readdir SRCDIR)) { my $in_exclude = undef; next if $filename =~ /^\.\.?$/; if ( ! $include_hidden_files ) { next if $filename =~ /^\..*/; } if ( ref ($exclude) =~ /ARRAY/ ) { foreach my $ex (@{$exclude}) { $in_exclude = 1 if $filename eq $ex; } next if defined $in_exclude; } # directory is not empty closedir(SRCDIR); return 1; } # directory is empty closedir(SRCDIR); return; } 1; # Local Variables: # mode: cperl # cperl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: